I I « fl I ■-i-.l-------- L .......... . VOL. XZV., \u. 2M7. Granta Paaa -Gateway to the Oregon Caves '■■r '■ '.st GRANTS PASH. JOSEPHINE COUNTY. ORMON, ID COOU? ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ RARE AMERICAN STAMP WORTH $1000 TO OWNER Plymouth, Vt., Aug. 25 -(A. P. ) Charles <1. Dawes arrived this afternoon for » political conference with Coolidge. 4 ♦ 4 4 f 444444444444444 4 4 4 4 Klamath Falls. Ore.. Aug. 25 - IDEFENSE ATTORNEY FOR LOEB 4 4 IA P. > - The vanguard of the fall AND I.Eol*OI.D PLEADS WITH 4 flight of ducha Is arriving from the JUDGE 4 north mcording to (lame Warden 4 Marlon J. Barnes, after a trip 4 through the southern part of the 4 county. 4 "In the southern part of the coun­ CHARACTER ANALYSIS MADE A MONDAY', YUGUHT 25. Hrj» Detroit, Mich, Aug. 25.—(I. N. S.)- The ambition of every stamp collector is io some day have in his collection an old. old stamp dating back to 18 45, when post office clerks useil to sign special, city post office stamps with their Initials. This particular stamp bears the Ini­ tials "R. M H.” and is worth $1.000. Just why thia stamp Is worth such an enormous amount of money was not made clear by the convention of stamp col- lectors who met h»re In the Ho- tel Rtatler. It appears, how- ever, that any old stamp Issued by cities |s very valuable. The common ones were issued by St. Louis. Providence and New- York. One issued by Nest York, a 5-cent affair, printed with black ink on bine paper, is worth $50. LOCATELLI IS NEW YORK MAN IS LOST DURING HUNTING TRIP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Medford. Aug. 25.- (A. P.) —The forest service was asked today to aid in the search for Jas. O'Connor, 40. of New York missing since Saturday when ho disappeared while hunting in Four Mlle lake region, with Dr. C. Hayes, of Medford. e4eeee4*e444444 COM­ IX- AMERICANS READY FOR HOP Moscow, Aug. 25.— (A. I*.) — "Comrade" Smyrnoff. chairman of the Moscow district court, gives some interesting figures in his an­ nual report concerning the personnel of the Moscow soviet courts. Of the 287 judges, 100 are laborers and 37 are peasants. Nearly 175 are mem­ bers of the communist party, while 54) are members of the so-called In- telligentzla. Ont of 7,845 men available for jury duty in Moscow. Smyrnoff's re- port says. 3.021 are drawn from the memliership of the communist par­ ty, 6.197 are workers and peasants, and 1.658 are clerical or other em­ ployes. ty, In the ponds, I saw u good many kniiH* pin lulls und mallard«, The begin- H<*r«sllly »nd Envlnmmenl I» Theme 4 Two Plane« Now Prepared for Final 4 Suspect— -4 'ontemls He Maw Him .lump Across the Atlantic—Reach T>sbiy As Argument Made to nltig of the southward flight 1« not 4 YrstciSlav I »ri» Ing on Highway Have Youth» From Gallow» Ivagtut on Munday extra early this year, Usually, the ducks begin to arrive uround the ♦ first of September. I "Henceforth Interest in fishing I Chicago, Aug. 25.- (A (A. P.) Medford. Aug. 25 I*.)—A 4 i Washington, Aug. 25.—(A. P.) — Southern Oregon and Northern Cali­ will be submerged by enthusiasm of character analysis based on heredity ♦ ^Lieutenant I-ocatelll, th«* Italian fornia officers and Hout hern Pacific deer hunters and by the middle of and environment, was Darrow's 4 ^viator, has been found. A message special agents were mobilized today Heptember the hanks of streams, them* today as he renewed his plea ♦ 44444444444444 ¡telling of the rescue came from the to take up the trail of u man suspect­ lakes und rivers will be comparative­ before Judge Caverly for the lives (cruiser Raleigh, which indicated that REDWOOD ASSOCIATION ed to he Ruy D’Autremont. who was ly devoid of anglers." of I .owl i und Leopold. the aviators were located about 80 With MEET OCTOBER l:l reported seen yesterday driving In Darrow concluded his argument j miles due east of Cape Farewell. The a red automobile between hern and today with the plea "to save Illinois ertfiser Richmond took the aviators Crescent City. Aug. 24.— (A. P.) aboard. They were uninjured but Ashland. J. Logan, of Astoria, a the shame and disgrace" of hanging logger, who said he had worked with a 19-year-old and an 18-year-ol A malicious report that the wall* J. J. Handsaker Stop» While On Way docino. Sonoma and Marin counties, flight on Thursday from Reykjavik. chance of having a woman as gover­ of the high school are four und a culosls Association, Indicate that in California, und Josephine county, Iceland. He was unable to bring nor for the next two years as a result to 4 'onf«*rvnee half feet out of lino Is being circu­ the last 43 years more than 18,000,- I Oregon. the plane into the air again. He of the democratic primary election --- *---- lated according to C. A. Swope. Mr. 000 people have died from pulmon­ The executive CMHnittee is com ­ drifted 11)0 miles. Locatelli request­ Saturday, Mrs. Miriam Ferguson, the Pacific While ou his way to Bwope states that whoever Is circu­ ary tuberculosis, according to a state­ coast conference of Near East relief posed of two members from each ed that his airplane be destroyed, the woman anti-klan candidate, who ment Issued today by the National lating this report Is doing so through und his wish was complied with. was in the race tiecause she sought workers, which is being held this 1 county. Ignorance. He wants Information as Tuberculosis Association. Drolet es­ Robert Austin of Ukiah. Is presi­ vindication of her husband's name week at Prospect, J. J. llandsaker.. timates. on the basis of these figures, to the person or persons circulating who has charge of the work in Ore- dent. The association was formed Washington. Aug. 25.