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About Baker City herald. (Baker City, Or.) 1990-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 2020)
Thursday, sepTember 10, 2020 The ObserVer & baKer CITy heraLd — 3B 115 Community Calendar 470 Baker County Garage Sales PINOCHLE Fridays at 6:30 p.m. Senior Center 2810 Cedar St. Public is welcome ALL ADS FOR: GARAGE SALES, MOVING SALES, YARD SALES, must be PREPAID to the Baker City Herald or La Grande Observer Kiwanis Club of Baker City Tuesday at 12:00 PM Sunrige Inn Restaurant 1 Sunridge Lane For more information call: (541) 523-6027 POWDER RIVER SPORTSMAN’S CLUB Meets 1st Tuesday of every month 8th & Broadway, Baker City 6 PM - Pistolettes 7 PM - Regular Membership VETERANS of FOREIGN WARS POST 3048 MONTHLY MEETING 2nd Thurs. of the month Post & Auxilary meet at 6:30 p.m. at Vets Club 2005 Valley Ave., Baker City 541-523-4988 541-523-6841 606 Apartment Rentals Union Co Close to Downtown & EOU Studio, most utilities paid. No smoking/No pets, coin-op laun- dry. $400/mo, $350 dep. 541- 910-3696. Garage Sale Fri., 12pm-3pm, Sat., 9am-2pm. 1810 3rd St., LG. Mutli-Family Sale. Fishing, reloader, air compres- sor, tools, mini quad, house- hold. Lots of goods. 60845 Stackland Road, Cove. Sept. 11 and Sept 12 9 am Catholic Church Corner of “K” & “L” on 4th St Sat., Sept 12th; 8 AM - 2 PM 470 Baker County Garage Sales 2-FAMILY YARD SALE 2955 Walnut St. Fri., 9/11; 8 am - 2 pm Sat., 9/12; 8 am - 12 pm • 1 BD/1 Bath APT (LG) Check out our classified ads. Multi-Family Garage Sale, Sat & Sun., 8am-3pm. Closing down a storage container. Fur- niture, kid stuff, baseball cards, housewares, trunks, tools, tires, baby stuff. A little bit of every- thing and a whole lot of stuff we can live without. 2409 East H Ave, across from the Pepsi plant, La Grande. BEST FRIENDS of BAKER RESCUED TREASURES 2950 Church St. ∙ Baker City FRI., 9/6 & SAT., 9/7 8 AM -2 PM ∙ CLOTHES - 10 FOR $1.00 ∙ FILL A BAG FOR $1.00 ∙ 10% OFF $10.00 (Excludes jewelry, display case items, antiques & items that do not fit in a bag) We accept debit, credit, cash & checks! Saint Alphonsus is hiring at our Baker City hospital! For information call: 523-6316: ..... Days 523-4807: Evenings ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ Security Fenced Coded Entry Lighted For Your Protection 6 Different Size Units Lots of RV Storage We are Seeking: ∙ CNA, Ortho Med Surg (FT) ∙ RN, Med Surg (FT) ∙ RN, Clinical Coordinator (FT & PT) ∙ LPN/Medical Assistant - Rheumatology ∙ Patient Access Specialist A LITTLE AD GOES A LONG WAY Who says ads have to be big to work? A little one can get a big job done. Apply Online: saintalphonsus Baker City , OR. (208)761-2752 Deseria.Buscher@ 41298 Chico Rd., Baker City Off Pocahontas 541-523-9050 664 Services No need to travel all over town to look for garage sales ... you'll find them listed right here in classi- fied. 664 Services 664 Services 615 Houses for Rent Union Co Outside of Union, 2 Bed, 1 bath house, $1000/month. 541- 562-5870 DELTA EPSILON ANNUAL YARD SALE, SEPT. 12, 8am-4pm, Union County Fair Grounds. •MASKS REQUIRED• Proceeds always go to local charities. Accepting Applications for 3 Bd, 2 bath w/carport. Gas heat. No pets, No smoking. $1350/ month, $800 security deposit. Call 541-786-2364 or 541-963- 5320 and leave message. 