✽✳ ➋✴✵✭ ❖✮✷✭✩❱✭✩ ✸ ✮✬✹✭✩ ✺✪✴❨ ✵✭✩✬✻✫ ❋✩✪✫✬❨✱ ❋✭✮✩✯✬✩❨ ✰✰✱ ✰✲✶✾ COFFEE BREAK Oregon reports boom in camping, longer camping season DEAR ABBY: My youngest sister started dating a man and they quickly moved in to- gether. Six months into their relationship she got pregnant and they got engaged. Their wedding is planned for this summer. Recently she discovered he has been video- chatting with someone he met online. He ad- ❛✿❅❛P✼❏❀❊❇❛❁❏❉ ❵P❀ ▼▲❊❀ ❏▲❃P❍❂ ❣ ❏❊❬ ❀❃ ❏❁❀ ❆ss ✁✂✄☎✆✝ ✞r✆ss the record straight without appearing as the bad guy? — “ORPHAN” IN THE SOUTH DEAR ORPHAN: Please accept my sym- pathy for the loss of your parents, and the uncomfortable situation in which you now ✼✿❀❀❁❂ ❀❃ ❄✿❅❀✿❇❈❉ ❊●❃❍❃❈✿■❁❂ ❊❇❂ ●❅❃✼✿❏❁❂ ✓☛✛ ✗✡✘✙✚✎✠✕❤ ✐✎◗✡✙✒❥✎ ✌✍✎ ✓✙✚✌ ✣✟✙✟☞✙✟✣✍ ✡✕ PORTLAND — Oregon set a record for the num- ber of campers at state parks last year, and the number of day-use visitors was the second-highest ever, according to a report by the state’s Parks and Recreation Department. The report said 2.9 mil- lion people camped at a state park in 2018 and 54 million people in total visited a park, the second- highest number ever after a blockbuster summer sea- son in 2016 that attracted 54.5 million visitors, The Oregonian/OregonLive reported Wednesday. Coastal parks saw the biggest gain in campers. Fort Stevens, South Beach and Bullards Beach — all that was the end of it. I have a strong sus- your letter to me and recite