▲◆ ➋❖❉◗ ❀❘❳◗❅❩◗❅ ❬ ❘❆❭◗❅ ❈❪❖❃ ❉◗❅❆❫❂ Second pregnancy is too much for family asked for support DEAR ABBY: My niece (age 25), despite numerous warnings against getting pregnant, deliberately did three years ago. This was a ❴❵❛❜❝❞ ❢❣ ❤✐ ❤❥❤❦❴ ❧❦❞♠ ❤ ♥❤✐ who is in a live-in relation- ship with another woman. My niece ended up in the hospital and had to have some serious surgeries. She lost her job and moved in with my sister and her husband. She’s working again, but she and her daughter still live with my sister because she doesn’t earn enough to support them (and gets no help from the father). She has recently announced that she’s pregnant again by this same man! My sister says she feels compelled to sup- port my niece because she is concerned about her grandchild(ren). How do the rest of us “opt out,” without seeming mean or judgmental? I feel sorry for the strain this is put- ting on my sister, but she keeps asking family mem- bers to help out as she is only working part-time and her husband is on dis- ability. I don’t feel it is our responsibility to keep sup- porting this self-centered, irresponsible adult. HELP, please! — AUNTIE NO MORE DEAR AUNTIE: Un- less you and the rest of the family want to support your niece and all the chil- dren she may have, draw the line. Tell your sister that “the family” will chip in ONE MORE TIME, but the money must be used so she and her daughter can ✿❀❁❂❆❃❄ ✿❆❅❈❉ ❊❋❄ ❍■❊❑ COFFEE BREAK ❻❼❽❾ ❽❿❿➀ consult a lawyer about how to compel the deadbeat dad to assume his respon- sibilities toward his chil- dren. There are also state child support enforcement agencies that can help her. DEAR ABBY: I started dating my next-door neigh- bor two years ago. We have known each other for ♦♣ q❵❤❴❛t ✈❵ ♠❦❞ ❦❞ ❢❥✇ ❤✐① after about a month he was spending every night with me. He’s 72 and retired; I’m 55 and work full time. We have a great relation- ship, but I feel he is stalling about marrying me. In the beginning, he said if we were together after one year we would talk about selling one or both of our houses and having just one. It hasn’t happened. I make his breakfast each morning. Then I go to work and he goes to his house. He comes back at lunch to let my dogs out. When I get home at 5, he comes over and I cook supper. (He does buy some groceries and will start dinner every once in a while.) He then stays until I leave for work the next day. And he’s here every weekend, too. He does go home to shower. I think after two years he should know whether he wants to marry me or not. His last divorce was 20 years ago, and mine was seven years ago. I love him, and he says he Permanent daylight saving in Oregon? Gov says ‘Hell yes.’ ìíî ïððñòóôõîö ÷øîðð just wishes I could be “pa- tient.” I think it’s stupid to have two houses when he stays with me every night. I pay my own bills, and he pays his. Do you think I’m wasting my time with him? — READY FOR CHANGE IN SOUTH CAROLINA DEAR READY: Whether you are wasting your time remains to be seen. After two years I don’t think you are being “impatient” to want a commitment from him. That’s why you both need to have a serious, lay-it-on-the-line discus- sion about what your goals are. If marriage isn’t one of his, he should let you know NOW. on Thursday: “Hell yes!” “I think everyone’s done with the time change,” she added. Washington and Cali- fornia are also consider- ing shifting to a perma- nent daylight saving time. Any state law extend- ing daylight saving time SALEM, Ore. — Oregon Gov. Kate Brown endorsed a movement to make daylight saving time permanent. When asked if she was in favor of a proposal to abolish the time shift, the Democrat told reporters would have to be ap- proved by Congress. Brown said this was one of the few issues where she agrees with President Donald Trump. The presi- dent tweeted earlier this week that daylight saving time year-round would be “O.K. with me!” Colorado rescuers save trapped moose ìíî ïððñòóôõîö ÷øîðð ✁✂ ú ✄☎ ú ✆ þÿÿ ✁✆ ùúûüýú þùÿ KEYSTONE, Colo. — Rescuers in Colorado hauled a bull moose to safety after it became trapped in a window well. Colorado Parks and Wild- ✝✞ þú ✟ úùûÿ ✠✠ ú ✝✡ ✝ ÿü ☛✝ ✄ ùú ☛✠☞ deep enclosure at a private home west of Denver. Authorities say they erected a pulley system to lift the young male weigh- ing between 800 and 1,000 pounds that may have been trying to avoid snowdrifts by walking close to the house. Summit Daily reported Sunday that rescuers tran- quilized the animal Saturday night before attempting a emergency services and Key- stone ski resort employees assisted in the rescue. A parks spokesman says the operation took nearly six hours. The moose returned with- out any injuries. ➁➂➃➄ ➅➆➂➇➅➈ ➂➉ ➊➌➍➍➈➎➤ ➏➌➎➏ ➇➐ ➌➍➍➑ ➁➂➃ ➒➓➂➔ ➔➆➌➐ ➇➐ ➐➌➒➈➏ ➐➂ →➈ ➏➃➅➅➈➏➏➉➃➍➣ ➌➓↔ ➔➌➐➈➄ ↕➌➓➌➙➈↕➈➓➐ ➇➏ ➐➂➂ ➇↕➛➂➄➐➌➓➐ ➐➂ ➈➓➐➄➃➏➐ ➐➂ ➌➓➎➂➓➈ ➂➐➆➈➄ ➐➆➌➓ ➊➌➍➍➈➎➑ ➜➃➄ ➅➂↕↕➇➐↕➈➓➐ ➐➂ ➃➓↕➌➐➅➆➈↔ ➛➈➄➉➂➄↕➌➓➅➈ ➌➓↔ ➐➈➅➆➓➂➍➂➙➇➅➌➍ ➇➓➓➂➝➌➐➇➂➓ ➒➈➈➛➏ ➂➛➈➄➌➐➇➂➓➏ ➍➇➒➈ ➎➂➃➄➏ ➐➆➄➇➝➇➓➙➑ ➞➟➟ ➠➡➢➥ ➦➧➨➨➟➠ ➩➟➧➨➟➥ ➫➡➥ ➧➨➨ ➠➡➢➥ ➭➥➥➭➯➧➲➭➡➳ ➳➟➟➩➵➸ ❰ÏÐÏÑ ÒÓ ÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜ ÝÞÓ ßÙ×àáÞ âØÚãä åÝ æ çè❰éÑêëéè❰Ñç ②③④⑤⑥ ⑦⑧⑥⑥②④⑨ ⑩❶ ❷❸❹ ❺❶ ➺➻➼➼➽➾➚➪➪➚➶➻➹➚➘➴➷➬➘➮ ➱✃❐❒❐❮ ûÓ❮Ö ❡ ✃ï❐ï ✃Ô❰ æ❮✃ñÕå ❡ ï ñ❮Óòå❰Ö❰ ✂ Ï ➀⑦⑦⑥➍♥✉♠❷♥♦ ✱ ➆❧⑦➈ ✝ ãÐÙÚ ➀r♠⑤♦q✉ ❻⑤❧❽❺q♥② ✍☛✠✌☛ ➂✉❧⑦⑤⑥❺♥♦ ✸✎✠✌☞ ✍✡✠✏✟ ✶✸✲ ➁⑤r♠✇③ r⑥❧❧③ ✼✲ ✞ ❹✉♦♠✇③ r⑥❧❧③ ✶✽✸ ➁⑤r♠✇③ r⑥❧❧③ ✹✱✴ ④✇⑤⑥❾r ✉❧❾ r⑥❧ ❇✞✟✠✡ ☛☞✌✍ ➻➼ ➏➐➑➒➐➓➔ →➣↔↕➙➛ ➽ ➪➼ ➪➹ ➪➹ ➬➚ ▲✞ ✎✡✞✏✑✠ ➾➚ ➏➐➑➒➐➓➔ →➣↔↕➙➛ ➽ ➪➹ ➽ ➘➴ ➾➚ ➾➻ ➪➹ ➽ ➘➴ ➾➶ ➾➻ ➪➼ ➘➴ ➘➴ ➾➾ ➾➾ ➪➹ ➽ ➽ ❊✒✓☞✏ Øãç ÙÛç ÐÑÐÐ ÐÑÚÛ ÙÑÙá ÙÐÑÛà áÑáá ❆✳✱✴✰✸✬✶✸✱❆✬ ✴✯✹✵✺ ➎☎➞ ✔✖❙❖✄✁☎❚✔❖✖ ❚✆ ✝➡☎➞ èÓéÖï❐ ❮ÖÞ✃❐åòÖ Õ❒Ýå❰å❐Ï ×Øó ôõ❐Ö❮ÔÓÓÔ éåÔ❰ ➱➱ö ✃❐ á ❐Ó Ùã ÝñÕ äÓ❒❮ï Óõ ï❒ÔïÕåÔÖ ÛÑà öò✃ñÓ❐❮✃Ôïñå❮✃❐åÓÔ ÐÑÙÙ ✄ ✝ ✄❘❖✔✄ ✝❚❖✄☎● ✭✓✔✕✖✗✘✔ ✙✚✛✜✚✘✔✓ 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