Baker City herald. (Baker City, Or.) 1990-current, March 27, 2019, Page 12, Image 12

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    ❲❡❁❂❡❃❁❄❅❆ ❇❄❈❝❉ ❊❋❆ ❊●❍■
❚❉❡ ❏❑❃❡❈▲❡❈ ▼ ◆❄❖❡❈ P◗❘❅ ❙❡❈❄❯❁
Oregon Farm Bureau supports
federal gray wolf delisting
SALEM — Oregon Farm Bureau released
a statement in April applauding the U.S.
Department of Fish & Wildlife Service’s
proposal to remove the gray wolf from the
federal endangered species list.
According to the OFB statement, “The re-
covery of the gray wolf in Oregon and other
states is a conservation success story by any
measure. The Oregon Department of Fish
& Wildlife reports that there are at least 124
known wolves in the state today, well above
the goals set by the state Wolf Plan, and this
number has increased annually since 2009.
Wolves have been found as far west as the
Oregon Coast. The U.S. population of gray
wolves also surpasses recovery targets called
for by the federal Endangered Species Act. A
federal delisting will help simplify Oregon’s
patchwork of laws. Right now, because of
such strong recovery rates, wolves on the
east side of the state are not covered by
the state endangered species law, only the
federal ESA.The federal delisting proposal is
also an example of successful collaboration
between ranchers, landowners, environ-
mental groups and government agencies. All