204 Automobiles BLOW OUT LABOR DAY SALE 653 Help Wanted Baker Co. 204 Automobiles Visit for our most current offers and to browse our complete inventory. All proceeds benefit the animals of Baker County 1415 Adams Ave • 541-963-4161 UNION WALLOWA BAKER COUNTIES To advertise in the Business Directory call: 541-963-3161, Union-Wallowa County or 541-523-3673, Baker County ALTERATIONS C & H Cleaning Industries DRY CLEANING Need it Cleaned • Pressed • Starched We can do that! M-Th 11-4:30 • F 11-5:30 208 Chestnut • La Grande M-Th 11-4:30 • F 11-5:30 208 Chestnut • La Grande 541-963-9210 541-963-9210 APPLIANCES EXCAVATION 541-523-6284 M ichael 541-786-8463 M. Curtiss PN-7077A CCB# 183649 A C ertified A rborist ARBORIST CCB 63504 LCB 6271 Tony's Tree Service Free Evaluation for • Proper Trimming • Safety • Removal • Insect - Disease Control • Stump Grinding • Tree Replacement Licensed • Insured • 48 years experience LOCAL Tree Service 541-903-0480 Auto Marine Furniture ATV RV & Farm 2327 10th Baker City COMPUTERS - BAKER CITY/LA GRANDE Stay Safe & Be Vigilant. 1431 Adams Ave. La Grande 541-663-0724 D AVID G ENTRY ' S C USTOM P AINTING , LLC NSTRUCTION, LLC O C W A Featuring: • Roofing • Remodeling • Storage Sheds PRINTING Self Service Furniture & Mattress McELROY PRINTING, INC. “FAST, HIGH QUALITY PRINTING” 2216 Adams Ave., La Grande • 541-963-5851 Mon - Fri 9 am - 6 pm • Sat 10 am - 5 pm UPDATE WE WILL BE RE-OPENING but due to the safety of all concerned, we feel it necessary to delay that action for a little while longer, look forward to seeing you again. ROOFING FURNITURE Visit our showroom of bedroom, living room, dining, decor and mattresses RESALE CLOTHING PAINTING CCB#207675 All Kinds of Business and Personal Printing Carbonless Forms • Business Cards st” Envelopes & More Fir s y U “Tr 1920 Court Avenue, Baker City, OR 97814 (541) 523-2621 • Fences • & General Construction • Much More! Andy Wolfer 541-910-6609 CCB# 186113 SEWING THE SEWING LADY Linda Foersterling Sewing: Alterations • Mending • Zippers Custom Made Clothing 1609 Tenth St. Baker City 541-523-5327 HARDWARE PRINTING TREE SERVICE Thatcher's Ace Hardware & La Grande Ace Hardware 2200 Resort St. Baker 2212 Island Ave. ALL OFFSET COMMERCIAL PRINTING Executive Tree Care, Inc. 541-523-3371 541-605-0152 Paint-Plumbing-Tools & More! INSURANCE AUTO DETAILING Custom Upholstery 541-523-2859 541-403-1967 Cell Phone 541-519-2255 CCB: 219615 ARBORIST TERMAN’S C H ES Mike Voboril CCB#80969 Domestic Water System W Installation & Repair Motor Rewinding Irrigation Pumps Sales & Service • Interior • Exterior • Residential • Commercial • Special Finishes 2036 Main Street, Baker City 541-523-3708 MOTOR & PUMP REPAIR C & H Cleaning Industries We alter most any garment, specialize in mens & womens formal wear. Jay and Kristin Wilson – Owners PUBLIC TRANSIT MANAGER sought by Community Con- nection of Northeast Oregon, Inc.—a rare opportunity to de- liver a popular and growing ser- vice in Union County. We are willing to train the right person but a background in planning, in- terpreting regulations, program implementation, supervising staff, and managing a budget is desirable. Salary $4,222 - $6,009 per month depending on experience and qualifications. Full benefit package included. Complete job description and application available online at An application and resume are both required, and letters of recommendation are strongly encouraged. All applications/resumes must be returned in person or by mail to Community Connection Ad- ministration Office, 2802 Adams Ave. La Grande, Oregon 97850, or by email to All applications/resumes must be complete and received by Com- munity Connection by this date. Closes September 23, 2020 at 5:00pm. EOE For more information contact Ranch-N-Home at: Phone 541-963-5450 Email us at: Website: for more details NEW LOCATION! 