BAKER CITY HERALD — 3A TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 2021 SURVEY Continued from Page 1A Invasive weed of the week By Jeffrey Pettingill The Enemy Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) The Strategy This plant is a perennial, with milky juice, produced from a single taproot. The plant has numerous branches that start at the base and produce many blue fl owers at the axils of the branch. The fruits are ribbed and tipped by a crown of small scales. This plant of the aster fam- ily will not grow in very dense patches but will colonize and take up over half of a pasture. The plant is undesirable for livestock, but was originally brought into the country from Rich Old/Contributed Photo the Mediterranean area as a Chicory is one of the few plants with blue fl owers and milky juice in the stem. salad add-on and a replace- ment for coffee. One of just a few plants that have a blue (depending upon other weeds fl ower and milky juice in the in the fi eld) Milestone at 7.0 stem. ounces per acre or Opensight, at the rate of 3.3 ounces per Attack acre. Other products do not Chicory is generally found work on this plant, and may along roadsides, ditch banks cause more harm than good if and in fi elds that are fl ooded desirable plants are removed for irrigation. Once it dies, it during control methods. This leaves behind a dry woody is a unique-looking plant plant stalk that is diffi cult so consult with your local to pull and generally will County Weed Supervisor for not burn during spring ditch proper identifi cation. Check cleanup. As this plant is us out on Facebook at Baker unpalatable for livestock, it Noxious Weed District. will continue to colonize until Rich Old/Contributed Photo Jeffrey Pettingill is the weed it becomes a great nuisance. Chicory is not palatable to livestock and it can rapidly control supervisor for Baker The plant will produce hun- County. He encourages people dreds of seeds and the seeds take over signifi cant acreage in pastures. with noxious weed questions can last for years in the soil. fi cult to remove. Mechanical the roots will extend down a to call him at 541-523-0618 Defense control by digging is effec- or 541-519-0204. He also few feet (depending upon the This plant will establish encourages people to like the tive as long as the top three age of the weed). Herbicides in disturbed sites and once it inches of the root is removed. of choice are 1.0 ounce per Baker County Weed District’s becomes established it is dif- Hand pulling is diffi cult as Facebook page. acre of Escort XP, Telar XP or SENIORS Other popular activities at the Senior Center, such as bingo and card games, are Continued from Page 1A still not allowed, however. Hayes said the Community Connection “I don’t understand why they don’t let board of directors will discuss the situation us reopen for cards and bingo and things when it meets June 22. like that,” Hayes said. “It’s not going to be “I think that our board has the opportu- 60, 80, 100 people like there is at lunch. nity to say we’re open for activities, just like There’s going to be 10, 12, 16 in the entire the YMCA. And we already have a new building that can spread out and it’s for all policy that says if you demonstrate that the activities the seniors usually do here.” you’ve got your vaccine, you don’t have to When the Senior Center, at 2810 Cedar wear a face shield or mask in the building St., does reopen, Hayes said the staff is for staff and volunteers,” Hayes said. planning a celebration with balloons, door In the meantime, as has been the case prizes, decorations and cake. throughout the pandemic, Community “I know my executive director wants Connection continues to offer carry out to make a very big splash about it to meals and Meals on Wheels. welcome everybody back,” Hayes said. “I know that our entire organization and all of our senior centers want to try to make a splash on the reopening and say welcome back.” His excitement is tempered by anxiety, though. “I’m really nervous about whether I’m going to get all of my volunteers back,” Hayes said. Volunteers are key to many activities at the Senior Center, he said. “We want and need them back and even if they come back slowly, that would be fi ne,” Hayes said. Updates and other information are available on the Community Connection of Baker County Facebook page. Legislature approves bill protecting homeless campers in public spaces assists those experiencing homelessness. SALEM — The Oregon “The bill before you will Legislature gave fi nal passage regulate the time, place, and Wednesday, June 9 to a bill to manner that public camping protect homeless campers in can be policed. It will give us a public spaces. chance to give the people liv- The measure, which goes to ing in these conditions a little Democratic Gov. Kate Brown, dignity, a few more services, mandates that any city or and it will give us a chance to county law must be reason- show that we believe that the able if it regulates “sitting, ly- Constitution applies to all of ing, sleeping or keeping warm us,” Jones testifi ed to a House and dry outdoors on public committee in March. property.” The bill passed the House Among those championing on April 15 and the Senate on the bill was Jimmy Jones, Wednesday. executive director of the Under the measure, a Mid-Willamette Valley Com- homeless person charged with munity Action Agency, which violating a ban on camping or By Andrew Selsky Associated Press SAIL S THE GREEK ISLES E PRIC HED SLAS loitering would have an affi r- mative defense against a law that is not objectively reason- able. A person experiencing homelessness may also sue to challenge the objective rea- sonableness of a city or county law, and be awarded attorney fees if the plaintiff prevails. Eric Mitton, deputy city attorney for Medford, testifi ed that the city supported the measure because it recognizes the rights of people experi- encing homelessness while also recognizing the rights of municipalities to reasonably regulate their public property so it “remains available to all for its intended uses.” The Marion County Board of