of these stakeholders depend upon a healthy
ecosystem. The OFB is in favor of the Trump
administration joining both the Obama and
Bush administrations in supporting the
federal delisting of the gray wolf, basing de-
cisions on science, and negotiating with a di-
verse group of stakeholders. The organizing
hopes this will inspire greater collaboration
at the state level around wolves and their
increasing harm to livestock and Oregon’s
ranching families.”
Small Business Development
Center announces upcoming
LA GRANDE — The Small Business
Development Center based at Eastern
Oregon University in La Grande is organiz-
✁✂ ✄ ☎✆✝✄✞✝ ✁✂ ✄✁✟ ✠✄✁✄✂ ✁✂ ✄ ✡☛✁☞✞☛✌✝✍
series, a 10-week course beginning April 4.
The weekly classes will be held from 10 a.m.
to 10:30 a.m. on Thursdays at the Integrated
Services Building, 1607 Gekeler Lane, Room
148, La Grande. To learn about fees and
to register, go to
✎✏✎✁✝✑✒✓✄✔✂✞✄✁✟✎✔✄✞✎✄✔✁☛✁☞✞☛✌✝✔✕✖✑ ✁✎✑✑✔
series, call 541-962-1532 or email eousbdc@
In May, a one-day class will focus on
“Proposal Development for Contracting
with the Government.” The free course will
start at 8 a.m. on May 14, at the Integrated
Services Building in La Grande. Register by
calling 541-962-1532 or emailing eousbdc@
❱❳ ❱r✐➦➧ ➼ ➨❪➩➩❪❳
➽❛➾➚❴❛❜❜ ➦➧➫ ➭➦rr❳ ➯❪➲➳❪✐❩➵❪r
➤♠➝⑩➈ ➪ ➟sq❶✉⑦ ③④❿①④➄qst ✉⑦ ➈✉⑦❽
❸④➂➁⑦❻q⑥③q❸ ④②✉①❼s✉①⑥tq❼s✉❼✉t④③ ♣✉ ④