it verbatim when picion that there have been the subject of your relation- other “situations” my sister is ship with your aunt and uncle t✉✈✇ unaware of. comes up. Because it’s a small ✈①①② Should I express my con- town, the message will spread cerns to her and suggest quickly, and you won’t have to postponing the wedding? Or repeat it often. should I keep my gut feelings to myself? I’m DEAR ABBY: My husband and I want to ❊❑❅❊✿❂ ❏▲❁ ▼✿❍❍ ❈❁❀ ✼❊❅❅✿❁❂ ❊❇❂ ❀▲❁❇ ◆❇❂ ❃P❀ what’s really going on. ❈❃ ❀❃ ❙P❅❃●❁ ❀▲✿❏ ❏P✼✼❁❅❉ ❵P❀ ▼❁ ❂❃❇❫❀ ▼❊❇❀ — BIG SISTER IN MASSACHUSETTS to take his mother along. We have taken her DEAR BIG SISTER: Be honest with your on two holidays over the last two years and sister. Although I suspect that your gut feel- didn’t enjoy either one for various reasons. ings are accurate, whether she will believe it She now expects to go with us on our inter- is debatable, but at least she will have been ❇❊❀✿❃❇❊❍ ❜❊❛❊❀✿❃❇❏❉ ❊❇❂ ▼❁ ❂❃❇❫❀ ❞❇❃▼ ▲❃▼ warned. If she does decide to stay with him, to tell her we prefer to go alone. Please help. refrain from any “I told you so’s.” Recognize — HOLIDAY FOR TWO DEAR HOLIDAY: What your husband ✌✍✟✌ ✥✍✎✌✍✎✙ ✚✍✎ ◗✟✙✙✒✎✚ ✍✎✙ ✓✟☛✑✎ ✡✙ ☛✡✌✖ she will forever be linked with him because of ✚✍✡✘✠✛ ✚✟✗ ✌✡ ✍✒✚ ◗✡✌✍✎✙ ✒✚✖ ❦✐✡◗✖ ◗✗ ✥✒✕✎ the baby. and I will be going to __________ for a few weeks in early August. We need an ‘adventure’ alone together, so we will not be asking you to ❘❙❚❯ ❚❲❲❳❩ ❚❑❀❁❅ ✼❬ ✼❃✼ ●❊❏❏❁❂ ❊▼❊❬❉ my dad lived alone for three years until his join us.” Period! ❘❙❚❯ ❚❲❲❳❩ ❙✿❈▲❀❁❁❇ ✼❃❇❀▲❏ ❊❈❃❉ ❣ ❂✿❏❴ ❬❁❊❅❏❉ ▲❊❂ ❵❁❁❇ ❏❁❛❅❁❀❍❬ ❜✿❏✿❀✿❇❈ ❢❲❍❊❇❛❊❉❧ ❀▲❁ girl he wanted to marry 30 years ago. Since would ignore him. ❀▲❁❇❉ ❣ ▲❊❜❁ ❵❁❁❇ ❀❊❍❞✿❇❈ ❀❃ ❲❍❊❇❛❊❫❏ ▲P❏❵❊❇❂❉ ❢❙❅✿❛❉❧ ❊❇❂ ▲❊❜❁ ❑❊❍❍❁❇ ✿❇ ❍❃❜❁ ▼✿❀▲ ▲✿✼❭ ❚❑❀❁❅ ❘❊❂❫❏ ❂❁❊❀▲❉ ✼❬ ❊P❇❀ ❛❃❇❀❊❛❀❁❂ ✼❁ asking if she could have a rocking chair that belonged to my mother. I agreed they could ❝▲❁ ❊♦❊✿❅ ▲❊❏ ❁❇❂❁❂ ❑❃❅ ❡❀❁❜❁❇ ❊❇❂ ❲❍❊❇❴ ✕✟✠✠✖ ✓✠✠✒☛☞ ✗✘✙✌✚ ✟☛✛ ✑✟✜✢ ❛❊❉ ❵P❀ ❙❅✿❛ ❊❇❂ ❣ ❏❀✿❍❍ ❀❊❍❞ ❏❁❜❁❅❊❍ ❀✿✼❁❏ ❊ ▲❊❜❁ ✿❀❭ ❝❃ ✼❬ ❏▲❃❛❞❉ ▼▲❁❇ ✼❬ P❇❛❍❁ ❊❅❴ week. ins on rainy days, and tak- ing advantage of months with unseasonably warm weather. “The camping season is stretching itself,” state parks spokesman Chris Havel said. “The peak time is getting longer and lon- ger.” Smaller state park campgrounds also saw big growth, from Viento in the ❅✿❜❁❂ ❀❃ ●✿❛❞ P● ❀▲❁ ❛▲❊✿❅❉ ▲❁ ❵❁❈❊❇ ❊❏❞✿❇❈ ❚❵❵❬❉ ❏▲❃P❍❂ ❣ ❏❀❊❬ ▼✿❀▲ ❡❀❁❜❁❇♣ ❣❫✼ me about my dad’s belongings. He wanted to look through Dad’s tools and such. After making no attempt to contact Dad while tempted to leave him after what he has done. — GETTING EVEN WITH STEVEN DEAR GETTING EVEN: I don’t blame you for wanting to get even, but if you’re asking my permission, the answer is no. The fact is, neither you nor Eric is really available. ▲❁ ▼❊❏ ❊❍✿❜❁❉ ❇❃▼ ❀▲❊❀ ▲❁❫❏ ❈❃❇❁❉ ✼❬ P❇❛❍❁ had the nerve to ask to look through