— (A. P.)-— from a Judgment of impeachment that during the last 40 years more this report. A letter from him Is gon. stopped ut the Courier office for .to boost the Redwood Highway from The American world fliers were pre­ wheu he was governor altout seven printed In another part of the paper. than 100,000,000 people have died a short time. He states that dele­ San Francisco to (lyants Pass, Ore- pared today at Ivagtut. Greenland, years ago, maintained her lead in from tuberculosis in the entire world. for the 500-mile hop across the water return* to the Texas election bureau The reports prepare«! by 'Drolet In­ gates from British Columbia. Heat­ : gon. The decision to hold the annual to Indian H*rl>or. Labrador. Lieu- today, clude Germany. Austria. Japan. Eng­ tie, Tacoma. Spokane. Portland. Heretofore democratic nomina­ land and Wales. Italy. Hungary, Hsu Francisco and l.os Angeles, will meeting here is a compliment to tenanst Smith anti Nelson reached be present. to the number of about Crescent City and the visitors will Ivagtut yesterday from Fredericks- tion in Texas has been equivalent to France, Spain. Ireland. Belgium. Akerlll Brot ber» Make (<< mm I Elmi» election. Netherlands. Finland, Switzerland, 30. The meeting is being held from I be given royal entertainment. No dal. lu Placer Working» A large part of the democratic Scotland. Chill, United Stat«yi and a August 25 to August 29. I fewer than one hundred delegates party tried today to figure out how The work for next year is to are expected, and this number may number of other countries. Washington, D. C„ Aug. 25.—The Two rich strikes In placer gold by be taken up at the meeting which l»e augmented by others who will at­ American army aviators reeled off it happened that Mrs. Ferguson In practically all of the countries Akerlll brothers is reported by is to be presided over by John W. tend. another lap of their round-the-world was nominated. Her supported were Harry Floyd, who was in the city studied the death rate from tuber* Mace, field director of the New York culosls Is declining, with the excep- j flight Sunday and now are at Ivig­ i jubilant. Her opponents mourned. He this morning from Holland, 1 All speculated more or less on office. There will be a number of Japan, where these Is a tlon of tut, Greenland. states that the miners, after running overseas workers present, among STATE HOI SE STRAW VOTE Skirting the coast, they covered whether Texas politics will run true a tunnel through 40 feet of solid marked Increase In mortality from them Mrs. Pearl Ganniway of Med­ tuberculosis, GIVES COOLIDGE MAJORITY 126 miles from Frederiksdal. where i to form and the democratic nom­ The central European rock, one mile from Holland, ford. C. C. Thurber, another over ­ they found a haven after their haz­ inee will be elected in November struck an ancient deposit of gravel. countries showed an increase durlug seas worker, reports that 100.000 Salem. Ore.. Aug. 25.— (A. P.)—I the war, but so far as figures are ardous journey from Iceland, in a without much further effort or They washe«! and panned $27.10 trouble. refugees passed his station In a year Under the supervision of three news- 1 Rttle more than two hours, from three yards of gravel. On ac­ available since the war there has and a half and only 10 to 15 per Mrs. Ferguson and her husband, papermen. who distributed the bal- Lieutenant Smith's message, ad- been a decline. At the present time, count of the unusually dry weather James E. Ferguson, who conducted cent reached the coast. He picked up lots and toted the ballot box from of-I dressed to Major-General Patrick, they are unable to prospect this however, the death rate in Germany 5,000 children from this number. her campaign, regarded the results the-army air service. Aid ground further until wet weather seems again to be mounting. Tn the Others In attendance will be Mrs. W. flee to office and department to de- .hjpf of the primary as a big step in their United States the death rate from partment was taken Saturday at the t h a t a pontoon of his plan* had been comes. E. Rambo, of Portlund. Mias Mar­ stale capitol and the supreme court [ damaged by ice Saturday night, even tight for vindication. They have also spent four months tuberculosis has steadily fallen from garet Reid, of Jefferson high school. The question in the minds of po­ building. Out of a total of 260 though protected by the Islands 100.000 nearly 300 In ISSO to 97 per prospecting an