COFFEE BREAK 6B — THE OBSERVER & BAKER CITY HERALD SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 2021 Adult daughter still has to check in with parents do I feel like a child. It’s not as though they are in a position to help me if something did go awry. I would be forced to handle it myself, regardless. I have tried reasoning with them, Dear Abby: I am a 30-year-old but it hasn’t worked. Can you please married woman. My job requires a lot help me explain to them what a of domestic travel, which I love. My normal adult-child relationship looks parents continue to ask that I “check like, so we can stop arguing and I can in” whenever I fl y, and often text feel like the capable woman I am? — or call asking me where I am, even Capable Adult in Pennsylvania though I provide them my schedule. Dear Capable Adult: Your I feel this indicates a lack of confi - parents appear to be having trouble dence that I can take care of myself. letting go of their parental role. If They frame it as “they love me” or you are providing them with your “they care,” but, to me, it feels like a schedule and itinerary, you are doing constant putdown. I know it doesn’t enough. One way to win an “argu- take long to respond, but every time I ment” is simply not to argue. If you do TROUT Continued from Page 1B (And a Band-Aid container stuffed with red wigglers in my canvas creel as backup.) Unfortunately, I’m stuck with a pair of wet hackle fl ies that trout show no interest in. A half-mile hike warms my bones and leads me to a 50-yard-long, low-gradient pool that grandson Liam favors because it’s always good for a brace of keepers. My latent casting skills improve. Trout usually look up for something to eat, but not today with dark clouds overhead and a smattering of rain. Grandpa Harry was a smart man. “Let me know when the river comes down,” he always said, as an excuse to not bring his fl y rod out until an insect hatch was on the water. Much has changed since I fi rst wet a fl y from streams that fl ow from the west- ern fl anks of the Blue Mountains. What was once a 10-trout harvest limit is down GIFTS not wish to check in, don’t do it. Dear Abby: A relative has recently, through no fault of his own, lost a signifi cant amount of money. I would like to help him out with a gift of money, with no expectation that he would repay the money. However, he’s very proud, and I’m afraid he would be insulted if I offer him the money. It could also damage our relationship, which has always been very good. Can you offer any words that could persuade him to accept this gift? You often have a tactful approach that can help to maintain a positive relation- ship but still allow a person to ac- complish their desired goal. — Proud in New York to two, where take is allowed. Opening day shifted forward from late April to late May and the minimum catch size of rainbow trout was increased from 6 to 8 inches. Both measures help increase the survival of steelhead smolts tardy in their seaward migration. Although these con- servation practices have been in effect for more than 20 years, trout and steelhead populations remain low. Two hours later I fi nd myself 50 yards up a nearby tributary creek, on my hands and knees to maneuver past a ma- jestic fi r uprooted by the force of raging fl ow. Rainbow trout often seek temporary refuge in headwater or “feeder” creeks when mainstem discharge is high. I hooked a dozen small trout dabbing a fl y in a quarter-mile stretch of the creek’s stairstep pools one spring. Washtub-size boulders now stand on end. Shoreline vegetation is laid bare, leaving a path of loose cobble 20 yards wide. Lacking recent rainfall, the creek runs low in a • Rattlin Traps. • Frogg Togg rain gear. CLOTHING • Compass. • GPS. Outdoor clothing is a • Ruger 10/22 rifl e. The big market and there are 10/22 is the most popular .22 some good products on the market. rifl e ever made. • HAELEUM Shirts: • MYTOPO Maps. • Riton 10x42 binoculars. They offer a multitude of T-shirts that repel ticks and FISHING mosquitoes. About to start Fishing equipment can testing them. be very specifi c, according to • 5.11 tactical pants. They what species that he likes offer a lot of models to fi sh for, where he fi shes • Heybo fi shing shirts. and what time of year. So They have cool ones. ask him what he desires or • Irish Setter boots. Irish inquire what is popular at a Setter offers light weight local outdoor store. hiking boots on up to tall • Jigs. heavy duty leather winter • Plastics (Mr. Twister boots. They also have some makes good ones). nice offerings for wearing in • Flies (I get mine cheap town. from fl ydealfl • Hiking socks. • Fishing