4 Thursday, June 10, 2021 GO! magazine — A&E in Northeast Oregon JULY’S WALLOWA FIDDLE TUNES CAMP OFFERS WALLOWA — What has tradition- ally been a gathering on the campus of the Wallowa School, this sum- mer’s Wallowa Fiddle Tunes Camp will be adapted to the world of online music instruction. The deci- sion was made earlier in the year by board of directors of the Wallowa MEET THE INSTRUCTORS Get to know the instructors for the 2021 Fiddle Tunes Camp at wvmusicalliance.org/wftc-2021-in- structors. Carla Arnold, fi ddle Matt Bell, guitar Duane Boyer, guitar Matt Cooper, keyboard and accordian Larry Chung, multiple instruments Andy Emert , fi ddle Alan Feves, bass Emily Muller-Cary, fi ddle John Weed, fi ddle Valley Music Alliance after careful consideration regarding the health and safety of camp participants and the local community. The Wallowa Valley Music Alliance in a press release said the board is excited about reenvisioning what the long-standing music camp could grow to be. A press release said organizers have been “busy crafting the best way to bring top-quality instruction in traditional string band music.” The instructors who will be joining the online camp are Carla Arnold, Matt Bell, Duane Boyer, Matt Cooper, Larry Chung, Andy Emert, Alan Feves, Emily Muller-Cary and John Weed. The virtual camp may not take place over the entire week, but there will be at three days of in- struction and fi ddle tunes communi- ty activities, Friday through Sunday, July 16-18, with a whopping 95 sessions to choose from. All sessions will be held via Zoom. Registration is now open on the WVMA’s website. Mix and match session to your playing level and interest. Sign up for as few or as many as you like. The fee per ses- sion is $15. For the full schedule and more details, visit wvmusicalliance.org/ wftc-2021-schedule. 95 VIRTUAL SESSIONS