7 Thursday, May 6, 2021 GO! magazine — A&E in Northeast Oregon Josephy Center announces winners of Wallowa Valley Youth Arts Festival ■ The annual show ran from April 10-17 at Joseph art center JOSEPH — Winners of the 2021 Wallowa Valley Youth Arts Festi- val for students from Enterprise, Joseph, Troy, Wallowa and Alter- native-Ed schools were announced last week. The festival opened Saturday, April 10, at the Josephy Center for Arts and Culture in Joseph and concluded April 17. Youth in grades K-12 showed one piece of personal artwork in the ex- hibit. The event featured a display of artwork, many awards ribbons, hands-on activities and musical performances by area students. Your One Stop Music Shop Contributed photo/Josephy Center Joseph junior Piper Larison won the People’s Choice Award and the Past Director’s Choice Award for her ceramic scene of drag- ons eating macaroons. Contributed photo/Josephy Center Fifth-grader Caleb Beachy, from Joseph, won fi rst place in the 2021 Youth Art Festival. JUDGE’S CHOICE McKenzie Keffer, a sophomore from Joseph, won the Judge’s Choice Award for her drawn self- portrait. HONORABLE MENTION Second-grader Emery Rose Duquette, of Enterprise, won the Director’s Honorable Mention for her colored drawing “Chasing the Moon.” Second: 1. Emery Rose Duquette of Enterprise, 2. Tate Zacharias of Joseph, 3. Zola Kurtz of Joseph. Third: 1. Rowdy Croghan of En- terprise, 2. Mike Alexis of Wallowa, 3: Eva Junkins of Joseph. Sixth: 1. Case Melville of Enterprise, 2. Jamie Clinchy of Enterprise, 3. Celina Roberge of Enterprise. Seventh: 1. Abigail Dundas of Joseph, 2. Camdyn Weer of Joseph, 3. Mya Faulds of Troy. Fourth: 1. Kallie Michaelson of Joseph, 2. Joseph Birkmaier of Enterprise, 3. Malia Mayhew of Enterprise. Eighth: 1. Isabella Guillory of Wallowa, 2. Aureyonna Wilks of Wallowa, 3. Bailey Blades of Troy. Fifth: 1. Caleb Beachy of Joseph, 2: Kade Hook of Joseph, 3. Katie Hellinger of Joseph. Ninth: 1: Jessup Orr of Joseph, 2. Bella Snyder of Joseph, 3. Cassidy Wiedeman of Enterprise PEOPLE’S CHOICE Joseph junior Piper Larison won the People’s Choice Award and the Past Director’s Choice Award for her ceramic scene of dragon’s eat- ing macaroons. OTHER WINNERS BY GRADE AND ORDER OF PLACE: Kindergarten: 1. Kathy Sichan- thavong of Enterprise, 2. Opal Stowell of Enterprise, 3. Scarlet Shetler of Joseph. First: 1. Brooklyn Gladden of Joseph, 2. Leif Stewart of Joseph, 3. Amelia Park of Enterprise. FIRE STORIES The Josephy Center is cur- rently showing “Fire Stories” featuring the work of John Marshall. It explores wildfi re in Northwest landscapes. To view a virtual tour of the exhibit, go to josephy.org/ event/fi re-stories Contributed photo/Josephy Center Sixth-grader Jamie Clinchy, from Enterprise, won second place in the 2021 Youth Art Festival. Tenth: 1. McKenzie Keffer of Joseph, 2. Tanner Kesecker of En- terprise, 3. Mary Thiel of Joseph Eleventh: 1. Piper Larison of Joseph, 2. Claire Webb of Joseph, 3. Trinity Ruth (Alternative-Ed. Twelfth: 1. Gabriel Hawkins- Connolly of Joseph, 2. Jessica John- son of Wallowa, 3. Layla Snyder of Joseph. Get Everything You Need to Keep the Beat Going Lessons Rentals Jam Sessions Direct Music Source 1206 Adams Ave La Grande, Oregon 97850 (541) 962-0307