❻❼❽ ➋❾❿⑦ ✇⑧➀⑦⑨➁⑦⑨ ➂ ⑧③➃⑦⑨ ➄➅❾④ ❿⑦⑨③➆② ✈✇①②③④⑤ ⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩③⑨④ ❶❷⑤ ❶❸❹❺ COFFEE BREAK Woman admired for beauty wants men to look deeper Hurricanes create natural climate change labs in Puerto Rico DEAR ABBY: I have been reading your ✗✦✏✙✙✌ ➝ ✢ ✏✙ ✌✍✥✧✘✦✌✑✢ ➞ advice and your mother’s for decades. I am an attractive 65-year-old woman. DEAR ABBY: Regarding the letter from I have no problem meeting men. I have “Disgruntled Grandparent” (Dec. 11), been told numerous times I look 20 years whose daughter insisted on always being younger than my age. present when her children were with her The problem is, if I hear another man mother and father, I have a theory. tell me how beautiful I am, I may go bal- My sister would always be present listic. I want a man to appreciate me for when her children were with our par- my intellect and my per- ents. This was because my sonality. father had sexually abused ➦➧➨➩ I thought when I was her and the rest of us when ➨➫➫➭ past 50 I would no longer we were children. She didn’t have to hear about my want the same to happen to looks. I want a man to ap- her children, but also didn’t preciate the person I am inside, not out- want to deprive them of knowing their side. I don’t wear makeup, and I don’t grandparents, so that’s how she man- dress up. What does an old lady do to aged it. get a man to appreciate her for her brain Grandma may not know, or under- and not her looks? stand if she does know, but I’m guessing — ANNOYED IN FLORIDA the daughter is making sure she’s present DEAR ANNOYED: Please cut these for similar reasons. She wants to ensure poor would-be