TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2021 THE OBSERVER & BAKER CITY HERALD — 3B HOME & LIVING SWEET 3. Mix the garlic powder, paprika, salt and pepper in a small bowl, and toss them with the sweet potatoes. Remove the hot baking sheets from the oven, scatter them with the fries in a single layer and return the baking sheets to the oven. 4. Bake until brown and crisp on the bottom, about 12 to 15 minutes, then fl ip and cook un- til the other side is crisp, about 10 minutes. Serve hot. Continued from Page 1B It makes a richly fl avored, robust meal, heavy with black beans, tomatoes, diced onion and red bell pepper provid- ing a foundation of fl avor for the star attraction, the sweet potatoes. Don’t tell anyone, but I added a bit of hot sauce to my bowl. Sweet potato fries, of course, are always popular. I thought about simply dropping them into hot oil and frying them, but then I came across a recipe for oven-baked fries — though “oven-baked fries” is an oxymoron. I’m not actually sure if baking fries in an oven is any better for you than frying them in oil. The recipe I used requires two tablespoons of oil for two large sweet potatoes, and I am not convinced that fries that are fried would soak up more than that amount. Still, the reason to make oven-baked sweet-potato fries is compelling: They are excellent. Baking them in an oven allows the fries’ exterior to be- come crispy, or at least moder- ately crispy, while the interior is soft and creamy. They are just what fries should be, only sweeter than ordinary fries. Perhaps it is counterintui- tive, but these sort-of-sweet fries are even better when served not with ketchup but with honey. Add a little cin- namon for an extra treat. The next dish I made is similar in some ways to the oven-baked fries. Parmesan Baked Sweet Potatoes are cooked the same way — tossed with a little bit of oil and then baked — so they have the same crisp and creamy textures. But the simi- larity ends there. The fries are spiced with garlic powder, paprika, salt and black pepper; these intense fl avors contrast nicely with the smooth, sweet taste of the sweet potatoes. But the Parmesan Baked Sweet Po- tatoes offer a little more than the Parmesan cheese melted on top under the broiler at the end of cooking. The cheese here serves only as an accent. It is an excla- mation point at the end of a sweet sweet-potato sentence. Next up was the baked- potato version of a sweet potato. The sweet potato here is baked whole until it is completely tender. So far, there is nothing extraordinary about it. The extraordinary part comes from the sauce that is drizzled over the top. The sauce begins with melted butter that has been browned, so it tastes a little nuttier. That is combined with a bit of honey and a dash of vinegar, for a subdued sweet-and-sour effect, and some crushed red pepper to bring on just enough heat. If you like the sauce on sweet potatoes you can try adding it to anything from winter squash to oatmeal to ice cream. Last came dessert. Sweet potatoes are one of the very few vegetables that can legiti- mately be used in dessert. I made a sweet potato pie. Of course I did. What else would a pie-lover make? The ingredients may sound familiar: cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and cloves. It’s what goes into any pumpkin pie worth its salt (salt is also an ingredient). But what makes this sweet potato pie better Per serving: 130 calories; 4 g fat; 1 g saturated fat; no choles- terol; 2 g protein; 23 g carbohy- drate; 5 g sugar; 4 g fi ber; 353 mg sodium; 36 mg calcium Christian Gooden/St. Louis Post-Dispatch-TNS Vegan sweet potato chili. out