BAKER CITY HERALD — 5A SATURDAY, MAY 22, 2021 Prineville resolution opposing state COVID mandates passes legal review BAKER WRESTLING BEGINS SEASON Kaylene Chamberlain/Contributed Photo Baker’s wrestling team had its fi rst competitive match- es in more than 15 months on Thursday, May 20. Baker wrestlers back on the mat ■ More than 14 months after finishing fifth in the Class 4A state tournament, the Bulldogs travel to Ontario for a wrestling competition By Corey Kirk For the fi rst time in more than 14 months, Baker High School wrestlers donned their singlets, snapped on their head gear and entered the circle. The Bulldogs traveled to Ontario on Thursday, May 20 for a tournament including Ontario, Nyssa, Vale and Burns. “I was impressed with how we looked. We have a really young team, a lot of freshmen and a few people that have never wrestled before,” Baker coach Brandon Young said. “The way things worked out, not having a senior class because we got pushed back so late in the year, we looked pretty good.” The last time Baker was on the mats, the Bulldogs fi nished fi fth in the Class 4A state tournament in late February 2020, the second best fi nish in school history following a fourth-place performance in 2019. Baker’s Hon Rushton and Sydney Keller each won individual state titles in 2020. On Thursday at Ontario, junior Gavin Stone won all three of his matches at 145 pounds. “He wrestled three of the top wrestlers from the 3A division and hindered them all pretty good,” Young said of Stone. Sophomore Kaci Anderson, the lone girl wrestling for Baker, won two of three matches, including going toe- to-toe with two-time state champion Tyler Richardson of Vale. Freshman Cole Hester also performed well in the 132-pound weight class during yesterday’s meet. “Cole Hester, a freshman, went 2-0 and pinned both of his opponents,” Young said. Through this condensed season, coaches around the region share the same goal of having as many meets as possible, so team scoring will be limited, with more emphasis on individual performance. Because the Oregon School Activities Association (OSAA) won’t sanction any regional or state tourna- ments, those will be organized through USA Wrestling, Young said. “We are still planning on having a state champion- ship, even though OSAA isn’t going to have it sanc- tioned,” Young said. Now that they’ve had their fi rst meet under their belt, Young is hopeful that all of his wrestlers will never take a single day on the mat for granted after surviving a 14-month hiatus. “Fifteen months ago we were talking about how we were going to make a run at a state championship, and it can be taken away just like that,” Young said. Baker will host a tournament on Wednesday, May 26, with matches starting at 4 p.m. judicial review, a step needed in order for the resolution to be PRINEVILLE — As op- effective. position to Gov. Kate Brown’s Prineville Mayor Jason COVID-19-related mandates Beebe thinks the effort to draft grew throughout 2020, city the opinion was worth it. leaders in Oregon — espe- “It can potentially help the cially rural Oregon — drafted businesses who have been un- resolutions declaring them fairly fi ned by OSHA,” Beebe unconstitutional. said, referring to Oregon Oc- While those resolutions cupational Safety and Health. were largely symbolic, leaders “I told all of our business com- in Prineville hope their ver- munity that I would continue sion, passed in January, can to fi ght for them and this was have a legal impact for their one way we were actually constituents. validated.” The anti-lockdown resolu- In early January, members tion approved by the Prineville of the Prineville council tried a City Council was written to move made by numerous other help business owners who local governments and busi- chose to argue fi nes for ignor- ness associations who opposed ing Brown’s mandates. The Brown’s orders, by writing her a resolution recently survived a strongly worded open letter. By Garrett Andrews The (Bend) Bulletin But conservative councilors in Prineville wanted to go a step further than a symbolic letter. They tasked City Attorney Jered Reid with finding a legal mechanism the city could enact that would protect businesses regarding executive orders and state regulations. What he found was the city was quite limited with what it legally could do, Reid said. The solution Reid devised, Resolution 1474, passed the council later that month with a 5-2 vote. The resolution states several specifi c fi ndings, like that Crook County represented a minute portion of Oregon’s total coronavirus cases and that residents were