COFFEE BREAK 8B — THE OBSERVER & BAKER CITY HERALD TUESDAY, MAY 25, 2021 Musician frustrated by bandmate’s lack of loyalty DEAR ABBY: I am in a rock band with some friends. All of us are in our 50s and 60s. We have been playing together for the last three years. Last year, our bass player joined another band (while staying in ours) because another friend was in it, but they broke up because of COVID. Now that music venues are opening up again, he has joined yet another group. I’m a loyal guy, and it bothers me that he doesn’t seem as loyal to our band. He says he can easily do both, but for me, it causes booking issues because the other band will be blocking out dates that we might be able to book. I see no other confl icts. He even asked if I was interested in he should be replaced with a musi- cian you can rely on. many years without trying to mend the relationship. This is very hurtful DEAR ABBY for me, and I’m sure for others. How DEAR ABBY: I have a friend who does one respond, if at all, to some- feels a need to correct the behavior thing like this? joining the other band, too, because of others by writing letters. There he fi gured that if he can’t be in two are not too many businesses around — SUFFERING IN MICHIGAN places at once, it might as well be town that haven’t received one of her both of us. Should we cut our losses letters and, no doubt, others in her DEAR SUFFERING: One does and replace him? Loyalty is really circle of friends have, too. not respond. One copes by recogniz- important to us. After a misunderstanding for ing that the only person this unhap- which I apologized, I received one of py woman is punishing is herself, as — ROCKING ON IN TEXAS them. Because she lacks understand- her circle of friends diminishes and ing or the ability to forgive, a vitriolic businesses around town no longer DEAR ROCKING ON: Because diatribe came my way. In her letter, welcome her. you feel that loyalty is paramount she related past “unfortunate (in her and your friend may have schedul- opinion) ill behaviors on my part for DEAR ABBY: My wife recently ing confl icts because of his partici- which I should be ashamed.” Then asked me if she could take off her pation with the other band(s), yes, she ended a friendship we had for wedding ring in favor of wearing her mother’s, which is much larger than the one I gave her. I regard it as a lack of respect for our marriage, which has been under a lot of stress for a long time. (No affairs.) I also view it as symbolic of how much she has fi nancially sacrifi ced being mar- ried to me. What do you think? — WONDERING IN THE EAST DEAR WONDERING: I “think” you should tell your wife it would hurt you deeply if she follows through, and why. I also think the time has come for the two of you to talk about what is “stressing” your marriage with a licensed marriage and family therapist. N EWS OF THE W EIRD Las Vegas offi cials hold pop-up vaccine clinic at strip club at a topless revenue, got their shots at the clinic along with members of the public. Some people who showed up to get shots admitted they were reluctant to get the vac- cine but decided to go for it if it meant visiting a strip club. Roberto Montti, who lives near the club, said he had been putting off getting his shot but realized he should get it in order to resume his love of traveling. Ellen Schmidt/Las Vegas Review-Journal via AP Montti said he probably Savannah Wilkinson receives the Pfi zer vaccine from would have gotten his shot at Sarah Lugo, senior community health nurse with the a more humdrum venue but Southern Nevada Health District, during a pop-up decided to go to the Hustler COVID-19 vaccine clinic at Larry Flynt’s Hustler Club on Club because it felt familiar. Friday, May 21, 2021, in Las Vegas. “I’ve been here so many — I’ve been here a few times. ... usual, was an unconventional nurse of the Southern Nevada Maybe 10 times, give or take,” site for a walk-in vaccination Health District, who monitored he said with a laugh. clinic. But as government of- the walk-in clinic. “It might at- “I was going to wait, I tell fi cials and health workers try tract some people who like the you that,” said Las Vegas to address the