of the skins and transfer it to a bowl or serving dish, then drizzle with the browned butter sauce). Sprinkle with fl aky sea salt. — Adapted from a recipe by Mark Bittman in the New York Times 2 or 3 sweet potatoes, about 1 1/2 to 2 pounds 2 (15-ounce) cans black beans, undrained 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1 large white onion, diced 1 red bell pepper, diced 3 or 4 garlic cloves, minced 1 to 2 tablespoons mild pickled jalapenos, optional 1 tablespoon chili powder 3/4 teaspoon ground cumin 1/2 teaspoon oregano 2 (14-ounce) cans fi re- roasted tomatoes 1 1/2 cups water 1 tablespoon cornmeal 1 teaspoon molasses or other sweetener 1 teaspoon unsweetened cocoa 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. 2. Cube sweet potatoes and Yield: 4 to 6 servings place in a large bowl. Add 1 tablespoon of the juice from 3 sweet potatoes the beans, salt and paprika, 2 tablespoons olive oil Per serving: 300 calories; 17 g and toss to coat. Scatter in 1/2 teaspoon salt fat; 11 g saturated fat; 46 mg single layer on a baking sheet. Pepper cholesterol; 2 g protein; 36 g Roast for 20 minutes and set 2 tablespoons Parmesan carbohydrate; 14 g sugar; 4 g aside to cool. cheese, fi nely grated fi ber; 861 mg sodium; 47 mg 3. Add oil to a large Dutch calcium oven over medium-high heat. 1. Preheat oven to 425 de- Add onion and red bell pep- — Recipe from “Dining In” by grees. Peel sweet potatoes and per, and sauté until softened, Christian Gooden/St. Louis Post-Dispatch-TNS Alison Roman cut into 1 1/2-inch chunks. In a about 3 to 5 minutes. large bowl, toss sweet potatoes Parmesan sweet potatoes. 4. Stir in garlic, jalapeño if with oil, salt and a generous using, chili powder, cumin and amount of pepper. Spread in a oregano. Cook 3 minutes, stir- warm or cold. single layer on a baking sheet. ring often. than ordinary pumpkin pies 2. Bake 15 minutes, fl ip are the other ingredients. 5. Add tomatoes, water, sweet potatoes and cook until cornmeal, sweetener and Along with the heavy cream Per serving: 484 calories; 22 g Yield: 6 servings brown and tender, 10 minutes. cocoa. Bring to a simmer and and eggs, this pie also benefi ts fat; 11 g saturated fat; 106 mg Sprinkle with Parmesan. Cook cook 30 minutes, stirring oc- cholesterol; 6 g protein; 67 g from brown sugar and bour- under broiler until the cheese 2 pounds sweet carbohydrate; 42 g sugar; 4 g casionally. bon. These additions bring a has melted, 1 to 2 minutes. potatoes, peeled fi ber; 476 mg sodium; 84 mg 6. Drain and rinse black rich and round depth to the 2 tablespoons olive oil beans; add to chili. Add pie. It is a fl avor-forward des- calcium Per serving (based on 4): 156 1 teaspoon garlic powder roasted sweet potatoes and sert, where the ingredients all calories; 7 g fat; 11 g satu- — Adapted from “My Beverly 1 teaspoon paprika taste for seasoning; add salt as act in harmony to bring color rated fat; 2 mg cholesterol; 2 Hills Kitchen” by Alex Hitz 1 teaspoon salt needed. and emphasis to the sweet g protein; 20 g carbohydrate; 1/2 teaspoon black pepper potato at the heart of it all. 4 g sugar; 3 g fi ber; 387 mg Per serving (based on 8): 282 sodium; 63 mg calcium 1. Line 2 rimmed baking calories; 2 g fat; 2 g saturated sheets with parchment paper fat; no cholesterol; 10 g protein; Yield: 8 servings and place in oven. Preheat — Adapted from a recipe by 55 g carbohydrate; 12 g sugar; oven (with baking sheets in Kelli Foster in thekitchn.com 15 g fi ber; 12 mg sodium; 120 them) to 400 degrees. 