❋✢✣✤❆ ✥ ✱ ✦❆✢✧★ ✩✺✱ ✪✫ ✩ ✾ ✬★✭ ✮✯✰✭✢❱✭✢ ✲ P❯ ✁■✂✄☎✆ ❇❨ ❚✄☎ ▲❆ ●❘❆✝✆☎ ❖ ✂☎❘❱☎❘ ✫ ❚✄☎ ❇❆✞☎❘ ❈■✟❨ ❍☎❘❆✁✆ ❊ ❙☎❘❱■✝✠ ❲❆✁✁✡☛❆☞✌✝■✡✝ ✫ ❇❆✞☎❘ ❈✡❯✝✟■☎✂ ❭❪ ❫ ❴ ❵ ❪❢❴ ❪❫ ❫❜ ❫❝ ❴ ✇❜ ①❜❣❫ ❥❴ ①❪ ✇ ♣ ❢ ❜ ♣ ❜❣❪ ❭ ❦❜❢ ❪❤❪✐❭❪❥❭❴ ❪✇❵ ❪ ❤ ❪ ✐ ❭❪ ❥ ❭ ❴ ①❜❣ ❫ ④ ❪ ❦③ ❢ ❫❝ ❴ ❢ ①❜✇ ❫❪ ①❫ ❥⑥ ❷ ❸ ❹ ⑨ ❺ ❻ ❺❼ ⑧ ❥❴ ❢ ❴❪❣ ❜ ✇⑨ ⑩❜❢ ❜❦❦✐①❴ ❫❝❴ ①❪ ✇ ✐ ✇ ❦❜ ❢❶❪ ❫✐ ❜ ✇ ❫❝✐❣ ⑤ ❢❴❤✐ ❴q ❪ ✇❵ ❪❫ ❪ ❥❴ ❥ ❴❦❜❢❴ ❵❪⑥❣ ❣ ③ ♣ ♣ ❭✐ ❴ ❵ ❪❫ q✐ ❭❭ ❦❜❢ ❝ ❴❪ ❢✐ ✇⑦ ⑧ ❪❥ ❭❴ ①❜♣✐❴❣ ①❜❣ ❫④ ❢❴♣ ❜❢❫ ❣ ❴❤❴✇ ❢❴❤✐❴q ❣ ③ ♣ ♣ ❭✐ ❴ ❵ ❢ ❴ ❪❣ ❜ ✇❪ ❥ ❭ ❴ ❣ ❫❪ ❦ ❦ 1010 - Union Co. Legal Notices ♣❝❜✇❴ ❜❢ ❽ ❜ ✇ ❵ ❪ ⑥ ❣ ❫ ❜♣ ❦❜❢ ①❜❣ ❫ ❥❴ ❪ ✇❵ ❢ ❴❪❣ ❜ ✇❪❥ ❭❴ ❣ ❫❪ ❦ ❦ ❣❴❤❴✇ ❪✇❵ ❪❫ ❪ ✐ ✇ ❦ ❜ ❢ ❶ ❪ ❫✐ ❜ ✇ ①❜❣❫④ q✐❫❝ ❫❜ ♣❴ ❢❣ ❜ ✇❣ ⑤ ❵✐❣❪❥✐ ❭✐❫✐❴❣④ ➂③ ❴❣ ❫ ❦❜❢ ❦ ❜❢ ♣❢ ❴❫❴ ❢ ✐❶ ♣❪✐ ❢ ❴ ❵ ❢ ❴⑨ ✐ ✇ ❫ ❴ ❢⑨ ❪✇ ❫❝ ❴ ❝ ❴❪ ❢✐ ✇⑦ ❦❜❢ ❜❢ ❜ ❫❝ ❴ ❢ ❪ ① ① ❜ ❶ ❶ ❜ ❵ ❪ ❫✐ ❜ ✇❣ q✐ ❫❝ ♣❴ ❢❣ ❜✇❣ ❼❿ ❶❪❵❴ ❪❫ ❥ ❴ ❦❜ ❢❴ ❝ ❜③ ❢❣ ❶ ❴❴ ❫✐ ✇⑦ ❦❜❢ ❵✐❣❪ ❥✐ ❭✐⑨ ❥❴ ❣❝ ❜③❭❵ ❭❴❪❣❫ ✐❣ ❭❜ ①❪ ❫✐ ❜✇ ➃✐ ✇❵❪ ❫❜ ➄ ❜ ❝ ✇ ❣ ❫ ❜ ✇ ⑧ ➅ ➁ ❼ ❺ ➆ ❷❸❹⑨❺❻❺❼④ ❜❢ ➉❭❪✇✇✐✇⑦ ❦③ ❢❫❝ ❴❢ ❪❫ ✐✇ ❣ ❫❜ ♣ ❫ ❝ ❢ ❜ ③ ⑦ ❝ ❾ ❝ ③ ❢❣ ❵❪⑥ ⑧ ❿ ➀ ❹ ❻⑨ ➁ ➀ ❻ ❻ ♣④❶④ ❾❝ ❴ ❪ ①①❴❣❣✐❥ ❭❴ q✐ ❫❝ ❫❜ ♣❢ ❴❫ ❴❢ ❦❜❢ ❦ ❜❢ ✐❶ ♣❪ ✐ ❢ ❴ ❵ ♣ ❴❢❣ ❜✇❣ ❝ ❴❪ ❢✐✇⑦ ❫❝ ❴ ❦❜❢ q✐ ❫❝ ❣❝❜③❭❵ ❭❴❪❣ ❫ ❜ ❫❝ ❴❢ ❼❿ ❦❜❢ ❵✐❣ ❪❥ ✐ ❭✐ ⑨ ❥❴ ❶❪❵❴ ❝ ❜③ ❢❣ ❶ ❴❴ ❫✐ ✇⑦ ❢ ❴⑨ ✐ ✇ ❫ ❴ ❢⑨ ❪✇ ❜❢ ⑤ ❪ ① ① ❜❶ ❶ ❜ ❵❪ ❫ ✐ ❜ ✇❣ ♣ ❴❢ ❣ ❜ ✇❣ ✐❣ ❭❜①❪ ❫✐ ❜ ✇ ❵✐❣❪❥ ✐❭✐ ❫✐ ❴❣ ④ ➂ ③ ❴❣ ❫ ❫✐❴❣ ❫❜ ❪❫ ❥ ❴❦ ❜❢ ❴ ➃✐ ✇ ❵❪ ➅ ➁ ❼ ❺ ➆ ❷❸❹⑨❺❻❺❼④ ➉③ ❥ ❭ ✐ ❣ ❝ ❴ ❵ ➀ ❽❪ ❢ ①❝ ❺➁ ⑧ ➈❪❢❫❴❭❭ ➉❭❪✇✇✐✇⑦ ➊✐❢❴①❫❜❢ ➉③ ❥ ❭✐ ❣ ❝ ❴❵ ➀ ❻❻❻➁➎➁➎❺ ❽❪ ❢①❝ ➋❻❺❷ ➌❴⑦❪❭ ➏➐➑➒➓➔ ➐→ ➍ ➢❾ ➤ ➃➥ ➤ ➇ ➩ ➤➫ ➥➍ ⑧ ➃❜③✇❫⑥ ❢ ❴⑦③ ❭❪ ❢ ➌❪ ➭❣ ❴ ➦❜✇❪ ❭✐ ❣❝ ➍❜④ ❺➁ ⑧ ❥⑥ ✐✇ ♣❢❜♣❴❢❫⑥ ❻❻❻➁➎➁➎ ➋ ❫❜ ③❣❴⑧ ➃❜❤❴⑧ ❪❫ ❝❴❶ ♣ ➃ ✐ ❫⑥ ➦⑨ ➋ ❫✐❪❭ ➵❜✇❴④ ❹➇⑧ ❾ q ♣④ ❾❪ ➳ ❪✇ ❵❴⑨ ➥➲ ❽⑧ ➇ ❴①⑨ ➋ ❻ ❺⑧ ➌ ❜❫ ❺❸ ④❼➁ ❜❦ ➇❫❪①➺⑨ ❪ ✇❵ ❪❣ ❼❻ ❜✇ ✇❜❢❫❝⑨ ❸ ❺❻➎❼ ❺❼ ⑧ ✐✇ ❪ ①❢ ❴❣ ⑧ ➦③ ❢❪❭ ➦❴❣✐ ❵❴✇⑨ ➍➢❾➤ ➃➥ ➌❪✇❵ ➇ ❴①❫✐❜ ✇ ➭❣❴ ❦ ❜③ ✇❵ ❪❢ ❴ ➎ ④❻❹ ➅ ❺➋ ➆ ➃❜③✇❫⑥ ➭ ✇✐❜✇ ➉❪ ❢❫✐❫✐ ❜✇ ❜❦ ➵ ❜✇⑨ ➇③❥ ❵✐⑨ ➯ ➤ ➇ ➩➤ ➫ ➥➍ ⑧ ➃❜③ ✇❫⑥ ❢❴⑦ ③ ❭❪❢ ➋➁ ⑧ ♣ ④❶ ④ ⑧ ➃❝❪ ♣❭✐ ✇ ➇❫❢❴❴❫⑧ q✐❭❭ ①❜✇❣✐❵❴❢ ➌❪ ❺❻ ❻❺ ➩ ❢❪✇❵❴⑧ ➇③❥❵✐❤✐⑨ ❪ ❣③❥⑨ ❪ ♣ ♣ ❭✐ ①❪ ❫✐ ❜ ✇ ❶✐❫❫❴❵ ❥⑥ ➃❜❢❫✇❴⑥ ➧ ❢✐ ❫ ❫ ✇ ❴⑥ ⑤⑦ ❴✇❫ ❫❜ ➦✐❤ ❴❢❦❢❜✇❫ ➥❣ ❫ ❪ ❫ ❴ ❣ ⑧ ❢ ❜❪ ❵ q✐ ❫❝ ❪ ① ①❴❣❣ ➌❜❫❣ q ❴❣ ❫ ➯ ➌❜❫❣ ❺ ➯ ✐❣ ❜❦ ➦❜❪ ❵ ❫❝ ❴ ➦❜ ✇ ❵ ❴ ➦❪ ✇⑦ ❴ ➇ ❴ ①❫✐ ❜ ✇ ❾ q♣④ ❾❪➳ ➦⑨ ➋ ➌ ❜❫ ➦③ ❢❪ ❭ ➵❜✇❴④ ❪♣♣❭✐ ①❪❥ ❭❴ ➌❪✇❵ ➢ ❢❵✐✇❪ ✇①❴④ ❫❜ ❢❪✐❣❴ ✐ ❣❣③ ❴ ⑩❪✐❭⑨ ➦❴⑦③ ❭❪❫✐❜✇❣ ❪ q✐ ❫ ❝ ❣ ♣❴①✐❦✐①✐ ❫⑥ ❫❜ ➤ ➇ ❣♣❴①✐❦✐ ① ❣ ③ ❦ ❦ ✐ ①✐ ❴ ✇ ❫ ✐✇ ⑤ ❢ ❫✐ ①❭❴❣ ❫❝❴ ➎ ➯ ➋➁ ➃❜③ ✇❫⑥ ➭✇✐❜✇ ❪❫ ❥❪❣❴❵ ➌➭➧⑤ ❪ ✇❵ ❪❫ ➋➁ ⑧ ❦❜❢ ❪❤❪✐❭❪❥❭❴ ✇❜ ①❜❣❫ ➌❪ ❥❴ ❭ ❴❤ ❴ ❭ ❜✇ ❪❫ ❪ ⑤ ❥❴ q✐ ❭ ❭ ❦❜❢ ❢❴❤✐ ❴q ❥ ❴❦❜❢❴ ❵❪⑥❣ ❥⑥ ❽④ ❪ ✇❵ ❪❫ ❫❜ ❣ ①❢❴❴✇ ❪❣ ♣❭✐ ①❪ ❫✐ ❜✇ ①❜❣ ❫④ ❫❝ ❴ ❥❴ ①❪ ✇ ❪ ❢ ❴❪❣ ❜ ✇⑨ ❦③ ❢ ❫❝ ❴❢ ⑩ ❜❢ ① ❜✇ ❫❪ ① ❫ ❥⑥ ❜❦❦✐①❴ ♣❝❜✇❴ ❜❢ ❶ ❪ ❫✐ ❜✇ ❦ ❜❢ ❢❴❤✐ ❴q ❪✇❵ ❴❪❣❫ ❫❝ ❴ ➃✐❫⑥ ❸➎❿ ➋❿ ➦❜❪❵ ♣ ❭✐ ❴ ❵ ❪❫ ①❜ ❣ ❫ ④ q✐❭❭ ❪ ⑤ ❥❴ ❤✐ ❴ q ❦ ❜❢ ❴ ❣ ❫ ❜♣ ✐✇ ①❪ ✇ ❪ ④❶ ④ ❿ ➀❹ ❻ Tax Lot 3482 02S460000 1700 3502 02S460000 2700 3451 02S460000 101 3458 02S460000 201 3459 02S460000 202 3503 02S460000 2800 3542 02S470000 1500 4528 03S460000 100 4529 03S460000 101 ①❜❣ ❫ ❥❴ ❣③♣⑨ ❢ ❴❪ ❣ ❜ ✇❪❥ ❭ ❴ ❣ ❫❪ ❦❦ ❦❜❢ ❣ ❴❤ ❴ ✇ ✐❣ ❢❴⑨ ❫❝ ❴ $650,570 ❥ ❴⑨ ❵❪ ⑥❣ ❝ ❴❪ ❢✐ ✇⑦ ⑧ ❪ ✇❵ ❥❴ ❺➇⑧ ❾❪ ➳ ❶ ❴❴❫✐ ✇⑦ ✐❣ ❭❜ ①❪ ❫✐ ❜✇ ❫❜ ♣❴❢❣ ❜✇❣ ❵✐❣❪❥✐ ❭✐ ❫✐❴❣ ④ ♣ ❢❴ ❫❴❢ ❦❜❢ ❦❜ ❢ ✐ ❶ ♣❪✐ ❢ ❴ ❵ ❪ ✇❵ ⑤ ❢❴⑨ ✐ ✇❫ ❴ ❢⑨ ❪✇ ❝ ❴❪❢✐ ✇⑦ ❫❝ ❴ ❜❢ ❦❜❢ ❜ ❫❝ ❴ ❢ ❪❫ ❪ ❢ ❴❪❣ ❜ ✇❪ ❥ ❭❴ ❦③ ❢ ❫❝ ❴ ❢ ①❜❣ ❫ ④ $99,480 ⑩ ❜❢ ✐ ✇❦❜❢❶❪ ❫✐ ❜✇ ❫❝ ✐❣ ❪❫ ❜❦ ❦✐ ①❴ ❥⑥ ❷❸❹⑨❺❻❺❼⑧ ✐ ✇ ❣ ❫ ❜ ♣ $900 ❜❢ ❽ ❜ ✇ ❵ ❪ ⑥ ❫❝ ❢ ❜ ③ ⑦ ❝ ❿➀❹❻⑨➁➀❻❻ $4500 ❾ ❝ ③ ❢❣ ❵ ❪ ⑥ ⑧ ♣④❶④ ❾❝ ❴ ❶ ❴❴ ❫✐ ✇⑦ ❪ ①①❴❣❣✐❥ ❭❴ q✐ ❫❝ ✐❣ ❭❜①❪ ❫✐ ❜✇ ❫❜ $38,370 ♣ ❴❢❣❜ ✇❣ ❵✐❣❪❥✐ ❭✐ ❫✐ ❴❣ ④ ⑤ ❢ ❴⑨ ❸ ❺ ❻❼ ⑧ ❪ ① ① ❜❶ ❶ ❜ ❵ ❪ ❫✐ ❜ ✇ ❣ ❿ ❺④❼❼ ❣ ③ ♣ ♣ ❭✐ ❴❵ ❵❴⑨ ❾ q♣ ④ ❸ ❺ ❻❹ Real Market Value $598,060 ❢❴♣❜ ❢❫ ❪❤❪✐❭❪❥❭❴ ①❜✇ ❫❪ ①❫ ♣④❶④ ➂ ③ ❴❣ ❫ ❪ ①❢ ❴❣ ⑧ ➥➳①❭③❣✐❤❴ ❦❜ ❢ ➂ ③ ❴❣ ❫ ❦❜❢ $17,700 ✐ ✇ ❫ ❴ ❢⑨ ❪✇ ✐✇ ♣ ❴ ❢❣ ❜ ✇❣ q✐ ❫❝ ❵✐ ❣❪❥ ✐ ❭✐⑨ ♣❢ ❴❫ ❴❢ ❦ ❜❢ ❫❝ ❴ ❝ ❴❪ ❢✐ ✇⑦ ⑩❪❢❶ ❫✐❴❣ ❣❝❜③❭❵ ❥❴ ❶❪❵❴ ❪❫ ✐❶ ♣❪ ✐ ❢ ❴ ❵ ❜❢ ❦❜❢ ❜ ❫❝ ❴ ❢ $71,400 ➵❜✇❴④ ❭❴❪❣ ❫ ❪ ♣♣❭✐①❪❥ ❭❴ ➌❪✇❵ ➦❴⑦③ ❭❪ ❫✐ ❜✇❣ ❼❿ ❝ ❜③ ❢❣ ❶ ❴ ❴❫✐ ✇⑦ ❫❜ ➄ ❜ ❝ ✇ ❣ ❫ ❜ ✇ ⑧ ➃✐ ✇❵❪ ➋ ④❻❼ ❜❦ ♣❴ ❢❣ ❜✇❣ ➅ ➁ ❼ ❺ ➆ ❫✐❴❣ ➇①❜❫❫ ❢❪✐❣ ❴ ❪ ⑩ ❪✐ ❭③ ❢ ❴ ❣ ♣❴ ①✐ ❦✐ ① ➈❪❢❫❴❭❭ ❣ ③ ❦ ❦✐ ①✐ ❴ ✇ ❫ ❪❫ ❶ ❴❴ ❫✐ ✇⑦ ❽❪ ❢ ①❝ ❺➁ ⑧ ➇①❜❫❫ ➈❪❢❫❴❭❭ ➉❭❪✇✇✐✇⑦ ➊✐❢❴①❫❜❢ Said properties shall be sold as one lot, and not sold individually, with a minimum bid of $910,800.00. ALL PARCELS SHALL BE SOLD AS IS, WITH NO WARRANTYS OF ANY SORT. All potential bidders are subject to inspection of funds prior to or during participation in the auction to qualify as bidder. Individuals without proof of sufficient funds, or that have not qualified before the start of ✹✻✽ ❭❴❤ ❴❭ ❪ ♣♣❴❪ ❭ ❜✇ ➃✐ ✇ ❵❪ ➅ ➁ ❼ ❺ ➆ ❣ ♣ ❴ ①✐ ⑨ ❭❜①❪❭ ❥❪❣❴❵ ❫❜ ❷❸❹⑨❺❻❺❼④ ➍ ❜④ ❻❻❻➁➎➁➎❼ ❫❜ ➉③ ❥ ❭ ✐ ❣ ❝ ❴ ❵ ➀ ➌➭➧⑤ $2130 ❪❫ ❥ ❴❦ ❜❢ ❴ ❫❜ ➌❴⑦❪❭ ♣ ❢❴ ① ❭③ ❵❴❣ ❶❪❵❴ ✐❣❣③ ❴ ➋❻❺❷ ❫❝❴ ❥❴ ❝ ❜③ ❢❣ ➄ ❜ ❝ ✇ ❣ ❫ ❜ ✇ ⑧ ➊✐❢❴①❫❜❢ ➉③ ❥ ❭✐ ❣ ❝ ❴ ❵ ➀ q✐ ❫❝ ❦✐①✐❫⑥ ❼❿ ➢ ❢⑨ ➉❭❪✇✇✐✇⑦ ❵✐ ✇❪ ✇ ① ❴ ④ ❣❝❜③❭❵ ❭❴❪❣ ❫ ➉ ❪ ❢ ❫✐ ⑨ ➵ ❜ ✇✐ ✇⑦ ⑧ ➇③❥ ❵✐❤✐❣✐ ❜✇ ➯ ❦❜❢ ❵✐❣❪ ❥ ✐ ❭✐⑨ ➭ ✇✐ ❜ ✇ ❫❝ ❴ ❫❝ ❴ ➃❜③ ✇ ❫⑥ q✐ ❫❝ ➯ ❷❸❹⑨❺❻❺❼④ ➋ ❺ ④ ❻➎ ❪ ① ①❜ ❶ ❶ ❜ ❵❪ ❫ ✐ ❜ ✇❣ ❦❜③ ✇❵ ❪ ❢❴ ➇ ❴ ① ❫✐ ❜✇❣ ❥ ❴❦ ❜❢ ❴ ➭❣ ❴ ❫❝ ❴ ❫✐❜✇ Map No. ➩ ❢ ❪⑥ ❣ ❪✇❵ ➥ ➲ ❽⑧ ❪❣ ❹❷ Ref No ➤❶⑨ ❜❦ q✐ ❫❝ ✐✇ ✇❜ ①❪✇ ✇❜ ❢❫❝ ⑨ ❪ ①①❴❣❣✐❥ ❭❴ ➭❣❴ ❫❝ ❴ ❪♣♣❢❜➳✐⑨ ❶✐ ❭❴❣ ❾❝❴ ❾❝ ❴ ❪❫ ①❜♣✐❴❣ ♣❝❜✇❴ ⑤⑨ ❺ ❫❜ ❪❤❪✐ ❭❪❥ ❭❴ ♣❢❜♣⑨ ⑨➁➀❻❻ ➋ ❪✇ ❪ ❢❴ ❴➳✐❣❫⑨ ❾❝❴ ❭❜①❪❫❴❵ ❶❪ ❫ ❴❭⑥ ➌ ❜ ❫❣ ❢ ❴❭❪ ❫ ❴❵ ♣❢ ❜ ♣❜❣ ❪ ❭ ❪❫ ❫ ❝ ❢ ❜ ③ ⑦ ❝ ❽ ❜ ✇ ❵ ❪ ⑥ ❪❥ ❜③ ❫ ❪♣⑨ ✐ ✇ ❦❜ ❢⑨ ❪ ❭❭ ❝ ❜❶ ❴ ❪✇ ❾ ❝ ③ ❢❣ ❵❪ ⑥ ⑧ ❥③✐❭❵✐✇⑦ ④ ➦❪ ✇⑦ ❴ ❪ ✇❵ ♣❢✐ ✇❫⑨ ❪ ✐✇ ❜①①③ ♣❪❫✐❜✇ ❣ ① ❢✐ ❥ ❴❵ ❾❝ ❴ ❴ ❶ ❥ ❢ ❜✐ ❵ ❴ ❢⑥ ❥ ③ ❣ ✐ ✇ ❴❣ ❣ ❪❫ ❥❪❣❴❵ ➌➭➧⑤ ✐❣❣③❴④ ❴❣⑨ ❷ ❸ ❹ ⑨ ❺ ❻ ❺❼ ⑧ ➃❜❢✇❴❢ ❫❜ ❫❝❪❫ ➊❪ ❭❴ ❫❝✐❣ ❥ ❭ ❴❢⑧ ❫❝ ❴ ❪ ♣♣ ❭✐ ①❪ ❫✐ ❜✇ ✐ ✇❦ ❜ ❢❶ ❪ ❫✐ ❜ ✇ ⑧ ❜❦ ❪❫ ♣ ❢ ❴ ① ❭③ ❵ ❴❣ ➃❜✇❵✐⑨ ➲✐❭❥ ❴❢ ❪✇❵ ✐❣ ❣ ♣❴⑨ ❣③ ❦ ❦✐⑨ ➩ ❢❪✇❵❴⑧ ❪ ❪❥ ❭❴ ❴❢❫⑥ ❪ q✐ ❫❝ ❣♣❴①✐❦✐①✐❫⑥ ❪♣♣❴❪❭ ①❜❣ ❫ ④ ❢❴♣ ❜❢❫ ❣ ③ ♣ ♣ ❭✐ ❴ ❵ ✐✇⑦ ①✐ ❴✇❫ ❭ ❜ ①❪ ❭ ①❜♣✐❴❣ ❣③ ♣ ♣ ❭✐ ❴ ❵ ❝ ❴❪ ❢✐ ✇⑦ ⑧ ➭❣ ❴ ❪ ❫❜ ✐ ❣❣③ ❴ ❺❻ ❻❺ ❣❴❤❴✇ ①❜✇❣✐ ❵❴ ❢ ❫❪❥ ❭✐❣❝ ❢❪✐❣ ❴ ①✐ ❦✐ ① ❢❴❤✐❴q ❪ ✇❵ ❪ ❤ ❪ ✐ ❭❪ ❥ ❭ ❴ ➇❫❢❴❴❫⑧ ❢ ❴⑨ ♣ ❢ ❜ ♣ ❜❣❪ ❭ ❫❝ ❴ ❢ ❴❪ ❣ ❜ ✇❪❥ ❭ ❴ ✐ ✇⑦ ⑩❪✐ ❭③ ❢❴ ➃❜ ✇⑨ ➦❜❜❶ ⑧ ➦❴✇❪❴ ❫❝❪❫ ✐ ✇❦❜❢❶ ❪❫✐❜✇ ❫❜ ❣ ❫❪ ❦ ❦ ➯ Public Notice Notice of Tax Foreclosure Sale Pursuant to Order No. 2017-031A adopted by the Wallowa County Board of Commissioners on January 18, 2019 and Order No. 2018-038 adopted by the Wallowa Board of Commissioners on December 3, 2018, authorizing the sale of real property as provided for in ORS 275.110, On March 18, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. in the Wallowa County Circuit Courtroom, 101 S. River Street, Room 204, Enterprise Oregon 97828 the Wallowa County Sheriff shall sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, on the terms as set out in Order No. 2018-038, all right, title, and interest of Wallowa County in the real property situated in Wallowa County as listed below: ➊ ❪ ✇✐ ❴ ❭ ➧③ ✐ ❭❵✐ ✇⑦ ❣③❥❶ ✐❫ ❫❴❵ ❜✇ ❪♣♣❭✐①❪❫✐❜✇ ➋❻❺ ❷⑧ ①❪ ✇ ♣ ④❶ ④ ⑧ ❫✐ ❜✇❪ ❭ ➇③❥⑨ ❪✇❵ ➢ ❢ ❵✐ ✇❪ ✇① ❴④ ✐✇ ❪❢❴ q✐❭❭ ➉❪ ❢❫✐❫✐❜✇ ❵✐ ❤✐ ❣ ✐ ❜✇ ❽❜✇⑨ ❣ ❴❣❣✐ ❜✇⑧ ❽❪❢ ①❝ ❾❝ ❴ ❪ ❭❭ ❭❪ ❫ ❴ ❵ ❼ ❫❝ ✐✇⑦ ⑧ ➃❜❶⑨ ❶ ❴ ❴ ❫✐ ✇⑦ ❦ ❴ ❢ ❴✇ ①❴ ❭❜①❪❭ ❪ ♣♣❴❪❭ ➭ ✇✐ ❜✇ ➉❭❪✇✇✐✇⑦ ➃❝❪ ♣ ❭✐ ✇ ❫❝ ❴ ♣❢❴①❭③ ❵❴❣ ✐❣❣③ ❴④ ➎ ➀ ❻ ❻ 1010 - Wallowa Co. Legal