SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 2021 BAKER CITY HERALD — 3A Jayson Jacoby/Baker City Herald Nick Schramm of the La Grande Hot Shots fi refi ghting crew keeps an eye on a prescribed fi re burning Thursday, April 15 along the road leading to the boat ramp on Phillips Reservoir near Mason Dam. Jayson Jacoby/Baker City Herald Kendall Cikanek, ranger for the Whitman District, which includes the Phillips Reser- — Kendall Cikanek, Whitman voir area. District ranger, Wallowa- “It’s exciting to get back Whitman National Forest to spring burning,” Cikanek said. desiccated pine needles that Spring typically brings the could fuel a summer wildfi re. blazes can spread rapidly, but Continued from Page 1A ideal conditions for prescribed He also hopes the fi re will because they can also kill a A day when the fl ames burning — fuels aren’t so dry kill the seedling pines that mature tree. can’t be wielded like a tool, have sprouted between the Thursday’s prescribed fi re, that a fi re is likely to burn out when they won’t be an ally. mature trees. Those fl edgling by contrast, mainly stayed on of control, but not so damp A day when every ember is pines can serve as “ladder that fl ames won’t move. or close to the ground. a dangerous enemy. But in 2020, with the fuels,” Lewis said — in effect, Prescribed fi res occasion- Experts in the nuances of pandemic just beginning and a combustible ladder that ally scorch the needles of the forest, and its relationship fl ames can climb from the rampant uncertainty, the mature pines, turning the with fl ames, call it a pre- Wallowa-Whitman canceled ground to reach the trunks, green needles to red, said scribed fi re. its spring prescribed burning and potentially even the Steve Hawkins, deputy fi re It is an apt term. crowns, of the tallest pondero- staff fuels program manager schedule. The second-growth ponder- sas. “That was a risk we didn’t for the Wallowa-Whitman. osa forests that grow between “We want to get rid of A prescribed fi re in October want to take,” Cikanek said. the reservoir and Highway 7, the majority of those young In addition to questions 2007 that included some of from Mason Dam west up the saplings,” Lewis said Thurs- about the likelihood of the same ground burned Sumpter Valley aren’t sick. spreading the virus among day morning as groups of Thursday left many pon- The fi re that’s prescribed fi re crews, Cikanek said for- fi refi ghters dispersed from derosas with that rusty-red in this case serves more as a the road leading to the boat est offi cials wanted to avoid appearance. Some people tonic, a supplement of sorts to ramp near Mason Dam. creating smoke, which could who drove past the trees on keep the forest healthy. A total of 61 people worked Highway 7 complained to the exacerbate health problems Trevor Lewis eschews the on the prescribed fi re Thurs- Wallowa-Whitman, wonder- for people affl icted with the cliché of fi ghting fi re with respiratory illness. day, some using drip torches ing why the agency tasked fi re, but he concedes that’s a to ignite grass, while others Conditions on Thursday with protecting trees would signifi cant part of the purpose patrolled to make sure the were close to ideal, he said. have purposely killed them of Thursday’s fi re, which With steady winds blowing fl ames stayed within the with fi re. covered about 535 acres. from the northeast and north, designated areas. But almost all of those Lewis, an assistant fi re Lewis said a prescribed fi re, trees survived, Hawkins said smoke was generally pushed management offi cer for the away from Baker Valley, al- in addition to killing saplings, — the needle damage was Burnt-Powder Fire Zone though smoke settled into the can also creep up the trunks superfi cial, not fatal. on the Wallowa-Whitman Sumpter Valley on Thursday of mature ponderosas, prun- Pandemic prevented National Forest who served night and Friday morning. ing some of the lower limbs as fi re boss for Thursday’s and, as he puts it, “raising the prescribed burning throughout 2020 Frequent fi res desirable operation, said the fl ames will ladder” of the fuels. Thursday’s fi re was some- Before the Forest Service remove accumulations of dry, Forest offi cials fear crown thing of a milestone, said started fi ghting fi res a little dead grass and the layers of fi res not only because those Members of the La Grande Hot Shots fi refi ghting crew use drip torches to ignite dry grass on Thursday, April 15 north of Phillips Reservoir. The torches are fi lled with a mixture of diesel and gasoline. “It’s exciting to get back to spring burning.” FIRE H EART TO H EART Barbara Wendt’s thanks for the friendship and family grateful for understanding that has been thoughts and prayers extended to our family. To the The family of Barbara Wendt would like to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers during this diffi - cult time. We truly appreciate the visits, food, fl owers, cards and condolences. There are no words to express our heartfelt wonderful friends from Heart ’N Home Hospice, thank you too! Your professional, compassionate, caring staff is amazing. Without your aid and support we could not have kept mom with us to the end. Firewood permits available The Vale District of the Bureau of Land Manage- ment is selling fi rewood-cutting permits online starting May 1. The cost is $5.50 per cord, with a two-cord minimum per transaction, and a maximum of 10 cords per household. The fi rewood-cutting season is May 1 through Nov. 29. To buy a permit online, go to https://forestproducts. Permits are also available using a credit/debit card by calling the Baker Field Offi ce at 541-523-1256 or the Vale District Offi ce at 541-473-3144. Offi ce hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. more than a century ago, fi res, mainly low-intensity ground blazes, swept through the pine forests in this part of Sumpter Valley on aver- age every seven to 15 years, Hawkins said. These estimates are based on studies of fi re scars on old- growth ponderosas in similar areas. Prescribed fi res are designed to mimic those historical blazes, which were ignited either by lightning or by Native Americans. Thursday’s fi re was the third prescribed blaze the Wallowa-Whitman has lit in the past 40 or so years in the strip between the reservoir and Highway 7, Hawkins said. He described the fi re as a “maintenance burn,” one in- tended to reduce the accumu- lation of fuel on the ground. Hawkins said the fl ames will have other benefi ts, in- cluding spurring the growth of grasses and shrubs, includ- ing bitterbrush, that are important forage for deer and other wildlife. The area around Phillips Reservoir is an important part of the forest, he said, be- ing a popular spot for hiking and mountain biking. Thursday’s fi re will also help protect the Forest Ser- vice’s Union Creek Camp- ground, Lewis said. He said the prescribed fi re burned through parts of the campground, reducing the fuel loads in that highly-used area (the campground isn’t yet open for the season). Crews burned more acres near the west end of the reservoir on Friday, April 16, Cikanek said. Workers will patrol the area through the weekend, he said. New At The Library Patrons can reserve materials in advance online or by calling 541-523-6419. Drive-in hours at 2400 Resort St. are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday from noon to 4 p.m. FICTION • “The House in the Cerulean Sea,” TJ Klune • “My Year Abroad,” Chang-Rae Lee • “Mystery of Mrs. Christie,” Marie Benedict • “A Thousand Ships,” Natalie Haynes • “The Thursday Murder Club,” Richard Osman NONFICTION • “The YouTube Formula,” Derral Eves • “A World on the Wing,” Scott Weidensaul • “When Stars are Scattered,” Victoria Jamieson • “Custer’s Trials,” T.J. Stiles • “Positive Discipline Parenting Tools,” Jane Nelson DVDS • “Modest Heroes” (Animation) • “Thank You For Playing” (Documentary) • “The Captain” (Drama) • “The Rhythm Section” (Action) • “The Square” (Comedy)