4-FAMILY YARD SALE 44391 Old Wingville Rd. Fri., 9/11 & Sat., 9/12 9AM - 3PM Cash Only Classifieds get results. ∙ Mini-Warehaouse ∙ Outside Fenced Parking ∙ Reasonable Rates A Baker City Mini Storage On Site Manager RANCH N HOME RENTALS AVAILABLE: Professional seeks small, clean studio apartment, cabin, bunkhouse, or trailer for October- March. References. La Grande area, Oregon. 541-805-0139 3785 10th St. ∙ Baker City La Grande, OR 541-605-0430 (541)963-1210 634 Wanted to Rent STEVENSON STORAGE ABC STORESALL CENTURY 21 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT and Cimmaron & Kingsview Yard Sale, Corner of 4th & N La Grande . 8am-?. 2000 sq ft of 2x2 carpet squares, utili- ty trailer, animal trailer, paint sprayer, tools, antique radio, Country Comfort fireplace in- sert, women’s clothes and lots more. 307 RV Parts & Accessories 628 Storage Space 654 Help Wanted Union Co. A PLUS RENTALS has Storage Units Available. • 5x12 $30/mo • 8x8 $25-$35/mo *Plus Deposit* 1433 Madison Ave or 402 Elm St. LG 541-910-3696. 1800 sq ft Warehouse w/office & bathroom, overhead door & fenced lot. Available early Au- gust. $900/month. Mt Emily Property Mgmt. 541-962-1074 541-962-1074 CATHERINE CREEK PROPERTY MGMT 628 Storage Space LOCATED IN BAKER CITY Prime Office/Retail Space available for rent, $1,000/mo. 1435 Campbell St. Call: 541-523-4434 CLOSE TO EOU, 1 Bd, most utilities paid, coin-op laundry, No Smoking/No Pets. $450- $525/mo $400 dep. 541-910- 3696. 2 BIG YARD SALES 2007 Damen Daybreak, 32’ Motorhome. 2 slides, auto lev- eling, low miles, lots of storage, sleeps 7-8. $35k. 541-910-9455 PRO SERIES 5th Wheel Hitch 16K w/slider & base rails Used one season ∙ $425/Firm 541-786-6001 25 x 40 Shop, gas heat, roll up & walk-in doors, restroom. $450. 541-663-6188. Any condition! Men’s and Ladies Items $1 bag sale (ladies only) @ 11AM Please wear a mask & practice social distancing 301 RVs & Travel Trailers Chapter DK PEO Yard Sale. Sat., 8am-2pm. 62904 Fruit- dale Lane, LG. Outdoors. All proceeds go to scholarships for local students. I BUY HOUSES **CASH** 474 Union County Garage Sales 21 ft. 7 in. MIRAGE Cuddy cabin, porta potty, sink w/water pump, ski equip., trail- er and more! $19,950/OBO. 541-910-9070 619 Commercial Rental 503 Wanted to Buy GIGANTIC YARD SALE 3491 9th St. (Behind DMV) Fri. - Sun.; 9am - 4pm (Sunday, Most items 50% off) Camping Gear, Tools, Quilts, Bedding Galore! Furniture, Kitchen & Household appliances, Doll Houses, Flat Screen TV’s and so much more! 251 Boats for Sale 474 Union County Garage Sales Camera ready or we can set up for you. • Tabs Contact • Broadsheet The Observer • Full Color 541-963-3161 REAL ESTATE ccb 202271 20 yrs of full service tree care free estimates, hazardous removals, pruning & stump grinding Brian Walker, Arborist 541-432-8733 VETERAN SERVICES Anita Fager, Principal Broker GREGG HINRICHSEN INSURANCE AGENCY INC. GREGG HINRICHSEN, Agent 1722 Campbell Street Baker City, OR 97814-2148 Bus (541) 523-7778 Toll-free (800) 792-3276 LAWN EQUIPMENT See All RMLS Listings at 541-963-4174 10201 W. 1st St., Suite 2 La Grande, OR Cell 541-910-3393 RENTALS & PROPERTY MGMT. YARD CARE SERVICE OUTSTANDING COMPUTER REPAIR 541-297-5831 Text or Call 24/7 DALE BOGARDUS • MOBILE SERVICE Walker and Gravely Lawn Mowers, Maruyama Trimmers, BCS Tillers, Gravely Utility Vehicles, and more! We service all makes and models. 541.963.4985 • 10303 W 1st St. • Island City, OR 97850 CG Rentals & Property Mgmt., LLC Cheryl A Guzman, Owner 541-519-5807 PO Box 538 - 1133 Madison Baker City, OR 97814 Mowing -N- More s Lawn d Servicing La Grande, Cove, Imbler & Union d O & Jobs Marcus Wolfer Over 15,000 potential customers, 3 days a week. To advertise in the Business Directory call: 541-963-3161 Union-Wallowa County or 541-523-3673 - Baker County