6 Thursday, October 15, 2020 GO! magazine — A&E in Northeast Oregon ‘WE CAME BY BOXCAR’ history of Maxville celebrated at virtual gala JOSEPH — The Maxville Heri- tage Interpretive Center in Joseph will present a virtual gala and live performance, “We Came by Boxcar,” Saturday, Oct. 24. The event will take the audi- ence on “a journey through timber culture and heritage,” according to the press release, that explores “the untold stories of one of Oregon’s Black and multicultural logging communities.” In its heyday, between 1924 and 1933, Maxville, about 13 miles north of Wallowa, was the largest town in Wallowa County. Unlike most timber towns in the Pacific Northwest, it was home to Afri- can American loggers and white loggers who worked side by side felling timber. In the early 1920s, the loggers and their families came to Maxville from the South and the Midwest in search of work. The Bowman-Hicks Lumber Company, which owned the town at that time, brought the Black workers and their families to Maxville even though Oregon’s exclusion laws prohibited “free Negroes” from moving to the state to live and work. Economic conditions, especially the Great Depression and conse- quent downturn in the lumber market, led to Maxville’s decline. In 1933 the Bowman-Hicks Lumber Company closed its operations, and Maxville eventually became a ghost town. Decades later, the children and grandchildren of the original log- ging families began researching the history of the town and uncover- ing the stories of their ancestors. This effort led to the founding of the Maxville Heritage Interpretive Center. To find out more about the center and the virtual event, go to www. maxvilleheritage.org or the center’s Facebook page. “I Don’t Want To Lose Weight Safely, Healthfully, And Rapidly,” ...Said No One, Ever! If you’d like to lose weight gained over the past few months—Or 10 to 150+ pounds that you’ve struggled to lose for some time, come see us. “We continue to help of men, women, and adolescents lose 10 to 150+ pounds—safely, healthfully, and rapidly. If you struggle to lose weight and keep it off, we’d love to help you too.” James R. Kopp, MD, MBA James R. Kopp, MD Weight Loss Physician —Dr. Kopp Weight Loss Physician What people who MetTrim Say Matt S, Yelp Review: “I lost 50 pounds, in 12 weeks.”* Rachel R, Facebook Review: “I lost 30 pounds, in 9 weeks.”* Jacki L, Google Review: “I lost 16.6 pounds, in 4 weeks.”* Call 541-963-9843 Or visit MettrimMD.com/LaGrandeOR to Schedule your Free No-obligation Consultation MetTrimMD La Grande 907 Washington Ave, La Grande, OR 97824 MetTrimMD.com/LaGrandeOR | 541-963-9843 Loggers pose for a photo near Maxville in Wallowa County (circa 1920-1933). The Maxville Heritage Interpretive Center in Joseph seeks to uncover and preserve the stories behind photos such as this. *Personalized plans. Compliance required. Individual results vary.