4B — THE OBSERVER & BAKER CITY HERALD 677 Baker County Service Directory 678 Union County Service Directory Mark’s Custom Mowing SATuRDAY, ApRIL 24, 2021 810 Furniture & HH LARGE COLLECTION of Cape Cod ruby red dishes. 40+ pieces. Make reasonable offer. (541)805-1030 828 Misc for Sale * Senior Discounts Call: (541)519-5624 RESIDENTIAL ∙ COMMERCIAL Todd Livingston (541)805-8216 Licensed, Bonded, Insured CCB# 202333 704 Feed-Hay-Grain MOVING: Eight 12’ HW Panels $650; two Twin Bed sets $100/ each; upright Maple Chest of Drawers $150; Oak Desk $350; Reloading Table $250. (541)566-0459. Classifieds get results. 831 Wanted to Buy WANTED TO BUY Lapidary Rock Collections Jaspers, Plume Agate, Thunder Eggs, Turquoise, Opal, Petrified Wood, Logs/Rounds etc. Call Mike (541)742-4608 Jacket & Coverall Repair Zippers replaced, patching & other heavy duty repairs. Reasonable Rates! Fast Service! Alfalfa Hay, 1st cutting 3x4 Bales. (541)534-2642 Our farm community is well rep- resented in the classified col- umns of this newspaper. For all your agricultural needs, look to classified. 716 Hay, Straw, Forage Will pay someone to fix my car, in Union. Runs, but not very good. (541)605-8335 ALL SMALL BALES SUBSCRIBERS! (541)805-9576 ∙ Baker City Alfalfa~ Small Bales. $150/ton La Grande 541-663-1806, 541-786-1456 cell 2nd & 3rd Crop Alfalfa.. $170/ton TEFF Grass .................. $170/ton 541-519-0693 CONSTRUCTION CCB# 224281 General Contractor ALL phases of construction Over 30 Years Experience! (541)805-0588 (541) 519-4905 Check out our classified ads. TAKE US ON YOUR PHONE and LEAVE YOUR PAPER AT HOME ! 728 Dogs, Cats, Pets FULL editions of the AKC Chihuahua puppies Baker City Herald 8 wks old on 5/15 Call: 541-786-3228 SHURTLEFF 840 Miscellaneous These little ads really work! Join the thousands of other people in this area who are regular users of classified. 806 Firewood Firewood $190 in the rounds 4”-12” in DIA, $220 split. Other varieties of wood and logs available. Delivered in the valley. (541)786-0407 -AND- La are Grande Observer now available online! 3 EASY STEPS 1. Register your account before you leave 2. Call to stop your print paper 3. Log in wherever you are at and enjoy! Call Now to Subscribe! (541) 963-3161 by Stella Wilder SUNDAY, APRIL 25, 2021 YOUR BIRTHDAY by Stella Wilder Born today, you are, to put it simply, a force of nature -- one to be reckoned with in all spheres of daily living, and one who is sure to have an impact on all others with whom you come in contact. This doesn’t mean you’ll be universally loved and admired; on the con- trary, there will surely be those who like nei- ther you nor what you “stand for,” but that is all one to you as long as you are eliciting some kind of reaction from them. MONDAY, APRIL 26 TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- You can approach an old problem in a new way today -- and others will benefit as well. Keep score -- but don’t take a defeat personally. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- You’re deal- ing with many variables today, and at some point, you must trust your instincts when you can’t nail certain things down. CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- You can profit from another’s mistake today, but don’t get used to it, as it’s not likely to happen again for quite some time. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- The actions of others are likely to open your eyes to a few new possibilities. What are you willing to risk today to increase overall gains? VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- You’ll be able to raise the bar today without asking too much of anyone on your team. Realize, how- ever, that your workload may increase. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- You’ll be able to learn more today if you put yourself in just the right position -- neither too far forward or too far in the rear. Adjust! SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- You may not think it’s possible to overcome a certain obstacle today, but such “doomsday” thinking is not for you. You must be positive! SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- You’ll likely have a little more time on your hands today than you had anticipated, but you mustn’t fritter it away. Be productive! CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Something you have been facing may begin to take a mental or emotional toll if you’re not careful. Today’s the day to make a change. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- You’re not about to miss out on something that oth- ers are already enjoying. Get your work done early so you can jump in when it’s time. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) -- You’ll be dealing with many issues today, but nothing proves more difficult than that which demands honest self-assessment. ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- You’ve been taking certain things for granted, and today you’ll get a taste of what things would be like without them. Your attitude changes. MONDAY, APRIL 26, 2021 YOUR BIRTHDAY by Stella Wilder Born today, you are multifaceted, multital- ented and always on the lookout for a good time -- especially in your work, for you believe wholeheartedly that work and fun not only can go hand in hand, but should, and you do all you can to make it so. To say you are energetic is perhaps one of the greatest understatements; you are at times hyperac- tive, always seeking to deepen your immer- sion in whatever endeavor strikes your fancy. TUESDAY, APRIL 27 TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- You’re likely to be derailed by the unexpected for a time today, but recovery should be quick once you begin to rebuild momentum. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Now is the time for you to be more aggressive with those who would stand in your way. You must do more than stand your ground right now. CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- You’re eager to take advantage of all that is available to you at this time, but you must prioritize before making any firm decisions. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- With the help of someone who is above your pay grade you can surely make things happen that will help those under you. You’re on the same team! VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- You’ll want to stop and take a good look around you on at least two or three occasions today after receiving a warning from a friend. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- You feel as though you are in a fog for part of the day, as ideas take longer than usual to shape up. You’ll shake this off before dark. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- You needn’t express yourself in a complicated manner today; keep things simple, and put forward only those ideas that really count to you. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- Promises are kept and broken today, but you’ll find that you are being kept safe from those who would go back on their word. This is lucky! CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- You may not be able to approach the day with the same gusto that you have applied in the recent past, but plans can surely be made. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- You may find that you have more to apologize for than you had thought -- but this isn’t something to be worried about if you face the truth. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) -- What begins as a crapshoot is likely to become far more reliable as the day progresses. You’re paying attention to the fine points. ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- You must take the time to recuperate from something that really took it out of you. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you’re invincible. MONDAY, APRIL 26, 2021 COPYRIGHT 2021 UNITED FEATURE SYNDICATE, INC. DISTRIBUTED BY ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION FOR UFS 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106; 816-581-7500 COPYRIGHT 2021 UNITED FEATURE SYNDICATE, INC. DISTRIBUTED BY ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION FOR UFS 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106; 816-581-7500 111 Baker County Legal Notices 111 Baker County Legal Notices 111 Baker County Legal Notices Baker County Weed District - Noxious Weed List 2020-2021 Legal notice to control Baker County and Oregon State Noxious Weeds according to ORS 569.175 thru ORS 569.995 it is the responsibility of the land owner or occupant of the land to destroy and to prevent the following weeds from producing seeds within the Baker County Weed District. For more information contact Baker County Weed District at 541-523-0618, jpettingill@bakercounty.org, bakercounty.org/ Weeds/Weeds.html, Facebook: @BCIWD Oregon Revised Statutes, Chapter 569 — Weed Control (excerpts) 569.180 Noxious weeds as public nuisance; policy. In recognition of the imminent and continuous threat to natural resources…noxious weeds are declared to be a public nuisance and shall be detected, controlled and, where feasible, eradicated on all lands in this state. What is a noxious weed? A weed is designated noxious when it is considered by a governmental agency to