5 Thursday, November 19, 2020 GO! magazine — A&E in Northeast Oregon LA GRANDE SOROPTIMIST FESTIVAL OF TREES Chris Baxter/ The Observer, FIle Festival of Trees Soroptimist member Marilyn Fallow, right, and Linda Whittemore examine one of the decorated Christmas trees up for bid during the 2007 Festival of Trees’ gala and live auction. ONLINE AUCTION OFFERS HOLIDAY SHOPPING & A PERSONAL DECORATOR By Dick Mason The Observer Montana, conducted previously this year, Larsen- Hill said. The La Grande chapter contracted with Auctria, an online auction company, to create the upcoming virtual event. “This platform will be very interactive for our bidders,” Rollins said. “As soon as you place your bid it pops up, and when someone outbids you, you immediately receive an email and a text message so you can place a new bid anytime during that week.” Bidders must register for the online auction by going to Charityauction.bid/FestivalofTrees2020 or www.auctria.com/auction/FestivalofTrees2020. Net profi ts will go toward the La Grande So- roptimist EOU Scholarship and Live Your Dream Awards for 2021. Past Soroptimist scholarship win- ners will be featured in imbedded videos through- out the online auction. For more information call Rollins at 541-910- 5511 or Larsen-Hill at 541-963-5341 or send an email to FestivalofTrees2020@gmail.com. LA GRANDE — La Grande’s annual Festival of Trees began in 1987, the same year 800,000 people gathered at the Golden Gate Bridge in San Fran- cisco to celebrate the span’s 50th anniversary. Such a gathering would be impossible today during the COVID-19 pandemic, and so would a traditional Festival of Trees event, which in the past has regularly attracted close to 1,000 people. Yet fans of the annual celebration can relax. Soroptimist International of La Grande is moving its fundraiser online for 2020. There will not be in-person viewing of decorated trees, a gala or live auction, but people will be able to purchase Christmas baskets and other holiday items to raise money for the charitable organiza- tion, which supports women and girls of the com- munity. The online auction will run from Dec. 6 at 1 p.m. to Dec. 12 at 5 p.m. “We had to think outside the box due to COVID-19. It is important that we are sensitive to the restric- tions and health of our community,” Soroptimist member Shayla Rollins said in a press release. The Festival of Trees has raised more than $600,000 for community projects during its history, accord- ing to Di Lyn Larsen-Hill, also with the group. A high percentage of the Hours: • Christmas Items funds have come from the auction • Disposable Tues - Sat. of decorated Christmas trees at the annual holiday festival. Masks • Diapers 9:30 AM White decorated trees will not be • Toys • Misc. to sold at this year’s online auction, the services of a tree decorator will 6:00 PM • Household Items be. The tree decorator, a Soroptimist Come see our International member, will bring ever changing lights and ornaments to the home Inventory of the winning bidder and decorate their Christmas tree. Soroptimist International of A Little of This & That La Grande is modeling its online 2013 1st Street • Baker City • 503-477-3398 auction after a successful one the facebook.com/ALOTTBargains ALOTTBargains@outlook.com Soroptimist chapter in Hamilton, ALOTT Bargains Dick Mason/ The Observer People check out the decorated Christmas trees up for auction at the 2019 Festival of Trees. Due to the pandemic, this year’s fund- raising event will be virtual. Open Thanksgiving Day from 11 AM -5 PM Take Out Orders Only: 541-856-3639 TURKEY, SMOKED BRISKET, HAM, PRIME RIB, SHRIMP, MAC AND CHEESE, AND ALL TRADITIONAL SIDES AND DESSERT Annual Steakhouse Thanksgiving Dinner OPEN 11:00 AM TO 5:00 PM 10 miles north of Baker City on Hwy 30 in Haines, Oregon 541-856-3639 • www.hainessteakhouse.com