BUSINESS & AG LIFE 2B — THE OBSERVER & BAKER CITY HERALD THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 2021 More premium coff ee arrives in Wallowa County Business sells imported Costa Rican beans By BILL BRADSHAW Wallowa County Chieftain ENTERPRISE — Another premium coff ee outlet is coming to Wallowa County. In fact, it’s already here, as True Mountain Coff ee is importing green coff ee beans from Costa Rica to roast and sell. Lyman Warnock, of Enterprise, is working in conjunction with a longtime friend, Gustavo Rodriguez, of Tilarán, Costa Rica, and Warnock’s wife, Mildred — Rodriguez’s niece — to bring the Arabica beans from Central America. “About two years ago, I started talking to Gustavo about this coff ee. (I told him) it’s a really growing business, and we’ve got to look into this,” Warnock said. “So I started studying it on the internet — I didn’t know anything about the coff ee business. We usually drank Costa Rican coff ee, but not the premium stuff . He came up for Christmas- time 2019 and he brought us some coff ee and we started talking and contacted some growers down there.” Since then, he’s been working to develop rela- tionships with Costa Rican growers and even has found a local coff ee purveyor who can roast the green beans. Beans designated “green” are simply those that have been harvested and dried, but not yet roasted. Warnock met Scott McDonald, of Joseph Creek Coff ee in Enterprise, who has the needed equipment Bill Bradshaw/Wallowa County Chieftain Lyman Warnock pours a measure of Arabica coff ee beans from Costa Rica into a bag Tuesday, June 1, 2021. He will sell the locally roasted beans from his Enterprise home under the True Mountain Coff ee brand. to roast the beans. Warnock packages and sells his own. “He sells locally, and I really don’t want to com- pete with him,” Warnock said. “He’s doing me a good turn — we have a good business relationship.” Warnock is still devel- oping his own retail outlets. “I really have not yet established a retail outlet where I sell wholesale to people who sell it,” he said. “But that won’t happen until I’ve secured my source (of imports from Costa Rica) and have a couple thousand pounds of beans.” Only Arabica beans Tilarán sells exclusively — and by law — only the Arabica beans. As the com- munity’s local chamber of commerce represen- tative Enervey Ramirez explained, it’s against the law to sell anything of a lesser quality. “Only Arabica. If we want to compete, it’s better to compete with quality,” Ramirez said. According to the Costa Rica coff ee website, https:// abica, Arabica beans are a specifi c variety of beans that is more diffi cult to grow than other, hardier stocks. The result when the beans mature is rich, full- bodied fl avors leading to premium blends. The beans Warnock imports are all from small farms of 20 acres or fewer. “It’s all hand-picked, hand-sorted and sun-dried,” Warnock said. COVID setback His business has had some diffi culties getting off the ground, like many over the past year because of the coronavirus pandemic. He and Mildred traveled to Costa Rica in February 2020 and were stuck there for an extra three months because of travel restric- tions. They used the time wisely to learn more of the coff ee business, but it still set them back. “Because of getting set back, we’re about a year behind where we were scheduled to be at this point,” he said. “I was hoping to have 10,000 pounds instead of 2,000 pounds. If I secure 10,000 pounds, I can sell to the big companies and take a lesser margin.” The bigger companies, such as ones in Portland or Seattle, do the roasting and can provide Warnock with a higher volume of sales. “You’ll want to double your money. That’s the whole key,” he said. “If you don’t double your money, you’re losing money. I have a higher profi t margin because I have less product to sell.” At present, he sells his coff ee beans — unground — for $15 for a 12-ounce bag. He often sells six bags for the price of fi ve, giving purchasers a bonus. He now bags the beans from home, but hopes to expand in the future by adding employees. Right now, he sells about 60 pounds of coff ee beans every two or three weeks. “There’s a certain amount of shrinkage in it,” he said. “At 12 ounces, you’re about breaking even on a pound of coff ee because you’re losing like 15-20% of the weight when it gets roasted — it goes up the chimney.” Warnock also is con- sidering the purchase of a roaster, but they can be spendy, so that’s in the future. “Roasters can cost $30,000-$50,000,” he said. The next step, he said, is to engage in professional marketing. “The whole idea is to take this to more than Wal- lowa County — all over the Northwest, the West Coast,” he said. “Volume is the name of the game with margins. If you don’t have a huge volume, your margin’s got to go up. With a big volume, your margin can go down and you can really off er (a deal) to people.” How did Oregonians spend their federal stimulus checks? By MIKE ROGOWAY The Oregonian SALEM — The federal government paid out $5.5 billion in stimulus money to Oregonians during the pan- demic’s fi rst year. The money was a cru- cial lifeline early in crisis, propping up households facing lost jobs, school clo- sures and months of fi nan- cial insecurity. It also helped prop up the broader state economy by boosting con- sumer spending, which dipped enormously in the fi rst months of the pandemic but quickly returned to levels approaching normal. Oregonians used the fi rst checks, approved in March 2020, just to keep their households running, according to a U.S. Census Bureau survey. They bought groceries and paid their rent Dreamstime/Contributed Photo The federal government paid out $5.5 billion in stimulus money to Oregonians during the pandemic’s fi rst year. and utility bills with the money, which paid $1,200 per adult and another $500 per child (upper-income households got less, or nothing at all.) That kind of direct spending is what econo- mists like to see, and why these are described as stim- ulus payments. They don’t just bail out struggling households — they stimu- late the broader economy and keep it running through the downturn. BUSINESS BRIEFING Geddes promoted to general manager of Baker Food Co-op BAKER CITY — Tiara Geddes, an employee at the Baker Food Co-op since 2017, has been promoted to general manager. Geddes Geddes started her new position June 7. Since moving to Baker City in 2008, Geddes has managed several local food-related businesses as well as launching her own small business, Geddes Greens Tiny Farm. She also serves on the board of directors for the Baker City Farmers Market. “The Co-op is known for its customer service, and Tiara will continue and even improve on that,” Cheri Smith, Co-op president, said in a press release. “She also brings a host of ideas for freshening our look and strengthening relationships within the Co-op, with other local business, and in the general community.” The Baker Food Co-op, at 2008 Broadway St. in Baker City, is a natural foods gro- cery and mercantile. Baker High School grad named CEO for The Standard PORTLAND — Dan McMillan, a 1984 grad- uate of Baker High School, will become president and chief executive offi cer, and a member of the board of direc- tors, of Stan- Corp Financial Group Inc. on McMillan July 1. McMillan, who joined the company in 1989, was appointed pres- ident and chief operating offi cer in December 2020. He will replace J. Greg Ness as chairman and chief executive offi cer. Ness will retire as CEO but con- tinue to serve as execu- tive chairman of the board, according to a press release from the company, which has as its primary operating subsidiary the Standard Insurance Company (The Standard). “Dan brings a wealth of talent and steady, strong leadership to his newest role as StanCorp’s chief exec- utive offi cer, Ness said in the press release. “His more than 32 years at The Stan- dard, deep knowledge of our culture and unique employee and customer ori- entation, as well as his com- mitment to the community, position him well to lead the company to even greater accomplishments. I look forward to his success.” McMillan has held a succession of leadership positions in the company, including executive vice president and vice president of the Insurance Services Group. “I’m honored by the confi dence the board has placed in me and excited to lead this great company,” McMillan said. “I look for- ward to building on the incredible momentum estab- lished by Greg during his tenure.” — EO Media Group As time went on, though, Oregonians used two sub- sequent payments quite diff erently. According to the Census survey, 16% of Orego- nians reported they saved most of that fi rst stimulus check in spring 2020. But 47% said they saved most of the December payment ($600 per person) and 45% saved most of this past March’s stimulus ($1,400 per person.) Only 17% used most of that fi rst stimulus check to pay off debt, according to the survey. Roughly a third of Oregonians said they used most of their next two checks to pay down debt. That suggests Orego- nians were in a much more comfortable fi nancial posi- tion by December — and, perhaps, that they had few things they wanted to spend their money on, given that restaurants and bars were closed or severely limited in capacity and that health authorities advised against travel while COVID-19 was raging. Just 1 in 5 Oregonians actually went out and spent the money that came in from those last two checks. (National data was similar.) That probably muted the stimulus eff ect of those next two checks — though Ore- gonians may be spending some of that money now, with the pandemic in sharp decline. Bars and restau- rants are back open, air travel is up sharply and Ore- gonians are looking forward to a summer much closer to normal. While most people saved their last two checks, an analysis of national Census data last month by researchers at the Univer- sity of Michigan suggested that those latter payments may have had a profound eff ect on the lowest income Americans. The study found that food insecurity and fi nan- cial instability were both down more than 40% from last December through April. The implication is that the people who spent those last two checks couldn’t aff ord to save the money and that it made a substantial diff erence in their fi nancial well-being. “Declines in material hardship were greatest, in percentage point terms, among low-income house- holds,” the authors wrote, “but also evident higher up the income distribution.” 2021 E ASTERN O REGON L IVESTOCK S HOW Tickets available online AND at the gate K IDS C ORRAL Sponsored by Pepsi & Kick’s Sportswear Friday & Saturday during the rodeo Carnival....3:00 pm- 9:00 pm Ed Miller Xtreme Bull Riding....6:30 pm Parade....2:00 pm Carnival....2:00 pm - 9:00 pm PRCA Rodeo & Horse Racing....4:00 pm 4-H & FFA Livestock Auction....8:00 am (Buyers Only) Carnival....1:00 pm - 9:00 pm PRCA Rodeo & Horse Racing....2:00 pm PRCA Rodeo & Horse Racing....1:30 pm