⑨⑩❶❷❸❹❺ ❻❼❽❾ ❿❺ ➀➁➂➃ ➄➅❾ ➆➇➈❾⑩➉❾⑩ ➊ ➇❸➋❾⑩ ➌❶➄❹ ➅❾⑩❸➍❷ ➎ ➏➏➐ P❯ ✁■✂✄☎✆ ❇❨ ❚✄☎ ▲❆ ●❘❆✝✆☎ ❖ ✂☎❘❱☎❘ ✫ ❚✄☎ ❇❆✞☎❘ ❈■✟❨ ❍☎❘❆✁✆ ❊ ❙☎❘❱■✝✠ ❲❆✁✁✡☛❆☞✌✝■✡✝ ✫ ❇❆✞☎❘ ❈✡❯✝✟■☎✂ ❉✍✎❉✏✑✒✍✓✔ ✕✖✗✘✙✚✛✜ ▼✪✬✭✮✯✰ ✬✪✪✬ ✱✲✳✭✮✯ ✴❡✭✬❡✵✭✮✯✰ ✬✪✪✬ ♥✉❡✵✭✮✯ ✱✲✳✭✮✯✰ ✬✪✪✬ ♥❋✉✲✵✭✮✯ ✢✣✤✥✦✧★ ✧✢✤✩ ✷ ✶✸✹✺ ✻✼✽✾✼ ✿✾ ✻❀❁❂✽❃✸✿✽✾❄ ✶✸✿❅ ➤ ➤ ❏❑◆◗❳ ❩❬❭❪ ❫◗❳❑❴❵❛ ❜❝❞❢❜❣❤❢❤✐❥❤ ❦ ❧❧❧♠♦❑◆◗❳♣❬❭❪q◗❳❑❴❵♠♣rs ❦ ♣❴❑tt❬✈◗❵t✇♦❑◆◗❳♣❬❭❪q◗❳❑❴❵♠♣rs ❦ ①❑②❛ ❜❝❞❢❜❣❤❢✐❝❣✐ ③q◗ ④♦t◗❳⑤◗❳❛ ❜❝❞❢⑥✐❤❢❤❞✐❞ ❦ ❧❧❧♠❴❑⑦❳❑⑧❵◗r♦t◗❳⑤◗❳♠♣rs ❦ ♣❴❑tt❬✈◗❵t✇❴❑⑦❳❑⑧❵◗r♦t◗❳⑤◗❳♠♣rs ❦ ①❑②❛ ❜❝❞❢⑥✐❤❢❤✐❥❝ 1010 - Union Co. Legal Notices 1010 - Union Co. Legal Notices 1010 - Union Co. Legal Notices 1010 - Union Co. Legal Notices Public Notice NOTICE OF SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET HEARING ☛ ☞✌✍ ✎✏✑ ✌✒✓✓✔✍✕✍✖✗✘✔ ✙✒✚✛✍✗ ✓✑✏✓✏✌✜✖✛ ✘ ✢✣✘✖✛✍ ✜✖ ✘✖✤ ✎✒✖✚✥✌ ✍✦✓✍✖✚✜✗✒✑✍✌ ✙✤ ✕✏✑✍ ✗✣✘✖ ✧★ ✓✍✑✢✍✖✗✩ ✪ ✓✒✙✔✜✢ ✣✍✘✑✜✖✛ ✏✖ ✘ ✓✑✏✓✏✌✍✚ ✌✒✓✓✔✍✕✍✖✗✘✔ ✙✒✚✛✍✗ ✎✏✑ ✫✌✔✘✖✚ ✬✜✗✤ ✪✑✍✘ ✭✘✖✜✗✘✗✜✏✖ ✮✜✌✗✑✜✢✗✯ ✎✏✑ ✗✣✍ ✢✒✑✑✍✖✗ ✎✜✌✢✘✔ ✤✍✘✑✯ ✰✜✔✔ ✙✍ ✣✍✔✚ ✘✗ ✫✌✔✘✖✚ ✬✜✗✤ ✱✘✔✔✯ ✧★✲★✳ ✫✌✔✘✖✚ ✪✴✍✩ ✵✣✍ ✣✍✘✑✜✖✛ ✰✜✔✔ ✗✘✶✍ ✓✔✘✢✍ ✏✖ ✲✷✸✲✷✸★✧✹ ✘✗ ✧✺★★ ✓✩✕✩ ✵✣✍ ✓✒✑✓✏✌✍ ✏✎ ✗✣✍ ✣✍✘✑✜✖✛ ✜✌ ✗✏ ✚✜✌✢✒✌✌ ✗✣✍ ✌✒✓✓✔✍✕✍✖✗✘✔ ✙✒✚✛✍✗ ✰✜✗✣ ✜✖✗✍✑✍✌✗✍✚ ✓✍✑✌✏✖✌✩ ✪ ✢✏✓✤ ✏✎ ✗✣✍ ✌✒✓✓✔✍✕✍✖✗✘✔ ✙✒✚✛✍✗ ✚✏✢✒✕✍✖✗ ✕✘✤ ✙✍ ✜✖✌✓✍✢✗✍✚ ✏✑ ✏✙✗✘✜✖✍✚ ✏✖ ✏✑ ✘✎✗✍✑ ✲✷✲✷✸★✧✹ ✘✗ ✫✌✔✘✖✚ ✬✜✗✤ ✱✘✔✔✯ ✧★✲★✳ ✫✌✔✘✖✚ ✪✴✍✖✒✍✯ ✙✍✗✰✍✍✖ ✗✣✍ ✣✏✒✑✌ ✏✎ ✹✺★★ ✘✩✕✩ ✘✖✚ ✻✺✼★ ✓✩✕✩ ❙❁❂❂❃❄❨ ❅❆ ❇❄❅❇❅❙❈❉ ❊❁❉❋❈● ❍■❃❏❋❈❙ ❑▲▼◆❖P◗ ◗❘▼❚❖ ❑❯❱ ❯❱❲❳◗❱❩ P▼P❑❬◗ ❳❖ P❘▼◗❱ ❭◆❖❩◗ ❪❱❳❖❫ ▲▼❩❳❭❳❱❩ ➇➈➉➋➉➈➌ ➍➎➏➐ ❴❵❛❜❝❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞❞ t✉✈❢✇①②③✐❥❢➊④⑤⑥④⑦⑧⑨⑩ ❡❢❣❤✐❥❦❢ ❧♠♥♦♣q ❶❷❸❹ ❺⑤④⑨ ❻ ❼❷❽❸❹ ❾ ❿⑦⑨④➀④⑨➁➂ ⑧⑤⑥ ❶➃➄⑩⑦⑨ ⑦➅⑧➆➆❹ ➑➒➒ ➓➈➈➓➔→➒➐ rs rs Sewer Operators UF $ 160,000 Payroll Taxes UF $ 18,000 Health Insurance UF $ 80,000 Office Expense UF $ 10,000 Auditing Fees UF $ Public Notice NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING A public meeting of the Cove Cemetery District will be held on June 12th, 2019 at 6 pm at 606 Main Street, Cove, Oregon. