COFFEE BREAK 8B — THE OBSERVER & BAKER CITY HERALD THuRSDAY, MARCH 25, 2021 Widower fears impotence will kill new relationship DEAR ABBY: I am a faithful male reader of your column. I lost my beautiful wife of 40 years last year. During our marriage, I had prostate cancer and decided to have the surgery to remove it. I was told by my doctor that there was a chance I would never again be intimate with my wife, and she was OK with it. Now that she’s gone, I have grown close to her child- hood best friend. I don’t know whether a relationship is in the making, but I’m afraid once she finds out I’m unable to perform, the relationship will die. I have tried every pill on the market, pump, etc. Is it possible to have a good relationship with someone without intercourse? Or do you think I’m doomed? — GOING FORWARD DEAR GOING: I do NOT think you are “doomed.” If you are under the DEAR impression that all women your age ABBY (and younger) would reject you because you can no longer have sexual intercourse, allow me to reassure you. Many women would value warmth, affection, compatible ethics and morals and an intellec- tual equal to share their life with. So be honest, and you may be pleasantly surprised to discover that not only are you eligible, but that you are also in demand. DEAR ABBY: I have a friend who is really popular. We have been best friends since third grade, but when we started ninth grade, she really changed. She started hanging out with the “cool” kids and acting weird. She told me that because I was her friend, I had the automatic right to hang out with them. I don’t like to hang out with large groups of people because I’m afraid of big groups, but I still want to be friends with her. When I told her I’d think about it, she suddenly turned cold. I’m confused. I don’t know what I should do. She was there for me you will then have to decide which is more important. DEAR ABBY: I have a co-worker who just built a house. When I asked her what she would like for a housewarming gift, she told me a nice wine carafe with a stopper. So that’s exactly what I got her. I recently found out she had a housewarming party, and I wasn’t invited. I had asked her when it was going to be, and she didn’t mention a word about it. Am I still obligated to give her the gift I got for her? Or should I write her off and give it to someone else? — EXCLUDED IN CORPUS CHRISTI DEAR EXCLUDED: Ouch! Write her off and regift it. since third grade, and I was there for her, and now she seems to be fading really fast — six years of friendship just forgotten. Please give me some advice. — FRIEND DRAMA DEAR FRIEND DRAMA: Sometimes when a person says “I’ll think about it,” it comes across as a negative reply. Your friend’s feelings may have been hurt because she interpreted it as a rejection. It would have been better if you had explained that you are uncomfortable in large groups and would prefer to see her one-on-one if she was willing. It may not be too late to get that message across to her. If the price of her company is that you will have to learn to be more social, News of the Weird Eruption of Iceland volcano easing, not affecting flights REYKJAVIK, Ice- land — The eruption of a long-dormant volcano that sent streams of lava flowing across a small valley in southwestern Iceland is easing and shouldn’t inter- fere with air travel, the Ice- landic Meteorological Office said Saturday. The fissure eruption began at around 8:45 p.m. Friday, March 19, in the Geldinga Valley, about 20 miles southwest of the cap- ital, Reykjavik, the Met Office said. The eruption is “minor” and there were no signs of ash or dust that could disrupt aviation, the agency said. “The more we see, the smaller this eruption gets,” geophysicist Pall Ein- arsson told The Associ- ated Press on Saturday after monitoring the volcano throughout the night. This southwestern corner of Iceland is the most heavily populated part of the country. The Department of Emergency Manage- ment said it doesn’t antic- ipate evacuations, unless levels of volcanic gases rise significantly. Keflavik Airport, Ice- land’s international air traffic hub, said flights have remained on schedule since the eruption began. “There is no indica- tion of production of ash and tephra, and there is no imminent hazard for avia- tion,” the Met Office said on its website. In 2010, an eruption of the Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland sent clouds of ash and dust into the atmo- sphere, interrupting air Daniel Niemann/Associates Press A bread loaf that