suitors some slack. Until it doesn’t happen to her kids while con- they get to know the person you are in- tinuing to let them interact. These sorts side, what else would you expect them to of family dynamics are not black and say to ingratiate themselves? You have white, so you manage as best you can been blessed with good looks, an asset with people who you inexplicably still most women would welcome. Stop com- love (or love part of them) but who can’t plaining and appreciate what you have. If be trusted not to cause great harm. you do, you will be an even more beautiful I recognized that strategy as identical woman inside. ➏➇ ➍➟ ➐➒➐➏➎→➠➐➡ ➐➇ ➏➑➇➣➢➑➏ ➤ ➇➣➢➑➏ ➏➇ ➥➉➢ that possible explanation for you. DEAR ABBY: My wife and I are hav- — ABBY READER IN NEW ZEALAND ing a debate: A married woman is out DEAR READER: That makes perfect of town by herself and meets a man two sense, and thank you for writing. “Dis- nights in a row for drinks. Over the next gruntled’s” letter received a large re- few months she talks to him several times sponse and an overwhelming majority of on the phone, and then one night he calls those who wrote suggested a similar sce- her at 9:30, after she is already in bed, nario. My heart goes out to you for what and tells her he’s in town. So she gets up, you and your siblings experienced as chil- gets dressed (drop-dead gorgeous), takes dren. I hope you were able to get help and support in dealing with the abuse you suf- ➇➈ ➉➊➌ ➍➎➎➏➐ ➑➒➍➓ ➔➑➎ ➐➒➏➐ ➒➊ ➑➒➐ ➏→➣↔↕ ➙➇→ an hour, kissing and hugging, no sex or fered. intimate touching. All of this is without Abby shares more than 100 of her fa- her husband’s knowledge. Did