②✉⑦♣s✉❻qst⑥④③②④❼❽④⑦❸❽♣s④❸q ⑤⑥③③ sq❶➁③④♣⑥⑦❶
❶sqq⑦⑨✉➁tq ❶④t q①⑥tt⑥✉⑦t⑧sqt❼✉⑦❸⑥⑦❶ ♣✉
✉❻qs❿⑨q③①⑥⑦❶✉❼❼✉t⑥♣⑥✉⑦ ♥s✉① ⑤➁t⑥⑦qttqt
④⑦❸ ④❶s⑥②➁③♣➁s④③ ❶s✉➁❼t ❿⑨✉ ❿✉ss➂ ♣⑨q
❼③④⑦ ②✉➁③❸❼➁♣ ♣⑨q① ✉➁♣ ✉♥❿✉s➄➉
↕♥ ❼④ttq❸⑧➟sq❶✉⑦ ❿✉➁③❸ ⑤q②✉①q ♣⑨q
tq②✉⑦❸ t♣④♣q ⑥⑦ ♣⑨q ②✉➁⑦♣s➂ ④♥♣qs ❷④③⑥❽
♥✉s⑦⑥④ ♣✉ ⑥①❼③q①q⑦♣ ④⑦ q②✉⑦✉①➂❽❿⑥❸q
②④❼❽④⑦❸❽♣s④❸q ❼s✉❶s④①➉➶⑦❸qs ♣⑨q ⑤⑥③③⑧
♣⑨q t♣④♣q ❿✉➁③❸ ❼③④②q ④⑦ ✉❻qs④③③ ③⑥①⑥♣ ✉⑦
q①⑥tt⑥✉⑦t ④⑦❸ ♣⑨q⑦ tq③③ ④ tq♣ ⑦➁①⑤qs ✉♥
❼✉③③➁♣⑥✉⑦ ❼qs①⑥♣t ✉s➌④③③✉❿④⑦②qt➐♣✉ ♣⑨q
⑨⑥❶⑨qt♣ ⑤⑥❸❸qs➉
➋➁♣ ♣⑨q ❼③④⑦ t❼④s➄q❸ ②s⑥♣⑥②⑥t① ♥s✉①
⑤✉♣⑨ t⑥❸qt⑧ ❸s④❿⑥⑦❶ ♣⑨✉➁t④⑦❸t ♣✉ ♣qt♣⑥♥➂
④♣ ④ tqs⑥qt ✉♥ ❼➁⑤③⑥② ⑨q④s⑥⑦❶t ④s✉➁⑦❸ ♣⑨q
t♣④♣q ✉❻qs ♣⑨q ❼④t♣ ♣❿✉ ①✉⑦♣⑨t➉⑩⑦❻⑥s✉⑦❽
①q⑦♣④③⑥t♣t ②✉①❼③④⑥⑦q❸ ♣⑨④♣ ♣⑨q ❼s✉❶s④①
❸✉qt⑦❹♣ ❶✉ ♥④s q⑦✉➁❶⑨ ④⑦❸ q➒q①❼♣t ♣✉✉
①④⑦➂ ❼✉③③➁♣qst⑧❿⑨⑥③q ⑤➁t⑥⑦qttqt t④➂
♣⑨q ②✉t♣t ④tt✉②⑥④♣q❸ ❿⑥♣⑨ ⑥♣ ❿✉➁③❸ ①q④⑦
⑨⑥❶⑨qs ♥➁q③ ②✉t♣t ④⑦❸ ③✉t♣ ➓✉⑤t➉
❷✉❽②⑨④⑥st ✉♥ ♣⑨q →✉⑥⑦♣ ❷✉①①⑥♣♣qq ✉⑦
❷④s⑤✉⑦ ➛q❸➁②♣⑥✉⑦ ➤q⑦➉➈⑥②⑨④q③ ❺q①❽
⑤s✉❿ ④⑦❸ ➛q❼➉➊④s⑥⑦ ➢✉❿qs t④⑥❸ ♣⑨q
⑦q❿ ②⑨④⑦❶qt ④sq ①q④⑦♣ ♣✉ ④❸❸sqtt ♣⑨✉tq
②✉⑦②qs⑦t ④⑦❸ t♣s⑥➄q ④ ❸q③⑥②④♣q ⑤④③④⑦②q
⑤q♣❿qq⑦ ❼sqtqs❻⑥⑦❶ q②✉⑦✉①⑥② ⑥⑦♣qsqt♣t
ÝÞßàáßâãäåæçèéêëéìíàîçßçéïßðñçíâñà îßâéÞíà òóéäôßæõößà÷øøõøùúûõçèé
üëäçôßæíýçèéþéìñäâßçóëéÿä øùúûäéääñíà÷
④⑦❸ ②✉①⑤④♣♣⑥⑦❶ ④⑦ ⑥①❼q⑦❸⑥⑦❶ ②③⑥①④♣q ①q❸⑥④⑦ ⑥⑦②✉①q➉
➌➑⑨q s➁s④③ ②✉①①➁⑦⑥♣⑥qt ④sq ⑥⑦ ♣⑨q
➈✉t♣ ⑦✉♣④⑤③➂⑧♣⑨q➂❹sq ❼s✉❼✉t⑥⑦❶ ♣✉
♥s✉⑦♣ ③⑥⑦qt ✉♥ ②③⑥①④♣q ②⑨④⑦❶q⑧➐ t④⑥❸ ❺q①❽
⑥⑦❻qt♣ ④ ①④➓✉s⑥♣➂ ✉♥ ♣⑨q ♥➁⑦❸t ♣✉ s➁s④③ ⑤s✉❿⑧ ④ ❺q①✉②s④♣ ♥s✉① ➢✉s♣③④⑦❸➉➌➑⑨q➂❹sq