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019 as approved by the Cove Cemetery District Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is pre- sented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at 606 Main, Cove OR, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. This budget is for an annual budget period. This budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is the same as the preceding year. ➪➶➹➘➴➷➘➬ ➮➹➱✃❐➴ ➮❒❮❰❒❒❐➹ Ï❐Ð❐ÑÒ➶➹❐➬ ÓÔÕÖÓ×ØÖÔ×Ù× êéêßá éÜ ßáá ÜãÞëâ ➮➷➘❰➴Ð ➮❮➶❰➹➘ ➮➱➶Ñ➘❐➱ ì❰➱í❐➘ ➮ÑÑ✃➶î❐➱ ì❰➱í❐➘ ïðÕÙÖÕØ ÏÒÛ❒ ñ❐➴✃ ïðÕØÖÕò ó❐ô➘ ñ❐➴✃ ïðÕòÖïð ØÔÕÓð Óïù×ØÔ ×òùðòú õ❐❐❒ù ûÛ➷❐➹❒❐❒ù ü❐✃❮Û➘❒ù õÛ➹❐❒ù ➮❒❒❐❒❒❮❐➹➘❒ ý þ➘Ò❐✃ ÿ❐✃îÛ➷❐ ➪Ò➴✃í❐❒ Ùððð ÙùÕðð ÔùÓðð õ❐➱❐✃➴Ðù ÿ➘➴➘❐ ý ➴ÐÐ þ➘Ò❐✃ úïðð ì❐íÛ➹➹Û➹í õ❰➹➱ ì➴Ð➴➹➷❐öó❐➘ ÷➶✃øÛ➹í ➪➴ÑÛ➘➴Ð ❧♠♥♦♣q Ú❮➴ÛÐ➬ ÜÝÞßÞàÝßá âãääßåæ ç åèâéãåàèâ ✄ ✆ ✁ ✁ ✂ ☎ ✃➴➹➘❒ù ✁ ❐î❐➹❰❐ ✃➶❮ ì➶➹➱❒ ➴➹➱ þ➘Ò❐✃ ✁ ✆ ✄ ✝ ✜✢✣✤ ✥✦✜✧★✩✥✦ Û ➘❒ù ➮ÐÐ➶➷➴➘Û➶➹❒ ý ❐ ➹➘❐✃ ❰➹➱ Ï✃➴➹❒ ❐✃❒ ö ➹➘❐✃➹➴Ð ÿ❐✃îÛ➷❐ ➮ÐÐ þ➘Ò❐✃ ✄ ☎ ❐Û❮ Ï➴ô❐❒ Ú❒➘Û❮➴➘❐➱ ➘➶ ➶➹➴➘Û➶➹❒ ❰✃❒❐❮❐➹➘❒ ✝ ❐❒➶❰✃➷❐❒ Úô➷❐Ñ➘ ➪❰✃✃❐➹➘ ñ❐➴✃ ü✃➶Ñ❐✃➘ ➪❰✃✃❐➹➘ ñ❐➴✃ ü✃➶Ñ❐✃➘ ê ➘ ✂ ☎ ✄ ❐ Ï➴ô❐❒ ❐➷❐Ûî❐➱ ✑ ÜÝÞßÞàÝßá âãääßåæ ç åè ãÝåèäèÞêâ ✒ æ é ✒✓ ü❐✃❒➶➹➹❐Ð ÿ❐✃îÛ➷❐❒ ✔ ➴➘❐✃Û➴Ð❒ ➴➹➱ ÿ❐✃îÛ➷❐❒ ➪➴ÑÛ➘➴Ð þ❰➘Ð➴ ✂ ☎ ✆ ✁ ❐ ✝ ➘ ÿ❐✃îÛ➷❐ òðð ð ÕÙÙÓð ☛☞✠✟✌✍ ÕòùÓØÔ ✞✞✟✠✡✡✡ å ïðùú×Õ ☞✟✠☞✎✏ èàê àáßââÝÜÝàßêÝéÞ Õ×ùÓðð ÕÔùÓðð Õòùððð ïïùððð ØùðúÔ ÕúùÙú× ïúù×Óð ÔùÕðÙ ÙùÕïÓ ÓðùØÓð ÓïùÙïÙ ÓïùÓòú ✁ ➹➘❐✃ ❰➹➱ Ï✃➴➹❒ ❐✃❒ ➪➶➹➘Û➹í❐➹➷Û❐❒ 9,000 ÕùÓðð ✝ ✜✢✣✤ ✥✪✧✫★✥✬✥✭✢✦ ÿÑ❐➷Û➴Ð ü➴ ❮❐➹➘❒ ✕ ➹➴ÑÑ✃➶Ñ✃Û➴➘❐➱ Ú➹➱Û➹í ì➴Ð➴➹➷❐ ➴➹➱ State Loan Principal Payments ➣s ➳ ê $ 37,000 ➣s ↔s ✁ ❐❒❐✃î❐➱ ➶✃ õ❰➘❰✃❐ ÚôÑ❐➹➱Û➘❰✃❐ ✞✞✟✠✡✡✡ å ✑ ßÞàÝßá âãääßåæ ç åè ✣✬✥ ✁ ✁ ➶ Þ ✮ þ✃í➴➹Û ➴➘Û➶➹➴Ð ✕ ✑ ✖ ãÝåèäèÞêâ ßÞë ÜãááçêÝäè è ãÝ ✗ ßáèÞê èä ☛☞✠✟✌✍ ✘ áéæèèâ Üêè ✙✒ æ éå ✚ ßÞÝ ✛ ☞✟✠☞✎✏ ßêÝéÞßá ãÞÝê éå ✗ ✚ åé åß ➹Û➘ ➶✃ ü✃➶í✃➴❮ Üêè ➶✃ ➘Ò➴➘ ❰➹Û➘ ➶✃ Ñ✃➶í✃➴❮ ↔s ó➴❮❐ õÏÚ ❄↕➙➛➜↕➝ ●➞➟➠➡ ❆➢➤➝ ❄↕➜➞➢➥➦↕➜ ❄↕➙➛➜↕➝ ●➞➟➠➡ ❆➢➤➝ ❄↕➧➢➛➥↕➨↕➤➟➜ $ ➵➸➺➻➼➽➺➾➚➚ t✉✈➩➫✇➫③②❤✇ ❤➭ ❦➯➫✇➲❢❣❝ ➪➶➈➒➏➹➉➘➒ ➴➒➷➓➉➴ ➓➏➐ ➬➓➉➏➈➒➏➓➏➔➒ ➮➏ ➹➒➱➒➴ ➋➉➏➒➹ ➈→➉➹ ➌➒➓➴ →➓➹ ➔➓➎➹➒➐ ➮➘➒➴➓✃➒➹ ➮➏ ➷➓➌➴➮➋➋ ➴➒➋➓➈➒➐ ➒➶➷➒➏➹➒➹➾ ❐➓➌➬➒➏➈➹ ➈➮ ➴➒➉➬❒➎➴➹➒ ➬➒➐➉➔➓➋ ➒➶➷➒➏➹➒➹ ➉➏ ➈→➒ ❮❰Ï ➓➔➔➮➎➏➈➹ ➱➒➴➒ →➉✃→➒➴ ➈→➓➏ ➒➶➷➒➔➈➒➐➾ Ï➐➐➉➈➉➮➏➓➋ ➈➒➔→ ➹➎➷➷➮➴➈ ➓➏➐ ➔➋➮➎➐ ➓➔➔➮➎➏➈➉➏✃ ➹➮Ð➈➱➓➴➒ →➓➹ ➔➓➎➹➒➐ ➮➘➒➴➓✃➒➹ ➮➏ ➮ÐÐ➉➔➒ ➒➶➷➒➏➹➒➹➾ Ñ→➉➹ ➌➒➓➴ ➈→➒ ➐➉➹➈➴➉➔➈ ➱➓➹ ➴➒Ò➎➉➴➒➐ ➈➮ →➓➘➒ ➓➏ ➓➎➐➉➈ ➉➏➹➈➒➓➐ ➮Ð ➓ ➴➒➘➉➒➱➾ Ñ→➒ ❒➎➐✃➒➈➒➐ ➓➬➮➎➏➈ Ð➮➴ ➈→➒ ➷➴➉➏➔➉➷➓➋ ➘➒➴➹➎➹ ➉➏➈➒➴➒➹➈ ➱➓➹ ➮ÐÐ ➮➏ ➈→➒ ➑➈➓➈➒ Ó➮➓➏➾ ✽✒✙✔✜✌✣✺ ✾✒✖✍ ✿✯ ✸★✧✹ ❀✍✛✘✔ ✖✏✩ ✳✧✻★ Public Notice ✦ ✍✌✔✎✗✘ ✙✠✓☞✗✑✖ ☛✑ ✓ ✍☞☛✍☛✟✠✕ ✟✌✍✍✎✠✏✠✑✒✓✎ ✔✌✕✖✠✒ ✡☛☞ ✧✗✒✚ ☛✡ ★✟✎✓✑✕ ✧✗✒✚✩ ✡☛☞ ✒✙✠ ✘✌☞☞✠✑✒ ✡✗✟✘✓✎ ✚✠✓☞✩ ✪✗✎✎ ✔✠ ✙✠✎✕ ✓✒ ★✟✎✓✑✕ ✧✗✒✚ ✫✓✎✎✩ ✢✣✬✣✭ ★✟✎✓✑✕ ✦✮✠✑✌✠✤ ✯✙✠ ✙✠✓☞✗✑✖ ✪✗✎✎ ✒✓✰✠ ✍✎✓✘✠ ☛✑ ✱✌✑✠ ✢✣✒✙✩ ✲✣✢✳ ✓✒ ✬✴✣✣ ✍✤✏✤ ✯✙✠ ✍✌☞✍☛✟✠ ☛✡ ✒✙✠ ✙✠✓☞✗✑✖ ✗✟ ✒☛ ✕✗✟✘✌✟✟ ✒✙✠ ✟✌✍✍✎✠✏✠✑✒✓✎ ✔✌✕✖✠✒ ✪✗✒✙ ✗✑✒✠☞✠✟✒✠✕ ✍✠☞✟☛✑✟✤ ✦ ✘☛✍✚ ☛✡ ✙✒✠ ✟✌✍✍✎✠✏✠✑✒✓✎ ✔✌✕✖✠✒ ✕☛✘✌✏✠✑✒ ✏✓✚ ✔✠ ✗✑✟✍✠✘✒✠✕ ☛☞ ☛✔✒✓✗✑✠✕ ☛✑ ☛☞ ✓✡✒✠☞ ✬✵✢✵✲✣✢✳ ✓✒ ★✟✎✓✑✕ ✧✗✒✚ ✫✓✎✎✩ ✢✣✬✣✭ ★✟✎✓✑✕ ✦✮✠✑✌✠✩ ✔✠✒✪✠✠✑ ✒✙✠ ✙☛✌☞✟ ☛✡ ✳✴✣✣ ✓✤✏✤ ✓✑✕ ✶✴✷✣ ✍✤✏✤ ❙✼✽✽✾✿❨ ❀❁ ❂✿❀❂❀❙❃❄ ❅✼❄❆❃❇ ❈❉✾❊❆❃❙ ❋●❍■❏❑▲ ▲▼❍◆❏ ❋❖P ❖P◗❘▲P❚ ❑❍❑❋❯▲ ❘❏ ❑▼❍▲P ❱■❏❚▲ ❲P❘❏❳ ●❍❚❘❱❘P❚ ➄➅➆➇➈ ➉➋➌➍ ❩❬❭❪❫❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴ qrs❛t✉✈✇❞❢❛➊①②③①④⑤⑥⑦ ❵❛❜❝❞❢❣❛ ❤✐❥❦❧♠ ⑧⑨⑩❶ ❷②①⑥ ❸ ❹⑨❺⑩❶ ❻ ❼④⑥①❽①⑥❾❿ ⑤②③ ⑧➀➁⑦④⑥ ④➂⑤➃➃❶ ♥♣ ✟✠ çæâ ✡ éãáêæ ❤✐❥❦❧♠ Þßàáâã ä åæçèéêë