Notices ❜❦ ➵❜✇⑨ ➈ ➥➦➥➧➨ ❫❝ ❴ ❶✐ ❣ ❣✐ ❜✇ ⑧ 1010 - Wallowa Co. Legal Notices ➭❣ ❴ ➛➠➔ ❭❴❤❴❭ ❢ ❴⑦③ ❭❪ ❢ 1010 - Wallowa Co. Legal Notices ❦❜③ ✇❵ ❪❢ ❴ ➓➐➟➟➒➠➠➒➐➏ ➓➐➏➡➒➑➒➐➏↔➞ ❵❪⑥ ⑧ 1010 - Wallowa Co. Legal Notices ➣➔↔↕➒➏➙ ③❢❴ ➃❜③ ✇❫⑥ Publish: March 15, 18, 20, 2019 Legal no. 5106 ➥ ➲❽⑧ ❹❿ ❪✇ ➦❴❣✐❵❴✇❫✐❪❭ ➦✐❤ ❴ ❢ ❪❣ ❹❹ ➃ ⑧ ✐✇ ❾❝❴ ❜ ❦ ❵❴❣①❢✐❥❴❵ ➋❺ ❻❻⑧ ➋④ ➲ ❴❣ ❫ ➩ ❢❪ ✇ ❵ ❴ ❪ ✇❵ ❭❜①❪❫ ❴❵ ❣❜③ ❫❝ ➋➇⑧ ♣❢ ❜⑨ ❼ ❴ ❪ ❣ ❴❶ ❴ ✇ ❫ ♣ ❢ ❜ ♣ ❴ ❢ ❫⑥ ❪ ✇❵ ❭❜ ①❪ ❭ ❫❜ ❹ ♣ ❢✐ ❤ ❪ ❫ ❴ ❫❜ ❪ ❣ ③ ❥ ❵✐ ❤ ✐ ❣✐ ❜ ✇ ⑧ ➊✐ ❪❶ ❜ ✇❵ ❢❜❪❵ ➦❜❥✐✇⑨ ① ❢❴❪ ❫❴ ❦ ❜③ ❢⑨ ❭ ❜ ❫ ♣❜❣ ❴❵ ❪✇❵ ⑩ ❜ ❢❣ ❥ ❴ ❢⑦ ⑧ ➩ ❴❜❦❦❢❴⑥ ❣ ❜ ✇ ⑧ ❾❝ ❴ ➃❜ ✇⑨ ➦ ❜ ❜❶ ⑧ ❼❫❝ ❪ ➋❻❺ ❷⑧ ➊ ❪ ✇✐ ❴ ❭ ➧③ ✐ ❭❵✐ ✇⑦ ❦❴ ❢ ❴✇ ① ❴ ✐✇ ❽❜ ✇⑨ ❣❴❣❣✐ ❜✇⑧ ➎ ➀ ❻ ❻ ❣✐ ❜✇ ➃❜❶⑨ ❶ ❴ ❴ ❫✐ ✇⑦ ❽❪ ❢①❝ ❵❪⑥ ⑧ ➭ ✇✐ ❜✇ ❫❝ ❴ ➝➞↔➏➏➒➏➙ ➩➤ ➫➥➍ ⑧ 1010 - Union Co. Legal Notices PRESS RELEASE Urban Renewal Program Accepting Project Funding Applications La Grande, OR -- Each fiscal year, the La Grande Urban Renewal Agency (URA) has a limited amount of funding to allocate toward public/ private development projects within the Urban Renewal District. For the 2019--2020 fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019, the Agency will be accepting applications for project funding assistance until Close of Business on April 17, 2019. Applications will not be accepted after 5 p.m. Beginning Thursday, March 14, 2019, Application forms and information packets will be available online at www.cityoflagrande.org/Community-development and at the City of La Grande Planning and Economic Development Office, 1000 Adams Avenue, second floor. You may also request a packet via email by contacting Kendra VanCleave at KVanCleave@cityoflagrande.org. In order to be considered for Urban Renewal funding, potential projects must be located within the Urban Renewal District, apply to physical building or site improvements (generally limited to exterior improvements only) and be ready for construc- tion and completed between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2021. Funding is limited to the amount budgeted by the URA. This will be a competitive round of funding; there is no guarantee all qualified applicants will receive funding. The maximum funding available for any one project is 50% of total project cost, up to $75,000 for proj- ects using primarily local