was baked with beer is displayed in the Coelven bakery in Duesseldorf, Germany, Tuesday, March 23, 2021. About 1,585 gallons of the renowned copper-colored “Altbier” of the historic Fuechschen brew- ery remain unsold and nearing its expiry date. The brewery now works with craft bakers who use the beer to make bread. Icelandic Coast Guard via AP travel between Europe and North America because of concerns the material could damage jet engines. More than 100,000 flights were grounded, stranding mil- lions of passengers. The Geldinga Valley eruption is the first on the Reykjanes Peninsula in almost 800 years. The area began rum- bling with increased seismic activity 15 months ago, and the tremors increased dra- matically last month. Over the past three weeks, the area has been rattled by about 50,000 small earthquakes, dozens of them magnitude 4 or stronger, the Met Office said. Iceland, located above a volcanic hotspot in the North Atlantic, averages one eruption every four to five years. The last one was at Holuhraun in 2014, when a fissure eruption spread lava the size of Manhattan over “It would have been such a shame to just toss out such a tasty beer,” said Peter Koenig, whose family has run the brewery since 1908. “Then we came up with this idea to bake the bread with the beer, to leave out the water,” he said Tuesday. “I think it’s great that these two craft industries have come together like this.” About a dozen bakeries have been producing the Treberbrot since the start of the week, giving the added bonus of a bottle of Fuech- schen’s Altbier, a regional specialty, for free with each loaf. “It’s a very hearty, tasty bread with a crispy baked crust and a soft middle,” said baker Janika Derksen, whose family runs Coelven bakery.She said that word of the bread, which her bakery sells for 3.95 euros ($4.65) a loaf including the bottle of Altbier, has spread rapidly. “We’ve had queries from the interior highland region. Scientists flew over the Geldinga Valley eruption on Saturday morning and esti- mated the eruptive fissure was about 1,640 feet. The two streams of lava were about 2.5 kilometers from the nearest road. German brewery pairs with bakers to use surplus beer DUESSELDORF, Ger- many — With restaurants and bars all closed due to pandemic restrictions, a Duesseldorf brewery found itself with 1,585 gallons of its copper-colored “Alt- bier” unsold and nearing its expiry date. But with trying times come novel solu- tions. Fuechschen Brewery brewery paired up with craft bakers already using leftover grains from the brewing process to produce loaves of “Treberbrot,” or “Spent Grain Bread.” weather | Go to BYU players get assist for freeing Wade from elevator INDIANAPOLIS — The BYU Cougars already have the biggest assist in AROUND OREGON AND THE REGION Astoria Longview 37/51 Kennewick 36/56 St. Helens 38/58 38/54 38/61 39/57 34/58 Condon FRI SAT SUN MON Partly cloudy and cold Mostly sunny Partly sunny and warmer Increasing cloudiness Snow possible in the a.m. 64 33 68 32 46 26 Eugene 10 10 0 34/59 63 37 65 30 42 27 10 10 0 La Grande 30 53 26 Comfort Index™ Enterprise 9 0 6 28 49 26 Comfort Index™ 0 60 25 36 27 10 10 0 6 NATION (for the 48 contiguous states) High Tuesday Low Tuesday High: 94° Low: -3° Wettest: 5.52” 49° 26° 47° 27° 51° 28° 0.00 0.14 0.60 1.09 1.98 Trace 0.13 1.08 5.16 3.85 0.17 0.65 1.66 12.58 7.16 PRECIPITATION (inches) Tuesday Month to date Normal month to date Year to date Normal year to date AGRICULTURAL INFO. HAY INFORMATION FRIDAY Lowest relative humidity Afternoon wind Hours of sunshine Evapotranspiration 35% WNW at 6 to 12 mph 1.8 0.10 RESERVOIR STORAGE (through midnight Wednesday) Phillips Reservoir Unity Reservoir Owyhee Reservoir McKay Reservoir Wallowa Lake Thief Valley Reservoir 13% of capacity 61% of capacity 56% of capacity 72% of capacity 50% of capacity 101% of capacity STREAM FLOWS (through midnight Tuesday) Grande Ronde at Troy 4740 cfs Thief Valley Reservoir near North Powder 129 cfs Burnt River near Unity 39 cfs Umatilla River near Gibbon 367 cfs Minam River at Minam 273 cfs Powder River near Richland 326 cfs Kingsville, Texas Antero Reservoir, Colo. New Orleans, La. OREGON High: 59° Low: 14° Wettest: 0.01” The Dalles Crater Lake Sexton Summit Powers 35/59 Amarillo, Texas, received nearly 21 inches of snow on March 25, 1934. Most of it melted shortly after reaching the ground. Actual snow depth never exceeded 5 inches. SUN & MOON THU. 6:46 a.m. 7:11 p.m. 3:32 p.m. 5:42 a.m. FRI. 6:44 a.m. 7:13 p.m. 4:50 p.m. 6:12 a.m. MOON PHASES Full