rod/reel or a fl y • Kryptek: I’ve just start- rod/reel. Ask him what kind ed testing their gear but love he prefers or he might not it. I’ve got a couple of their like it. Sonora Hoodies. They’re like • Dip net. a base layer with a hood. Dennis Dauble is a retired fi shery scientist, outdoor writer, presenter and educator who lives in Richland, Washington. For more stories about outdoor adventure, including fi sh and fi shing in area waters, Dennis Dauble/Contributed Photo Long, wide shallows and bare cobble shorelines remain in Blue Mountain streams as evidence of the massive February 2020 fl ood. FISHING BACKPACKING • Backpacks. Alps Moun- taineering offers a big line of packs. • Alps backpacking tents. • Alps sleeping bags and pads. • Fire-starting gear. • Aquamira fi ltered straws and fi ltered water bottles. • Hiking socks. • Benchmade Claymore folding knife • Backpacking chair like the Alps Dash. • Bushnell solar panels. • Backpacking meals. • Adventure medical kits. And if you don’t have any money (or even if you do) the all-time best gift that you could ever give him is three free passes that you will go fi shing, hunting, camping or backpacking with him. I guarantee you, that would be the best gift that you could ever give him! weather | Go to you watch for fi sh. If you have fl ies in your hat it implies you have fi shed before and rejected those patterns for something better. Continued from Page 1B Hang out in a fl y shop Wander around, buy a fl y box and a few trout fl ies, look at the recommendations of where to fi sh that are usually posted on the wall. Listen to other anglers. You need to pick up a few buzz words to know what they’re talking about. Lines, line weights, rod actions, leaders, tippets, wet fl ies, dry fl ies, nymphs. There is a lot to learn, but it is easy to pick up. Read a comic book This is important. “Curtis Creek Mani- festo” was written in a style that appeals to the 11-year-old in all of us. Pick it up and read it cover to cover. Other options: “The Secrets of St. Anthony’s Creek” by Michael Rahtz or “Get Started Fly-fi shing” by Craig Schuhmann. All are available from Frank Amato Publications and can be found in any fl y shop. Either book will help to lay a foundation for a fl y-fi shing future. Astoria Longview Kennewick 61/69 St. Helens Vancouver 62/70 64/73 62/82 Condon 64/84 64/73 60/71 SUN MON TUE WED Mostly sunny and warmer Mostly sunny and warm Mostly sunny; not as warm Plenty of sunshine 52 89 53 88 52 83 46 79 44 Eugene 4 6 9 60/69 88 55 77 46 81 49 4 10 8 Comfort Index™ Enterprise 9 4 56 88 55 Comfort Index™ 8 78 43 75 48 4 9 8 4 TEMPERATURES Baker City La Grande Elgin NATION (for the 48 contiguous states) High Thursday Low Thursday High: 111° Low: 13° Wettest: 7.81” 65° 47° 68° 43° 70° 45° PRECIPITATION (inches) Thursday Trace Month to date Trace Normal month to date 0.47 Year to date 2.23 Normal year to date 5.00 0.00 Trace 0.61 5.90 8.41 Trace Trace 0.70 14.21 12.62 AGRICULTURAL INFO. HAY INFORMATION SUNDAY 35% E at 6 to 12 mph 6.9 0.26 RESERVOIR STORAGE (through midnight Friday) Phillips Reservoir Unity Reservoir Owyhee Reservoir McKay Reservoir Wallowa Lake Thief Valley Reservoir Elkton 60/66 17% of capacity 82% of capacity 47% of capacity 91% of capacity 50% of capacity 86% of capacity STREAM FLOWS (through midnight Thursday) Grande Ronde at Troy 3350 cfs Thief Valley Reservoir near North Powder 72 cfs Burnt River near Unity 97 cfs Umatilla River near Gibbon 87 cfs Minam River at Minam 1070 cfs Powder River near Richland 48 cfs Roswell, N.M. Bodie State Park, Calif. Greenwood, Miss. OREGON High: 74° Low: 28° Wettest: 0.48” Hermiston Crater Lake Rome WEATHER HISTORY A strong storm brought fl ooding to the Pacifi c Northwest prior to June 12, 1948. A fl ood along the Columbia River yielded the highest water levels since 1894. SUN & MOON SAT. Sunrise Sunset Moonrise Moonset SUN. 5:04 a.m. 5:04 a.m. 8:41 p.m. 8:41 p.m. 6:41 a.m. 7:40 a.m. 11:02 p.m. 11:42 p.m. MOON PHASES First Jun 17 Full Jun 24 Last Jul 1 New Jul 9 62/75 Silver Lake Jordan Valley 53/89 Paisley 52/84 51/79 Frenchglen 51/89 62/81 Klamath Falls 49/79 City Astoria Bend Boise Brookings Burns Coos Bay Corvallis Council Elgin Eugene Hermiston Hood River Imnaha John Day Joseph Kennewick Klamath Falls Lakeview Hi/Lo/W 65/54/sh 81/53/sh 97/63/s 60/52/sh 88/50/s 63/55/sh 68/55/sh 91/55/s 87/55/pc 69/57/sh 94/63/pc 82/62/sh 90/56/s 89/52/s 89/54/s 94/64/pc 79/51/pc 82/48/s Hi/Lo/W 67/51/pc 72/51/pc 94/64/s 60/49/c 88/50/s 67/50/pc 72/51/c 93/56/s 88/55/s 73/53/c 91/61/pc 77/58/sh 89/59/s 85/54/s 90/54/s 94/64/pc 76/47/pc 80/46/s 58/101 Lakeview 48/82 McDermitt 51/90 RECREATION