slowing demand novelty of it, I suppose.” resident Michael Myers as he for COVID-19 vaccines, they’re The clinic opened for several stood between a full-length increasingly turning to creative hours Friday night, May 21, picture of a naked woman ways to incentivize people to administering shots to about and a sign promoting social show up and get a shot. 100 people before the strip club distancing and other behaviors “This is just another way opened for its usual business. to mitigate the virus spread. to access our population,” Several workers at the club, Myers’ wife, Lisa Harper, said JoAnn Rupiper, the chief including Hamner, a dancer said he changed his mind LAS VEGAS — Wearing a French maid-inspired lingerie costume and high heels, dancer JoJo Hamner waited patiently to get her COVID-19 vaccine in a line that snaked past a glittery hostess stand under a red-light chandelier. When it was her turn, Ham- ner sat in a chair and held onto a small feather duster that completed her costume while a nurse administered the shot into her already-exposed arm. Hamner then waited nearby for the required 15 minutes of observation, sitting with other vaccine recipients in leather chairs between plush purple booths, vacant stages and empty poles at this strip club in Las Vegas. “This is just the most Vegas thing I’ve ever seen,” she said of the experience. Larry Flynt’s Hustler Club, with a spinning disco ball cast- ing rainbow colors on the walls but more lights turned on than weather | Go to when she told him they could both get it at the Hustler club. “I said, ‘Flynt’s Hustler?’ She said ‘Yeah.’ I said, ‘Oh! Let me consider,’” Myers said with a laugh. “Nothing says vaccinations like a stripper pole,” said the couple’s friend George Stoeck- lin, who joined them to get his shot. Myers, 70, said he was reluc- tant to get the shot and wor- ried about how fast it had been available. But he noted his age and said he was concerned about his ability to spread the virus and infect others, includ- ing his wife. Myers said he was disap- pointed there were no dancers on the stage while he got his shot but said, “at least I got the scope of it.” More than 46% of the state’s population age 12 and older has received at least one shot of the vaccine, but Nevada health offi cials said a steep drop-off in demand for shots may make it impossible for the state to reach a goal of vaccinating 75% of the eligible population. Astoria Longview 47/59 Kennewick 46/68 St. Helens 48/70 48/73 Portland Condon 49/78 WED THU FRI SAT Sunny and warmer Periods of sun, a shower Cooler; a p.m. shower Warmer with some sun 70 42 64 35 69 38 Eugene 10 8 10 43/71 70 44 59 36 71 41 9 5 10 La Grande 40 72 47 Comfort Index™ Enterprise 5 10 37 67 48 Comfort Index™ 7 59 33 68 40 9 8 10 10 ALMANAC NATION (for the 48 contiguous states) High Sunday Low Sunday High: 99° Low: 13° Wettest: 1.93” 64° 36° 68° 44° 67° 38° Sunday Trace Month to date 0.17 Normal month to date 1.06 Year to date 1.83 Normal year to date 4.11 0.00 0.03 1.45 5.87 7.26 0.17 0.22 1.63 13.93 11.32 PRECIPITATION (inches) HAY INFORMATION WEDNESDAY Lowest relative humidity Afternoon wind Hours of sunshine Evapotranspiration 30% SE at 6 to 12 mph 3.3 0.20 RESERVOIR STORAGE (through midnight Monday) Phillips Reservoir Unity Reservoir Owyhee Reservoir McKay Reservoir Wallowa Lake Thief Valley Reservoir 17% of capacity 92% of capacity 50% of capacity 98% of capacity 58% of capacity 89% of capacity Grande Ronde at Troy 4020 cfs Thief Valley Reservoir near North Powder 107 cfs Burnt River near Unity 102 cfs Umatilla River near Gibbon 201 cfs Minam River at Minam 899 cfs Powder River near Richland 41 cfs p SUN & MOON Full May 26 Last TUE. WED. 5:12 a.m. 8:27 p.m. 7:54 p.m. 4:45 a.m. 5:12 a.m. 8:28 p.m. 9:18 p.m. 5:21 a.m. Jun 2 New Jun 10 46/76 First Jun 17 Brookings Juntura 38/72 Jordan Valley Paisley 33/70 Frenchglen Diamond 35/68 City Astoria Bend Boise Brookings Burns Coos Bay Corvallis Council Elgin Eugene Hermiston Hood River Imnaha John Day Joseph Kennewick Klamath Falls Lakeview Hi/Lo/W 59/49/pc 74/46/pc 68/47/s 58/45/s 68/40/s 58/47/s 71/46/pc 67/41/pc 70/46/s 71/47/pc 79/52/s 73/55/pc 69/47/pc 70/45/s 65/48/pc 81/53/s 