5 Thursday, March 25, 2021 GO! magazine — A&E in Northeast Oregon Write with nature — on Wednesdays in April ENTERPRISE — Fishtrap is hosting a month-long writing workshop, “The Land Beneath Your Feet: Writing with Nature,” led by Karen Auvinen on Wednesdays in April. The online series will be held April 7, 14, 21 and 28, from 6-7:30 p.m. (PST). The cost is $270 ($243 for Fishtrappers — join the club at www. fi shtrap.org/be-a-fi shtrapper) and covers all four sessions. Fishtrap describes the workshop this way: “The dual catastrophes of the pandemic and climate change has brought our collective ex- periences of nature and the natural world into sharp focus. How do we create a sense of place and how do we use the natural world as ground for refl ection? In this workshop, we examine the fertile ground beneath our feet as the container for the stories we have to tell, whether they be fi ction, poetry or nonfi ction.” Students will have weekly “nature work” assignments and should plan to spend time writing each week. For more details and to register, go to www. fi shtrap.org/workshop-auvinen-apr-2021. KAREN AUVINEN is an award-winning poet, mountain woman, life-long Westerner, writer and the author of the memoir “Rough Beauty” (Scribner), fi nalist for the Colorado Book Award and the Willa Award. Her work has ap- peared in The New York Times, LitHub, Real Simple, West- word, The Colorado Sun and numerous literary journals. She earned an MA in poetry from the University of Colorado under the mentorship of Lucia Berlin and a PhD in fi ction from the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. Karen teaches writing workshops at Lighthouse Writers Workshops and fi lm, pop culture and storytelling to fi rst-years at Colorado University in Boulder. Past gigs include Writer-in-Residence for the State of Colorado, editor, book-buyer, rural postal route driver, caterer, clinic assistant, land- scaper, summer camp director and guest chef. She lives in the Colorado mountains with the artist Greg Marquez, their dog, River, and Dottie the Cat. Find more at www.karenauvinen.com. Your One Stop Music Shop Get Everything You Need to Keep the Beat Going Lessons Rentals Jam Sessions ROUGH BEAUTY Determined to live an independent life on her own terms, Karen Auvinen fl ees to a primitive cabin in the Rockies to live in solitude as a writer and to embrace all the beauty and brutality nature has to offer. When a fi re incinerates every word she has ever written and all of her possessions — except for her beloved dog Elvis, her truck and a few singed artifacts — Karen embarks on a heroic journey to reconcile her desire to be alone with her need for community. FREE eBooks and audiobooks Thousands of titles AVAILABLE DAILY Noon to midnight Unlimited # of sessions at NO CHARGE! It’s PRE-PAID with your taxes. Access with your Baker County Library Card from www.bakerlib.org/kids-teens Explore the ONLINE LIBRARY at www.bakerlib.org 541.523.6419 info@bakerlib.org Direct Music Source 1206 Adams Ave La Grande, Oregon 97850 (541) 962-0307