Mar 28 Last Apr 4 New Apr 11 36/60 First Apr 19 Jordan Valley 25/49 Paisley 27/56 22/57 Frenchglen 25/52 36/67 Brookings 35/63 City Astoria Bend Boise Brookings Burns Coos Bay Corvallis Council Elgin Eugene Hermiston Hood River Imnaha John Day Joseph Kennewick Klamath Falls Lakeview SAT. Hi/Lo/W 51/41/pc 59/29/s 57/34/s 60/43/s 55/26/s 53/38/s 58/35/pc 53/21/s 52/26/s 59/34/pc 65/38/s 54/38/pc 54/30/pc 53/28/s 47/26/s 66/37/s 57/24/s 54/25/s Hi/Lo/W 55/39/s 70/36/s 63/39/s 62/44/s 64/31/s 60/40/s 63/38/s 58/29/s 62/34/pc 63/38/s 71/42/pc 65/38/pc 62/39/pc 65/34/s 56/35/pc 70/43/pc 66/29/s 64/30/s Grand View Arock 35/62 28/55 27/52 Klamath Falls 21/57 Lakeview 23/54 McDermitt Shown is Friday’s weather. Temperatures are Thursday night’s lows and Friday’s highs. FRI. Diamond 25/50 Fields Medford 39/60 Boise 32/57 Silver Lake Chiloquin Grants Pass 28/57 21/57 25/50 RECREATION FORECAST FRIDAY REGIONAL CITIES WEATHER HISTORY Sunrise Sunset Moonrise Moonset Beaver Marsh Juntura 24/55 22/53 19/54 Ontario 34/63 Burns Brothers 32/52 Roseburg Huntington 24/50 Bend Coos Bay 27/53 37/59 Seneca 25/59 Oakridge Council 28/56 28/53 25/60 Elkton TUESDAY EXTREMES TEMPERATURES Baker City La Grande Elgin 28/50 John Day 21/59 Sisters Florence 38/53 29/56 Baker City Redmond 36/50 36/53 Comfort Index takes into account how the weather will feel based on a combination of factors. A rating of 10 feels very comfortable while a rating of 0 feels very uncomfortable. ALMANAC Newport Halfway Granite 33/58 36/61 59 35 29/55 33/50 35/56 Corvallis Enterprise 28/49 30/53 Monument 30/59 Idanha Salem TONIGHT 1 Elgin 28/52 La Grande 30/53 Maupin Comfort Index™ 38/58 Pendleton The Dalles Portland Newberg Lewiston 37/58 Hood River 36/61 TIllamook 28 56 26 Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2021 Walla Walla 36/66 Vancouver 36/56 37/51 Baker City the NCAA Tournament and they had yet to play their first game. Jesse Wade was stuck in an elevator for 40 minutes at the team’s Indianapolis hotel before his teammates forced open the doors and freed the junior guard. The whole affair played out on Twitter Thursday night, March 18, including a video showing several teammates prying open the elevator doors and an ecstatic Wade popping out into the hallway to cheers. “Scariest moment of my life but I knew the boys had my back,” Wade tweeted. Coach Mark Pope had some fun with the situation. He was on a video hookup on his phone with Wade. “We came down to dinner and right now we’ve got a fallen soldier. Jesse Wade is stuck in the ele- vator,” Pope said to the sound of laughter in the background. “It’s been about 15 min- utes. It’s brutal,” Wade said. “I’m starved.” — Associated Press all across Germany if we can send it by mail, which we gladly do,” she said. Customer Michael Maassen dropped by on Tuesday to pick up a loaf for himself — and the bottle of Altbier — after hearing about the promotion from social media. “It’s a great campaign, solidarity with one another is more important now than it ever has been,” said the 48-year-old soldier. Beer sales in Germany have been hurt by lock- down measures that have kept restaurants and bars shut since the beginning of November, except for take- outs. That’s a problem par- ticularly for Germany’s many small brewers, which often rely heavily on selling draft beer that they can’t shift at the moment. A volcano continues to erupt Saturday, March 20, 2021, on the Reykjanes Peninsula in southwestern Iceland. A long dormant volcano on the Reykjanes Peninsula flared to life Friday night, spilling lava down two sides in that area’s first volcanic eruption in nearly 800 years. City Lewiston Longview Meacham Medford Newport Olympia Ontario Pasco Pendleton Portland Powers Redmond Roseburg Salem Spokane The Dalles Ukiah Walla Walla FRI. SAT. Hi/Lo/W 58/36/pc 56/37/pc 53/25/s 63/36/s 50/35/s 55/35/pc 63/33/s 65/36/s 61/35/s 57/40/pc 59/37/s 59/26/s 60/35/s 56/34/pc 53/33/pc 61/36/s 52/24/s 58/39/s Hi/Lo/W 64/41/pc 63/36/pc 63/35/pc 73/41/s 55/39/s 57/36/pc 67/36/pc 69/43/pc 67/42/pc 62/41/pc 70/41/s 68/32/s 69/41/s 61/39/pc 58/40/pc 66/40/pc 60/33/s 64/45/pc Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow fl urries, sn-snow, i-ice ANTHONY LAKES PHILLIPS LAKE Not as cold Not as cool 33 23 54 28 MT. EMILY REC. BROWNLEE RES. Not as cold Mostly sunny 41 28 56 24 EAGLE CAP WILD. EMIGRANT ST. PARK Mostly sunny Mostly sunny 36 15 48 21 WALLOWA LAKE MCKAY RESERVOIR Mostly sunny Mostly sunny 47 26 60 34 THIEF VALLEY RES. RED BRIDGE ST. PARK Mostly sunny Mostly sunny 56 26 53 26