this wom- vorite recipes in two booklets: “Abby’s Favorite Recipes” and “More Favorite ➉➊ ➑➉➛➎ ➉➊ ➉➈➉➒→➜ — JUST CURIOUS IN GEORGIA Recipes by Dear Abby.” Send a business- DEAR JUST CURIOUS: YEP! And it size, self-addressed envelope, plus check may have started when she met him when or money order for $10 (U.S. funds) she was out of town. Even if there was no to: Dear Abby -- Cookbooklet Set, P.O. sex act, plenty of intimate physical con- Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. tact WAS happening — and that’s what I’d (Postage is included in price.) ❇ ✁❛✂✄☎✆ ✝✆✞✆ ❚❤✟ ✠✡☛✟☞✈✟☞ EL YUNQUE, Puerto Rico — The hurricanes that pounded Puerto Rico in 2017, blasting away most of its forest cover, may give scientists clues to how the world will respond to cli- mate change and increas- ingly severe weather. Researchers at El Yunque, the only tropical rain forest overseen by the U.S. For- est Service, are running controlled studies on how plants respond to higher temperatures combined — since the cataclysmic blow from Hurricane Maria — with severe weather. Not far away, another group is look- ✌✍✎ ✏✑ ✒✓✔ ✒✕✖✖✌✗✏✍✘✙ ✏✚✘✗✑ the forest environment. “It’s a once-in-a-centu- ry opportunity to look at these two aspects of climate change together,” said Tana Wood, a research ecologist with the Forest Service. Wood heads a team test- ing how plants themselves respond to higher tempera- tures. The 2017 hurricane season, with Maria follow- ing a lesser blow from Hur- ricane Irma, has given them a chance as well to see how ✙✑✓✖✛✙ ✏✚✘✗✑ ✑✒✘ ✖✘✗✓✜✘✖✢ of ecosystems already under stress, a key concern in the Caribbean, where scientists say