1 pie crust mg calcium Yield: 4 servings 2. Cut the sweet potatoes 1 1/2 pounds sweet potatoes into sticks 1/4- to 1/2-inch wide 1 cup heavy cream — Adapted from a recipe and 3 inches long, and toss 1/2 cup brown sugar 4 small to medium sweet by Chuck Underwood in Yield: 8 to 10 servings them with the oil. 1/2 cup good maple syrup potatoes, scrubbed Brandnewvegan.com 1/2 cup granulated sugar 6 tablespoons (3/4 stick) butter 5 tablespoons salted 1 teaspoon crushed red Presented By butter, melted pepper fl akes 3 eggs beaten 2 tablespoons honey 1/4 cup bourbon 1 tablespoon white 1/2 teaspoon ground wine vinegar or apple cinnamon cider vinegar 3/4 teaspoon salt Salt and pepper 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg Flaky sea salt 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves 1/8 teaspoon ground 1. Preheat oven to 425 black pepper degrees. 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger 2. Poke each sweet potato all over with a fork and place 1. Preheat oven to 350 directly on the oven rack. Roast degrees. Place pie crust in a until they are impossibly ten- 9-inch pan and poke holes der, with bits of sweet potato all over with a fork. Line with sugar caramelizing in the spot aluminum foil or parchment they’ve been poked, 60 to 80 paper, weight down with pie minutes. weights or dried beans and 3. Meanwhile, melt the but- bake until edges just begin to ter in a small pot over medium turn golden brown, about 15 to heat, swirling the pan until ST 18 minutes. Remove weights the butter starts to bubble and and lining, and cool thoroughly brown, about 5 minutes. Add to room temperature. the honey, vinegar and red !&!+Ɛѵ҄ƐѶķƑƏƑƐ FREE VIRTUAL EVENT 2. Raise oven temperature to pepper fl akes, and season 425 degrees. Place sweet pota- with salt and pepper. Remove !;]bv|;u|o-‚;m7|_;;vঞ1b7; toes on a baking sheet, pierce from the heat and set aside all over with a fork and roast (this sauce can be made up "-=;|‹";lbm-u=ou"u;7b|v for 1 hour. Remove them from to 5 days in advance and kept the oven, peel and place in a refrigerated; rewarm in a small †ѴѴƒŊ -‹Ѵbm;Ŋ†ro=7†1-ঞom-Ѵ(b7;ovşt†brl;m| ;lov large mixing bowl. Mash with pot before using). a potato masher. Lower oven 4. Once the sweet potatoes • Soil Health presented by Dr. Jimz • LIVE Oregon FFA Roundtable temperature to 325 degrees. are out of the oven, slit them • Preserve your Financial Legacy Ŏt†brl;m| ;lomv|u-ঞomv 3. Add the cream, brown down the middle. Warm up the presented by Equilus Financial presented by Kubota sugar, maple syrup, granulated browned butter mixture and • 1st-Ever Hydroelectric Mover • Beekeeping 101, Chick Cahat & sugar, melted butter, eggs, pour over the sweet potatoes presented by‹7uo"b7;"‹v|;lv †|ubঞom‰b|_†|u;m-presented by bourbon, cinnamon, salt, nut- (alternatively, scoop the fl esh Ŏt†brl;m| ;lomv|u-ঞomvpresented Coastal Farm & Ranch meg, cloves, pepper and ginger byubl$u-1|ouĶoѲ|]"‹v|;lvĶ • Metal Buildings for Agriculture to the mashed sweet potatoes o;uY;u$u-1|ouvĶŝ-1_bm; presented by-1bC1†bѲ7bm]"‹v|;lv and stir well to combine. Pour into the prebaked pie shell (you may have some fi lling left For All your over). Bake 50 minutes. Serve PARMESAN SWEET POTATOES OVEN-BAKED SWEET POTATO FRIES SWEET POTATO PIE FAMILY OWNED ROASTED SWEET POTATOES WITH HOT HONEY BROWNED BUTTER VEGAN SWEET POTATO CHILI 51 Annual Northwest Ag Show Meat processing needs Exhibitor Showcase Equipment Showcase REGISTER TODAY AT Baker County CUSTOM MEATS 215 Elm Street La Grande (541) 963-5440 northwestfurnitureandmattress.com 2390 11th Street Baker City OR. Owners Del & Jana Woodcock ENTER TO WIN N ŪƔƏƏ"$ $! Agri-Business Showcase Learning Center NorthwestAgShow.com Major Sponsors "blrѴ‹u;]bv|;u|o-‚;m7 at NorthwestAgShow.com NorthwestAgShow.com | 800-882-6789 | #NWAGShow