be injurious to public health, agriculture, recreation, wildlife, or property (Oregon Administrative Law 603-052-1200). Most noxious weeds are non-native plants that are serious pests causing economic loss and harm the envi- ronment. Noxious weeds choke out crops, destroy range and pasture lands, clog waterways, affect human and animal health, and threaten native plant communities. “EDRR”, “A”, or “B” Designated Weeds “Early Detection/Rapid Response (EDRR) ” – Not Present in Baker County or Very Few Known Sites: Controlled at the expense of the Baker County Weed District which includes inventory- ing, treating, monitoring, and other follow-up activities. African rue (T)* Peganum harmala +Black henbane Hyoscyamus niger Broom French* Genista monspessulana Portuguese* (T) Cytisus striatus Scotch*^ Cytisus scoparius Spanish* Spartium jundeum Buffalobur* Solanum rostratum Butterfly bush* Buddleja davidii (B. variabilis) Camelthorn* Alhagi pseudalhagi Cape-ivy* Delairea odoraata Common bugloss** Anchusa officinalis Common frogbit* Hydrocharis morsus-ranae Common reed* Phragmities australis spp. Australis Cordgrass Common* Spartina anglica Dense-flower* (T) Spartina desiflora Saltmeadow*(T) Spartina patens Smotth* (T) Spartina alterniflora Creeping yellow cress* Rorippa sylvestris Cutleaf teasel* Dipsacus laciniatus Delta arrowhead* (T) Sagittaria platyphyla Dodder Smoothseed alfalfa* Cuscuta approimata Five-angled* Cuscuta pentogona Bigseed* Cuscuta indecora Dyers Woad* Istasis tinctoria Eurasian watermilfoil* Myriophyllum spicatum European water chestnut* Trapa natans False broom* Brachypodium sylvaticum Flowering rush* (T) Butomus umbellatus Garlic mustard* (T) Alliaria petiolata Garden yellow loosestrife*(T) Lysimachia vulgaris Geranium Herb Robert* Geranium robertianum Shiny leaf* Geraniium lucidum Giant hogweed* (T) Heacleum mantegazzianum Goatgrass Barbed* (T) Aegilops triuncialis Ovate* Aegilops ovata Gorse* (T) Ulex europaeus Halogeton* Halogeton glomeratus Hawkweed King-devil* Hieracium piloselloides Meadow** (T) Pilosella caespitosum (Hieracium) Mouse-ear* (T) Hieracium pilosella Orange* (T) Hieracium aurantiacum Yellow* (T) Hieracium floribundum Hoary alyssum* (T) Berteroa incana Hydrilla* (T) Hydrilla verticillata Ivy Atlantic* Hedera Hibernica English* Hedera helix Japanese dodder* Cuscuta japonica Johnsongrass** Sorgum halepense Jubata grass** Cortaderia jubata Knotweed Bohemian** Fallopia x bohemica Giant** Fallopia sachalinensis (Polygonum) Himalayan** Polyfonuym polystachyum Japanese** Fallopia japonica (Polygonum) Kudzu* (T) Pueraria lobate Matgrass* (T) Nardus stricta Meadow knapweed** Centaurea pratensis Mediterranean sage**^ Salvia aethiopis Oblong spurge (T) Euphorbia oblongata Old man’s beard** Clematis vitalba Parrot feather milfoil** Myrophylklum aquaticum Paterson’s curse* (Viper’s bugloss)(T) Echium plantagineum Perennial peavine** Lathyrus latifolius Pheasants eye** Adonis aestivalis Policeman’s helmet** Impatiens glandulifera Purple nutsedge* Cuyperus rotundus Purple loosestrife**^ Lythrum salicaria Primrose willow Large-flower** (T) Ludwifia grandiflora Water primrose** (T) Lundwigia hexapetqala Floating**(T) Ludwigia peploides Ragweed* Ambrosia artemisiifolia Ravennagrass* (T) Saccharum elaeagnifolium Small broomrape** Orabanche minor South American waterweed** Egeria densa (Elodea) Spanish heath** Erica lusitanica Spiny cocklebur** Xanthiu spinosum Spikeweed** Hemizonia pungens Spurge laurel** Daphne laureola Squarrose knapweed** (T) Centurea virgate Starthistle Iberian* (T) Centaurea iberica Purple* (T) Centaurea calcitrapa Syrian bean-caper* Zygophyllum fabago Thistle Italian** Darduus pycnocephalus Milk**^ Silybum marianum Musk**^ Carduus nutans Plumless* (T) Carduus acanthoides Slenderflower**^ Carduus tenuiflorus Smooth distaff* Carthamus baeticus Taurian* (T) Carduus tauricum +Turkish* Carduus cinereus Welted (curley plumeless)*(T) Carduus crispus Woolly distaff* (T) Carthamus lanatus Velvetleaf** Abutilon theophrasti Water solders Stratiotes aloides Whitetop Hairy** Lepidium pubescens Lens-podded** Lepidium chalepensis West Indian spongeplant Limnobium laevigatum White bryonia Bryonia alba Yellow archangel** Lamiastrum galeobdolon Yellow floating heart (T) Nymphoides peltata Yellow nutsedge** Cyperus esculentus Yellowtuft (T) Alyssum murale, A. corsium Underlined Plants – Prior to 2020/2021 Aquatic Plants light colored (T) Designated weed high priority from ODA and Baker County *State A Listing (not currently found in Baker County) ** State B Listing ^ BioControl Insects Available + Baker County Only Publish: 239704 Legal no. April 10, 24, 2021