2 Thursday, October 15, 2020 GO! magazine — A&E in Northeast Oregon COVER STORY — EASTERN OREGON FILM FESTIVAL EOFF REACHES OUT WITH VIRTUAL FESTIVAL By Sabrina Thompson and Lisa Lester Kelly EO Media Group LA GRANDE — The annual Eastern Oregon Film Festival in La Grande will be completely online for the Oct. 22-24 event. The weekend-long festival in October has operated in venues downtown, but due to coronavirus regulations this year’s fi lms will be available for viewing only on small screens. “EOFF joins a trend that we are all becoming more accustomed to — virtual cinema,” festival organizers stated in a press release. “Working with Eventive, an event management platform, EOFF now has the means to deliver this year’s pro- gram to our growing audience in their homes, but also the potential to reach far more audience mem- bers than ever before.” EOFF 2020 received more than 120 submissions, which the fi lm festival’s selection committee nar- rowed down to a baker’s dozen of features and more than 30 short fi lms. The festival also will feature a musical lineup and special key- note event. According to the festival’s direc- tor, Christopher Jennings, cancel- ing the 2020 festival was not an option: “We are not ones to give up easily and throw in the towel.” The reasons behind the decision to go on despite the pandemic are many. Jennings said that includes respecting the time and money fi lmmakers have put into their projects. Additionally, he believes the festival has elevated the region’s arts scene and he will do all he can to ensure the event has a long future. “If we stopped it would be easy not to pick it up again,” Jennings said. “We want to keep our name and the event in people’s minds. It is something people from all over have come to look forward to.” This fall the Eastern Oregon Film Festival will celebrate its 11th year of independent fi lm and music programming — while the festival will be conducted virtually, it will remain a collective experience. “We will still have a hub for the festival,” Jennings said. “A place for people to come together to discuss the fi lm, ask questions and talk to the people who make them.” View the offi cial festival trailer, access the EOFF 2020 guide and purchase passes and tickets at www.eofi lmfest.com. Eastern Oregon Film Festival 2020 selections Short fi lms / directors In the Same Direction: Jeff Pifher & Socrates’ Trial — Alexander Craven Lloyd Loses Everything — Aris Athanasopoulos Love Birds — Ashley Mosher Marisa Anderson: Pure Form — Claudia Meza Other Side of the Hill — James Parker Promises to the Future — Catalina Giraldo Reclamation: The Rise at Standing Rock — Michele Noble Remember When — Paola Ossa That’s Hollywood Baby — Jeff Ryan Cheap Seats — Brittany Reeber The Deepest Hole — Matt McCormick The Oceans are the Real Conti- nents/ Los Océanos son Los Ver- daderos Continentes — Tommaso Santambrogio The Other Border — Justin Zimmerman Tired Eyes — Ryan Martin Brown Town Girl — Chris A. Crowley A Good Man — Anthony Gainer A Lark and a Swallow — Parker Winship Aida (In Between) — Christopher W. Graham Another Day — Sommer Martin Barney — Colin Earner Bite the Hand — Nolan Wilson Goff Black Bear — Peter Paton CENTURY: summer — Stephanie Hough Conspiracy Party — H. Nelson Tracey Dafa Metti (Diffi cult) — Tal Amiran Dispatches from the Vietnam War: Beer, Bunkers and Typewriters — Keith Lane Down on Our Luck — Paul K. Oh Friends Like That — Francesca de Fusco Ghost Moves — Sebastian Karantonis Immortal — Robert Allaire / Natalie Metzger Still running unsupported Windows 7? We’ll help you avoid critical issues by installing Windows 10! PICK’N PATCH OPEN! Where: Corner of Booth Lane and Lower Cove Road When: Friday and Saturday: 9am-6pm Sunday: 10am-4pm Monday-Thursday: By appointment What you will find: Small corn maze, several varieties of pumpkins and gourds, straw bales, corn stalks. If you would like to schedule a school field trip or other event, please call the number listed below. Like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ PickNPatchFarm farmkidsatoregonwireless.net Please call Tribute City — Marlena Williams Trust — Santiago Calogero Wild Heart 1981 / 2020 — Zach Dorn Feature fi lms / directors A Dim Valley — Brandon Colvin A Life’s Work — David Licata Blood Moon — Vikram Dhawan From My River, with Love — Zach Stoltzfus I Blame Society — Gillian Wallace Horvat Last Call for Tomorrow — Gary Null / Valerie Van Cleve Life in Synchro — Angela Pinaglia RAF — Harry Cepka Revolution Launderette — Mark Chua / Lam Li Shuen Ten Minutes to Midnight — Erik Bloomquist The Long Breakup — Katya Soldak The Lure of this Land — Alexandra A. Lexton Toprak — Sevgi Hirschhäuser Computer not running as fast as when it was new? Let us install lightning-fast solid state drive! 541-786-2421 WEEKEND OUTLOOK FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY High 69 Low 43 High 70 Low 39 High 68 Low 32 Sunny and warmer Partly sunny Clearing