warmer temperatures could lead to more intense hurricanes. On a recent trek to the site, Wood brushed aside thick branches and leaves the size of laptops as she made her way to three plots surrounded by infra- red panels that heat the air and soil by 7 degrees ✚ ÿ÷ ✁✣ ô ❙ õ ❙ ô ▼ ø ✡ ÷ô ✺ ✠✣❙ ✺ ÷ÿ ✓✠ ø ✁ ø ❯ ù ➲➞➞➝➘➏→➎➤➏➐ ✮ ➼➍➞➾ ✯✂ ú ✥✆ ➲➓➎➜➐➒→ ➨➜➍➫➧➒➏↕ ✳✿✴✸✼ ➹➏➍➍➏↕➒➞➠ ✳✼✴✸✷ ❡❞❪❝❜♠❡ ➲ ➣➒➎➎➣➏ ➏➧➏➍➒➍➫ ➓➍➜↕ ❡❣❵ ➛➣➜➝➭➙ ✮ ➑➾➯➾ ➓➍➜↕ ✮ ✲✛✒★ ❧❵ ✰ ➲ ➓➍➜↕ ➓➶➝→➣➣ ✮ ✳✴✵✶✷ ✸✹✺✻ çè ➷➬➮➱➬✃❐ ❒❮❰ÏÐÑ é êê çê é ìí çë î êð íï é êð íð é ▲✴ ✼✷✴✽✾✶ íï ➷➬➮➱➬✃❐ ❒❮❰ÏÐÑ é çñ êí íñ é êç íð é êï íë ò é íë ✏✛✍★ ❡♠❣ ➳➜➓➎➣➙ ➞➣➜➝➭➙ ✐❴❝ ➛➤→➍➞➏ ↔➜➐ ➓➍➜↕ ➓➤➜↕➏➐➓ ❊✽✺✶✷Ò✷✹Ó✶ íç çð íì êí çè çë íç êè íï ➷➬➮➱➬✃❐ ❒❮❰ÏÐÑ é é é é ò ♦♣qr♣st ✉✇①②③ ④⑤⑥⑦⑧ ⑨⑩④❶ ⑤❷❷❶❸⑩④ ❹❶❺ ④❹⑦ ❺⑦⑤④❹⑦❻ ❺⑨❼❼ ❽⑦⑦❼ ❾⑤⑧⑦❿ ❶⑩ ⑤ ❷❶➀❾⑨⑩⑤④⑨❶⑩ ❶❽ ❽⑤❷④❶❻⑧➁➂ ❻⑤④⑨⑩➃ ❶❽ ➄➅ ❽⑦⑦❼⑧ ➆⑦❻➇ ❷❶➀❽❶❻④⑤❾❼⑦ ❺❹⑨❼⑦ ⑤ ❻⑤④⑨⑩➃ ❶❽ ➅ ❽⑦⑦❼⑧ ➆⑦❻➇ ❸⑩❷❶➀❽❶❻④⑤❾❼⑦➁ ❢❩❡❣❴ ✰ ❩♥ ❵ ❴ ❡❴❵❭❵❢ ❩❬❭❩❪❩❫ ✫✬✭✮✬✯✰✫✱✯✬✲ ✳✴✵✶✷✸✹✺✻ ▲✴ ✼✷✴✽✾✶ ❊✿❀✹✽ ❃✰✫❁❖❃ ❄❏❑▼ ◆❉❋ ◗❯ ❈❑❆◆❅❱❳❑❳❍ ❍◆❨◆❋❍■ ✙ ô ✠▼✁❙✓✠✟✟✁✱ ✚✟ ôû ❍✠✡ óôõö÷øôù ýü ☛ ý ✝☛ ýü ☛ ➔➒➫➤ ✖ ✗✏✘ ✢ ÷ù ✣✁ ✤ ô ▼ ùÿ ▼✱ ✦ õô ▲ ÿ ☞ óôõö÷øôù ✂✌☛ ✂ ü ☛ ✂✆☛ ➨➜↕ ✖ ✛✍✜✘ ➘➏➎➎➏➓➎ ✖ ✧ ➾ ✧✗★ ❑▼ ÿ ✩✓✠✟✟✁✱ ✪✁▼▼ û ✮✯✬P❁✮❁✫✰✫❁❖❃ ❄❅❆❈❉❋❍■ óôõö÷øôù úûúü úûúý úûýý ❖✯✬●❖❃ ◆ ÿ÷õ ✢✁▼ ø þÿ ▼ õ õÿ øôõ ✁ ✥ û ✂✄ ✥ û ☎ ü ✄ û ✆✝ ➔➒➫➤ ✖ ✧✏✘ ❍✁ ÷ ✞✠❙ õÿ ▼ ◆ ÿ÷ ✞ ô ✟ ✞ ÿ ▼ õ õÿ øôõ ✁ úû ✄ ü úû ✆✂ ✥ û ✆✥ ➨➜↕ ✖ ✍✍✘ ✢ ÷ÿÿ ✫✠▼✡❙ ❨✁ ô÷ õÿ øôõ ✁ ✥ ûü ☎ ýû ✄☎ ☎ ûý ✝ ➘➏➎➎➏➓➎ ✖ ✏ ➾ ✏✧★ ◆ ÿ÷ ✞ ô ✟ ù ✁ ô÷ õÿ øôõ ✁ ✥ û ✂ ü ✂ û ✝✝ ✝ ûú ☎ ❧❵❩❡♠❵❴ ♠❝❢❡❞❴♥ ❩❜❴❝❫❣❬❡❣❴❩❬ ❝❪✐❞❥ ❖▼ ✚✁❯ û ✂✝✱ ✥✆ ý ✄✱ ô ❙ õÿ÷ ✞ ✣✁▼ õ ✁ ÷ ✁ ø ✠▼ õ ✁ ✤ ô÷ÿ ✟✠▼ ô ❙ ❯ ÷ÿö ✡ õ ✫✠✟✟✁ ÷ õÿ÷ ▼ ôøÿ ✁❙ õÿ ➴✰Ô ❁❃❙❖✯✭✰✫❁❖❃ ✫✱✬✲×✰Ô ▲ ÿ ☞✁❙ õ ÷ ✁✟ ôõ ✠✓✁ ö ✞✠ ø ✠ õù ✄✝✔ ✙✁ ÿ÷ ✡✠ ô