ì íèéâãæâèâîæ ïð õ ö ÷øÞùú ûáüýéî ïàêþë ùæêÿéîæë ïð õ ääòóòòòôòò ✄ õ éîæâëæë ì ðææë ïð ✂ ñ ûêà ☎ æîã ïð ✁ ïæýý ñ ✆ êèâë ✝ æêë ãà úæüã åæëæêÿæ ñòóòòòôòò ✞ õ äñ óòòòôòò ✿➒➓➔→➒➣ ❇↔↕➙➛ ❁➜➝➣ ✿➒➠➜➔➞➒➡➒➝↕→ $ ➭➯➲➳➵➲➸➺➸➸ qrs➢➤t➤✇✈❝t ❝➥ ❣➦➤t➧❛❜❫ ➻➌➼➽➈➾➇➇➌ ➚➾➾➋➇➾ ➪➚➆➑ ➆➑➇ ➪➇➶➶ ➐➅➋➾➇➍ ➅➌ ➚➌➐➈➇➅➾➇➍ ➚➌ ➈➇➹➅➚➈➾ ➅➌➍ ➘➅➚➌➆➇➌➅➌➐➇ ➅➌➍ ➴➷➏➎➬ ➮➋➱➶➚➐ ➄➽➈✃➾ ➎➇➈❐➚➐➇➾➺ ❒❮➏ ➬➈➚➌✃➚➌❰ ➄➅➆➇➈ ➎➇➈❐➚➐➇➾ ➪➅➾ ➐➽➌➆➈➅➐➆➇➍ ➆➽ ➹➇➈➼➽➈➘ ➅ ➐➽➘➹➈➇➑➇➌➾➚❐➇ ➈➇❐➚➇➪ ➽➼ ➆➑➇ ➪➅➆➇➈ ➾Ï➾➆➇➘ ➪➑➚➐➑ ➐➈➇➅➆➇➍ ➅➌ ➽❐➇➈➅❰➇ ➚➌ ➶➚➐➇➌➾➇➾ ➅➌➍ ➼➇➇➾➺ Ð➑➇ ➻➎➬➏ ➶➽➅➌ ➼➽➈ ➆➑➇ ➄➇➶➶ Ñ➲ ➹➈➽Ò➇➐➆ ➪➅➾ ➇Ó➆➇➌➍➇➍ ➆➽ ➚➌➐➶➋➍➇ ➄➇➶➶ Ñ➵ ➋➹❰➈➅➍➇➾ ➅➌➍ ➆➑➇➈➇➼➽➈➇ ➐➈➇➅➆➇➍ ➅➌ ➽❐➇➈➅❰➇ ➽➌ ➆➑➇ ➄➇➶➶ Ñ➲ ➮➈➽Ò➇➐➆➺ ➻➎➬➏ ➶➽➅➌➾ ➈➇Ô➋➚➈➇➾ ➅➌ ➅➍➍➚➆➚➽➌➅➶ Õ➯➵➳➸➭Ö ➱➇ ➚➌ ➆➑➇ ➬➇➱➆ ×➇➾➇➈❐➇➺ Ø➇➌➇➈➅➶ ➉➋➌➍ ❩❬❭❪❫❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴❴ ❵❛❜❝❞❢❣❛ ❤✐❥❦❧♠ qrs❛t✉✈✇❞❢❛➊①②③①④⑤⑥⑦ ⑧⑨⑩❶ ❷②①⑥ ❸ ❹⑨❺⑩❶ ❻ ❼④⑥①❽①⑥❾❿ ⑤②③ ⑧➀➁⑦④⑥ ④➂⑤➃➃❶ ♥♣ ♥♣ ➮➅➈✃ Ù➅➚➌➆➇➌➅➌➐➇ ➨♣ ➨♣ ➏➋➍➚➆➚➌❰ ➉➇➇➾ ➩♣ ➩♣ ✿➒➓➔→➒➣ ❇↔↕➙➛ ❁➜➝➣ ✿➒→↔➜➞➟➒→ GF GF ✿➒➓➔→➒➣ ❇↔↕➙➛ ❁➜➝➣ ✿➒➠➜➔➞➒➡➒➝↕→ NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING A public meeting of the Union County Commissioners will be held on June 26, 2019 at 9:00 am at 1106 K Avenue, La Grande, Oregon. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019 as approved by the Union County Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at Union County Administrative Office, 1106 K Avenue, La Grande, Oregon, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. This budget is for an annual budget period. This budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is the same as used the preceding year. ➲➛➜➛➳➙➒➓➛↔ ➵➸➺➻➼ ➽➾➚➪➻➶➶➻ ➹➨→➩➜↔ ➢➘➟➠➡➛➢➢➴➟➓➩➒➓➪➣➒➟➓➔➝➷➒➠➡ ➬➮➱✃➱❐➮✃❒ ❮❰ÏÏ✃ÐÑ Ò ÐÓ❮Ô❰Ð❐Ó❮ ➦➣➔➟→➜ ➦➨➒➟➓➔ ➦➧➒➳➔➛➧ ➞➟➧➡➛➔ ➦➳➳➠➒➫➛➧ ➞➟➧➡➛➔ ÕÔÕ✃❒Ô➬✃❒❒ ➬❰➱Ö❮ ×➶➻Ø➪➻Ù Ø➥➸ÙÙ➥➸×➾ ➲➙➩➢ Ú➛→➠ ×➶➻Ù➪➻➽ Û➛Ü➔ Ú➛→➠ ➻➶➥➻Ø×➥×➾➚ ×➶➻➽➪×➶ Ù➥×➸Ø➥➾Ø➽ ➞➛➡➩ ➓ ➓➩ ➓ ➡ Ý➟➓➧ ➞→➜ → ➓➣➛ÞÛ➛➔ ß➒➠à➩ ➓ ➡ ➑→➳➩ ➔ →➜ ×➥➾➚➾➥Ù➸Ø ➻➥➽➶➽➥×ØØ ×➥➶×➽➥➚➽➸ Ý➛➛➢➥ ➣ ➛➓➢➛➢➥ ➔ ➢➥ Ý➩ ➓ ➛➢➥➦➢➢➛➢➢➨➛➓➔➢ ➭➔➙➛➠ ↕➛➠➫➩ ➣ ➛ ➑➙→➠➡➛➢ á➩ â➛➠➨➩ ã ➻×➥×Ù➽➥Ù➻➸ ➶ ➻➸➥Ø➺➾➥➸➻➻ ➻➺➥Ù➽➸➥ØÙ➺ Ý➛➧➛➠→➜➥ ↕➔→➔➛ →➓➧➦➜➜ ➭➔➙➛➠ ä➠→➓➔➢➥ ä➩➯➔➢➥➦➜➜➒➣→➔➩➒➓➢ →➓➧ å➒➓→➔➩➒➓➢ ➺➥➶➶➶➥➶➶➶ ➯➠➒➨ ➞➒➓➧➢ Þ →➓➧ ➭➔➙➛➠ æ➛➫➛➓➟➛ ➾➻➻➥Ø➾➺ ➸Ù➾➥➸➶➶ ➾Ù➶➥➶➶➶ ➶ ➲➠→➓➢➯➛➠➢ ↕➛➠➫➩ å➛➘➔ ➣➛ ➲→Ü➛➢ ç➓➔➛➠➯➟➓➧ ç➓➔➛➠➓→➜ â➠➒➳➛➠➔➝ æ➛➩➨➘➟➠➢➛➨➛➓➔➢ ➚➥➻➚Ø➥Ù➻➺ ➚➥➺Ø×➥➺Ù➺ ➚➥➶Ø➾➥➚Ø➺ ➦➜ â➠➒➳➛➠➔➝ ➜ ➭➔➙➛➠ ➲→Ü➛➢ ➹Ü➣➛➳➔ æ➛➢➒➟➠➣➛➢ ➹➢➔➩➨→➔➛➧ ➔➒ ➘➛ æ➛➣➛➩➫➛➧ ➸➥➺Ø➽➥Ø➚➶ ➸➥➾➚×➥➚➸➶ ➸➥Ù➻➸➥➶➶➶ èéêëììêíîï èðêïîìêñîé èïêïïñêñéï Õýþÿ Ð ý ➬➮➱✃➱❐➮✃❒ ❮❰ÏÏ✃ÐÑ Ò ÐÓò❰➮ÐÓÏÓ➱Õ❮ óÑ ÔóôÓ❐Õ ❐❒✃❮❮➮➬➮❐✃Õ➮Ô➱ ➻➻➥➾Ù➶➥➾×Ø ↕➛➠➫➩ ↕➛➠➫➩ ➣➛➢ ➣➛➢ ➻➶➥➚Ø➽➥➚➻➾ ➻×➥➶➻Ù➥Ø➽Ø â➛➠➢➒➓➓➛➜ õ→➔➛➠➩ → ➜ ➢ →➓➧ ➽➥➻➾➚➥➾➚Ù ➻➸➥➚➾➺➥➽➻× ➻➾➥Ù➸➸➥➻×➻ ➑→➳➩ ➔ →➜ ➭➟➔➜→➝ ➻➥Ø➸×➥➶➚➶ Ø➥➺➚Ø➥➽×× ➻➥Ø➸➶➥➸➾➸ å➛➘➔ ↕➛➠➫➩ ➣ ➛ ➸➸➺➥➻➶➶ ➻➥➻➺➽➥Ù➶➶ Ø➸➽➥➸➶➶ ➲➠→➓➢➯➛➠➢ ➾➻➻➥➸➺➶ ➸Ù➾➥➸➶➶ ➸Ù➶➥➶➶➶ ç➓➔➛➠➯➟➓➧ ➑➒➓➔➩ ➓ ➡➛➓➣➩ ➛ ➢ ➶ ➚➥➶➺×➥➚➺➶ ➺➥➚➾➻➥Ù➚➚ ↕➳➛➣➩ → ➜ ➚➻➽➥Ù➺➚ ➚➺×➥Ø➶➶ ➚➺➚➥➶➶➶ â→➝➨➛➓➔➢ →➔➛➧ ➹➓➧➩➓➡ ➞→➜→➓➣➛ →➓➧ æ➛➢➛➠➫➛➧ ➯➒➠ Ý➟➔➟➠➛ ➹Ü➳➛➓➧➩➔➟➠➛ ➶ ö➓→➳➳➠➒➳➠➩ ÷÷êëñîêìïë þ èðêïîìêñîé èïêïïñêñéï Õýþÿ Ð úÐÔøÐ✃Ï ➬➮➱✃➱❐➮✃❒ ❮❰ÏÏ✃ÐÑ Ò ÐÓò❰➮ÐÓÏÓ➱Õ❮ óÑ ÔÐø✃➱➮ù✃Õ➮Ô➱✃❒ ❰➱➮Õ ÔÐ ➦➢➢➛➢➢➨➛➓➔ ➽×➻➥×➚Ù ➻➶ ➽➽➻➥➻➚➾ ➻➶ ➻➥➶➻➽➥➸Ù➾ ➻➶ Ý➲➹ →➓➧ ➲→Ü→➔➩➒➓ ➦➣➣➒➟➓➔➩ ➓ ➡ ×➚➽➥➾➻➾ ×Ø×➥➽Ø➻ ➚➸➾➥➺➾➸ Ý➲➹ ×➷➸➚ ×➷Ù➶ ×➷Ù➶ ➑➜➛➠à Ý➲➹ ➚➾➺➥➶ØØ ➺➻➽➥➺ÙØ ➺➚➶➥➸➺Ù ➚➷➸➚ ➚➷➸➚ ➚➷➸➚ ➞➒→➠➧ ➒➯ ➑➒➨➨➩➢➢➩➒➓➛➠➢ ➸➶➺➥➺➸➽ ➸➚Ø➥➾Ù➸ ➸➸➻➥➺➶Ù Ý➲➹ ➸➷➸➶ ➸➷➸➶ ➸➷➸➶ Ý→➣➩ Ý➲➹ ➜➩➔➩➛➢ ➺Ù➺➥➻➶× × ➸×➻➥➾Ø× × ➸××➥➚➸➶ × ➑➒➨➳➟➔➛➠ ↕➛➠➫➩ ➣ ➛➢ ××➻➥➺➸➸ ×➺➽➥Ù➸➽ ×➸➽➥➻Ù➸ Ý➲➹ ➻➷Ø➸ ×➷➶➶ ×➷➶➶ å➩➢ Ý➲➹ ➔➠➩➣➔ ➦➔➔➒➠➓➛➝ ➸Ù➺➥➺➶➽ Ø➾➶➥➶Ù➸ Ù➻➾➥Ù➚➻ ➾➷Ø➸ ➾➷Ø➸ Ø➷×➸ ➜➛ ➸Ø➸➥➸➺➻ ➾➺×➥➚Ø× ➾➺➶➥➶➺➶ û➟➫➛➓➩ Ý➲➹ Ø➷➶➚ ➾➷Ù➚ ➾➷ÙÙ ➓➓➩➓➡ ×➽Ø➥Ø➶× ➺➺➻➥Ø➻Ø ➺ØÙ➥Ø➶➻ â➜→ Ý➲➹ ×➷Ù➶ ×➷Ù➶ ×➷Ù➶ ➹➨➛➠➡➛➓➣➝ ↕➛➠➫➩➣➛➢ ➻➾➚➥➺Ù× ××Ù➥➸➽➻ ➚Ù➚➥➺➻Ø ➻➷➸➶ ➻➷➸➶ ➻➷➸➶ ↕➳➛➣➩ Ý➲➹ → ➜ ➦➣➣➒➟➓➔➢ ➽➺➸➥➾➸➶ ➻➥➚➾➾➥×➶➶ ➻➥➺Ù➻➥ØØ× Ý➲➹ ➻ ➻ ➲➠→➓➢➯➛➠➢ Ù➺➥➸➶➶ ➶ Ù➸➥➶➶➶ ➶ ➻➻➻➥➶➶➶ ➶ ➻ Ý➲➹ ↕➙➛➠➩ Ý➲➹ ➯➯ ×➥×➽➸➥➸➻➾ ×➥➸➾➽➥➺➽➚ ×➥➾➻Ù➥➽➚Ø ➻Ø➷Ù× ➻➽➷➶➶ ➻Ù➷➸➶ ➑➒➠➠➛➣➔➩ ➒ ➓➢ ➵û→➩ ➜ ➼ ➻➥ØÙ➾➥➶➸➚ ➻➥➽×➺➥➺➶➾ ×➥➶Ø➽➥×➺➽ Ý➲➹ ➻×➷➽➚ ➻➚➷➽➚ ➻➚➷➽➚ ➚➥➶➻➸➥➶➻➚ ➸➥➽➚Ø➥➻➸➽ ➾➥➾➾Ø➥➚Ù➸ â➟➘➜➩ Ý➲➹ ➣ ß➒➠à➢ ➵æ➒→➧➼ ➻Ø➷➶➶ ➻Ø➷➸➶ ➻Ù➷➶➶ ß➛➛➧ Ý➟➓➧ ×➶➻➥➺➺➺ ➚➻➽➥➶➚➸ ➺➻➶➥Ø➸➺ Ý➲➹ ➻➷➶➶ ➻➷➶➶ ➻➷➶➶ ➛➣➔ Ý➟➓➧ ➻×➻➥Ù➸➸ ➶ ×Ù➽➥×➶➶ ➶ ➚➚➚➥➶➶➶ â➠➒ü Ý➲➹ ➶ ➺➾➥➚➾Ø ➚➶×➥➽Ø➶ ➚➺➸➥➸➸× â→➠à➢ Ý➲➹ ➶➷Ø➶ ➶➷Ø➶ ➶➷Ø➶ ➦➓➩ Ý➲➹ ➨→➜ ➑➒➓➔➠➒➜ ➻➻➚➥➽×➻ ➻➚×➥Ù➚➶ ➻➚➽➥➶➻➺ ➻➷×➶ ➻➷➻➶ ➻➷×➸ ➑➒➟➓➔➝ ↕➣➙➒➒➜ ➚➻➽➥Ù➺➚ ➚➺×➥Ø➶➶ ➚➺➚➥➶➶➶ Ý➲➹ ➶ ➶ ➑➒➨➨➩➢➢➩➒➓ ➒➓ ➑➙➩➜➧➠➛➓ ã Ý→➨➩➜➩➛➢ ➻×➚➥Ù➺➶ ➻➾➚➥Ù➶➶ ➻Ø×➥➚➺➸ ➶ ✄☎✆✁✂ ✁✝✄✞☎✁✟✁✠ ✂ ✁ óòòòôòò õ ääñóòòòôòò ✿➒➓➔→➒➣ ❇↔↕➙➛ ❁➜➝➣ ✿➒→↔➜➞➟➒→ Public Notice ✁✂ ➎➇➇ ➏➆➆➅➐➑➇➍ ♥♣ Publish: June 7, 2019 Legal no. 5136 ➑➒➓➔→➣➔↔ ↕➙➛➜➜➛➝ ➞➟➠➡➛➢➢➥➦➧➨➩➓➩➢➔➠→➔➩➫➛ ➭➯➯➩➣➛➠ NOTICE OF SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET HEARING ✝✞✟✠ ✡☛☞ ✟✌✍✍✎✠✏✠✑✒✓✎ ✔✌✕✖✠✒ ✍☞☛✍☛✟✗✑✖ ✓ ✘✙✓✑✖✠ ✗✑ ✓✑✚ ✡✌✑✕✛✟ ✠✜✍✠✑✕✗✒✌☞✠ ✔✚ ✏☛☞✠ ✒✙✓✑ ✢✣ ✍✠☞✘✠✑✒✤ ➫ ✄ ❤✐❥❦❧♠ $ ➯➸➳➸➸➸➺➸➸ $ Ú➳➸➸➸➺➸➸ $ ÛÜÝ➳Ö➭Ö➺➸➸ qrs➢➤t➤✇✈❝t ❝➥ ❣➦➤t➧❛❜❫ Ù➽➌➆➑➶Ï ➶➅➌➍➾➐➅➹➇ ➼➇➇ ➪➅➾ ➑➚❰➑➇➈ ➆➑➅➌ ➇Ó➹➇➐➆➇➍ ➅➌➍ ➪➇ ➍➚➍ ➾➽➘➇ ➇Ó➆➈➅ ➶➅➌➍➾➐➅➹➚➌❰ ➪➑➇➌ ➆➑➇ ➾➇➅➾➽➌➅➶ ➪➽➈✃ ➐➈➇➪ ➪➅➾ ➑➇➈➇➺ ➏➋➍➚➆ ➼➇➇➾ ➪➇➈➇ ÕÖ➳Ü➸➸ ➑➚❰➑➇➈ ➆➑➅➌ ➶➅➾➆ Ï➇➅➈➺ ✸✌✔✎✗✟✙✴ ✱✌✑✠ ✹✩ ✲✣✢✳ ✺✠✖✓✎ ✑☛✤ ✭✢✷✻ ✡☛☞ Public Notice ✑✒✓✔✕ ✖✗✘✓✔✙✕✚ ✦✙✧★ ✡✓✧★ NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING A public meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on June 10th, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall, 10605 Island Avenue, Island City, Oregon. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019 as approved by the City of Island City Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of he budget may be inspected or obtained at 10605 Island Avenue, Island City, Oregon between the hours of 9:00 a.m., and 4:30 p.m. This budget is for an annual budget period. This budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is the same as the preceding year. If different, the major changes and their effect on the budget are: qrst✉✈t ⑤⑥④⑥⑦⑧rs⑥ s⑨②⑩⑥❶ ✇①②✉③④ Rachel Brown rachel@islandcityhall.com ❷ 541 ❸ 963-5017 ❹❺❻❼❻❽❺❼❾ ❿➀➁➁❼❴➂➃❴➄❿➅➀❴❽➄❿ ❉✺✽✵✸✹ ❉❈♦✵✳✽❋ ❉✷♦❂✽✰✷ ❇✵✷✱✰✽ ❉❂❂✿♦❏✰✷ ❇✵✷✱✰✽ ❩➅❩❼❾ ➅❹ ❼❾❾ ❹➀❻➉❿ 17 20 18 19 19 ✼✰❱✽ ❡✰✸✿➆ ❃❤➇➇➇➇➈❃❤➇➇➇➇ 18 ❃❤➇➇➇➇➈❃❤➇➇➇➇ ❚❍✲❋ ❡✰✸✿➆ ❃❤➇➇➇➇➈❃❤➇➇➇➇ ♣ ✶✯ ❇✰✱✲✳✳✲✳✱ ✴✵✳✷ ❇✸✹✸✳✺✰✻✼✰✽ ✾♦✿❀✲✳✱ ❁✸❂✲✽✸✹ ✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ 424,499.00 856,514.00 927,944.00 664,600.00 655,150.00 735,344.00 ❃✯ ✴✰✰❋❄ ❅✲✺✰✳❋✰❋❄ ❆✰✿❈✲✽❋❄ ✴✲✳✰❋❄ ❉❋❋✰❋❋❈✰✳✽❋ ❊ ●✽❍✰✿ ■✰✿❏✲✺✰ ❁❍✸✿✱✰❋✯✯✯ 100,961.00 144,600.00 124,600.00 ❑✯ ✴✰✷✰✿✸✹❄ ■✽✸✽✰ ❊ ✸✹✹ ●✽❍✰✿ ▲✿✸✳✽❋❄ ▲✲▼✽❋❄ ❉✹✹♦✺✸✽✲♦✳❋ ❊ ◆♦✳✸✽✲♦✳❋✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ 4,875,279.00 ❖✯ ❘✰❏✰✳✵✰ ▼✿♦❈ ❇♦✳✷❋ ❊ ●✽❍✰✿ ◆✰P✽✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ 160,000.00 175,100.00 62,536.00 ◗✯ ❙✳✽✰✿▼✵✳✷ ❚✿✸✳❋▼✰✿❋✻❙✳✽✰✿✳✸✹ ■✰✿❏✲✺✰ ❘✰✲❈P✵✿❋✰❈✰✳✽❋ ✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ 16,458.00 24,958.00 7,557.00 ❯✯ ❉✹✹ ●✽❍✰✿ ❘✰❋♦✵✿✺✰❋ ❝❱✺✰❂✽ ❁✵✿✿✰✳✽ ❡✰✸✿ ❆✿♦❂✰✿✽❲ ❚✸❱✰❋✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ 168,000.00 168,466.00 160,000.00 ❳✯ ❁✵✿✿✰✳✽ ❡✰✸✿ ❆✿♦❂✰✿✽❲ ❚✸❱✰❋ ❝❋✽✲❈✸✽✰✷ ✽♦ P✰ ❘✰✺✰✲❏✰✷✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ ❨✯ ❩❬❭❪❫ ❴❵❛❬❜❞❢❵❛➋✸✷✷ ✹✲✳✰❋ ✶ ✽❍✿♦✵✱❍ ❳✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ 2,002,172.00 2,075,752.00 6,374,642.00 ❹❺❻❼❻❽❺❼❾ ❿➀➁➁❼❴➂➃❴➄➊➀❺❴➄➁➄❻❩❿ ➌➂ ➅➌➍➄❽❩ ❽❾❼❿❿❺❹❺❽❼❩❺➅❻ ❣✯ ❆✰✿❋♦✳✳✰✹ ■✰✿❏✲✺✰❋✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ 181,992.00 205,280.00 208,150.00 ✶❤✯ ✐✸✽✰✿✲✸✹❋ ✸✳✷ ■✰✿❏✲✺✰❋ ✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ 385,185.00 600,600.00 603,060.00 ✶✶✯ ❁✸❂✲✽✸✹ ●✵✽✹✸❲✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ 361,000.00 216,000.00 2,166,651.00 ✶❃✯ ◆✰P✽ ■✰✿❏✲✺✰✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ 257,000.00 2,458,244.00 245,600.00 ✶❑✯ ❙✳✽✰✿▼✵✳✷ ❚✿✸✳❋▼✰✿❋✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ 171,000.00 62,536.00 175,100.00 ✶❖✯ ❁♦✳✽✲✳✱✰✳✺✲✰❋✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ 20,000.00 20,000.00 ✶◗✯ ■❂✰✺✲✸✹ ❆✸❲❈✰✳✽❋✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ ✶❯✯ ❥✳✸❂❂✿♦❂✿✲✸✽✰✷ ❝✳✷✲✳✱ ❇✸✹✸✳✺✰ ✸✳✷ ❘✰❋✰✿❏✰✷ ▼♦✿ ✴✵✽✵✿✰ ❝❱❂✰✳✷✲✽✵✿✰ ✯✯✯✯ 1,120,034.00 387,292.00 607,842.00 ✶❳✯ ❩❬❭❪❫ ❴❵❦❜❧❞❵♠❵♥❭❛➋✸✷✷ ✹✲✳✰❋ ❣ ✽❍✿♦✵✱❍ ✶❯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ 2,002,172.00 2,075,752.00 6,374,642.00 ❹❺❻❼❻❽❺❼❾ ❿➀➁➁❼❴➂➃❴➄➊➀❺❴➄➁➄❻❩❿ ❼❻➉ ❹➀❾❾➎❩❺➁➄ ➄➊➀❺➏❼❾➄❻❩ ➄➁➐❾➅➂➄➄❿ ➑❹❩➄➒ ➌➂ ➅❴➓❼❻❺➔❼❩❺➅❻❼❾ ➀❻❺❩ ➅❴ ➐❴➅➓❴❼➁→ ✼✸❈✰ ♦▼ ●✿✱✸✳✲➣✸✽✲♦✳✸✹ ❥✳✲✽ ♦✿ ❆✿♦✱✿✸❈ ✴❚❝ ▼♦✿ ❥✳✲✽ ♦✿ ❆✿♦✱✿✸❈ ✼✸❈✰ City Administration ♣ ✴❚❝ 3 2.8 3 ✼✸❈✰ Street Maintenance ✴❚❝ ✼✸❈✰ Water Services ✴❚❝ ✼✸❈✰ Water Reserve ✴❚❝ ➫➭➯➲ Well 5 Debt Reserve ➳➵➸ ➫➺➻ ➼➽➽➺➾➭➻➲➚ ➻➺ ➪➶➹➭➘➴➷➭➻➴➺➘➭➽ ➬➘➴➻ ➺➶ ➮➶➺➹➶➭➯ ➳➵➸ ↕➱✃❐❒ ➨❮❰ÏÐÑ❮Ò❮Ó✃Ô ↕➱✃❐❒ ➟↕➛ ↔↕➙↕➛➜➛➝↕ ➞➟ ➠➡➙➝➢➛↔ ➤➝ ➙➠↕➤➥➤↕➤➛↔ ➙➝➦ ↔➞➧➨➠➛↔ ➞➟ ➟➤➝➙➝➠➤➝➢➩ The City of Island City has finished their Well project and will be making an annual debt payment for the USDA loan. 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