④⑦❸ ③✉❿❽⑥⑦②✉①q ②✉①①➁⑦⑥♣⑥qt ④⑦❸ ④❸❸q❸ ❶✉⑥⑦❶ ♣✉ ♥qq③ ♣⑨✉tq q♥♥q②♣t ①✉t♣ ❸⑥sq②♣③➂
④ ❼③④⑦ ♣✉ sq♥➁⑦❸ ④⑦➂ ④❸❸⑥♣⑥✉⑦④③ ♥➁q③ ②✉t♣t t✉ ❿q ❿④⑦♣ ♣✉ ①④➄q t➁sq ④⑦➂ ⑥⑦❻qt♣t
♣✉ ♣⑨✉tq ①④➄⑥⑦❶ ③qtt ♣⑨④⑦ ♣⑨q⑥s ④sq④❹t ②✉①⑥⑦❶ ✉➁♣ ✉♥ ♣⑨⑥t ❼s✉❶s④① ④sq ⑥⑦❻qt♣⑥⑦❶
See Salem/ Page 2B
➑⑨q ⑩③❶⑥⑦ ❷⑨④①⑤qs ➋④⑦❽
➔➁q♣ ⑨✉t♣q❸ ➣➜➎ ❶➁qt♣t ④♣
♣⑨q ⑩③❶⑥⑦ ❷✉①①➁⑦⑥♣➂ ❷q⑦♣qs
➑➁qt❸④➂ q❻q⑦⑥⑦❶ ❿⑨qsq ♣⑨q➂
t❼✉♣③⑥❶⑨♣q❸ ♣⑨q ⑩③❶⑥⑦ ➝⑥✉⑦t
❷③➁⑤ ④⑦❸ ⑨✉⑦✉sq❸ ♣⑨sqq ⑤➁t⑥❽
⑦qttqt⑧✉⑦q ✉s❶④⑦⑥➀④♣⑥✉⑦ ④⑦❸
t⑥➒ ⑥⑦❸⑥❻⑥❸➁④③t➉
❷⑨④①⑤qs ❼sqt⑥❸q⑦♣ ➊④♣⑨➂
➋✉⑦⑦q➂ ④⑦❸ ④❿④s❸t ②qsq①✉⑦➂
q①②qq ❾④s➂ ➋✉♣♣❶qs ❿q③❽
②✉①q❸ ♣⑨q⑥s ❶➁qt♣t ♣✉ ④ ①q④③
②④♣qsq❸ ⑤➂ ↕t③④⑦❸ ❷⑥♣➂ ❺q③⑥
④⑦❸ ❷④♣qs⑥⑦❶ ④⑦❸ tqs❻q❸ ⑤➂
♣⑨q ⑩③❶⑥⑦ ↔↔♠ ❷③➁⑤➉♠ ♣q④tqs
❼qs♥✉s①④⑦②q ❿④t ❼s✉❻⑥❸q❸ ⑤➂
♣⑨q ➈④①①④ ➈⑥④➞ ②④t♣ ✉♥ ♣⑨q
⑩③❶⑥⑦ ➟❼qs④ ➠✉➁tq➉➠✉⑦✉sq❸
t❼q④➄qs ④⑦❸ ❼sqt⑥❸q⑦♣ ✉♥ ♣⑨q
⑩③❶⑥⑦ ➝⑥✉⑦t ❷③➁⑤⑧➊④♣⑨➂ ➟③⑥❽
❻qs⑧t❼✉➄q ④⑤✉➁♣ ♣⑨q ①⑥tt⑥✉⑦
④⑦❸ ④②♣⑥❻⑥♣⑥qt ✉♥ ♣⑨q ②③➁⑤➉
➑⑨q ④❿④s❸t ②qsq①✉⑦➂
♥✉③③✉❿q❸⑧④⑦❸ ♣⑨⑥t ➂q④s ♣⑨q
❷⑨④①⑤qs ➋④⑦➔➁q♣ q➒❼④⑦❸q❸
♣⑨q ❼s✉❶s④① ⑤➂ ⑥⑦②③➁❸⑥⑦❶ ♣❿✉
⑦q❿ ④❿④s❸ ②④♣q❶✉s⑥qt⑧♣⑨q
❷✉①①➁⑦⑥♣➂♠❼❼③④➁tq ➛q②❽
✉❶⑦⑥♣⑥✉⑦ ④⑦❸ ♣⑨q ❷✉①①➁⑦⑥♣➂
➟⑦ ⑤q⑨④③♥ ✉♥ ♣⑨q ⑩③❶⑥⑦
❷⑨④①⑤qs⑧➋✉⑦⑦q➂ ❼sqtq⑦♣q❸
♣⑨q ❷✉①①➁⑦⑥♣➂♠❼❼③④➁tq
➛q②✉❶⑦⑥♣⑥✉⑦ ♣✉ ➙➉❷➉ ❷✉⑦❽
t♣s➁②♣⑥✉⑦❹t ♥✉➁⑦❸qst ④⑦❸ ⑤qt♣
♥s⑥q⑦❸t⑧❺q⑦⑦⑥t ❷s✉tt ④⑦❸
➋✉⑤➙⑥③qt⑧❿⑨✉ ⑨④❻q sq②q⑦♣③➂
sq♣⑥sq❸ ♥s✉① ④ ➡➎❽➂q④s ②④sqqs
⑥⑦ ♣⑨q ②✉⑦t♣s➁②♣⑥✉⑦ ⑤➁t⑥⑦qtt➉
♠②②q❼♣⑥⑦❶ ♣⑨q ④❿④s❸ ✉⑦ ♣⑨q⑥s
⑤q⑨④③♥ ❿④t →④sq❸ ➛✉❶qst➉
➌➑⑨⑥t ➂q④s⑧♣⑨q➂ ❸✉❿⑦t⑥➀q❸