contractors. Eligible projects must have a minimum of $10,000 in total project costs. Funding is on a reimbursement basis only and will require an agreement between the applicant and the URA prior to project start. Funding is expected to be available after July 1, 2019. Projects that are for downtown historic building façade improvements should contact the Economic Development Department or La Grande Main Street Downtown. Questions should be directed to Christine Jarski, Economic Development Director; 541-962-1307; cjar- ski@cityoflagrande.org. ➓➐➛➏➑➜ ➍ ➢❾➤ ➃➥ 1010 - Union Co. Legal Notices Public Notice ➈ ➥➦ ➥➧ ➨ ➉❭❪✇✇✐✇⑦ ❶✐ ❣ ❣ ✐ ❜ ✇⑧ ❪✇❵ ❪♣♣❭✐①❪❥ ❭❴ ✐ ✇⑦ ⑧ ❪ ①⑨ ❦❪ ①✐❭✐ ❫⑥ ⑧ ➦❜❪ ❵⑧ ➦❪ ✇⑦ ❴ ❪ ❫❝ ❴ ❣ ① ❢✐ ❥ ❴ ❵ ➯ ❴❣❫❪❥⑨ ❭❜①❪❫❴❵ ❜❦ ❴❪❣ ❫ ❫❝ ❴ ➦❪✇❵⑥ ① ❜✇➸③ ✇① ❫✐ ❜ ✇ ❦❪❢❶ ❫✐ ❜ ✇ ➃❜✇❵✐⑨ ❪ ♣♣ ❭✐ ①❪ ❫✐ ❜✇ ♣ ❢❜①❴❣❣✐ ✇⑦ ✐✇ ➩ ❢❪✇❵❴⑧ ①❜❶ ❶ ❴❢ ①✐❪ ❭ ❪ ❭❪ ✇ ❵ ❺❻ ❻❺ ❪ ➌✐✇❵❣❴⑥ ❫✐ ❤ ✐ ❫⑥ q✐❫❝ ➃❜ ✇⑨ ➦❜❜❶ ⑧ ①❜✇❣✐ ❵❴❢ ❫✐ ❜ ✇❪ ❭ ➋ ❻❺ ❷⑧ ➊ ❪ ✇✐ ❴ ❭ ➧③ ✐ ❭❵✐ ✇⑦ ➇❫❢❴❴❫⑧ ✐✇ ❽❜✇⑨ ➋➁ ⑧ ♣ ④❶ ④⑧ ➃❝❪ ♣ ❭✐ ✇ q✐ ❭❭ ➃❜❶⑨ ❶ ❴ ❴ ❫✐ ✇⑦ ❦ ❴ ❢❴ ✇① ❴ ❼ ❫❝ ➭ ✇✐ ❜✇ ❫❝ ❴ ❽❪ ❢ ①❝ ❵❪⑥ ⑧ ✼✸ ➣➔↔↕➒➏➙ ➓➐➛➏➑➜ ➠➛➻➡➒➼➒➠➒➐➏ ➈➥➦➥➧➨ ❣ ❴❣❣✐ ❜✇⑧ ➎ ➀ ❻ ❻ 1010 - Union Co. Legal Notices ✷ ➓➐➟➟➒➠➠➒➐➏ ➛➠➔ ➉❭❪✇✇✐ ✇⑦ ❶ ✐ ❣❣ ✐ ❜✇⑧ ❤✐❣✐❜✇ ➛➏➒➐➏ 1010 - Union Co. Legal Notices ★✭✢❆✵✤ ➝➞↔➏➏➒➏➙ ➓➐➏➡➒➑➒➐➏↔➞ ➦❴⑦③ ❭❪ ❫✐ ❜✇❣ ➍❜④ ➐→ ➛➏➒➐➏ ➝➞↔➏➏➒➏➙ ❾❝❴ ➋❻❺❷ ➌❴⑦❪❭ ➏➐➑➒➓➔ ➓➐➟➟➒➠➠➒➐➏ ❪❥ ❜③ ❫ ➊✐❢❴①❫❜❢ ➇①❜❫❫ ➣➔↔↕➒➏➙ ➓➐➛➏➑➜ ❣③❥❶✐❫❫❴❵ ❶ ❴ ❴❫✐ ✇⑦ ❫❝ ❴ ➈❪❢❫❴❭❭ ❥❴ ♣❝ ❜✇❴ ➄ ❜ ❝ ✇ ❣ ❫ ❜ ✇ ⑧ ➇①❜❫❫ ❫❝ ❴ ①❜ ✇ ❫❪ ①❫ ❥⑥ ❷❸ ❹ ⑨ ❺ ❻ ❺ ❼ ⑧ ❥❴ ❢ ❴❪❣ ❜✇⑨ ⑩ ❜❢ ❜❦❦✐①❴ ⑤ ①❪ ✇ ➐→ ➛➏➒➐➏ 1010 - Union Co. Legal Notices ❪ ❢ ❴❤ ✐ ❴ q ❥❴❦❜❢❴ ❵❪⑥❣ ❣③ ♣ ♣❭✐ ❴❵ ❪❫ q✐ ❭ ❭ ❦❜❢ ❝ ❴❪ ❢ ✐ ✇⑦ ⑧ ❫❝✐❣ ①❜♣✐ ❴❣ ① ❜❣ ❫ ④ ❢❴ ♣❜ ❢ ❫ ❪ ❤ ❪ ✐ ❭❪ ❥ ❭ ❴ ➏➐➑➒➓➔ ❢❴❤✐❴q ❣ ③ ♣ ♣ ❭✐ ❴ ❵ ❽ ❜ ✇ ❵ ❪ ⑥ ❪①①❴❣❣✐❥ ❭❴ ❫❝ ❴ ✇❜ ①❪ ✇ ❢❴⑨ ♣ ❢ ❜ ♣ ❜❣ ❪ ❭ ❫❝ ❴ ✐✇ ❿ ➀❹ ❻⑨ ➁ ➀ ❻ ❻ ❶ ❴❴ ❫✐ ✇⑦ ❫✐❴❣ ❫❜ ❪❤❪✐❭❪❥❭❴ ❪❥ ❭❴ ♣④❶④ ❾❝❴ ❪❫ ✐✇❦ ❜❢❶❪ ❫✐ ❜✇ ❪❭❭ ❭❪ ❫ ❴ ❵ ❪❢❴ ❪ ♣ ♣ ❭✐ ①❪ ❫ ✐ ❜ ✇ ❾❝ ❴ ❪✇❵ ❪❫ ❫ ❝ ❢ ❜ ③ ⑦ ❝ ❾ ❝ ③ ❢❣ ❵❪ ⑥ ⑧ ❣③ ❴ ④ 1010 - Union Co. Legal Notices ✧✣✬✥ ❉✍✎❉✏✑✒✍✓✔ ✕✖✗✘✙✚✛✜ ▼✪✬✭✮✯✰ ✬✪✪✬ ✱✲✳✭✮✯ ✴❡✭✬❡✵✭✮✯✰ ✬✪✪✬ ♥✉❡✵✭✮✯ ✱✲✳✭✮✯✰ ✬✪✪✬ ♥❋✉✲✵✭✮✯ ✢✣✤✥✦✧★ ✧✢✤✩ ✷ ✶✸✹✺ ✻✼✽✾✼ ✿✾ ✻❀❁❂✽❃✸✿✽✾❄ ✶✸✿❅ ➤ ➤ ❏❑◆◗❳ ❩❬❭❪ ❫◗❳❑❴❵❛ ❜❝❞❢❜❣❤❢❤✐❥❤ ❦ ❧❧❧♠♦❑◆◗❳♣❬❭❪q◗❳❑❴❵♠♣rs ❦ ♣❴❑tt❬✈◗❵t✇♦❑◆◗❳♣❬❭❪q◗❳❑❴❵♠♣rs ❦ ①❑②❛ ❜❝❞❢❜❣❤❢✐❝❣✐ ③q◗ ④♦t◗❳⑤◗❳❛ ❜❝❞❢⑥✐❤❢❤❞✐❞ ❦ ❧❧❧♠❴❑⑦❳❑⑧❵◗r♦t◗❳⑤◗❳♠♣rs ❦ ♣❴❑tt❬✈◗❵t✇❴❑⑦❳❑⑧❵◗r♦t◗❳⑤◗❳♠♣rs ❦ ①❑②❛ ❜❝❞❢⑥✐❤❢❤✐❥❝ 1010 - Union Co. Legal Notices ✯❆✴✭✢ ❫❝❪❫ ❽❪ ❢①❝ ✐❣⑨ ➋❻❺❷ ➌❴⑦❪❭ ⑨⑩❶❷❸❹⑩❺❻ ❼⑩❸❽❾ ❿➀❻ ➁➂❿➃ ➍❜④ ❻❻❻➁➎➁➎➁ ❺➁ ⑧ ✿❀❁✹❂❃❄❅ ❇❂❉❉ ❄❃✹ ❊✽ ❍✽■❏❂✹✹✽❑ ✹❃ ❍✿■✹❂❁❂❍✿✹✽▲ ▼❄❉◆ ◗▲❯▲ ❁❀■■✽❄ ❁◆ ❃■ ❁✿❳✻❂✽■ ❩❳ ❁✻✽❁❬❳ ❏✿❑✽ ❍✿◆✿❊❉✽ ✹❃ Wallowa County will be accepted as a deposit on the final purchase price. Wallowa County reserves the right to reject any and all bids for any reason whatsoever. A copy of Order No. 2018-038 setting out the terms of sale is available from the Wallowa County Board of Commissioners office or on the Wallowa County website at www.co.wallowa.or.us The properties will be made available for inspection by prospective bidders on a one-time only basis at a date and time to be announced. The property is otherwise closed to the public for entry under any and all circumstances. STEVE ROGERS Wallowa County Sheriff For further information please contact Wallowa County Counsel Paige Sully at 541-426-0535. Publish: February 22, 2019, March 1, 8, 15, 2019 Legal no. 5104 by Stella Wilder ➄➈↔➅➌➇➈➉➊ ➋➈➌➍➎ ➏ ➊ ➑➒➏➓ ➉➔➅➌ →➣➌↔➎➇➈➉ ↕➙ ➄➛➜➝➝➞ ➟➠➝➡➜➢ →➥➢➦ ➛➥➡➞➙➊ ➙➥➧ ➨➞➩➜ ↕➜➜➦ ➜➦➡➥➫➜➡ ➫➠➛➨ ➛➢➜➽➜➦➡➥➧➭ ➩➠➭➠➥➦➸ ➟➨➜➦ ➛➨➜ ➲➨➠➵➭ ➞➢➜ ➡➥➫➦➊ ➙➥➧ ➞➢➜ ➞↕➝➜ ➛➥ ➵➧➝➝ ➳➢➥➽ ➛➨➜ ➲➢➜➞➛➠➩➜ ➫➜➝➝➭➵➢➠➦➯ ➥➳ ➙➥➧➢ ➠➽➞➯➠➦➞➛➠➥➦ ➛➥ ➳➠➦➡ ➵➜➢➻ ➽➞➦➜➦➛ ➭➥➝➧➛➠➥➦➭ ➛➥ ➵➢➥↕➝➜➽➭➸ ➉➥➧ ➞➢➜ ➞➦ ➧➦➞➭➭➧➽➠➦➯ ➠➦➡➠➩➠➡➧➞➝ ↕➧➛ ➭➥ ↕➢➠➯➨➛ ➞➦➡ ➭➥ ➛➨➥➧➯➨➛➳➧➝ ➛➨➞➛ ➙➥➧ ➞➛➛➢➞➲➛ ➛➨➜ ➞➛➛➜➦➛➠➥➦ ➥➳ ➥➛➨➜➢➭ ➭➠➽➵➝➙ ➞➭ ➞ ➽➞➛➛➜➢ ➥➳ ➲➥➧➢➭➜➊ ➞➦➡ ➦➥➛ ➛➨➢➥➧➯➨ ➞➦➙ ➥➧➛➢➠➯➨➛ ➜➳➳➥➢➛➸ ➉➥➧ ➦➜➩➜➢ ➫➥➢➢➙ ➞↕➥➧➛ ➫➨➞➛ ➽➠➯➨➛ ↕➜ ➵➥➭➭➠↕➝➜➊ ➳➥➢ ➞➭ ➳➞➢ ➞➭ ➙➥➧ ➞➢➜ ➲➥➦➲➜➢➦➜➡➊ ➠➳ ➙➥➧ ➲➞➦ ➛➨➠➦➺ ➠➛ ➙➥➧ ➲➞➦ ➡➥ ➠➛➸ ➄➅➆➇➈➉➊ ➋➈➌➍➎ ➏➐ ➹➘➴➷➬➴ ➮➱✃❐❒ ❮❰ÏÐÑÒÓÔ ÕÖ× ➻➻ ➉➥➧ ➞➢➜ ➨➥➵➠➦➯ ➳➥➢ ➛➨➜ ↕➜➭➛➊ ➲➜➢➛➞➠➦➝➙➊ ↕➧➛ ➙➥➧ ➭➛➠➝➝ ➨➞➩➜ ➞ ➦➞➯➯➠➦➯ ➭➜➦➭➜ ➛➨➞➛ ➭➥➽➜➛➨➠➦➯ ➠➭ ➥➧➛ ➥➳ ➵➝➞➲➜➸ ➣➡➜➦➛➠➳➙ ➠➛ ➭➥➥➦ø ÙÚ➘➬➴ ➮ÐÑÒÓÔ Õ❮ÏÙÛÒÜÝ ❮❰× ➻➻ ➉➥➧ ➞➢➜➦➾➛ ➫➠➝➝➠➦➯ ➛➥ ➛➞➺➜ ➥➢➡➜➢➭ ➳➢➥➽ ➞➦➙➥➦➜ ➜➝➭➜ ➛➥➡➞➙➊ ↕➧➛ ➙➥➧ ➡➥ ➦➜➜➡ ➠➦➭➛➢➧➲➛➠➥➦ ➻➻ ➞➦➡ ➠➛➾➭ ➠➽➵➥➢➻ ➛➞➦➛ ➳➥➢ ➙➥➧ ➛➥ ➺➦➥➫ ➛➨➜ ➡➠➳➳➜➢➜➦➲➜➸ ÞÙßÚß➴ ➮ÙÛÒÜÝ ÕÖÏÐÑà ÕÖ× ➻➻ ➉➥➧ ➞➢➜ ➽➥➢➜ ➠➦➛➜➢➜➭➛➜➡ ➠➦ ➫➨➞➛ ➠➭ ➯➥➠➦➯ ➥➦ ➫➠➛➨ ➞ ➳➢➠➜➦➡ ➥➢ ➝➥➩➜➡ ➥➦➜➊ ➵➜➢➨➞➵➭➊ ➛➨➞➦ ➠➦ ➫➨➞➛ ➙➥➧ ➞➢➜ ➡➥➠➦➯ ➥➢ ➞➢➜ ➯➥➠➦➯ ➛➥ ➡➥➸ â➬Ð➘ã➘ ➮ÐÑà Õ❮Ïäåæ✃ ÕÖ× ➻➻ ↔➨➜ ➭➠➽➻ ➵➝➜➭➛ ➥➳ ➽➜➭➭➞➯➜➭ ➲➞➦ ➨➞➩➜ ➛➨➜ ➯➢➜➞➛➜➭➛ ➠➽➵➥➢➛➸ ➠➩➜ ➙➥➧➢➭➜➝➳ ➛➠➽➜ ➛➥ ➞↕➭➥➢↕ ➫➨➞➛ ➲➥➽➜➭ ➙➥➧➢ ➫➞➙➊ ➞➦➡ ➞➭➭➜➭➭ ➠➛➭ ➭➠➯➦➠➳➠➲➞➦➲➜➸ ➷Ùã➷➬Ú ➮äåæ✃ Õ❮ÏäåÝà ÕÕ× ➻➻ ➉➥➧➾➝➝ ➫➞➦➛ ➛➥ ➯➜➛ ➲➜➢➛➞➠➦ ➛➨➠➦➯➭ ➡➥➦➜ ➛➥➡➞➙ ↕➜➳➥➢➜ ➙➥➧ ➽➥➩➜ ➥➦ ➛➥ ➛➨➞➛ ➥➦➜ ➜➦➡➜➞➩➥➢ ➙➥➧ ➳➜➜➝➠➭ ➽➥➭➛ ➠➽➵➥➢➛➞➦➛➸ ➉➥➧➢ ➵➢➠➥➢➠➛➠➜➭ ➞➢➜ ➠➦ ➥➢➡➜➢➸ ç➬è ➮äåÝà ÕéÏÙåê❒ ÕÕ× ➻➻ ➉➥➧ ➞➢➜ ➜➞➯➜➢ ➛➥ ➳➥➝➝➥➫ ➭➥➽➜➥➦➜ ➜➝➭➜ ➫➨➜➢➜➩➜➢ ➨➜ ➥➢ ➭➨➜ ➯➥➜➭ ➛➥➡➞➙➊ ↕➧➛ ➛➞➺➜ ➲➞➢➜ ➛➨➞➛ ➙➥➧ ➡➥➦➾➛ ➧➦➫➠➛➛➠➦➯➝➙ ➜ó➵➥➭➜ ➙➥➧➢➭➜➝➳ ➛➥ ➡➞➦➯➜➢➸ ë➘Úâè ➮Ùåê❒ ÕéÏ➴✃Ûì❒ ÕÕ× ➻➻ ➉➥➧➾➝➝ ➫➞➦➛ ➛➥ ➫➜➠➯➨ ➞➝➝ ➥➵➛➠➥➦➭ ➛➥➡➞➙ ↕➜➳➥➢➜ ➽➞➺➠➦➯ ➞ ➡➜➲➠➭➠➥➦ ➛➨➞➛ ➭➥➽➜➥➦➜ ➜➝➭➜ ➠➭ ➯➥➠➦➯ ➛➥ ➨➥➝➡ ➙➥➧ ➛➥➸ ➈ ➳➢➠➜➦➡ ➭➧➢➵➢➠➭➜➭ ➙➥➧ ➡➧➢➠➦➯ ➛➨➜ ➜➩➜➦➠➦➯➸ ç➘ïÚÙ ➮➴✃Ûì❒ ÕéÏèÓì❒ ÕÕ× ➻➻ ↔➞➺➜ ➛➨➜ ➛➠➽➜ ➛➥ ➞➭➭➜➭➭ ➙➥➧➢ ➭➠➛➧➞➛➠➥➦ ➞➭ ➳➧➝➝➙ ➞➭ ➵➥➭➭➠↕➝➜ ➛➥➡➞➙➸ ➉➥➧ ➡➥➦➾➛ ➨➞➩➜ ➛➥ ➛➞➺➜ ➭➥➽➜➥➦➜ ➜➝➭➜➾➭ ➫➥➢➡ ➞➭ ➯➥➭➵➜➝➊ ➭➧➢➜➝➙➸ ➴➷èÚ➹➘è ➮èÓì❒ ÕéÏãðñ❒ Õ❮× ➻➻ ➉➥➧ ➽➞➙ ➦➥➛ ↕➜ ➞↕➝➜ ➛➥ ➵➢➥➯➢➜➭➭ ➞➭ ➵➝➞➦➦➜➡ ➛➥➡➞➙➊ ↕➧➛ ➛➨➠➦➺ ➥➧➛➭➠➡➜ ➛➨➜ ↕➥ó ➞➦➡ ➙➥➧➾➝➝ ➳➠➦➡ ➛➨➞➛ ➥↕➭➛➞➲➝➜➭ ➞➢➜ ➳➜➫ ➞➦➡ ➳➞➢ ↕➜➛➫➜➜➦➸ ➴Ùâ➘ÞÞÙÚ➘ß➴ ➮ãðñ❒ ÕÕÏò✃Ó❒ Õ❮× ➻➻ ➉➥➧ ➽➞➙ ➨➞➩➜ ➛➥ ➽➞➺➜ ➲➜➢➛➞➠➦ ➲➥➦➲➜➭➭➠➥➦➭ ➛➥➡➞➙ ➠➦ ➥➢➡➜➢ ➛➥ ➭➽➥➥➛➨ ➛➨➠➦➯➭ ➥➩➜➢ ➫➠➛➨ ➞➦ ➥➝➡ ➳➢➠➜➦➡➸ ➎➜ ➥➢ ➭➨➜ ➠➭ ➽➞➺➠➦➯ ➥➩➜➢➛➧➢➜➭➸ ➷Ù➹Ú➘➷èÚã ➮ò✃Ó❒ ÕÕÏäÑæ❒ ❮❰× ➻➻ ➉➥➧➾➝➝ ↕➜ ➲➧➢➠➥➧➭ ➛➥ ➭➜➜ ➫➨➞➛ ➞ ➳➢➠➜➦➡ ➥➢ ➲➥➝➝➜➞➯➧➜ ➨➞➭ ↕➜➜➦ ➧➵ ➛➥ ➝➞➛➜➝➙➸ ➉➥➧ ➽➞➙ ➫➞➦➛ ➛➥ ➽➞➺➜ ➞ ➵➢➥➵➥➭➠➛➠➥➦ ➢➜➯➞➢➡➠➦➯ ➳➧➛➧➢➜ ➫➥➢➺➸ ÙõßÙÚ➘ß➴ ➮äÑæ❒ ÕÖÏ➱✃❐❒ ❮ö× ➻➻ ➉➥➧ ➲➞➦ ➞➳➳➥➢➡➛➥ ➽➠➦➡ ➙➥➧➢ ➽➞➦➦➜➢➭ ➧➭➛➞ ➝➠➛➛➝➜ ➽➥➢➜ ➛➨➞➦ ➧➭➧➞➝ ➛➥➡➞➙➸ ➍➥➧➢➛➜➭➙ ➥➵➜➦➭ ➡➥➥➢➭➊ ➞➦➡ ➛➨➞➛➾➭ ➧➭➛ ➫➨➞➛ ➙➥➧ ➦➜➜➡ ➛➥ ➡➥ ➢➠➯➨➛ ➦➥➫ø ùúûüýþÿ ý þ ûü ýÿü ÿü ýúû ý ûÿú üýúû ú ý ÿú úú ûü ûü ýú ýü ü þ þÿ þ ➄➅➆➇➈➉➊ ➋➈➌➍➎ ➏➐➊ ➑➒➏➓ ➉➔➅➌ →➣➌↔➎➇➈➉ ↕➙ ➄➛➜➝➝➞ ➟➠➝➡➜➢ →➥➢➦ ➛➥➡➞➙➊ ➙➥➧ ➨➞➩➜ ↕➜➜➦ ➜➦➡➥➫➜➡ ➫➠➛➨ ➞ ➭➛➢➥➦➯ ➞➦➡ ➲➥➝➥➢➳➧➝ ➵➜➢➭➥➦➞➝➠➛➙➸ ➉➥➧ ➨➞➩➜ ➛➨➜ ➫➨➜➢➜➫➠➛➨➞➝ ➛➥ ➡➥ ➛➨➜ ➺➠➦➡➭ ➥➳ ➛➨➠➦➯➭ ➛➨➞➛ ➥➛➨➜➢➭ ➞➢➜ ➦➥➛ ➫➠➝➝➠➦➯ ➛➥ ➡➥ ➠➦ ➥➢➡➜➢ ➛➥ ➭➧➲➻ ➲➜➜➡➸ ➣➛ ➠➭ ➛➨➠➭ ➝➞➭➛ ➛➢➞➠➛ ➛➨➞➛ ➲➞➦ ➵➢➥➩➜ ➙➥➧➢ ➡➥➫➦➳➞➝➝ ➠➳ ➙➥➧ ➞➢➜ ➦➥➛ ➲➞➢➜➳➧➝➼ ➝➠➩➠➦➯ ➫➠➛➨ ➦➥ ➝➠➽➠➛➭ ➞➭ ➙➥➧ ➦➞➩➠➯➞➛➜ ➝➠➳➜➾➭ ➽➥➢➜ ➲➥➽➵➝➠➲➞➛➜➡ ➞➩➜➦➧➜➭ ➲➞➦ ↕➜ ➚➧➠➛➜ ➞ ➡➞➦➯➜➢ ➳➥➢ ➙➥➧➸ ➉➥➧ ➢➜➚➧➠➢➜ ➞ ➝➠➛➛➝➜ ➽➥➢➜ ➭➜➝➳➻➲➥➦➛➢➥➝ ➛➨➞➦ ➙➥➧ ➞➢➜ ➫➥➦➛ ➛➥ ➯➠➩➜ ➙➥➧➢➭➜➝➳ ➠➦ ➥➢➡➜➢ ➛➥ ➽➞➺➜ ➛➨➜ ➽➥➭➛ ➥➳ ➛➨➜ ➥➵➵➥➢➛➧➦➠➛➠➜➭ ➛➨➞➛ ➵➢➜➭➜➦➛ ➛➨➜➽➻ ➭➜➝➩➜➭ ➛➥ ➙➥➧➸ ➪➧➢➛➨➜➢➊ ➙➥➧ ➥➳➛➜➦ ➽➞➺➜ ➛➨➜ ➽➠➭➛➞➺➜ ➥➳ ↕➜➝➠➜➩➠➦➯ ➫➨➞➛ ➥➛➨➜➢➭ ➭➞➙ ➞↕➥➧➛ ➙➥➧➊ ➜➭➵➜➲➠➞➝➝➙ ➫➨➜➦ ➠➛ ➠➭ ➵➢➞➠➭➜➸ ➉➥➧ ➦➜➜➡ ➛➥ ↕➜ ➽➥➢➜ ➢➜➞➝➠➭➛➠➲ ➞↕➥➧➛ ➙➥➧➢ ➥➫➦ ➞↕➠➝➠➛➠➜➭➸ ➋➔➆➇➈➉➊ ➋➈➌➍➎ ➏➶ ➹➘➴➷➬➴ ➮➱✃❐❒ ❮❰ÏÐÑÒÓÔ ÕÖ× ➻➻ ➉➥➧ ➽➞➙ ➫➞➦➛ ➛➥ ➺➜➜➵ ➞ ➲➝➥➭➜ ➜➙➜ ➥➦ ➙➥➧➢ ➭➵➜➦➡➠➦➯ ➛➥➡➞➙ ➞➦➡ ➥➦ ➛➢➜➦➡➭ ➛➨➞➛ ➨➞➩➜ ➡➜➩➜➝➥➵➜➡ ➥➩➜➢ ➛➨➜ ➵➞➭➛ ➳➜➫ ➡➞➙➭➸ ➈➢➜ ➙➥➧ ➥➩➜➢➠➦➡➧➝➯➠➦➯Ø ÙÚ➘➬➴➮ÐÑÒÓÔÕ❮ÏÙÛÒÜÝ ❮❰×➻➻ ➉➥➧ ➫➞➦➛ ➛➥ ↕➜ ➭➧➢➜ ➥➳ ➭➥➽➜➛➨➠➦➯ ➛➨➞➛ ➥➛➨➜➢➭ ➨➞➩➜ ↕➜➜➦ ➩➞➲➠➝➝➞➛➠➦➯ ➞↕➥➧➛ ➳➥➢ ➚➧➠➛➜ ➭➥➽➜ ➛➠➽➜➸ ➉➥➧ ➽➞➙ ➨➞➩➜ ➛➥ ➵➧➛ ➙➥➧➢ ➳➥➥➛ ➡➥➫➦ ➞➳➛➜➢ ➡➞➢➺➸ ÞÙßÚß➴ ➮ÙÛÒÜÝ ÕÖÏÐÑà ÕÖ× ➻➻ á➩➠➡➜➦➲➜ ➽➞➙ ➲➥➽➜ ➛➥ ➝➠➯➨➛ ➛➨➞➛ ➨➞➭ ➙➥➧ ➢➜➲➥➦➭➠➡➜➢➠➦➯ ➙➥➧➢ ➢➜➝➞➛➠➥➦➭➨➠➵ ➫➠➛➨ ➞ ➳➢➠➜➦➡ ➥➢ ➲➥➻➫➥➢➺➜➢➸ ➉➥➧➾➩➜ ↕➜➜➦ ➛➨➜ ➩➠➲➛➠➽ ➥➳ ➞ ➽➠➭➲➥➦➲➜➵➛➠➥➦➸ â➬Ð➘ã➘ ➮ÐÑà Õ❮Ïäåæ✃ ÕÖ× ➻➻ ➉➥➧➾➝➝ ➢➜➲➜➠➩➜ ➯➥➥➡ ➦➜➫➭➊ ➞➝↕➜➠➛ ➳➢➥➽ ➭➥➽➜➥➦➜ ➙➥➧ ➡➥ ➦➥➛ ➺➦➥➫➸ ➄➛➠➝➝➊ ➵➢➜➩➞➠➝➠➦➯ ➲➠➢➲➧➽➭➛➞➦➲➜➭ ➛➜➝➝ ➙➥➧ ➛➨➞➛ ➙➥➧ ➲➞➦ ➛➢➧➭➛ ➛➨➠➭ ➭➥➧➢➲➜➸ ➷Ùã➷➬Ú ➮äåæ✃ Õ❮ÏäåÝà ÕÕ× ➻➻ ➉➥➧ ➢➜➲➜➠➩➜ ➞ ➢➜➵➥➢➛ ➛➨➞➛ ➯➥➜➭ ➞➯➞➠➦➭➛ ➫➨➞➛ ➙➥➧ ➨➞➩➜ ➞➝➢➜➞➡➙ ➨➜➞➢➡ ➞↕➥➧➛ ➞ ➲➜➢➛➞➠➦ ➡➜➩➜➝➥➵➽➜➦➛➸ ➉➥➧ ➽➞➙ ➨➞➩➜ ➛➥ ➠➦➩➜➭➛➠➯➞➛➜ ➳➧➢➛➨➜➢➸ ç➬è ➮äåÝà ÕéÏÙåê❒ ÕÕ× ➻➻ ➄➥➽➜➥➦➜ ➨➞➭ ↕➜➜➦ ➛➢➙➠➦➯ ➛➥ ↕➧➠➝➡ ➞ ➫➜↕ ➥➳ ➡➜➲➜➠➛➊ ↕➧➛ ➙➥➧➾➢➜ ➦➥➛ ➥➦➜ ➛➥ ↕➜ ➳➥➥➝➜➡ ➞➛ ➛➨➠➭ ➛➠➽➜➸ ➉➥➧ ➲➞➦ ➵➢➥➩➜ ➛➨➠➦➯➭ ➞➢➜ ➢➜➞➝➝➙ ➞➭ ➛➨➜➙ ➭➜➜➽➸ ë➘Úâè ➮Ùåê❒ ÕéÏ➴✃Ûì❒ ÕÕ× ➻➻ ➪➥➲➧➭ ➥➦ ➡➜➛➞➠➝➭ ➛➥➡➞➙ ➞➦➡ ➝➜➞➩➜ ➛➨➜ í➨➜➞➩➙ ➝➠➳➛➠➦➯î ➛➥ ➭➥➽➜➥➦➜ ➜➝➭➜ ➫➨➥➽ ➙➥➧ ➛➢➧➭➛➸ ➉➥➧ ➲➞➦ ➽➞➦➻ ➞➯➜ ➛➨➠➦➯➭ ➫➠➛➨ ➯➢➜➞➛ ➭➺➠➝➝ ➞➦➡ ➯➥➥➡ ➨➧➽➥➢➊ ➛➥➥➸ ç➘ïÚÙ ➮➴✃Ûì❒ ÕéÏèÓì❒ ÕÕ× ➻➻ ➉➥➧ ➞➢➜ ➜➞➯➜➢ ➛➥ ➡➥ ➭➥➽➜➛➨➠➦➯ ➡➠➳➳➜➢➜➦➛ ➛➥➡➞➙ ➳➢➥➽ ➫➨➞➛ ➨➞➭ ➝➥➦➯ ↕➜➜➦ ➫➥➢➺➠➦➯ ➳➥➢ ➙➥➧➊ ↕➧➛ ➡➥ ➙➥➧ ➡➞➢➜ ↕➢➜➞➺ ➫➠➛➨ ➛➢➞➡➠➛➠➥➦ ➠➦ ➛➨➠➭ ➫➞➙Ø ➴➷èÚ➹➘è➮èÓì❒ÕéÏãðñ❒ Õ❮×➻➻ ➉➥➧➢ ➩➠➜➫➭ ➞➢➜ ➦➥➛ ➭➨➞➢➜➡ ↕➙ ➜➩➜➢➙➥➦➜➊ ↕➧➛ ➛➨➥➭➜ ➫➨➥ ➡➥ ➭➧➵➵➥➢➛ ➙➥➧➢ ➛➨➠➦➺➠➦➯ ➞➢➜ ➝➠➺➜➝➙ ➛➥ ➲➥➽➜ ➛➥ ➙➥➧➢ ➞➠➡ ➩➜➢➙ ➚➧➠➲➺➝➙ ➛➥➡➞➙➸ ➴Ùâ➘ÞÞÙÚ➘ß➴ ➮ãðñ❒ ÕÕÏò✃Ó❒ Õ❮× ➻➻ ➉➥➧ ➽➞➙ ➜ó➵➜➢➠➜➦➲➜ ➭➥➽➜➛➨➠➦➯ ➥➳ ➞ ➢➥➧➯➨ ➵➞➛➲➨ ➜➞➢➝➙ ➥➦ ➛➥➡➞➙➊ ↕➧➛ ➛➨➜➦ ➠➛ ➭➨➥➧➝➡ ↕➜ ➭➽➥➥➛➨ ➭➞➠➝➠➦➯ ➞➝➝ ➛➨➜ ➫➞➙ ➛➥ ➙➥➧➢ ➡➜➭➛➠➦➞➛➠➥➦➸ ➷Ù➹Ú➘➷èÚã ➮ò✃Ó❒ ÕÕÏäÑæ❒ ❮❰× ➻➻ ➈ ➽➠➦➥➢ ➯➝➠➛➲➨ ➠➭ ➝➠➺➜➝➙ ➛➥ ➨➞➩➜ ➞ í➢➠➵➵➝➜ ➜➳➳➜➲➛î ➛➥➡➞➙➊ ➞➦➡ ➙➥➧➾➝➝ ➫➞➦➛ ➛➥ ➡➥ ➞➝➝ ➙➥➧ ➲➞➦ ➛➥ ➽➠➦➠➽➠ô➜ ➝➞➭➛➠➦➯ ➦➜➯➞➛➠➩➜ ➢➜➵➜➢➲➧➭➭➠➥➦➭➸ ÙõßÙÚ➘ß➴ ➮äÑæ❒ ÕÖÏ➱✃❐❒ ❮ö× ➻➻ ➉➥➧➢ ➫➥➢➺ ➽➞➙ ➦➥➛ ↕➜ ➞➝➝ ➛➨➞➛ ➲➢➜➞➛➠➩➜ ➥➢ ➠➦➭➵➠➢➜➡ ➛➥➡➞➙➊ ↕➧➛ ➙➥➧ ➲➜➢➛➞➠➦➝➙ ➺➦➥➫ ➨➥➫ ➛➥ ➡➜➝➠➩➜➢ ➛➨➜ ➯➥➥➡➭ ➠➦ ➞ ➢➜➝➠➞↕➝➜ ➳➞➭➨➠➥➦➸ ÷➜➜➵ ➠➛ ➧➵ø ùúûüýþÿ ý ûü þ ýÿü ÿü ýúû ý ûÿú üýúû ú þ ý ÿú úú ûü ûü ýú ýü ü þ þÿ ✚ ✛ ✜ ✜ ❘ ✁♦r ✂❞✄t♦r✄❛❧ ☎✉✂st✄♦♥s✆ ✝❧✂❛s✂ ❡♦♥t❛❡t ✞✄❧❧✄❛♥ ✄t✉s ❛t ✟t✄t✉s✠❛♠✉♥✄✈✂rs❛❧✳ ❡♦♠✳✡ ❈ P❨ ❘ ✞● ❚✎ ☛☞✌✍ ✎✏ ❚❨ ✑✏ ✁ ✑ ✎ ❲❘ ❙❈❙ ✌✌✶☞ ❲❛❧♥✉t ❘t✳✆ ✓❛♥s❛s ❈✄t②✆ ❙ ❘❨✏ ✒ ❘❨✏ ❈✑ ✆ ✏❈✳ ✏ ✁ ❈✑ ✎✁❘ ❖✔✌ ☞❖✕ ✖☞☞✗☛✘✘✗❖✙✶✔ ❘ ✁♦r ✂❞✄t♦r✄❛❧ ☎✉✂st✄♦♥s✆ ✝❧✂❛s✂ ❡♦♥t❛❡t ✞✄❧❧✄❛♥ ✄t✉s ❛t ✟t✄t✉s✠❛♠✉♥✄✈✂rs❛❧✳ ❡♦♠✳✡ ❈ P❨ ❘ ✞● ❚✎ ☛☞✌✍ ✎✏ ❚❨ ✑✏ ✁ ✑ ✎ ❲❘ ❙❈❙ ✌✌✶☞ ❲❛❧♥✉t ❘t✳✆ ✓❛♥s❛s ❈✄t②✆ ❙ ❘❨✏ ✒ ❘❨✏ ❈✑ ✆ ❈✑ ❖✔✌ ☞❖✕ ✖☞☞✗☛✘✘✗❖✙✶✔ ✏❈✳ ✏ ✁ ✎✁❘