2 Thursday, August 20, 2020 GO! magazine — A&E in Northeast Oregon Experience frontier history Powder River Music Review ■ Oregon Trail Center plans live performances in August BAKER CITY — Interpreter Mike Follin will bring his char- acter Dr. Balthasar to life this weekend at the National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center near Baker City. Dr. Balthasar’s Frontier Medi- cine Show is scheduled for Aug. 21-23, with shows at 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 2 p.m., and an eve- ning show Saturday at 6 p.m. Follin plays the snake oil sales- man Dr. Balthasar who claims he “can cure everything from a com- mon cold to a death of two weeks’ standing.” Also, ranger-led programming has resumed at the center with “Oregon Fever!” offering visitors deeper insight into the pioneer experience at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Thursdays through Sundays. On Saturdays a guided nature walk begins at 9 a.m. Susan Matley will be at the cen- ter Aug. 28-30 to portray Matilda Submitted photo Aug. 28-30, Susan Matley takes on the persona of Matilda Sager Delaney, who as a child survived the Whitman Mas- sacre. She also survived three marriages and eight children and became a business owner in Farmington, Washington. Sager Delaney, who survived the Whitman Massacre in 1847 and went on to live a long life in the West. Her shows are at 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 2 p.m., plus a 6 p.m. Saturday perfor- mance. While visiting the center, staff encour- ages visitors to fol- low Centers for Dis- ease Control and BAKER CITY — Brass Fire will by Sorbenots Coffee, Oregon Trail State of Oregon ElectricCooperative,Gray’sWest play Sunday, Aug. 23, as part of Submitted photo guidance to help PioneerChapelandOregonTrail thePowderRiverMusicReview Don’t be fooled by Dr. Balthasar — portrayed reduce the spread Motel & Restaurant. concert series in Baker City. by Mike Follin at the Oregon Trail Intrepretive of COVID-19. The audience is encouraged to The music starts at 4 p.m. at the Center this weekend — a snake oil salesman These measures who offers cures for all ailments. PowderRiverPavilioninGeiser follow all safety guidelines and stay include: PollmanPark. 6 feet apart from others who are and programs are free. •Practicesocialdistancingby Attendance is free. Raffl e tickets not in their immediate household. The center is located just out- maintaining 6 feet between you for a basket full of donated goods Bring your chairs or blankets. side Baker City. To get there, take and others. will be sold to support the concert. There is not enough seating at the Exit 302 from Interstate 84 onto •Wearclothfacecoverings Tickets are $5 each or $20 for 15. park. where social distancing is diffi cult Oregon Highway 86 eastbound for The concerts are made possible For updates on the concert series, (except for those who are younger 5 miles. For updates, visit www. inpartbyagrantfromUnionPa- checkPowderRiverMusicReview than 2 or have trouble breathing). oregontrail.blm.gov. cifi c Foundation and sponsorships on Facebook. •Washyourhandsoften.When outdoors, use hand sanitizer. •Coveryourmouthandnose BACK TO SCHOOL? when you cough or sneeze. A LIBRARY CARD is a must-have •Avoidtouchingyoureyes,nose for students. Access our online resources for research and or mouth. homework help! •Mostimportant,saysapress release, “stop the wagon train and stay at home if you don’t feel well.” FREE eBooks The National Historic Oregon AVAILABLE DAILY and audiobooks Trail Interpretive Center offers Thousands of titles Noon to midnight living history demonstrations, interpretive programs, exhibits, Unlimited # of sessions at NO CHARGE! multimedia presentations, special It’s PRE-PAID with your taxes. events and more than 4 miles of Access with interpretive trails. your Baker County Library Card Current hours of operation are from www.bakerlib.org/kids-teens Thursday-Sunday, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (open later on Saturdays for Explore the ONLINE LIBRARY at www.bakerlib.org 541.523.6419 info@bakerlib.org evening performances). Admission Brass Fire plays Sunday WEEKEND OUTLOOK FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY High 91 Low 54 High 85 Low 46 High 91 Low 50 Sunshine and warm Sunshine Periods of sun