HOME & LIVING B4 — THE OBSERVER & BAKER CITY HERALD TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 2021 Do’s and Don’ts of Doughnuts By BARBARA QUINN- INTERMILL Monterey Herald My daughter — who loves doughnuts — for- warded an article to me titled “12 Reasons Dough- nuts are Good for You” (www.thrivegloable.com). I chuckled and promised her I’d do some “research” on it. She responded with a link to another piece, “Do Donuts Really Make Me Happy? Mental health and the gut microbiome” (www. businessgrit.com.au). Now I’m fully engaged. First, though, I had to fi nd out why one writer calls them “doughnuts” and the other “donuts.” According to Wiki- pedia, “doughnut” is the traditional spelling, while “donut” is the simplifi ed version. So let’s get on with this important topic. In response to his asser- tion that doughnuts are good for you, writer Brent Stoller’s piece starts with this disclaimer: “If you have serious health issues or have been advised against such behavior by a medical professional, this article is not for you. Listen to your doctor, not me.” Very wise. He then lists 12 delicious reasons why we should occasionally succumb to the pleasures of doughnuts. Here are my favorites: “Doughnuts inspire commitment. When you’re counting carbs and calo- ries, you want to make those carbs and calories count. Not only should you not waste them on marginal indulgences, you have to be 100-percent onboard with their expense. “There can’t be any doubt. If you choose to eat something, you’d better be all in. It’s not worth it if you’re not, because you’ll feel like a criminal when the deed is done. Fully commit, though, and you’ll savor every bite.” “Doughnuts promote progress,” Stoller continues. The reason so many diets fail, he explains, is they are relentless, which makes them unsustainable. “Moderation is critical, both in terms of cheating (more so) and heeding (less so). Unless you’re one of those lucky cyborgs who’s forever content with a menu of kale and quinoa, you have to periodically cave to your cravings.You have to give in so you don’t give up.” In the second article, Australian psychologist Dreamstime/TNS Reserve doughnuts for occasional treats, says dietitian Barbara Quinn-Intermill. Nicole Sullivan addresses the question of doughnuts and happiness. “Our diet aff ects the del- icate mix of microbes (good bacteria) in the gut,” she writes. If we eat well — I assume that means healthier foods than doughnuts — “that mix produces a state of balance (homeostasis). When we achieve this bal- ance, the body works on optimistic functions. “Optimistic functions, are those which assume we are going to live longer. For example, we produce col- lagen for our skin, enamel for teeth, our hair gets shiny, we produce serotonin (a chemical which makes us feel good). Serotonin puts us in a ‘good mood’, it determines our appe- tite, enhances our memory, and aids in development of good, restorative sleep. “The opposite occurs as well,” she continues. “If we eat poorly, say for example, we binge on donuts, then our gut is off balance.” Sorry, Pep. Reserve your beloved doughnuts for occa- sional treats. Just don’t depend on them for long-term happiness. Barbara Quinn-Intermill is a registered dietitian and certifi ed diabetes educator affi liated with Commu- nity Hospital of the Mon- terey Peninsula. She is the author of “Quinn-Essential Nutrition” (Westbow Press, 2015). Email her at to bar- bara@quinnessentialnutri- tion.com C lassifieds Published by The Observer & Baker City Herald - Serving Wallowa, Union and Baker Counties PLACING YOUR AD IS EASY...Union, Wallowa, and Baker Counties Phone La Grande - 541-963-3161 • Baker City - 541-523-3673 On-Line: www.lagrandeobserver.com www.bakercityherald.com 110 Announcements Email: Classifieds@lagrandeobserver.com Classifieds@bakercityherald.com DEADLINES: LINE ADS: Tuesday: 8:30am Monday Thursday: 8:30 am Wednesday Saturday: 8:30 am Friday DISPLAY ADS: 2 Days Prior to Publication Date 110 Announcements To Place a Classified Ad Please email your contact information and the content to be included in the ad to: classifieds@bakercityherald.com 110 Announcements 110 Announcements 4:00 PM two days prior to publication Hospice & Pallative Care, LLC “Affirming life......every day, every time” Tuesday Publication..........Friday by 4 PM Thursday Publication.....Tuesday by 4 PM Saturday Publication....Thursday by 4 PM doing what you love! 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