FORECAST SUNDAY REGIONAL CITIES MON. Grand View Arock 53/93 55/91 Shown is Sunday’s weather. Temperatures are Saturday night’s lows and Sunday’s highs. SUN. Diamond 51/88 Fields Medford Brookings Boise 62/97 62/77 56/60 53/93 48/81 Chiloquin Grants Pass Juntura 52/88 49/82 Beaver Marsh Ontario 59/96 Burns Brothers 47/75 Roseburg Huntington 51/83 58/70 Coos Bay 55/91 63/95 Seneca 55/81 Oakridge Council 52/89 54/89 55/79 Bend Powers 55/93 52/79 John Day 54/82 Sisters Florence 58/63 Halfway Granite Baker City Redmond 56/60 THURSDAY EXTREMES ALMANAC Monument 54/88 58/68 Newport Enterprise 56/88 56/87 58/65 62/69 60/63 Comfort Index takes into account how the weather will feel based on a combination of factors. A rating of 10 feels very comfortable while a rating of 0 feels very uncomfortable. Lowest relative humidity Afternoon wind Hours of sunshine Evapotranspiration Corvallis 60/72 91 54 Elgin 55/87 La Grande 56/78 63/88 Idanha Salem Partly cloudy 56 87 56 62/90 Pendleton The Dalles Portland Newberg Lewiston 61/91 Hood River 59/90 TONIGHT La Grande Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2021 Walla Walla 66/94 Maupin 6 Gary Lewis is the author of “Bob Nosler Born Ballistic,” “Fishing Central Oregon” and other titles. To contact Gary, visit www. Buy a funny hat Stick a fl y in it. Stick another fl y in it. You need a hat anyway, to shade the eyes while 58/65 TIllamook Comfort Index™ 10 Get a fi shing license And not just a day license. Don’t wait for Free Fishing Weekend. Get a license for the whole year. You’re either a fi sherman or you’re not. Last summer my youngest daughter bought her fi shing license and we packed the canoe in the back of the Ford. At the lake, I made her leave her spinning rod in the truck. “It’s time to continue your fl yfi shing education,” I said. She frowned when I handed her a 3-weight fl y rod. But she remembered what she knew about fl yfi shing and caught and released nine trout. “You have a fl y rod of your own,” I re- minded her as we put the boat back on the truck. “Yes, I should use it more.” That’s what I was thinking. AROUND OREGON AND THE REGION 59/67 Baker City example, I have only my name on my checks. When I sign for things at work I always add RN to the end of my signature. The rest of the time I do not, which brings me to my next question: When should I put the BSN part in there? I tend to never use it. It is on my name tag for work, but when sending faxes to doctors or clinics, I have been leaving it off. — Nurse Needs To Know Dear Nurse: Because you have earned both degrees, you should use them. In the world of academia, the college degree is used fi rst. However, since you are not in that environ- ment, whichever one you prefer to use fi rst will be all right. newly carved channel. There’s not enough water to hold a trout longer than 4 inches. I come up empty but vow to return on a summer afternoon when the river has settled down and wild trout eagerly rise to the fl y. The pleasure of opening day is not so much measured by the number of trout put in the creel as it’s a welcome reminder the best days are yet to come. • XGO base layers. Continued from Page 1B Dear Proud: If it were my rela- tive, this is the approach I would take: “Uncle Charlie, you have been wonderfully supportive of me over the years. (Be specifi c about a couple of instances; they do not have to have anything to do with money — in fact, it’s better if they don’t.) You would be doing me a great favor if you would please accept this because this past year has been so diffi cult for so many people, and I have been concerned about you.” Then I’d cross my fi ngers. Dear Abby: I am an RN with a bachelor’s degree in nursing. My question is, when is it appropriate to put BSN, RN behind my name? For City Lewiston Longview Meacham Medford Newport Olympia Ontario Pasco Pendleton Portland Powers Redmond Roseburg Salem Spokane The Dalles Ukiah Walla Walla SUN. MON. Hi/Lo/W 91/66/s 69/58/sh 86/55/s 81/62/sh 60/53/sh 66/55/sh 96/65/s 92/63/pc 90/59/s 73/60/sh 66/56/sh 82/53/sh 75/58/sh 69/58/sh 82/60/pc 84/62/sh 82/50/pc 90/61/pc Hi/Lo/W 90/65/s 73/54/c 87/54/s 77/57/pc 61/50/pc 71/50/r 96/64/s 91/62/pc 88/58/s 72/58/c 72/51/pc 76/52/pc 74/54/c 74/54/c 85/59/s 80/63/c 81/46/s 87/60/s Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow fl urries, sn-snow, i-ice ANTHONY LAKES PHILLIPS LAKE Warmer Sunshine; warmer 62 44 82 48 MT. EMILY REC. BROWNLEE RES. Sunshine; warmer Warmer 72 53 92 61 EAGLE CAP WILD. EMIGRANT ST. PARK Mostly sunny Mostly sunny; warm 71 46 76 47 WALLOWA LAKE MCKAY RESERVOIR Warmer Mostly sunny 89 54 86 56 THIEF VALLEY RES. RED BRIDGE ST. PARK Warmer Warmer 89 53 87 56