A6 — BAKER CITY HERALD SATURDAY, JULY 24, 2021 LOCAL & STATE Delta variant driving COVID-19 surge in Oregon By Gary A. Warner Oregon Capital Bureau The highly contagious COVID-19 delta variant has caused a steep increase in the number of infections in Oregon — but with different impacts across the state. “Oregon is open, but the pandemic is not over,” said Oregon Health Director Pat Allen during a press call Thursday, July 22. COVID-19 infections by the delta variant have doubled in the past week, leading to a new spike in total numbers. OHA reported the number of delta variant cases had risen 25% between Wednesday and Thursday alone. The delta variant now accounts for over half of all COVID-19 cases in Oregon and is likely to rise, mirroring the national average of 80%. The statistics were rolled out at OHA’s fi rst high profi le press briefi ng since Gov. Kate Brown ended statewide CO- VID-19 restrictions June 30. The rise in cases comes as vaccinations in the state have slowed to a trickle. While about 2.4 million residents have received at least one shot of vaccine, Allen said the latest daily number of new inoculations was about 2,000. That’s down from a peak of over 50,000 on some days in early April. Allen said COVID-19 cases are surging, up tenfold in the past week. The delta variant spreads up to 75% faster than the original COVID-19 virus that fi rst appeared in Oregon in February 2020. The spread of the virus is not evenly spread throughout Oregon as in earlier spikes, OHA reported. Allen singled out Umatilla County, which reported 70 new cases but has vaccinated just under 43% of eligible adults. In contrast, Washington County, near Portland, place since March 2020 and renewed several times. Allen said that getting people to realize the gravity of the pandemic and to make An 83-year-old woman from Baker County, who died their own choice to get vac- March 25 at a hospital in Honesdale, Pennsylvania, was cinated was going to work the county’s 17th COVID-19-related death, the Oregon best. Health Authority (OHA) reported on July 21. “I don’t care what you In explaining the nearly four-month delay in reporting think, you have to get vac- the woman’s death, the OHA said that death certifi cates cinated” was a message that are sent to the Centers for Disease Control and Preven- wouldn’t help anyone. tion, and when the person dies when not in their home Asked if any Republican state the process can take longer to be reported to that leaders in the state had state. stepped up to publicly push “Her passing was reported to us almost four months for vaccination, Allen said he after the fact, and our condolences are certainly belated, had had conversations with but I want to take this opportunity to let her loved ones many leaders of all political know I’m deeply sorry and they are in our thoughts,” views and it was up to them Baker County Commissioner Mark Bennett said in a press to decide their public role. release. “Let them speak for them- The woman tested positive on March 17. Doctors have selves,” he said, adding, “Who not determined whether she had underlying medical are the right messengers, conditions, according to OHA. what is the right message?” The county’s 16th COVID-19-related death was a Up until June 30, the state 59-year-old man who died on July 13, six days after had decided the risk level testing positive. He had underlying medical conditions, for infection in each county according to OHA. and what restrictions should His death was the fi rst related to COVID-19 reported in be in place. Though Brown Baker County since May 15. offi cially disconnected the The county’s infection rate has not risen as fast as the risk analysis from state re- statewide average over the past few weeks. Baker County sponse, the statistics are still reported 17 cases from July 1-15. The county’s test positiv- reported each Monday. ity rate for the two-week period ending July 17 was 2.1%, Statewide, the percentage compared to a statewide average of 3.8%. of positive cases averaged The county’s vaccination rate, by contrast, falls well 3.8% through the two-week short of the statewide average. As of July 22, 46% of period ending July 17. But county residents 18 and older had been vaccinated. The in Umatilla County, the Oregon average is 68.2%. Baker County’s rate is lower percentage was 12.4% and than all but eight of Oregon’s 35 other counties, just Morrow County was 14.4%. behind Union County (46.9%) but ahead of several other Baker County’s percentage counties in the region, including Grant (42.4%), Uma- was 2.1%. tilla (42.7%), Malheur (37.5%), Harney (43.0%), Morrow In contrast, Multnomah (45.0%). Wallowa County has the highest vaccination rate County — which includes among Eastern Oregon counties, at 57.5%. Portland — was 2%. Lane — Jayson Jacoby County — including Eugene — was 2.9%. And Deschutes County — including Bend — require vaccinations. Up in September if Uma- was 3.4%. But OHA reported Citing the “highly politi- tilla County’s infection rates even these small percentages cal” nature of the COVID-19 stayed at current levels, Allen were increases over the prior debate, Allen said efforts to demurred. two-week periods going back increase vaccinations had “Two or three months in to June 20. to come from trusted local the future are an eternity” in OHA on Wednesday posted sources, including civic and the pandemic, he said. an update showing the num- faith leaders, as well as politi- While transferring daily ber of confi rmed cases of the cal offi ceholders. control of the pandemic re- COVID-19 delta variant had Asked directly if the state sponse to counties, Brown has more than doubled, from 43 would step in to curb or not lifted the state emer- to 90, between reports on July cancel the Pendleton Round- gency order that has been in 10 and July 17. Baker County reports 17th COVID-19-related death Brooke Herbert/Oregonian fi le A woman holds up her COVID-19 vaccination card. “Oregon is open, but the pandemic is not over.” — Pat Allen, director, Oregon Health Authority reported 43 new cases and has vaccinated 75% of eligible adults. “The pandemic is fading for those that are vaccinated — they can resume activities with relative peace of mind,” Allen said. While signifi cantly more contagious, the delta variant has not been shown to be any more virulent or able to break through vaccines that have been widely available since spring. While infections and hos- pitalizations are rising, the number of deaths is expected to be capped well below levels seen last winter when the virus was rampant and no vaccines were available. Allen said that despite Thursday’s press call to pub- licize the extent of the delta variant, there were no plans for Brown or OHA to step in and exert control over local decisions. While OHA was ready to help with additional vaccine and other supports, it is up to county health departments to take a measure of the local impact of the virus and for county commissioners to decide what should be done. Salem would not issue edicts, but advice. “Take action now,” Allen said of counties with lagging vaccination rates. Allen pointed to state sta- tistics showing that 15 out of 36 counties had started vac- cinating less than half their adult population. Statewide the number is about 70%. Dean Sidelinger, the state health offi cer and chief epidemiologist, said the jump in infections should be a “red alert” for those who have not been vaccinated. “You are at higher risk now than you were earlier in the pandemic and you are put- ting the people around you at risk,” Sidelinger said. Not moving to increase vac- cination levels would mean the shadow of the pandemic would continue in communi- ties, schools, workplaces and gatherings. “The virus looms large,” Sidelinger said. OHA again said it was hop- ing for increased persuasion and for local infl uential indi- viduals and political leaders to take action. There were no plans for new mandates, or to tell employers they should STILL 1 # IN CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Top 100 Critical Access Hospital Saint Alphonsus Baker City is proud to be recognized by Chartis Center for Rural Health as a Top 100 Critical Care hospital – five years in a row. Top 100 critical access hospitals are identified for high-performing in several areas including, patient satisfaction, 5 YEARS I N A R OW -&8#3045*3&47$ #3*%(&45 • 8"-,*/48&-$0.& reducing risk and high clinical quality while managing expenses. L E S S C H WA B WA S R A N K E D # 1 I N C U S T O M E R S AT I S FAC T I O N F O R A F T E R M A R K E T T I R E R E P L AC E M E N T, 2 Y E A R S I N A R OW For J.D. 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