4 Thursday, March 4, 2021 GO! magazine — A&E in Northeast Oregon BOOK NOOK ■ ■ Book Reviews: ‘The Collectors’ and ‘The Lion of Mars’ By Lisa Britton For the EO Media Group Fiction is my favorite type of book, and I’m continuously drawn to middle-grade fiction, which is written for ages 8 to 12. I am far beyond that age group, of course, but at nearly 10 my son is squarely in the middle so I often find myself pursuing those shelves at the Baker County Public Library. We recently picked up two new releases: “The Collectors” by Jacqueline West and “The Lion of Mars” by Jennifer L. Holm. Max, my son, was still engrossed in his latest “Wings of Fire” book, so I snuck these out of the pile and read them first. I loved them both. “The Collectors” is about a boy named Van who wears hearing aids and has super-sharp eyesight that helps him collect all sorts of treasures. One day he notices a girl stealing pennies from a fountain. Curious, he follows her and soon finds him- self torn between two worlds — one where wishes are captured, and one where all wishes come true. This is a grand adventure and encourages the reader to think about wishes they make — on birthday candles, on falling stars — and consider the consequences if every single one came true. It also keeps you guessing until the end to figure out who is bad and who is good — and you may even question that when you finish the last page. We now have the sequel, “The Collectors: A Storm of Wishes.” “The Lion of Mars” is set on Mars, where Bell has spent the 11 years of his life living in a colony built below the surface. When a virus sickens the adults — but the children are immune — it’s up to the kids to seek help by Why Medical Supervision Will Make You Thinner…Faster Because only a weight loss physician or medical provider can… 1 2 3 DIAGNOSE and treat certain medical conditions that contribute to your weight gain, so you can lose weight rapidly. PRESCRIBE the right food and nutrition plan in combination with anti-obesity medications, if appropriate, to ensure you lose weight healthfully. PROVIDE expert personal support throughout your weight loss phase, so you lose weight safely. “We continue to help men, women, and adolescents lose 10 to 150+ pounds safely, healthfully, and rapidly. If you struggle to lose weight and keep it off, come see us, we can help.” James R. R. Kopp, MBA James Kopp, MD, MD, MBA Weight Weight Loss Loss Physician Physician —James R. Kopp What people who MetTrim Say Matt S, Yelp Review: “I lost 50 pounds, in 12 weeks.”* Rachel R, Facebook Review: “I lost 30 pounds, in 9 weeks.”* Jacki L, Google Review: “I lost 16.6 pounds, in 4 weeks.”* facing their fears and venturing to the other colonies located on this inhospitable planet. “The Lion of Mars” is a story of bravery and hope and how some- times we have to examine whether what we’ve always held as the truth may not be the entire story. While science fiction isn’t my first choice, this was such an enjoy- able read with relatable characters who, although they live on Mars, experience the same challenges and triumphs as children on Earth. Call 541-963-9844 Or visit MetTrimMD.com/LaGrandeOR to Schedule your Free No-obligation Consultation MetTrimMD La Grande 907 Washington Ave, La Grande, OR 97850 MetTrimMD.com/LaGrandeOR | 541-963-9844 *Personalized plans. Individual results vary.