ô ▼ ø ❆✟ ô ❯ ô ✞ ô ☞ ✠✟✁ øö ✞✺✠▼✡ ö ✺ õÿ ✆ ✠▼✣ ✁❙ ÿ ✕ ❙▼ ÿ ☞ ✕ ÷ÿ ✞ ✬✠✣ ✞ ÿ ▼ ø ✱ ❱ ôû ✱ ❆✕ õ ✁ ÷ ▼ ÿÿ ▼ ☞✠▼ ø ◆ ôõ ✌ õÿ ✥✂ ✞✺ ❍ ÿö÷ ❙ ÿ ✕ ❙ ö ▼❙ ✠▼✁ úûú õÿ P ✠✟ ôø ✁✟✺ ✠ ô ✱ P ôû ❊✓ ô ✺ ÿõ÷ô ▼❙✺✠ ÷ôõ ✠ ÿ ▼ úûúý ✯✬✲✬✯❘❖❁✯ ✲✫❖✯✰●✬ ❅❇❈❉❋●◗❈ ❘❚❳❩❚◗❈❇ ❬●❩❳❭❪❫ ❢❣❪ ❦ ❭❞❞❪ P ✠✟✟✠✺❙ ✬✁❙✁ ÷ ✓ ÿ ✠ ÷ ✆✔ ÿ ✕ ✣ ô ✺ ô ✣✠ õù ✭❖❃Ö ✫✱✬Ö ✦▼✠ õù ✬✁❙✁ ÷ ✓ ÿ ✠ ÷ ýü ✔ ÿ ✕ ✣ ô ✺ ô ✣✠ õù ❖☞ ù ✁✁ ✬✁❙✁ ÷ ✓ ÿ ✠ ÷ ✄✂✔ ÿ ✕ ✣ ô ✺ ô ✣✠ õù óö ▼ ÷ ✠❙✁ ✌✻ ý ☎ ôû ✞ û ✌✻ ýü ôû ✞ û þ ✣❑ ôù ✬✁❙✁ ÷ ✓ ÿ ✠ ÷ ✝✝✔ ÿ ✕ ✣ ô ✺ ô ✣✠ õù óö ▼❙✁ õ ✝✻ ýý ✺ û ✞ û ✝✻ ý ✝ ✺ û ✞ û ❲ ô ✟✟ ÿ ☞ ô ▲ ô ✫✁ ✂✆✔ ÿ ✕ ✣ ô ✺ ô ✣✠ õù þÿÿ ▼ ÷ ✠❙✁ ▼ ÿ ▼✁ ✥✻ ú ✝ ôû ✞ û ✪ ✠✁✕ ❱ ô ✟✟✁ ù ✬✁❙✁ ÷ ✓ ÿ ✠ ÷ ✥ ú ✝✔ ÿ ✕ ✣ ô ✺ ô ✣✠ õù þÿÿ ▼❙✁ õ ✥ ú ✻✥✄ ôû ✞ û ✥ ú ✻✄✆ ôû ✞ û ✭❖❖❃ ✮➴✰✲✬✲ ✲✫✯✬✰✭ ❙❂❖❲✲ ❅❇❈❉❋●◗❈ ❘❚❳❩❚◗❈❇ ❬❭❇●❉❳❭❪❫ ✙ ÷ô ▼ ø ✁ ✬ ÿ ▼ ø ✁ ôõ ✪ ÷ÿù ✥✄✂ ú ✣✕❙ ➨→➓➎ ➚➏↕ ➩➒➐➓➎ ➩➝➣➣ ✪ ✠✁✕ ❱ ô ✟✟✁ ù ✬✁❙✁ ÷ ✓ ÿ ✠ ÷ ▼✁ ô÷ ◆ ÿ÷õ P ÿ ☞ ø ✁ ÷ ◆ û ❆ û ✢ ö÷ ▼ õ ✬✠✓✁ ÷ ▼✁ ô÷ ✦▼✠ õù ✥ ú ✣✕❙ ✦✞ ôõ ✠✟✟ ô ✬✠✓✁ ÷ ▼✁ ô÷ ✙✠❯❯ ÿ ▼ ✥ ý ✄ ✣✕❙ þ ✠▼ ô ✞ ✬✠✓✁ ÷ ôõ þ ✠▼ ô ✞ ✥✂☎ ✣✕❙ P ÿ ☞ ø ✁ ÷ ✬✠✓✁ ÷ ▼✁ ô÷ ✬✠✣ ✟ ô ▼ ø ✥☎✂ ✣✕❙ ➩➏➪ ✍✒ ➳→➐ ✒ ➳→➐ ✏✑ ➳→➐ ✍✎ ➚➏↕➑➜➐➎ ➦➜➐➎➣→➍➭ ➚➏↕➪➏➐➫ ✳✵✴✸✼ ➼➭→➍➤→ ➢→➣➏➯ ✳✳✴✷✼ ✳✷✴✸✸ ✳✼✴✸✳ ➌➝➫➏➍➏ ➢➒➓➎➏➐➓ ✳✼✴✸✶ ➩➣➜➐➏➍➞➏ ❀✴✳✾ ➌➣➠➎➜➍ ✷✳✴✸✿ ✳✼✴✸✿ ✳✿✴✸✸ ✷✶✴✸❀ ➟➐➜➜➠➒➍➫➓ ➟➐➜➎➤➏➐➓ ➢➏➍➏➞→ ✶✼✴✷✽ ➦→➒➓➣➏➙ ✳✸✴✷✼ ✳✼✴✷✷ ➔➝➍➎➒➍➫➎➜➍ ✳✿✴✷✾ ➡➝➍➎➝➐→ ✳✽✴✷✳ ➺➍➎→➐➒➜ ✷✵✴✸✸ ➟➜➒➓➏ ✳✼✴✷✵ ➢➒➣➧➏➐ ➨→➠➏ ✶✼✴✷✼ ➳➏➭↔➜➐➭ ➡➜➤➍ ➥→➙ ➟➝➐➍➓ ➛➜➝➍➞➒➣ ✳✽✴✷✷ ✷✾✴✸✳ ➡➜➐➭→➍ ➵→➣➣➏➙ ✶✷✴✷✷ ➛➤➒➣➜➶➝➒➍ ✳✿✴✸✷ ✳✶✴✷✸ ✶✳✴✳✿ ✶✾✴✷✳ ✾✴✳❀ ✵✴✷✷ ➔→➣↔↕→➙ ➸➐→➍➒➎➏ ➟→➠➏➐ ➛➒➎➙ ➟➏➍➭ ➟➏→➧➏➐ ➳→➐➓➤ ➻➜➓➏➪➝➐➫ ➸➐→➍➎➓ ➦→➓➓ ✷✳✴✸❀ ✶✼✴✷✶ ✿✴✳✿ ✳✽✴✸✶ ➛➜➜➓ ➟→➙ ➦➜↕➏➐➓ ✶✼✴✳❀ ➳➜➍➝➯➏➍➎ ✶✶✴✳✾ ❀✴✳✾ ➺→➠➐➒➭➫➏ ✳❀✴✸✵ ✳❀✴✸✿ ➳→➝➑➒➍ ➌➍➎➏➐➑➐➒➓➏ ✶✳✴✳✵ ➨→ ➸➐→➍➭➏ ❀✴✳✽ ➻➏➭➯➜➍➭ ✳❀✴✸✼ ➌➣➫➒➍ ✶✸✴✳✾ ✶✸✴✳✸ ➛➜➍➭➜➍ ✶✼✴✷✽ ✳✵✴✷✾ ✳✼✴✷✿ ➛➜➐➧→➣➣➒➓ ➽➤➏ ➥→➣➣➏➓ ✶✵✴✳✿ ✶✸✴✳✼ ➦➏➍➭➣➏➎➜➍ ✳✿✴✷✾ ➨➏↕➒➓➎➜➍ ➘→➣➣→ ➘→➣➣→ ✶✸✴✳✾ ➢➎➾ ➔➏➣➏➍➓ ➵→➍➞➜➝➧➏➐ ➔➜➜➭ ➻➒➧➏➐ ✳✽✴✷✼ ✳✸✴✷✾ ➽➼➣➣→➯➜➜➠ vapor, which in turn creates clouds. “Anything that happens in these systems can have ✏✍ ✘✚✘✗✑ ✓✍ ✑✒✘ ✔✓✖✦✧★✙ ✗✦✌✩ mate,” she said. U.S., British and interna- tional climate agencies re- ported this month that 2018 was the fourth-warmest year on record, and global emissions of heat-trapping carbon dioxide saw their largest spike in seven years. Overall, global carbon di- oxide emissions have in- creased 55 percent in the past two decades, and Earth has warmed on average about two-thirds of a degree Celsius, according to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- tion. British meteorologists said in early February that ✑✒✘ ✍✘✪✑ ✥✜✘ ✢✘✏✖✙ ✗✓✕✦✧ ✙✘✘ record-breaking tempera- tures. Scientists expect the world this year will spew 40.9 billion tons of carbon dioxide, up from 39.8 bil- lion tons last year, accord- ing to studies by the Global Carbon Project. Kim Cobb, a climate sci- entist at Georgia Institute of Technology who is not involved in the experiments at El Yunque, said she was not aware of any other long- term warming experiments in tropical rainforests. “What will happen at their site is highly uncertain, be- cause the rainforest itself controls so many aspects of the regional water cycle. It’s not a system that we can model extremely well to- day, let alone under climate change scenarios,” Cobb said. Fahrenheit. The vegetation there was shorter and a bit browner compared with the three unheated control plots. The warmed plots run on 480 volts of electricity, and