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About Baker City herald. (Baker City, Or.) 1990-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 2019)
LOCAL & STATE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2019 BAKER CITY HERALD — 5A ‘Real ID’ could cause travel trouble School board to By Sam Stites Oregon Capital Bureau If you’ve fl own from Port- land International Airport within the past couple of weeks you’ve probably received a warning from Transportation Security Administration agents while waiting to get through security: Beginning Oct. 1, 2020, they’ll no longer accept state-issued identifi cation that doesn’t comply with “Real ID” standards. That news surprised one Oregonian catching an early morning fl ight to Chicago this month. She explained to the TSA agent that she knew about the change and had ob- tained a new Oregon driver’s license the previous week. So, she told him, she’s ready for the new law. Except, the TSA agent told her, she’s not. That’s because Oregon’s Driver and Motor Vehicle Divi- sion offi ces won’t issue licenses that comply with the Real ID standards until July 2020 (the new licenses will have a star in the upper right corner). “So I have to get a new license in July?” the woman asked. The agent asked: Does she have a valid passport? She does. So, the agent told her that document will work. The woman was relieved, but wondered aloud, “How did this happen? It makes no sense.” Incompatible computers The saga began when Con- gress passed the Real ID Act of 2005. On the recommenda- tion of the 9/11 Commission, federal lawmakers created a set of standards for the issu- ance of sources of identifi ca- tion like driver’s licenses. To understand why Oregon is in this predicament, you have to go back to 2009 when the Legislature passed Sen- Pamplin Media Group fi le photo TSA agents are warning Oregon travelers that they will have to have a Real ID-compliant driver’s license by October 2020 or they won’t be able to fl y. ate Bill 536, legislation that balked at the Real ID Act, calling it out as an unfunded mandate. Oregon lawmakers were unhappy that the federal government didn’t outline how it would reimburse the state for updating driver informa- tion systems. Oregon lawmak- ers also felt a new system would provide few security protections, leaving identifi ca- tion systems open to insider fraud, counterfeit documenta- tion and database failures. The bill passed with little opposition, and the federal government pushed back the deadline as Oregon and nearly almost all other states refused to comply. During the next decade, the federal Department of Homeland Security began rolling out the law in phases, fi rst at its own Washington, D.C., headquar- ters, then at nuclear facilities across the country. Air travel requirements were rolled out beginning Jan. 22, 2018. Ahead of the deadline, most states began changing their systems, which included im- plementation of massive new data servers to keep identifi - cation information secure. The system was used to instantly verify documentation, such as birth certifi cates, passports, Social Security numbers and residential addresses. Driver and Motor Vehicles Services spokesman David House said Real ID compli- ance continued to come up in Oregon’s legislative process each year. One obstacle to the state’s participation was technology. ODOT’s system was running on millions of lines of primitive code inside an old mainframe computer. House said it could have been updated to handle the new info required for Real ID compliance, but the half- century-old system “is simply incompatible with modern technology.” In 2015, ODOT began updating its information system. Two years later, the Legislature approved a bill to authorize Real ID compli- ance. Instead of starting a new information technology project to become compliant, the state signed a $69.4 mil- lion contract with Colorado’s Fast Enterprises, which also handled system changes for Massachusetts and Min- nesota, to tack on creation of a new driver information system to ODOT’s project already underway. Only Oklahoma, New Jersey and Oregon have yet discuss new bond measure to comply with Real ID stan- dards. While ODOT awaits arrival of its new data system in July 2020, the agency is using the interim to warn travelers not to wait if they plan to fl y after Oct. 1, 2020. Two weeks ago, ODOT and TSA offi cials spoke to report- ers at Portland International Airport, where they encour- aged frequent fl yers to ac- quire passports so they’re not snagged in the anticipated long DMV lines, as people try to get new licenses to meet security requirements. By Chris Collins The Baker School Board has rescheduled its October meeting for Monday. The group will first meet at the District bus barn at 2990 D Street at 5 p.m. to tour the building and to look at the upgrades made this summer. The Board next will gather at City Hall to meet in ex- ecutive (closed to the public) session beginning at 5:40 p.m. The public meeting will begin at 6 p.m. Both meetings will convene in the Council chambers at Baker City Hall, 1655 First St. The closed session has been scheduled, as allowed by Oregon law, to conduct deliberations with those designat- ed by the Board to negotiate property transactions. The Board is scheduled to act on the property transac- tion later during the open meeting. Another matter the Board will take action on Monday night is a recommendation from members of a committee that has been reviewing a bond proposal to send to Dis- trict voters in May 2020. Committee members will pres- ent their findings about how the District should proceed to fund necessary school improvements. The Board also is expected to act