Dad’s things?! I politely shut him down. ❡✿❇❛❁ ❀▲❁❇❉ ✼❬ ❊P❇❀ ▲❊❏ ❵❁❁❇ ❵❊❂❴✼❃P❀▲❴ q✎✕✡✙✎ ◗✟✤✒☛☞ ✟☛✗ ✓☛✟✠ ✛✎✑✒✚✒✡☛✚✖ ✌✙✗ ◗✟✙✢ ✿❇❈ ✼❁ ❊❍❍ ❃❜❁❅ ❀❃▼❇❉ ❀❁❍❍✿❇❈ ❁❜❁❅❬❃❇❁ ❢❣ riage counseling to see if you can rebuild a loving, trusting relationship with your spouse. That way, fewer people will be hurt. dropped them” and “don’t want anything to do with them.” I suppose that’s true under the As more people move to Oregon, the agency is working hard to accommo- date increased demand. The department’s bud- get is funded by fees it col- lects, as well as slices of state lottery earnings and RV registrations. Ninety percent of state park sites are currently free of charge - but Havel told the newspaper that Columbia River Gorge to Lake Owyhee in eastern Oregon. Tiny Jackson F. Kimball State Recreation Site in southern Oregon saw the highest percent in- crease, with an additional 557 campers that added up to a 64 percent increase. Those increases at smaller campgrounds are exactly what the parks de- partment is looking for. Last year, the department launched an initiative to decrease camping fees at less-popular state parks, hoping to spread out the growing crowds. Havel said it seems to have worked, so in 2019 the department will imple- ment a one-month trial of increased camping fees at a few of the more popular — together accounted for more than half of the growth in overnight visits. They collectively attracted 59,300 