making good-faith efforts to stop the spread of the disease. Those fi ndings could then be used to argue against a fi ne in an administrative hearing, such as one called by the Oregon OSHA for violating COVID- 19-related business regula- tions. Resolution 1474 also in- cluded a request for a judicial hearing to validate the resolu- tion. In late March, Reid met one-on-one over video with cir- cuit Judge Michael R. McLane in a judicial review hearing. McLane issued his opinion upholding the resolution last week. That judicial approval is key to the resolution, Reid said. “In order for the resolution to have real validity in those administrative hearings I felt it was critical to have the circuit court validate it,” Reid said. ARREST La Grande Police, when a person in the 1700 block of East Glacier Street re- Continued from Page 3A ported they had just been shot at while Hatch said Sprague wanted the keys standing in front of their residence. to the car in his vehicle port. But that While offi cers were responding, an car belongs to a neighbor, Hatch said, so additional 911 call came from a separate he didn’t have any keys to give. residence in the same block on Glacier. “It was bad, yeah,” he said. The second caller reported the suspect Hatch said he saw Sprague’s hand entered their residence and held them tremble as he held the pis- at gunpoint while demanding keys to tol grip of the shotgun, and their vehicle. he feared one shaky fi nger La Grande police offi cers arrived could end everything for within moments and contacted the him. So he talked to the callers. Police named Sprague as the man holding his life in the suspect and said neither 911 caller Sprague knew him. balance. “I don’t know how I did “A multi-agency, comprehensive it,” Hatch said, “but I talked him down.” search commenced immediately,” the Sprague took off, Hatch said, hustled press release stated. “La Grande police to the house next door and dumped the offi cers and detectives received assis- shotgun in a trash container. tance from Union County sheriff’s depu- Local police began looking for Sprague ties and K-9 Molly and from Oregon in the wake of a 911 call May 19 at 8:56 State Police troopers.” p.m., according to a press release from No one was injured at either resi- dence on Glacier, according to police, and the suspect did not make off with the vehicle because it was inside a ga- rage. Police found the keys to the vehicle and “the illegally altered shotgun that had been fi red at the fi rst caller” within a short distance, along with other items of evidence. La Grande police then reported a Union County sheriff’s deputy a little after noon May 20 saw Sprague walk- ing on 22nd Street near East L Avenue, contacted him and told him he was under arrest. “He attempted to fl ee, but was quickly subdued and taken into custody without further incident,” police reported. On Tuesday, May 18, the Baker City Police Department issued a public no- tice alerting residents that Sprague was wanted on multiple charges and was “armed and dangerous.” He is accused of threatening someone in a Baker City home on May 14. KICKER Gov. Kate Brown proposed $25.6 bil- lion in spending from the tax-supported general fund and lottery proceeds, the state’s two most fl exible sources, back on Dec. 1. Legislative budget writers, bol- stered by $2.6 billion in federal aid from President Joe Biden’s pandemic recovery plan, unveiled a framework for almost $28 billion in spending on March 24. Brown said in a statement that the latest forecast, coupled with projections for the following two budget cycles, sets the stage for a better Oregon. terly forecast on Wednesday, May 19. “There are a whole lot more resources Continued from Page 3A available than when we last reported in For the average taxpayer with a March, and even more than we reported household income of $67,400, the at the beginning of the session, when the credit will be $636. For the median with budget was drafted. It’s quite a remark- household income between $35,000 and able turnaround from a few months ago. $40,000 — half are above and half below “When the pandemic hit, we saw that range — the credit will be $312. these massive job losses that blew a $2 “I have never seen such a strong out- billion hole in the budget. That hole was look,” State Economist Mark McMullen fi lled by the March forecast (on Feb. 24), told members of the House and Senate and now we are past where we thought revenue committees during his quar- we would be even pre-pandemic.” BUDGET Continued from Page 1A The board didn’t make any changes to the budget for the fi scal