♣⑨q⑥s ✉❼qs④♣⑥✉⑦ ④⑦❸ ①✉❻q❸ ♣✉
④ t①④③③qs ✉♥➇②q⑧ ④③③✉❿⑥⑦❶ ♣⑨q
❷⑥♣➂ ♣✉ ♣s④⑦t⑥♣⑥✉⑦ ➅⑥♣t ⑤➁t⑥⑦qtt
✉♥➇②qt➆ ⑥⑦♣✉ ♣⑨q⑥s ②✉①❼③q➒⑧➐
t④⑥❸ ➋✉⑦⑦q➂➉➌➙⑨④♣ ⑤q♣♣qs
❼③④②q ✉s ❿⑨④♣ ⑤q♣♣qs ✉s❶④⑦⑥➀④❽
♣⑥✉⑦ ②✉➁③❸ ⑤q ⑥⑦ ♣⑨④♣ ⑤➁⑥③❸⑥⑦❶➉
↕♣❹t ❼qs♥q②♣➞➐
♣⑥✉⑦❹t ❶q⑦qs✉t⑥♣➂ ⑨④t ⑤qq⑦ t✉
❿⑥❸q❽t❼sq④❸➌♣⑨④♣ ♣⑨qtq♣❿✉
♥q③③✉❿t ⑨④❻q♣s➁③➂ ♣✉➁②⑨q❸
q❻qs➂ ③⑥♥q ⑥⑦ ✉➁s ②✉①①➁⑦⑥♣➂♣✉
t✉①q q➒♣q⑦♣⑧➐ t⑨qt④⑥❸➉➌➑⑨q⑥s
③④♣qt♣ ②✉⑦♣s⑥⑤➁♣⑥✉⑦ ♣✉♣⑨q
②✉⑦t♣s➁②♣⑥✉⑦ ✉♥♣⑨q⑦q❿ ⑩③❶⑥⑦
➠q④③♣⑨❺⑥t♣s⑥②♣ ②③⑥⑦⑥② ⑨④t ❼s✉⑤❽
④⑤③➂ ⑤qq⑦ ♣⑨q⑥s ①✉t♣ ⑥①❼✉s♣④⑦♣
②✉⑦♣s⑥⑤➁♣⑥✉⑦ ♥✉s ④③③✉♥➁t➉➐
➌➑⑨⑥t ⑥t ④ sq②✉❶⑦⑥♣⑥✉⑦ ④⑦❸
④❼❼sq②⑥④♣⑥✉⑦ ④❿④s❸ ♥✉s ④ ♣⑥①q❽
⑨✉⑦✉sq❸ ⑤➁t⑥⑦qtt ④⑦❸ t♣④❼③q
⑥⑦ ♣⑨⑥t ②✉①①➁⑦⑥♣➂⑧➐ t⑨q t④⑥❸➉
❶⑥⑦⑩③q②♣s⑥② ❷✉①❼④⑦➂⑧②➁ssq⑦♣③➂
♣⑨q③✉⑦❶qt♣ ♥④①⑥③➂❽✉❼qs④♣q❸
❼④t♣➥➎➂q④st⑧⑥♣❹t ⑤qq⑦✉❼qs④♣q❸
♠♥♣qs t✉①q②✉③③④⑤✉s④♣⑥✉⑦⑧♣⑨q
⑩③❶⑥⑦ ❷⑨④①⑤qs ✉♥ ❷✉①①qs②q
④⑦❸⑩③❶⑥⑦❹t ⑩②✉⑦✉①⑥② ❺q❻q③✉❼❽
①q⑦♣ ④⑦❸❾s✉❿♣⑨ ⑩⑦❸q④❻✉s
✉s❶④⑦⑥➀④♣⑥✉⑦ ⑨④❻q②✉①⑤⑥⑦q❸
➁⑦❸qs ④⑦q❿ ⑦④①q⑧⑩③❶⑥⑦
❷✉①①➁⑦⑥♣➂ ➃q♣❿✉s➄ ➅⑩❷➃➆⑧
④⑦❸♣⑨q➂ ⑨④❻qtq③q②♣q❸♣⑨q⑥s
✉♥➇②qst ④♣ ♣⑨q➈④s②⑨①qq♣⑥⑦❶➉
➊q① ➋s④⑥⑦qs❸⑧♣⑨q ♥④②⑥③⑥♣④❽
♣✉s ✉♥ ♣⑨q ①✉⑦♣⑨③➂ ①qq♣⑥⑦❶t
④⑦❸ t❼✉➄qt❼qst✉⑦ ♥✉s ♣⑨q
⑦q❿ ➁①⑤sq③③④ ✉s❶④⑦⑥➀④♣⑥✉⑦⑧
sq②④❼❼q❸ ♣⑨q ⑨⑥t♣✉s➂ ✉♥ ♣⑨⑥t
②✉⑦t✉③⑥❸④♣⑥✉⑦ q♥♥✉s♣➉
➌➋④②➄ ⑥⑦ ➍➎➎➏⑧❿q ❿④⑦♣q❸
♣✉ ②✉①⑤⑥⑦q ⑤✉♣⑨ ✉♥ ♣⑨✉tq
✉s❶④⑦⑥➀④♣⑥✉⑦t ⑤q②④➁tq ④ ③✉♣ ✉♥
♣⑨q t④①q ❼q✉❼③q ❿qsq ❶✉⑥⑦❶
♣✉ ♣⑨✉tq ♣❿✉ ①✉⑦♣⑨③➂ ①qq♣❽
⑥⑦❶t⑧➐ t④⑥❸ ➋s④⑥⑦qs❸➉ ➌➑⑨q
❷⑨④①⑤qs ④⑦❸ ⑩❺❾⑩ ❸✉ ④ ③✉♣
✉♥ ♣⑨q t④①q ♣⑨⑥⑦❶t⑧ q➒②q❼♣
♣⑨④♣ ⑩❺❾⑩ ⑥t ④ ⑦✉⑦❽❼s✉➇♣