campers last year, the newspaper said. The camping season is also spreading beyond the traditional busy summer months. Crowds have be- gun to come to camp in the spring and well into the ❛❃❜❁❅❁❂ ❀▲❊❀ ❢❡❀❁❜❁❇❉❧ ✼❬ ▲P❏❵❊❇❂ ❃❑ ♠♥ ❊❇❂ ❊❵❃P❀ ✿❇ ❅❁❏❀❊P❅❊❇❀❏ ❊❇❂ ❏❀❃❅❁❏❉ ❀▲❁❬ ➍❹➌➌❻ ❾❹❺➎➁❼➃ ➌➅➀ ➁❼ ❸❿❼➀❺❹➌ ➏❺❿➃➅❼➐ ✟✠✡☛☞ ✌✍✎ ✏✟✑✒✓✑ ✔✑✎✟☛ ❂❁❊❀▲❭ ❘P❅✿❇❈ ❀▲❃❏❁ ❀▲❅❁❁ ❬❁❊❅❏❉ ❪❃✼❫❏ ❑❊✼❴ ily not once made contact with him or me. Dad lived in a very small town. When he would see Mom’s sister and her husband out ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ ❶❷④⑦④ ❸❹❺❻ ❹❼❽ ❾❿❽❿❻➀❺➁❹❼❻ ❼❹➂➁➃❹➀❿ ➀➄❺➅➆➃➄ ➀➄❿ ➇➆❻➈ ➉➆➊❹➌➅ ✣✟✙✤ ✡✧✑✒✟✠✚ ✟✙✎☛★✌ ✑✡☛✢ sidering adding fees in those locations. Part of the ethos of Oregon state parks is ensuring that these natural public spac- es are accessible for every- body. “We like seeing a nice, broad equitable system like that, but how do you fund it?” Havel said. “I don’t know. We haven’t answered that question yet.” ✣✟✙✤✚✖ ✥✍✒✑✍ ✑✡✘✠✛ ✡✦✚✎✌ the discounts if made per- manent. ➋♠✇❪➏❛❵♥❵ ❛❴❫ ⑨✇❛➀q⑧➏❵ ➀✇♠➁⑧❫❪❫ ➝❜ ✜✖✖✕❲✠✎✟♦✠✡➤ ■✞✖✢ ➥❣❝❤③ ✜✌✟✔✡☞✎ ➫➺➩➵➭ ✚✔✞❡✙☞✠✒ ➫➺➩➵➵ ❙✟✢ ✍✠✏✠✞✌ ➫➵➩➵➭ ❚■✏✏✎❉✔✔✗ ➫➳➩➵➭ ÙØÒ×ÖàÙ ÚÏÙ ÚÛÒ ÑØÒ ÙÛÕ ❺➌➦➍ ✔✑ ✌✞✔✒ ✜ ✖✔✕☛✏✠ ✔✑ ✌✞✔✒ ✌♦✔✒✠✡✌ ❈✔✏✛ ✒☞✟♦ ✎ ✏☞✟✟✏✠ ✌✞✔✒ ❈✏✔✕✛✓ ✒☞✟♦ ✌✞✔✒ ☛✔✌✌☞✣✏✠ ❈✏✔✕✛✓ ✎✞✛ ✖✔✏✛ ➙➛➜➝➞ ➟➠➡➢ ❄❅ ✦✧★✩✧✪✫ ✬✭✮✯✰✱ ▲ ❅◗ ➤➛ ➥➞➛➦➧➝ ❄❯ ✦✧★✩✧✪✫ ✬✭✮✯✰✱ ▲ ❅◗ ➨➦➡➝➞ ✲ ➞➠ ✳ ➝ ❅❳ ❄❬ ❄◗ ❅❱ ▲ ❅❳ ▲ ❄◗ ❅❯ ▲ ✦✧★✩✧✪✫ ✬✭✮✯✰✱ ▲ ❄❯ ▲ ❄❅ ❅❅ ▲ ❄❄ ❅❄ ❅❳ ❄❨ ❅❅ ❅❬ ▲ ❄❯ ▲ ❄❱ ❬❯ ▲ ▲ âãäåãæç