year that starts July 1. The City Council will adopt the fi nal version of the budget in June. The budget is similar to the spending plan for the current fi scal year, with a general fund totaling a little more than $7.8 million, up $26,000. During Monday’s initial meeting, the board elected Randy Daugherty, a former city councilor, as board chair- man, and Jerry Shaw as vice chair. Daugherty raised concerns about the beginning working capital in the general fund — cash the city has on hand at the start of the fi scal year — rising to almost $1.63 million, up from $1.36 million last year and almost $1.2 million the year before. Daugherty met with City Manager Jon Cannon, and Cannon discussed the proposed beginning working capital amount with Kent Bailey, formerly the city’s auditor. Cannon said he and Bailey were both comfortable with the fi gure, and Daugherty did not propose to change the amount when the board met Tuesday. Details from the proposed budget include: • Police department budget increases by about 7.5%, from $2.38 million to $2.56 million. The department’s staffi ng level won’t change, at 17.68 full-time equivalents. Most of the increase is in personnel costs, which increase by about $103,000, to $2,178,000. This includes a $33,000 rise in the city’s share of retirement costs for police employees through Oregon’s Public Em- ployees Retirement System (PERS). • Fire department budget increases by 3.6%, from $1.95 million to slightly more than $2 million. The biggest increases are in PERS ($25,000) and health insurance ($23,000). Staffi ng increases by one- quarter of a position, from 16 full-time equivalents to 16.25. In his budget message to the board, Cannon wrote that the proposed budget includes $30,000 to begin what he anticipates will be a two-year process to upgrade the city’s software used for fi nancial ac- counting and utility billing. “The City currently uses out- dated, customized, and heavily modifi ed software to manage its fi nances and utility billing,” Cannon wrote. Cannon also addressed effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as economic factors. “It is expected tourism will continue and provide positive opportunities for investment and growth within the city,” he wrote. “The state government is projecting to ease execu- tive orders at the beginning of the Fiscal Year allowing for increased economic activ- ity throughout the city. The housing market remains as a strong sellers’ market with residential pricing elevated compared to previous years. Despite property tax compres- sion, increased property values improve tax revenue opportu- nities for the city.” In other business, the budget board heard a proposal from Beverly Calder, representing the effort to create a train quiet zone in the city, meaning freight trains wouldn’t sound their horns at public crossings except in emergencies. Calder asked the city to TEACHER Continued from Page 1A The state teacher of the year will be an- nounced this fall. Eskew received a $500 cash prize. Regional teachers of the year are nominat- ed by students, colleagues, friends, adminis- trators or family. include $10,000 in the budget for the project, which would require the city to modify fi ve crossings to ensure vehicles couldn’t reach the tracks when a train is passing. Calder said the group promoting the quiet zone will continue trying to raise money for the work. “Twenty years ago when we looked at it, the price tag was really astounding,” said Calder, who is a former city councilor. “I don’t remember the num- bers but it was pretty much out of our league. There was a great amount of public discus- sion, there was really great feedback from the community, it was put to a vote, it was not passed at that time.” Calder said changing the crossings would make them safer. “Every crossing ends up be- ing safer; safer for drivers, safer for pedestrians, safer for all public street users,” she said. “The bonus is that the trains don’t blow their horns anymore at 4:30 in the morning and throughout the school day at South Baker.” In November 2019 the City Council voted to consider submitting a notice of intent to seek a quiet zone, which doesn’t obligate the city to take further action or to spend any money. The budget board declined to add money in next year’s budget for the project. Eskew’s students at South Baker helped her celebrate her award on Thursday, May 20. Three fi nalists for Oregon teacher of the year will receive $2,000, with an additional $2,000 for their school. The teacher of the year will receive $5,000, with the same amount awarded to the teacher’s school.