Commissioners opposed it, however, saying the measure “would limit local control of the homeless crisis facing Oregon.” See Homeless/Page 5A With that information, commissioners would seek to establish Pine Creek Lane as a county road under state law. Commissioner Bruce Nichols said on Monday morning, June 14, that he supports the county’s efforts to designate Pine Creek Lane as a county road over which the public has a right to travel. “We defi nitely need that road open to the public,” Nichols said. Chapter 368 of Oregon Revised Statutes states that county commissioners can legalize a county road “if any of the following conditions exist: “1. If, through omission or defect, doubt exists as to the legal establishment or evidence of establishment of a public road. “2. If the location of the road cannot be accurately determined due to: (a) Numerous altera- tions of the road; (b) A defective survey of the road or adjacent property; or (c) Loss or destruction of the original survey of the road. “3. If the road as trav- eled and used for 10 years or more does not conform to the location of a road described in the county records.” McCarty, who is repre- sented by Janet K. Larsen of the Lane Powell law fi rm in Portland, contends that the county has failed to produce documentation showing that the road through his property has a public right-of-way. According to the lawsuit, before he bought the property in September 2020, McCarty reviewed the title report and other documents, none of which showed a public road through the land. Soon after buying the property, McCarty installed a metal gate, with a lock, at his eastern property boundary, near the edge of Baker Valley. Joelleen Linstrom, who lives with McCarty, said last fall that McCarty didn’t oppose people hiking on the road if they asked for permission, but that he was concerned because people had trespassed on his property and started campfi res despite high fi re danger. On Sept. 30, 2020, the Baker County Com- missioners voted 3-0 to order workers from the county road department to remove the lock. That happened on Oct. 1. The one document the county has supplied is from 1891 and describes the surveying of a road along Pine Creek. The document includes a map of the route that, based on the township, range and sections shown on the map, appears to follow the route of the existing road through the eastern por- tion of McCarty’s property, although it doesn’t show a route through the western EASTERN OREGON 2021 PHOTO CONTEST Official Rules: Photo Contest open now and closes at 11:59 pm Sunday, June 20, 2021. Staff will choose the top 10. The public can vote online for People’s Choice from 12:01 am Monday, June 21 through 11:59 pm Thursday, June 30. Digital or scanned photos only, uploaded to the online platform. No physical copies. Only photographers from Oregon may participate. day! Call to ar M 31, 2021 Book by for Promotion Per person Cruise only rate from $ 2699.00 $ 1994.00 inside stateroom part of the property. In the lawsuit, McCarty contends that the 1891 document does not prove a legal public right-of-way across his property. In an answer to Mc- Carty’s lawsuit, fi led June 7, the county’s attorney, Robert E. Franz Jr. of Springfi eld, contends that the road is a county road that has “been used by Defendant and members of the public since July 10, 1891 ...” Franz also contends that McCarty himself, by using the road before he bought the property, in effect acknowledged that the road is public, and that he can’t now argue in a lawsuit that there is no public right-of-way. Franz also argues that because the public has used the road for decades, the county has “obtained title over the lands at issue where the roads are located by adverse posses- sion ...” Franz wrote in the response to McCarty’s law- suit that McCarty, before he bought the property, “was advised by Baker County that the roads were public roads ...” But McCarty, in his lawsuit, contends that the county has not provided him documentation that proves that the Pine Creek Road is a public route. In his lawsuit, McCarty cites two other records regarding his property, neither of which mentions the existence of a public road across the land. One is a 1966 transfer of the property, which has “no reference to a public road,” according to the lawsuit. McCarty also notes that when the county approved a subdivision near the Pine Creek Road in the early 1970s, county of- fi cials did not require that any public road be vacated in the area. In his lawsuit, McCarty, who requests a jury trial, is seeking either a declara- tion that the disputed section of the Pine Creek Road is not a public right- of-way, or, if a jury con- cludes there is legal public access, that the limits of that access be defi ned and that the county pay him $480,000 to compensate for the lost value of the land based on the legal public access. McCarty is also seeking a judgment requiring the county to pay him at least $250,000 for “damages McCarty has incurred to investigate and respond to this dispute and to protect his property rights,” ac- cording to the lawsuit. Franz, in his response, argues that the county is entitled to have the lawsuit dismissed because the suit is not a “plain and concise statement of the ultimate facts,” as required by law, but is “rambling and redundant improper pleading of evidence, maps, opinions, legal conclu- sions of law, hearsay, false facts” and “immaterial and irrelevant facts and conclu- sions.” The contest subject matter is wide open but we’re looking for images that capture life in Eastern Oregon. Entrants may crop, tone, adjust saturation and make minor enhancements, but may not add or remove objects within the frame, or doctor images such that the final product doesn’t represent what’s actually before the camera. The winners will appear in the July 8th edition of Go Magazine; the top 25 will appear online. Gift cards to a restaurant of your choice will be awarded for first, second and third place. Find YOUR Why Small Group Travel AKA: (Baker Valley Travel & Alegre Travel) 541-523-9353 & 541-963-9000 Submit all photos online at: