LOCAL 6A — BAKER CITY HERALD PHASE 2 issue as summer approaches and organizers of local festi- Continued from Page 1A vals such as Miners Jubilee For instance, Bennett ponder whether to go ahead pointed out that the larger a with their events. building, the more people it The proposal reads: “If an can accommodate while social attendee cap is going to be distancing is maintained. considered, please consider The state’s current “one- making that cap higher for size-fi ts-all” approach, as outdoor events.” Bennett describes it, fails to Restaurants and bars were acknowledge those differ- allowed to resume on-site ences. The limit on gatherings dining during phase one, under phase one is 25 people. which Baker County started The county’s proposal also May 15. asks the governor to consider The county’s proposal for differences in the risk of virus phase two suggests allowing transmission between indoor restaurants and bars to in- and outdoor events — a key stall “high dividers, 5 or 6 feet LAWSUIT Continued from Page 1A That preliminary injunction, which the state Supreme Court temporarily stayed later on the same day Shirtcliff granted it, would “upend the Governor’s phased, data-driven process of reopening the state, threatening to squander the sacrifi ces that Oregonians have already made to keep one another safe,” Gutman wrote in his 42-page brief. “This is not a close case,” he wrote. “No reasonable jurist could conclude that a preliminary injunction is warranted in these circumstances.” Gutman noted that most Oregon counties, including Baker County, are in phase one of the state’s reopening plan, which relaxed some of the restrictions included in the governor’s executive orders. Gutman submitted the brief on Thursday, as requested by the Supreme Court. Attorneys for the plaintiffs and a group of intervenors, including Bill Harvey, Baker County Commis- sion chairman, have until June 2 to submit briefs defending Shirtcliff’s decision. At issue is the preliminary injunc- tion the judge granted. It temporarily prohibited the state from enforcing restrictions in Brown’s executive orders, including limits on the number of people in public gatherings, one of the main objections the plaintiffs, which include 10 churches, have cited. But the Oregon Supreme Court tall, between booths to create a barrier similar to plexiglass protectors at a cash register. This can allow more booths to safely be available.” The county is also asking the governor to allow res- taurants and bars to remain open until midnight — the current limit is 10 p.m. The proposal also calls for truck stop restaurants to “re- sume fl exible service hours, up to 24-hour service.” Under the heading “rec- reation and entertainment,” the county’s proposal calls for allowing theaters, bowling alleys and “similar venues” to later on May 18 issued a stay that temporarily stopped the prelimi- nary injunction from taking effect. That remains the case, and the governor’s executive orders continue to be in effect. Even if the Supreme Court rules in the governor’s favor and vacates Shirtcliff’s preliminary injunction, the lawsuit itself would continue, possibly leading to a trial in Baker County Circuit Court. The legal debate over the prelimi- nary injunction centers on two state laws — Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) chapters 401 and 433. Chapter 401, the law the governor cited in her initial emergency dec- laration on March 8, does not have any time limits on the emergency. The declaration can remain in effect until either the governor, or the Leg- islature, decides to terminate it. The Legislature has not convened since the pandemic started. Chapter 433 deals specifi cally with public health emergencies, and Brown has invoked the law in several of the executive orders she issued following the initial emer- gency declaration. Chapter 433 limits the duration of a public health emergency to 28 days. The plaintiffs contend — and Shirtcliff agreed in his decision granting the preliminary injunction — that by invoking chapter 433, Brown’s executive orders are subject to the 28-day limit. But Gutman, in his brief to the state Supreme Court, argues that Shirtcliff “erred in concluding that SATURDAY, MAY 30, 2020 reopen “where social distanc- ing between parties can be maintained.” The county also asks the governor to allow “guided raft trips, jet boat trips and simi- lar activities to resume even when social distancing cannot be maintained. If necessary, and in consultation with the industry, limit trips to parties who are together.” The county also proposes to open skate parks, and all campgrounds. Baker County’s Hewitt and Holcomb parks on Brownlee Reservoir near Richland are open, as are Idaho Power those statutes — ORS chapters 401 and 433 — confl ict with one another, and that the expiration provisions of chapter 433 effectively limit the duration of a state of emergency declared under chapter 401.” Gutman cites a clause in chapter 433 which states that nothing in that chapter “limits the authority of the Governor to declare a state of emergency” under chapter 401. Chapter 433 also states that if the governor declares a state of emer- gency under chapter 401 — as she did March 8 — she “may implement any action authorized” by