73/38/pc 69/36/pc Hi/Lo/W 57/49/sh 64/41/c 80/52/pc 56/45/sh 72/38/pc 56/46/c 62/46/sh 76/45/pc 71/42/pc 62/47/sh 73/51/c 65/54/sh 76/42/sh 71/39/c 68/40/t 72/51/c 67/36/pc 69/35/pc Klamath Falls 32/73 Lakeview 30/69 McDermitt $ City Lewiston Longview Meacham Medford Newport Olympia Ontario Pasco Pendleton Portland Powers Redmond Roseburg Salem Spokane The Dalles Ukiah Walla Walla THU. Hi/Lo/W 73/52/s 68/49/pc 69/44/s 82/51/pc 55/46/pc 68/47/pc 73/46/s 80/53/s 75/48/s 71/51/pc 70/49/pc 75/43/pc 76/50/pc 72/50/pc 69/49/s 78/53/pc 70/39/s 75/53/s Hi/Lo/W 79/51/pc 60/49/r 70/43/pc 69/47/c 54/47/sh 59/45/r 81/53/pc 71/50/c 71/46/c 63/50/sh 56/46/c 67/39/c 62/48/c 61/49/sh 69/44/c 68/52/sh 67/39/c 70/49/pc ANTHONY LAKES PHILLIPS LAKE Sunny; not as cold Sunny and milder 45 +++++ 37 64 38 MT. EMILY REC. BROWNLEE RES. Sunny and warmer Warmer 56 45 73 46 EAGLE CAP WILD. EMIGRANT ST. PARK Milder Sunny and milder 52 36 67 40 WALLOWA LAKE MCKAY RESERVOIR Warmer Sunshine; warmer 65 48 77 49 THIEF VALLEY RES. RED BRIDGE ST. PARK Milder Sunny and warmer 70 • Free Delivery • In-Store Credit • 70 Store Buying Power • Decorating Assistance "It’s soft enough for me and firm enough for my husband. It’s the perfect combo of soft and supportive!" 35/70 RECREATION FORECAST WEDNESDAY WED. Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow fl urries, sn-snow, i-ice UP 46/72 39/66 37/71 Shown is Wednesday’s weather. Temperatures are Tuesday night’s lows and Wednesday’s highs. THU. Grand View Arock 35/66 Fields 44/82 WED. Boise 45/68 37/63 pp HOURS:Mon. - Fri. 9:30 am-6:30 pm Sat. 9:30 am-5:30 pm Sun. 12 noon-4 pm (541) 963-4144 • 888-449-2704 CLOSED on Saturday May 29, 2021 at 3 pm through Monday May 31, 2021 for Memorial Day Burns Silver Lake 34/72 Medford 44/58 Ontario 47/73 31/72 REGIONAL CITIES Providence, R.I., had light snow on May 25, 1832. On May 25, 1838, 10 inches of snow fell at Bradford, Pa., with a small amount in Pittsburgh. Huntington 48/70 32/68 46/85 Grants Pass Prineville Rome MOON PHASES STREAM FLOWS (through midnight Sunday) 32/69 Beaver Marsh Grants Pass OREGON Sunrise Sunset Moonrise Moonset Brothers 30/70 Roseburg 46/70 37/74 Oakridge 41/67 34/67 Chiloquin WEATHER HISTORY AGRICULTURAL INFO. 38/70 Seneca 43/73 Coos Bay Presidio, Texas Bellemont, Ariz. Ellsworth AFB, S.D. High: 77° Low: 28° Wettest: 0.16” 33/75 Council 36/70 John Day 35/75 Elkton Powers 41/69 36/62 Bend SUNDAY EXTREMES TEMPERATURES Baker City La Grande Elgin Sisters Florence 45/57 Halfway Granite Baker City Redmond 45/55 44/58 Comfort Index takes into account how the weather will feel based on a combination of factors. A rating of 10 feels very comfortable while a rating of 0 feels very uncomfortable. Monument 40/74 44/71 Newport Enterprise 37/67 40/72 41/69 47/72 Corvallis 44/73 70 40 38/70 La Grande 40/71 43/77 Idanha Salem Partly cloudy 10 Elgin Pendleton The Dalles 50/71 42/70 TONIGHT 4 50/75 45/75 Newberg Lewiston 49/73 Hood River Maupin Comfort Index™ Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2021 Walla Walla 50/81 Vancouver 45/70 TIllamook 36 70 41 — Associated Press AROUND OREGON AND THE REGION 43/61 Baker City Nevada offi cials have been increasingly turning to pop-up clinics in places like churches, schools and senior centers — and now strip clubs — to try to get more shots in arms. Las Vegas offi cials said the Hustler Club approached them about holding the clinic after hosting in a similar vaccination site at the company’s New Or- leans location. The club offered its own incentives to those who show proof of vaccination: a membership card giving them and fi ve friends free admission, a complimentary bottle of alco- hol, dances from “a vaccinated entertainer” and other perks. Ralph James, the general manager, said the business thought it would be a good chance to help the community and get back to normal faster. He acknowledged people may not typically think of the strip club as a public health partner but said, “this gives everyone a chance to see how clean it is and it’s a normal business just like any other business.” 41 72 47 SAVE 600 UP TO $ 1520 ADAMS AVENUE La GRANDE, OREGON 97850 on BEAUTYREST ® HARMONY LUX ™ mattresses and adjustable sets. *