while the lines are iso- lated from the soil, the sci- entists use insulated boots to avoid getting electrocuted in case of an accident. Nearby, plant physiologist Rob Tunison clamped what looked like a small compact mirror around a dark green leaf to measure photosyn- thesis, spending 30 minutes to an hour per leaf. Wood said they are looking at how ✑✘✛✣✘✖✏✑✕✖✘✙ ✏✚✘✗✑ ✤✏✙✌✗ processes such as photo- synthesis — by which plants transform sunlight into en- ergy while absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing that gas along with oxygen into the atmosphere — as well as how soils respond. The researchers are also studying nutrients and mi- ✗✖✓✤✘✙ ✌✍ ✑✒✘ ✏✖✑✌✥✗✌✏✦✦✢ warmed plots of land, keep- ing sending frozen samples to a lab in California for analysis. Knowledge about tropical plants and soils could eventually be plugged into models to determine how vastly broader ecosys- tems respond to changes. “We are also able to look at the potential for tropical plants and soils to acclimate to consistently warmer con- ditions over time,” Wood said. Tropical forests play a key role in recycling car- bon dioxide, and they store about a third of the world’s carbon, she said. They also help generate rainfall across the world by releasing water ➩➐➏➍➞➤➫➣➏➍ ➥➒→➯➜➍➭ ✳✼✴✷✼ ✳✷✴✷✳ ✳✾✴✷✷ ➲➐➜➞➠ ✷✶✴✷✵ ➸➐→➍➭ ➵➒➏↕ ✷✵✴✸✶ ➩➒➏➣➭➓ ➹➣→➯→➎➤ ➩→➣➣➓ ✳✶✴✷✿ ➨→➠➏➧➒➏↕ ✷✶✴✷✿ ✳❀✴✷✿ ❵❛❜❝❞ ❡❢ ❣✉❤❢✐❥❦❧❢ ❝❤❥s❛❤♠♥ ❣❤♦♣❤♠❥s✉♠❤❢ ❥♠❤ q❜❞✐❥❦ ❞❡r❛s❧❢ t❜❝❢ ❥❞✐ ❣✉❤❢✐❥❦❧❢ ❛❡r❛❢♥ ❴❵❜❝❞❪❩❬ ❫❝❡❝❵❢ ✫✱✬Ö ❲✬×Ö ✫✱✬Ö ❲✬×Ö ✸✹✺✻ ➈✹➉▲➊➉➋ ➈✹➉▲➊➉➋ ✸✹✺✻ ➈✹➉▲➊➉➋ ➈✹➉▲➊➉➋ ❆❙ õÿ÷ ✠ ô ✄✝✹✂✝✹✣ ✄✥✹✂ ü ✹ ÷ ▲✁☞✠❙ õÿ ▼ ✂ ü ✹✥✆✹❙▼ ✂✆✹✂✝✹❙▼ ✢✁▼ ø ✄ ý ✹✂✥✹✣ ✄ ú ✹✂✌✹✣ ✂☎✹✥ ú ✹❙▼ ✂✌✹✥ ú ✹❙▼ ▲ ÿ ▼✡✓✠✁☞ ✢ ÿ ✠❙✁ ✂✌✹✥✄✹❙▼ ✂☎✹✥✝✹❙✕ ✄✂✹ ýý ✹✣ ✝✥✹ ý ✌✹✣ þ ✁ ô ✣ ô ✞ ✢ ÷ÿÿ ✫✠▼✡❙ ✄ ý ✹ ý ✌✹ ÷ ✄✌✹✂✆✹ ÷ ✄✆✹ ýü ✹ ÷ ✄ ü ✹ ý ✄✹ ÷ þ ✁ ø ✕ ÿ÷ø ✢ ö÷ ▼❙ ✄✝✹✂✌✹✣ ✄ ý ✹✂✆✹✣ ý ✂✹✂☎✹❙▼ ý ☎✹✂✥✹❙▼ ◆✁☞✺ ÿ÷õ ✤ ÿÿ ❙ ✢ ôù ✄✂✹✂✥✹✣ ý ✆✹✂ ý ✹ ÷ ✄ ü ✹ ýú ✹✣ ✄✄✹ ýú ✹✣ ❖✟ ù ✞✺✠ ô ✤ ÿ÷ ✓ ô ✟✟✠❙ ✄✄✹ ýý ✹ ÷ ✄☎✹ ý ✝✹❙ ✄✂✹✂✥✹✣ ✄ ú ✹✂✄✹✣ ❖▼ õô÷ ✠ ÿ ✤ ÿö ▼✣✠✟ ✂ ü ✹✥✝✹✣ ✂☎✹✥✂✹✣ ýý ✹✥✄✹❙▼ ý ☎✹✂✆✹❙ P ô ❙✣ ÿ ✂✄✹✥✄✹❙▼ ✂✂✹✥✥✹❙▼ ❊✟✡✠▼ ✂☎✹✥ ü ✹❙▼ ✂✆✹✥☎✹❙▼ P✁▼ ø ✟✁ õÿ ▼ ý ☎✹ ý ✥✹✣ ý ✆✹✂✌✹✣ ❊ ö ✡✁▼✁ ✄✥✹✂ ý ✹✣ ✄ ý ✹✂☎✹✣ P ÿ÷õ ✟ ô ▼ ø ✄ ü ✹ ýú ✹ ÷ ✄✄✹✂ ü ✹✣ ❍✁ ÷ ✞✠❙ õÿ ▼ ✂✆✹✥✌✹✣ ✂✌✹✥ ú ✹✣ P ÿ ☞✁ ÷ ❙ ❍ ÿÿø ✬✠✓✁ ÷ ý ✝✹✂✆✹❙▼ ý ✥✹✥☎✹❙▼ ✬✁ ø ✞ ÿ ▼ ø ✂ ü ✹✥✄✹❙▼ ✂ ü ✹ ü ✹✣ ■✞▼ ô ô ý ✂✹✂✥✹❙▼ ✄ ú ✹✂✌✹❙ ✬ ÿ ❙✁❯ ö÷ ✡ ✄✄✹ ý ✂✹ ÷ ✄✌✹ ý ✂✹ ÷ ✄✄✹✂✝✹❙▼ ✄✥✹✂✆✹✣ ❏ ÿ ▼ ✭ ôù ý ✂✹✥☎✹❙▼ ý ✌✹✥✆✹❙▼ óô ✟✁✞ ✂✥✹✆✹✣ ✂✄✹✥✌✹❙▼ ❏ ÿ ❙✁✺ ✂ ü ✹✥✄✹❙▼ ýý ✹✂ ú ✹✠ ó ✺ ÿ ✫ ô ▼✁ ýú ✹✥ ü ✹❙▼ ✂✆✹✥✄✹✣ ❑✁▼▼✁☞✠✣✫ ✂☎✹✥✝✹✣ ✂ ü ✹✥✥✹✣ ✪ ✁ ✭ ô ✟✟✁❙ ✂✄✹✥✥✹❙▼ ✂✝✹✥✥✹❙▼ ❑✟ ô ✞ ôõ ✚ ô ✟✟❙ ýü ✹ ý ✂✹✠ ✄✥✹✂ ú ✹✣ ✦✫✠ ô ▲ ô ✫✁✓✠✁☞ ýü ✹ ý ✄✹ ÷ ✄ ú ✹✂✥✹❙▼ ❲ ô ✟✟ ô ❲ ô ✟✟ ô ✂✝✹✥✄✹✣ ✂✄✹✥✄✹❙✕ Ù②ÚtÛ②sÜÙÝÞ ßà⑧❸⑩⑩➇á âãàä⑤❻④❼➇ ❷❼❶❸❿➇á ãà❷❼❶❸❿➇á ßÛà⑧❹❶❺⑦❻⑧á tà④❹❸⑩❿⑦❻⑧④❶❻➀⑧á sà❻⑤⑨⑩á ßrà⑧⑩❶❺ å❸❻❻⑨⑦⑧á ß✇à⑧⑩❶❺á æà⑨❷⑦ ➳➞➥➏➐➯➒➎➎ ✷✼✴✷❀ ❴❵❫❴❵❩❡❝❞❪ ✐❞❴❵❫❩❢❡ ❡❣❵❢ ✰ ❩♥ ✰❃✫➴❖❃Ô ❂✰Õ✬✲ ✮➴❁❂❂❁✮✲ ❂✰Õ✬ ó ▼ ÿ ☞✱ ✥❁ ý ❂ ó ▼ ÿ ☞✱ ✂❁✄❂❃ ✣ ✠✟✟ ù íè ï çñ íï ✭✫Ö ✬✭❁❂Ô ✯✬PÖ Ø✯❖❲❃❂✬✬ ✯✬✲Ö P ûþû ❙▼ ÿ ☞✱ ý ❁✌❂ ó ▼ ÿ ☞✱ ✥❁ ý ❂ íë íê êð íñ ✬✭❁●✯✰❃✫ ✲✫Ö ✮✰✯Õ ✬✰●❂✬ P✰✮ ❲❁❂×Ö ó ▼ ÿ ☞✱ ý ❁✌❂❃ ✣ ÿ ✟ ø ó ▼ ÿ ☞✱ ✥❁ ý ❂ í ❄ ï çè íí ✭PÕ✰Ô ✯✬✲✬✯❘❖❁✯ ❲✰❂❂❖❲✰ ❂✰Õ✬ P ûþû ❙▼ ÿ ☞✱ ý ❁✌❂ ó ▼ ÿ ☞✱ ✂❁✄❂❃ ✣ ÿ ✟ ø ç ❄ íì çì íê ✫➴❁✬❙ ❘✰❂❂✬Ô ✯✬✲Ö ✯✬× Ø✯❁×●✬ ✲✫Ö ✮✰✯Õ P ûþû ❙▼ ÿ ☞✱ ý ❁✌❂ ó ▼ ÿ ☞✱ ✥❁ ý ❂❃ ✣ ✠✟✟ ù êê çê çñ íë Download & Explore Everything in NE Oregon it’s free and available at