chapter 433. The two statutes are not in confl ict, Gutman argues, but are instead complementary. “Contrary to the trial court’s conclusion, the two statutes do not confl ict; they give the Governor complementary powers in distinct if overlapping circumstances,” he wrote in the brief. “The text, context, and legislative history of chapter 433 show that the legis- lature did not intend to limit the Governor’s existing chapter 401 emergency powers.” Gutman argues that if the Legis- lature had intended, when it passed chapter 433, to limit the governor’s authority specifi cally during public health emergencies, then lawmak- ers likely would have also amended chapter 401 so that diseases would no longer qualify as emergencies under that law. But the Legislature didn’t do so — chapter 401, which the governor invoked in her initial emergency Company campgrounds in Hells Canyon. Some Oregon state park campgrounds opened Friday, and others are slated to open June 9. Forest Service and BLM campgrounds remain closed. Bennett said he’s confi dent Baker County will qualify for phase two. The state’s criteria include that a county has not had a “signifi cant increase in the percentage of positive cases out of total tests in your county over the past 7 days.” As of Friday, Baker County has had one confi rmed case of COVID-19. It was reported in early May. declaration, lists “disease” as one reason for such a declaration. Gutman also notes that “chapter 433 repeatedly cross-references chapter 401, underscoring that the statutes were meant to harmonize rather than confl ict.” Gutman goes on to cite state- ments by legislators in 2003 when they were considering chapter 433. The record shows, Gutman argues, that lawmakers did not intend chapter 433 to limit the governor’s powers under chapter 401. Gutman includes in his brief a quote from the state’s public health offi cer who stated that an argu- ment could be made that chapter 401, which dates to 1949, gives the governor the authority to take all the actions listed in chapter 433, and more. “The legislature included a time limit on chapter 433 declarations because it understood that if a more prolonged response were required, the Governor could declare an emergency under chapter 401 and exercise the greater powers autho- rized under that statute,” Gutman wrote in his brief. Gutman also argues that the 28-day time limit in chapter 433 applies only to the governor’s proclamation of a public health emergency, but not on the actions, such as restricting businesses and the movement of residents, that the governor is authorized to take under that law. Gutman contends that Shirt- cliff should not have granted the preliminary injunction because the “We’re in good shape,” Ben- nett said. The county submitted its application for phase two ap- proval to the state on Friday. State offi cials have not announced specifi c changes in restrictions during phase two. The state asked counties to offer suggestions, which prompted Baker County to craft its proposal. The proposal also urges the governor to consider creat- ing a “phase 2A” that would further ease restrictions in counties, possibly including reopening swimming pools and playgrounds. plaintiffs’ request for that action doesn’t satisfy the legal require- ments, including a “balance of harms” and whether the injunction is in the public interest. Gutman argues in the brief that both the balance of harms and the public interest “overwhelmingly weigh against an injunction dis- rupting the state’s ongoing effort to contain the COVID-19 pandemic.” “The threat to the public health caused by suddenly lifting the executive orders overwhelms any harm that plaintiffs and interve- nors will suffer from following those orders for now,” Gutman writes. Although the issue of the pre- liminary injunction doesn’t directly involve the plaintiffs’ freedom of religion under the Oregon Consti- tution, the lawsuit does mention both the state and federal consti- tutional guarantees of religious freedom. In his brief, Gutman contends that the governor’s executive orders do not violate the plaintiffs’ rights because the orders “treat faith-based gatherings the same as non-faith-based gatherings that implicate the same public-health concerns. They are neutral laws of general applicability that do not target religion for unfavorable treatment. Faith-based gatherings, just as much as non-faith-based gatherings, pose a high risk of spreading the virus that causes COVID-19, and all those gather- ings need to observe reasonable social distancing measures to slow the pandemic.” [ RESPOND RECOVER REBUILD ] In rapid response to COVID-19, Oregon Community Foundation and its partners have already deployed over $13.3 Million in emergency grants to nonprofi ts on the front lines of emergency response, as well as funding to small business lenders and bridge funding to arts nonprofi ts. See the impact of these funds in communities across the state at oregoncf.org/COVID, and please consider a donation. We’re all in this together, Oregon. Let’s take care of each other. A S O F M AY 5: $14.3M DONATIONS | $13.3M IN GRANTS TO 508 NONPROFITS O R E G O N C F.O R G /C O V I D : R E A D I M PA C T S T O R I E S | LEARN FACTS | DONATE O R E G O N C F.O R G / C O V I D