❶s✉➁❼ ④⑦❸ ♣⑨q ❷⑨④①⑤qs ⑥t
⑦✉♣➉ ➑⑨q➂ ♣s⑥q❸ ♣④③➄⑥⑦❶ ④⑤✉➁♣
⑥♣⑧⑤➁♣ ❼q✉❼③q ❸⑥❸⑦❹♣ ♣⑨⑥⑦➄ ⑥♣
❿✉➁③❸ ❿✉s➄➉➐
➋s④⑥⑦qs❸ ❿④t ④③❿④➂t ④
❼s✉❼✉⑦q⑦♣ ♥✉s ♣⑨q ②✉⑦t✉③⑥❸④❽
♣⑥✉⑦ ✉♥ ♣⑨q ❶s✉➁❼t⑧t✉ ④③♣⑨✉➁❶⑨
♣⑨q ♣✉❼⑥② ❿④t t⑨q③❻q❸ ⑤④②➄ ⑥⑦
➍➎➎➏⑧⑥♣ ⑦q❻qs ❿④t sq➓q②♣q❸
q⑦♣⑥sq③➂➉ ❷✉⑦tq➔➁q⑦♣③➂⑧♣⑨q
♣✉❼⑥② ❿④t sq❻⑥t⑥♣q❸ ⑥⑦ →④⑦➁❽
④s➂ ➍➎➣➏⑧ ④⑦❸ ❸q♣④⑥③t ❿qsq
❿✉s➄q❸ ✉➁♣➉ ↔⑥⑦④③③➂⑧♣⑨q ⑦④①q
♥✉s ♣⑨q ⑦q❿ ➁①⑤sq③③④ ✉s❶④❽
⑦⑥➀④♣⑥✉⑦ ❿④t ②sq④♣q❸⑧⑩③❶⑥⑦
❷✉①①➁⑦⑥♣➂ ➃q♣❿✉s➄➉ ↕♣ ❿④t
④❼❼s✉❼s⑥④♣q⑧ ➋s④⑥⑦qs❸ t④⑥❸⑧
⑤q②④➁tq ♣⑨⑥t ✉⑦q ➁①⑤sq③③④
✉s❶④⑦⑥➀④♣⑥✉⑦ ❿✉➁③❸ ⑤s⑥⑦❶ ♣⑨q
❷⑨④①⑤qs⑧⑩❺❾⑩ ④⑦❸ q❻q⑦ ♣⑨q
❷⑥♣➂ ✉♥ ⑩③❶⑥⑦ ♣✉ ♣⑨q ♣④⑤③q⑧✉⑦②q
④ ①✉⑦♣⑨ ♣✉ ②✉③③④⑤✉s④♣q ①✉sq
q♥➇②⑥q⑦♣③➂ ✉⑦ ②⑥❻⑥② ❼s✉➓q②♣t
⑥⑦ ❿⑨⑥②⑨ ♣⑨q➂ ⑨④❻q ④ t⑨④sq❸
⑥⑦♣qsqt♣ ✉s s✉③q➉
➌⑩③❶⑥⑦ ❷⑨④①⑤qs ✉♥ ❷✉①❽
①qs②q ④⑦❸ ⑩❺❾⑩ ④sq t♣⑥③③ ♣⑨q
t④①q⑧ ⑤➁♣ ⑤➂ ❼➁♣♣⑥⑦❶ ♣⑨q①
➁⑦❸qs ✉⑦q ❶s✉➁❼ ⑦④①q⑧ q❻qs➂❽
✉⑦q ❿⑥③③ ①qq♣ ④♣ ✉⑦q ①qq♣❽
⑥⑦❶ ④ ①✉⑦♣⑨⑧❿⑨⑥②⑨ ⑥t ④ ♣⑥①q
②✉⑦t✉③⑥❸④♣⑥✉⑦⑧➐t⑨q t④⑥❸➉
↕⑦ ➈④s②⑨⑧♣⑨q ⑩❷➃ ①qq♣⑥⑦❶
♥④②⑥③⑥♣④♣✉s ④⑦❸ ✉♥➇②qst ❿qsq
④❼❼✉⑥⑦♣q❸ ♣✉ q⑦t➁sq q♥➇②⑥q⑦♣
①qq♣⑥⑦❶ t♣s➁②♣➁sq ④⑦❸ ♣✉ ④③❽
③✉❿ ♣⑨q ❷⑨④①⑤qs ④⑦❸ ⑩❺❾⑩
④⑦ q➔➁⑥♣④⑤③q sq❼sqtq⑦♣④♣⑥✉⑦➉
♠①✉⑦❶ ♣⑨✉tq ④❼❼✉⑥⑦♣q❸ ❿qsq
➋s④⑥⑦qs❸⑧❿⑨✉ ❿⑥③③ ④②♣ ④t
♥④②⑥③⑥♣④♣✉s ④⑦❸ ①✉❸qs④♣✉s ④♣
♣⑨q ①qq♣⑥⑦❶t➉ ❷⑥⑦❸⑥ ❷⑨④⑦❽
❸③qs ❿⑥③③ ④②♣ ④t ♣⑨q ⑩❺❾⑩
sq❼sqtq⑦♣④♣⑥❻q ④⑦❸ ➊④♣⑨➂
➋✉⑦⑦q➂ ❿⑥③③ ④②♣ ④t ♣⑨q ⑩③❶⑥⑦
❷⑨④①⑤qs sq❼sqtq⑦♣④♣⑥❻q➉
⑩④②⑨ ✉♥ ♣⑨q sq❼sqtq⑦♣④♣⑥❻qt
❿⑥③③ ⑤q t❼✉➄qt❼qst✉⑦t ♥✉s ♣⑨q⑥s
sqt❼q②♣⑥❻q t➁⑤❽❶s✉➁❼t➉
➌↕⑦ ④❸❸⑥♣⑥✉⑦ ♣✉ ♣⑨q♣❿✉ sq❼❽
sqtq⑦♣④♣⑥❻qt ➁⑦❸qs ⑩③❶⑥⑦ ❷✉①❽
①➁⑦⑥♣➂ ➃q♣❿✉s➄⑧❿q ⑨④❻q✉⑦q
tq②sq♣④s➂⑧❷④s✉③ ➋➁②➄③q➂⑧❿⑨✉
♣④➄qt ⑦✉♣qt ♥✉s ⑤✉♣⑨ t➁⑤❶s✉➁❼t➉
➙q ④③t✉ ⑨④❻q♣❿✉ ♣sq④t➁sqst⑧
➊④♣⑨➂ ➛➂t❸④① ♥✉s ♣⑨q⑩③❶⑥⑦
❷⑨④①⑤qs ④⑦❸➈④s➂➙qt♣ ♥✉s
⑩❺❾⑩⑧➐ t④⑥❸➋s④⑥⑦qs❸➉
➈④s②⑨❹t ①qq♣⑥⑦❶❿④t♣⑨q
➌➙q❹sq ⑦✉♣ ✉⑦③➂ ②✉⑦t✉③⑥❸④♣❽
⑥⑦❶ ✉➁s ♣⑥①q ④⑦❸ q♥♥✉s♣⑧⑤➁♣
❿q❹sq ⑤④t⑥②④③③➂ t♣sq⑦❶♣⑨q⑦⑥⑦❶
q④②⑨ ✉s❶④⑦⑥➀④♣⑥✉⑦ ⑤➂ ②✉①⑥⑦❶
♣✉❶q♣⑨qs⑧➐ t⑨q t④⑥❸➉
See Top 10/ Page 2B
Heart ‘n Home has a new logo
LA GRANDE — Heart ‘n Home has
released a new logo, which will soon be
displayed on the organization’s website,
social media, vehicles and building signage.
According to a press release, the logo’s clean
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with Heart ‘n Home’s recent endeavor to
structure and simplify its services in order
to best support its clients and their families.
The logo’s modern feel pairs well with the
organization’s focus on executing a modern
approach to hospice management. The
three leaves symbolize the holistic aspect of
hospice care: meeting the physical, emotion-
al and spiritual needs of a patient and their
loved ones. Leaves depict hope, renewal,
and growth. For individuals on hospice care,
their hope often changes throughout their
journey. Learn more about Heart ‘n Home
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See EDGE / Page 2B
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