on a proposal from Baker City resident Peter Fargo, who will speak about plans to create a Baker City Quiet Zone. As it does during most meetings, the Board will recog- nize two students as the District’s Promise Students of the Month. This month’s honored students are Amira Herrera of Brooklyn Primary School and Kale Cassidy of Baker High School. Kim Mosier, one of the founders of the Baker Valley Education Foundation, will update the Board on the orga- nization’s activities during the open session. The Board also will review personnel changes: • Shannon Streeter has been hired as a fiscal assistant in the District Office. Streeter resigned from her position as Brooklyn secretary to take the new job. • Darcie Kirkwood has resigned as a paraprofessional at South Baker Intermediate School. • Classified new hires — James Billings, Brooklyn paraprofessional; Kevin Lee, clinical paraprofessional in the Behavioral Education Social Skills Teaching (BESST) program at Brooklyn; Tala Yencopal, prekindergarten paraprofessional at Haines Elementary; Rebecca Hurley and Steve Palmer, bus drivers. • Extra-duty new hires are Morgan Colvin and Ami Livingston, Friday Academy teachers; Silas Turner coun- seling coordinator; Chris Wittich, Esports coach; Karla Shute, Friday Academy cook at Brooklyn; and Gina Ben- nett, temporary Baker Early Learning Center (BELC) planning coordinator. Do I really need to get a passport? If you don’t fl y, work at a nuclear power plant or need access to secure federal facili- ties, you don’t need identifi ca- tion that complies with the federal Real ID Act. But if you plan on fl ying — do- mestic or international — in the latter part of 2020, you should probably think about getting a passport. At least that’s what Trans- portation Security Adminis- tration and Oregon’s De- partment of Transportation advise travelers to do ahead of what is expected to be a wave of Oregon drivers lining up to get new identifi cation when it becomes available next July. Outside of county offi ces, some cities have their own passport services within city hall. Lake Oswego, for example, has staff trained to accept applications for passports. One tip offered by Lake Oswego Administrative Sup- port Assistant Chloe Busch: U.S. passport cards ($65 with fees), which offer entry into Mexico and Canada, comply with Real ID standards and are less expensive than a standard U.S. passport book ($145 with fees). Baker County Baker United Methodist Church FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday Worship Casual Service: 8:30 AM Traditional Service: 10 AM 1919 2nd Street, Baker City 541-523-4201 Sunday Worship Service 10:30 AM 1995 4th Street, Baker City 541-523-5201 Third & Broadway 541-523-3891 Sundays 10 AM Service & Children's Church Thursdays 5:30-6:15 pm Free Community Dinner Celebrate Recovery Classes start at 6:15 pm Sunday Service 11:00 am 3rd & Washington, Baker City 541-523-5911 Elkhorn Baptist Church Sunday School 10 am Morning Worship 11 am Evening Worship 6 pm Discovery Kids Worship 6:30 pm 3520 Birch St, Baker City 541-523-4332 SAINT ALPHONSUS HOSPITAL CHAPEL New Beginnings Fellowship & HARVEST CHRISTIAN ACADEMY (Preschool-12 Grade) Harvest Cafe 9:15 am Morning Worship 10:10 am 3720 Birch St, Baker City 541-523-4233 Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 AM Sunday Evening 6 PM Weds Service 7 PM Zan & Dawn Coen The first Sunday of each month is Mission Breakfast. Donations and non-perishable dona- tions for NEOCC are accepted. 1820 Estes, Baker City 541- 524-1394 AGAPE CHRISTIAN CENTER SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Open to all patients, family and friends for reflection and prayer. Sunday Services 10:00 am & 6:30 pm St. Alphonsus Hospital in Baker City South Highway 7, Baker City 541-523-6586 Saturday Worship 11:00 am 17th & Pocahontas, Baker City 541-523-4913 THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday Service 11 AM 1734 Third Street, Baker City 541-523-3922 St. Francis De Sales Cathedral Daily Masses: M, T, Th, F 9 am Day Chapel in Cathedral Wed Daily Mass 9 am at St. Alphonsus Chapel Sat 8 am at Day Chapel Baker City Saturday Mass 6 pm Baker City Sunday Mass 9:30 am St. Therese in Halfway 2 pm Sat St. Anthony's in North Powder 11:30 Sun 541-523-4521 Corner of First & Church, Baker City Sunday Worship 9:45 AM Baker City 1st Ward Sacrament Meeting 9 AM Pastor Troy Teeter Baker City 2nd Ward Sacrament Meeting 10:30 1250 Hughes Lane, Baker City (Corner of Cedar & Hughes) 541-523-3533 Baker Valley Ward Sacrament Meeting 12 ST. BRIGID’S IN THE PINES COMMUNITY CHURCH 11:30 a.m. Services 1st & 3rd Sunday Holy Eucharist Sunday Worship First Service 8:30 am 2nd Service & Sunday School 10 am East Auburn Street, Sumpter 541-523-4812 Jr. High & High School Youth Tues 6:30 pm Youth Pastor Silas Moe A Mission of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in Baker City 675 Hwy 7, Baker City • 541-523-5425 Faith Center Foursquare St. Stephen’s Episcopal Established 1904 A Four Square Gospel Church Services at 9 am 1st & 3rd Sundays, Holy Eucharist 2nd & 4th Sundays, Morning Prayer 5th Sunday, Morning Prayer 2177 First Street • Baker City Entrance on 1st Street Corner Church & First Streets 541-523-4812 Worship Service 10:45 am 1839 3rd St, Baker City 541-523-7915 Thank you to the participating churches and these sponsors: Cliff’s Saws & Cycles 2619 Tenth • 523-2412 PM 2625 Hughes Lane, Baker City 541-523-2397 The church directory is published the third Friday of every month. Information for this directory is provided by participating churches, please call 541-523-3673 for more information. Whelan Electric, Inc. 523-5756 • CCB 103032 AM 1500 Dewey • 523-3677 1950 Place • 523-4300