èéêëì íîïðñ òóíô îõõôöóí ÷ôø í÷ð øðîí÷ðù øòúú ûððú üîñðý ôó î õôþüòóîíòôó ôû ûîõíôùñÿ ❆ ùîíòó ôû ✁✂ ûððúñ ✈ ðù ✄ õôþûôùíîüúð ø÷òúð î ùîíòó ôû ✂ ûððúñ ✈ ðù ✄ öóõôþûôùíîüúðÿ ßÕ Ð Ý Õ Ñ ÙÔÕÑÕÚ ➼➣➑➲➯➼ ➽➷➬➮ ➱➶➹ ✃❐ ➪➬➚➱➾❒❮➬❮➘ ➘➱❰➱➹➘➴ ⑦⑧⑨q ❭❪❫❴❪❵❫❛❜ ❶♠❷ ❭❪❫❴❪❵❫❛❜ ✍☞❡♦➆ ➇➈➉ ✚✔✒➆ ➌❸➈➉ ❲✠✟✟✠✌✟➆ ❸✢❼➇➍ ⑥t⑩ ❣❣⑩ ⑥t⑩ ❣❦⑩ ⑥④⑩ ❣④⑩ ❝❢❝❣ ❤❢❤❦ ❝❢❥❤ ❤❢❦❤ ❤❢❣❤ ❝❢❤❝ ❤❢r❥ ❝❢❦③ ⑥❢❥t ❣❢❥❣ ❝❢❥❦ ❥❢t❣ ❤❢④④ ❦❢③❣ ❥❢r⑥ ➔→➒➻➲➔➲➑➣➑➲➯➼ ➽➾➚➪➶➹➘➴ ❭❪❫❴❪❵❫❛❜ ❧♠❴♥q ♥♠ ❫❛♥❪ ✉♠✇①❛② ①♠❴♥q ♥♠ ❫❛♥❪ ⑤❪❛✇ ♥♠ ❫❛♥❪ ✉♠✇①❛② ❜❪❛✇ ♥♠ ❫❛♥❪ ④❝➂ ❭ ❛♥ ❥ ♥♠ r ①➀q ❝❢r ❝❢❝❥ →➒↕➒→➭➯➲→ ↕➑➯→➣➳➒ ➽➾➚➪➶➹➘➚ ➴➷➬➮➷➘➚➾ ➱➚➹➪✃➬❐❒❮ ➓q⑧②②⑧➀❵ ➔❪❵❪✇➁♠⑧✇ →❴⑧♥❜ ➔❪❵❪✇➁♠⑧✇ ➣❷❜q❪❪ ➔❪❵❪✇➁♠⑧✇ ❧➏↔❛❜ ➔❪❵❪✇➁♠⑧✇ ❭❛②②♠❷❛ ❶❛➑❪ ↕q⑧❪➄ ➙❛②②❪❜ ➔❪❵❪✇➁♠⑧✇ ③➂ ♠➄ ⑥④➂ ♠➄ ❥❤➂ ♠➄ t❥➂ ♠➄ ❣③➂ ♠➄ ❤❝t➂ ♠➄ ➯→➒➳➯➼ ❽➏❛➀➀♠♠❵❪ ➐✇❛♥❪✇ ❶❛➑❪ ❧❪❛➏q❛① ßÕÏÙàÕÔ à×ÚÙØÔá ÏÖÔ×ÓÛÐÙÛÔÏÐ ×ÒÜØÝ ✥ ➣ ✴ ➲➼➵➯→➓➣➑➲➯➼ ↕➣➑↔→ ✷ ➣ ✴ ❶♠❷❪❵♥ ✇❪②❛♥⑧➁❪ q❾①⑧❫⑧♥❜ ➃➄♥❪✇❴♠♠❴ ❷⑧❴❫ ⑦♠❾✇❵ ♠➄ ❵❾❴❵q⑧❴❪ ➅➁❛➀♠♥✇❛❴❵➀⑧✇❛♥⑧♠❴ ❭⑧❴♥❪✇ ⑦❛➁❪❴➊ ➋②❛❢ ❧❛②♥❛➊ ❧♠❴♥❢ ❭⑧❴♠❴❛➊ ❧⑧❵❵❢ ✍☞❡♦➆ ➎❸➉ ✚✔✒➆ ❺❻➉ ❲✠✟✟✠✌✟➆ ❹✢➒➎➍ ➏❛➀❛➏⑧♥❜ ➏❛➀❛➏⑧♥❜ ➏❛➀❛➏⑧♥❜ ➏❛➀❛➏⑧♥❜ ➏❛➀❛➏⑧♥❜ ➏❛➀❛➏⑧♥❜ ↕➑→➒➣➓ ➵➸➯➺↕ ➽➾➚➪➶➹➘➚ ➴➷➬➮➷➘➚➾ ❰Ï➬➮Ï✃➬❐❒❮ ❤t⑥❝ ➏➄❵ ➛✇❛❴❫❪ ➔♠❴❫❪ ❛♥ ↕✇♠❜ ↕q⑧❪➄ ➙❛②②❪❜ ➔❪❵❪✇➁♠⑧✇ ❴❪❛✇ ✉♠✇♥q ➓♠❷❫❪✇ ✉❢➃❢ ❤❝ ➏➄❵ ➜❾✇❴♥ ➔⑧➁❪✇ ❴❪❛✇ →❴⑧♥❜ →①❛♥⑧②②❛ ➔⑧➁❪✇ ❴❪❛✇ ➛⑧➝➝♠❴ ❤❥④ ➏➄❵ ❧⑧❴❛① ➔⑧➁❪✇ ❛♥ ❧⑧❴❛① ❤⑥❤ ➏➄❵ ➓♠❷❫❪✇ ➔⑧➁❪✇ ❴❪❛✇ ➔⑧➏q②❛❴❫ ❣❣t ➏➄❵ ➣❴ ➋❪➝❢ ❣❣➊ ❤③r❝➊ ↕♠②❪❫♠➊ ➣q⑧♠➊ ❷❛❵ ❵q✇♠❾❫❪❫ ⑧❴ ➄♠⑨ ➄♠✇ ♥q❪ ❵❪➁❪❴♥q ➏♠❴❵❪➏❾➞ ♥⑧➁❪ ❫❛❜❢ ➋♠⑨ ⑧❵ ➏♠①①♠❴ ⑧❴ ①❛❴❜ ➀❛✇♥❵ ♠➄ ♥q❪ ➏♠❾❴♥✇❜ ❷q❪❴ ❷⑧❴♥❪✇ ❵❴♠❷ ①❪②♥❵❢ ÚÛÒ Þ ÑØØÒ ➵→➲ ✶ ❽❾❴✇⑧❵❪ ❽❾❴❵❪♥ ❧♠♠❴✇⑧❵❪ ❧♠♠❴❵❪♥ ↕➣➑ ✶ ❛❢①❢ ➀❢①❢ ➀❢①❢ ❛❢①❢ ④❿❥❣ ❛❢①❢ t❿⑥❤ ➀❢①❢ ❤❝❿❥③ ➀❢①❢ ③❿❤⑥ ❛❢①❢ ❋☞✡✌✟ ❋✕✏✏ ④❿❥⑥ t❿❣③ ③❿⑥❦ r❿❥❥ ➓➯➯➼ ➔ ✥ ➣↕➒↕ ✚✎✌✟ ❋✠✣ ❸❼ ◆✠✒ ▼✎✡ ❼ ▼✎✡ ❺❻ ❊✏✗✟✔✞ ▼✎✡ ❸❹ ❈✔✔✌ ❇✎✓ ➵➧➩➵➯ P✔✒✠✡✌ ➵➸➩➵➯ ●✡✎✞✟✌ P✎✌✌ ➫➺➩➵➲ ▼✔✞✕❉✠✞✟ ➫➸➩➵➸ ❘✠✛❉✔✞✛ ➧➯➩➵➫ ➃❵♥♠✇⑧❛ ➜❪❴❫ ➜♠⑧❵❪ ➜✇♠♠➑⑧❴⑨❵ ➜❾✇❴❵ ➐♠♠❵ ➜❛❜ ➐♠✇➁❛②②⑧❵ ➐♠❾❴➏⑧② ➅②⑨⑧❴ ➅❾⑨❪❴❪ ⑦❪✇①⑧❵♥♠❴ ⑦♠♠❫ ➔⑧➁❪✇ ➠①❴❛q❛ ➡♠q❴ ➢❛❜ ➡♠❵❪➀q ↔❪❴❴❪❷⑧➏➑ ↔②❛①❛♥q ➋❛②②❵ ❶❛➑❪➁⑧❪❷ ❥t➟⑥❥➟✇ ❥❤➟⑥❝➟❵➄ ⑥③➟⑥⑥➟❵❴ ❥③➟❥❣➟✇ ⑥❦➟⑥❝➟❵➄ ❥r➟❥❣➟✇ ❥④➟⑥t➟✇ ⑥❣➟❣④➟❵❴ ⑥❦➟❣t➟❵➄ ❥④➟⑥❦➟✇ ❥⑥➟❣④➟➀➏ ❥⑥➟⑥⑥➟✇ ⑥r➟❣❣➟❵➄ ⑥r➟⑥❝➟❵➄ ⑥❥➟❣⑥➟➏ ❥❝➟❣t➟➀➏ ⑥③➟❣③➟❵❴ ⑥❥➟❣❦➟❵➄ ❥④➟⑥❤➟❵q ⑥❦➟❣❤➟❵➄ ❥❤➟⑥⑥➟❵➄ ❥❦➟❥❝➟❵q ⑥④➟❣❤➟❵➄ ❥❦➟⑥r➟❵q ❥④➟⑥❤➟❵q ⑥④➟❣④➟❵➄ ⑥④➟❣❣➟❵❴ ❥❦➟⑥⑥➟❵q ⑥❥➟❣❣➟❵❴ ⑥③➟❣❦➟❵q ⑥❦➟❣t➟❵➄ ⑥③➟❣r➟❵q ⑥⑥➟❣❣➟❵➄ ⑥❥➟❤③➟❵q ❥❝➟❣③➟❵q ⑥r➟❣r➟❵➄ ✍✎✏✑✒✎✓ ➧➧➩➫➯ ❇✎✗✠✡ ❈☞✟✓ ➧➫➩➫➳ ❈✔✕✞✖☞✏ ➨➲➩➫➧ ✍✕✞✟☞✞❡✟✔✞ ➧➭➩➫➲ ❙✠✞✠✖✎ ➧➫➩➫➵ ❇✕✡✞✌ ➧➧➩➫➳ ❖✞✟✎✡☞✔ ➧➲➩➵➫ ❏✕✞✟✕✡✎ ➧➯➩➵➧ ❙☞✏✙✠✡ ✚✎✗✠ ➧➺➩➫➳ ❇✔☞✌✠ ➧➭➩➫➲ ❏✔✡✛✎✞ ❞✎✏✏✠✓ ➨➯➩➫➵ P✎☞✌✏✠✓ ➧➨➩➫➭ ❋✡✠✞✖♦❡✏✠✞ ➧➧➩➫➳ ✘☞✎❉✔✞✛ ➧➫➩➫➳ ●✡✎✞✛ ❞☞✠✒ ➧➫➩➵➫ ✜✡✔✖✗ ➧➧➩➵➸ ❋☞✠✏✛✌ ➨➲➩➫➯ ❑✏✎❉✎✟♦ ❋✎✏✏✌ ➨➲➩➫➲ ✚✎✗✠✙☞✠✒ ➨➧➩➫➵ ÒÓÔÕÖ ×Ø ÒÙÚÛÜÝÙÞßØ ÕàÙÚÓàÜá âàãäàÜÙÚÛÜàØ ÙÜà åÜ×ÝÙÞ Ö×æÓÚßØ çÔÕØ ÙÖÝ ÒÙÚÛÜÝÙÞßØ Ó×æÓØá ÔÕÖ×ØÒÏÐ Ó×Ù×ÕÚ ↕➣➑ ✶ ↕↔➼ ✶ ❍ ➠ ☎ ➤ ✆☎✝ ❍ ➠ ☎ ➤ ✆☎✝ ➟➠➡➢ ❊✞✟✠✡☛✡☞✌✠ ➧➨➩➫➭ ●✡✎✞☞✟✠ ➧➨➩➫➧ ❏✔♦✞ ✘✎✓ ➫➸➩➫➯ ❇✡✔✟♦✠✡✌ ➧➫➩➫➭ ❈♦☞✏✔✤✕☞✞ ➧➨➩➫➯ ▼✠✛✑✔✡✛ ➫➫➩➵➯ ❇✡✔✔✗☞✞❡✌ ➫➲➩➵➲ ▼✎✕☛☞✞ ➫➸➩➵➵ ❇✠✎✙✠✡ ▼✎✡✌♦ ➧➵➩➫➭ ❘✔✌✠✣✕✡❡ ➵➸➩➵➲ ❊✏❡☞✞ ➧➺➩➫➳ ✚✎ ●✡✎✞✛✠ ➧➺➩➫➳ ❇✠✞✛ ➧➲➩➵➨ ❖✎✗✡☞✛❡✠ ➫➭➩➵➨ ➵➨➩➵➯ ❄❬ ÏÐÑÏÒÏÓ ➑➒➓➔➒→➣➑↔→➒↕ ➙➛➜➝➞ ➟➠➡➢ ➤➛ ➥➞➛➦➧➝ ➨➩➫➠➦ ❋✏✔✡✠✞✖✠ ➵➧➩➵➳ ❙☞✌✟✠✡✌ ➧➯➩➵➨ ❈✔✞✛✔✞ ➧➯➩➫➳ ✚✠✒☞✌✟✔✞ ➧➳➩➫➳ ❲✎✏✏✎ ❲✎✏✏✎ ➫➸➩➫➯ P✠✞✛✏✠✟✔✞ ➧➲➩➵➸ ❚♦✠ ✘✎✏✏✠✌ ➫➨➩➵➧ ■✛✎✞♦✎ ➫➫➩➵➸ ❙✎✏✠❉ ➫➳➩➵➳ ❊✕❡✠✞✠ ➫➲➩➵➺ ❅❨ ▲ ▲ ❄❄ ✍✔✔✛ ❘☞✙✠✡ ➫➭➩➵➫ ➫➲➩➵➳ ▲ ❄❩ ❞✎✞✖✔✕✙✠✡ ➫➭➩➵➺ P✔✡✟✏✎✞✛ ➫➵➩➵➭ ◆✠✒✣✠✡❡ ➫➵➩➵➺ ❈✔✡✙✎✏✏☞✌ ➫➳➩➵➺ ◆✠✒☛✔✡✟ ❑✠✞✞✠✒☞✖✗ ➧➳➩➵➸ ➟➠➡➢ ↕➣➑ ✶ ❍ ➠ ☎ ➤ ✆☎✝ ↕↔➼ ✶ ❍ ➠ ☎ ➤ ✆☎✝ ❶❪❷⑧❵♥♠❴ ❶♠❴⑨➁⑧❪❷ ❧❪❛➏q❛① ❧❪❫➄♠✇❫ ✉❪❷➀♠✇♥ ➣②❜①➀⑧❛ ➣❴♥❛✇⑧♠ ➓❛❵➏♠ ➓❪❴❫②❪♥♠❴ ➓♠✇♥②❛❴❫ ➓♠❷❪✇❵ ➔❪❫①♠❴❫ ➔♠❵❪➝❾✇⑨ ❽❛②❪① ❽➀♠➑❛❴❪ ↕q❪ ➢❛②②❪❵ →➑⑧❛q ❭❛②②❛ ❭❛②②❛ ⑥❦➟❣④➟➏ ❥❥➟⑥❥➟✇ ⑥❥➟❣❥➟❵➄ ❥r➟⑥r➟✇ ❥❦➟⑥❦➟✇ ❥❣➟⑥❝➟✇ ❥⑥➟⑥⑥➟❵❴ ⑥④➟❣t➟➀➏ ❥❝➟❣❥➟➏ ❥t➟⑥t➟✇ ❥r➟❥❝➟✇ ❥⑥➟❣③➟❵➄ ❥③➟⑥③➟✇ ❥❦➟⑥t➟✇ ⑥❝➟❤❦➟➏ ❥❣➟⑥❤➟❵❴ ⑥t➟❣⑥➟❵➄ ⑥r➟❣④➟➀➏ ⑥t➟❣t➟❵➄ ❥t➟❣③➟❵q ⑥❥➟❣❤➟❵❴ ❥t➟⑥④➟❵q ❥④➟⑥⑥➟❵q ❥❣➟❣❥➟➏ ❥❣➟⑥❣➟❵➄ ⑥t➟❤③➟❵➄ ⑥❤➟❣❝➟❵❴ ❥t➟⑥❣➟❵q ❥t➟⑥❦➟❵q ❥❝➟❣❥➟❵➄ ❥t➟⑥❦➟❵q ❥④➟⑥❤➟❵q ❣④➟❤❤➟❵➄ ⑥r➟❣④➟❵q ⑥❣➟❣❝➟❵❴ ⑥❤➟❣❥➟❵➄ ✹ ë ✺ ç ✻ ëæ ✼✹✽✿ s✾ ñöóó ✄❀ ♣❁✾❂ îùíú ✄ õúôöý ✄❀ ❁✾ õúôöý ✄❀ s✻✾ ñ÷ôøðùñ ❀ ç ✾ í÷öóýðùñíôùþñ ❀ æ ✾ ùîòó ❀ s å ✾ ñóôø ❃ öùùòðñ ❀ s é ✾ ñóôø ❀ ✐✾ òõð ▼✖✘✠✡❉☞✟✟ ➨➭➩➫➧ ÔÕÓÔÕÏÙ×ØÒ ÜØÔÕÓÏÚÙ ÚÏÙÛÔ Ð Ïá ➣➼➑ ✥ ➯➼ ✴ ➸➣ ✵ ➒↕ ➔ ✥ ➲➸➸➲➔↕ ➸➣ ✵ ➒ ❽❴♠❷ ❵➼❾❛②②❵➊ ❤➞⑥➻ ❬❯ ❬❨ ❽❴♠❷➊ ⑥➞④➻ ❅❅ ❄❅ ➓➑ ✶ ➒➓➲➸ ✴ →➒➻ ✶ ✸ →➯➺➼➸➒➒ ➙❪✇❜ ➏♠②❫ ➃ ➝⑧♥ ♠➄ ❛❢①❢ ❵❴♠❷ ❄◗ ❄❬ →➒↕ ✶ ❅❱ ❄❯ ➒➣➳➸➒ ➻➣➔ ➺➲➸ ✷✶ ➒➓➲➳→➣➼➑ ↕➑ ✶ ➔➣→ ✵ ➃ ➝⑧♥ ♠➄ ❛❢①❢ ❵❴♠❷ ❽❴♠❷ ❵q♠❷❪✇❵ ❄❩ ❬❩ ❅❨ ❄❨ ➺➣➸➸➯➺➣ ➸➣ ✵ ➒ ➓➻ ✵ ➣ ✴ →➒↕➒→➭➯➲→ ❧♠❵♥②❜ ➏②♠❾❫❜ ❧♠❵♥②❜ ➏②♠❾❫❜ ❅❩ ❄❅ ❅❱ ❄❳ ➑ ✥ ➲➒➵ ➭➣➸➸➒ ✴ →➒↕ ✶ →➒ ✷ ✸ →➲ ✷ ➳➒ ↕➑ ✶ ➔➣→ ✵ ➃ ➝⑧♥ ♠➄ ❵❴♠❷ ❽❴♠❷ ❵q♠❷❪✇❵ ❅◗ ❄◗ ❅◗ ❄◗ Download & Explore Everything in NE Oregon it’s free and available at