ancient «hannel on liticians today is what the Ku Kills years Portland, who has spent two 164. votes cast Coolidge received Folk, a Danish steamer, and that Greens Creek and have discovered population tn 1922. in the work overseas and Mias Emily Davis 71 and lai Follette 26. And sailors and natives had been employ- Klan vote will do. The issues in nearly a mile of virgin channel the gubernatorial race decided yes­ I. Wade, who has spent five years be it known that Oregou is now un­ ed to keep the Ice away. , which averaged better than 50 cents terday. were clearly klan and anti­ Mrs. W. I a McGuffln and son Ro- In the work. der a democratic administration. radio dispatch also ad- Another per yar«l taken from a tunnel. They bert left yesterday for their home In klan, each side making a supreme dressed to General Patrick came effort to muster maxin^itu strength feel that they have on«1 of the best Oakland, after a pleasant visit with American With American rroin aiiiwauhee and ga»*e the from me the Milwaukee hydraulic mines in the country. control Texas democratic poli­ friends In Grants Pass and Murphy. GOVERNMENT MA^BIII.D Husband, and No Country Ierge information that the planes and ORE-PRODUCTION PLANT tics. The anti-klan won. | took off from Frederiksdal at 10:501“*'*' (Greenwich mean time) and had "ar- -j.. Anchorage. Alaska. Aug. 25.— (A. rived O. K." at Ivigtut at 4:09 p. m. \U| P.)—After an unofficial survey of —2 hours and 19 minutes later. .Will1 the mineral resources along the gov­ ernment’s Alaska Railroad. members of the United States bureau of mines have recommended to Washington Paris, Aug. 25.— (A. P.)— The muuded that there be no mention of that an ore-sampling plant and re­ duction works for treating free-mill­ spread of bolshevism In France Is be­ France or the "futherland" In any ing ores by plate amalgamation and Loudon. Aug. 25.— (I. N. S.) — Superintendent of Siiiools in Cali­ speeches, and that the Marseillaise Plans have been drawn up for two fornia Town Tells of Kxperi«*nce ginning to attract the attention of concentration of base ores be estab­ be ueitlier pluyed nor sung. ■new mammoth Atlantic liners of 40,- political lenders und government au­ The unsuspectedly large propor- lished by the government at Anchor­ Melroe Martin, superintendent of ¡000 tons each to be "bperated by the thorities. lion of the touchers of that depa ri­ age. schools at Sebastapool, Cal., and his Unite«! States Shipping Board in According to engineers of the bu- j The eventuality of a dangerous meat won to bolshevism has starle«! family were in Grants Pass this competition with the existing ser­ growth of communism in this coun­ an Inquiry Into the state of mind of reau. an official survey soon will be ' morning, returning home from an vices, according to Joseph E. Sheedy, try always has been regarded as very teachers generally, and one fttnetion- made. automobile trip north, Mr. Martin vice-president of the board, who has It Is reported that there are free-i remote because of the natural con­ nry of the deparment of education stated at the Courier office this arriveil inz London to "ginger up" servative tendency of the farming suid the communists were certainly milling gold prospects in the railroad morning that he had heard tourists | its European business, belt sufficient to supply thousands of element, which outnumbers the la­ in the majority by a considerable Sheedy is convinced that the forth­ on several occasions advise others to tous of ore weekly, and lessors are i boring class. Lately, however, evi­ margin. keep away from Drain and Grants coming fight «between the Shipping ready to enter the field as soon as dences have been discovered that In some departments teachers Pass. He wondered why, and today Board, the White Star and the Cun- the bolshevik virus has penetrate«! have prepared their own texts for they are able to dispose of their pro­ he found out. At Drain he slowed ard companies will lie a tight to the duct. the peasantry, thought until now to dictation to pupils in which they down while passing through the finish, and already he has plunged be proof ugulnst all subversive doc­ have carefully cut out everything town but nearly a mile this side of into the work of seeing that the Ship- trine. This outcome la attributed that In the regular text books smacks Drain he speeded np to 30 in order ping Board will not be on its back at to the influence of school teachers, of patriotism or history. Even tUe to take the big hill. 'Along came th«; end of the fight. who are drafting more und more to­ word "International" is becoming un- the town marshal and wanted a $15 "We are bidding for a fair share ward extreme radicalism. popular with these extremists be- I'rison Officials Still in Hark A« io cash bail. Finally he came down to of the Atlantic traffic, that is all," An exnmple was furnished the cause of the last three sylables. Whereabouts $10 cash bail. Sheedy said in an interview, "and other day when a monument to the The fight between classes is the At Grants Pass Mr. Martin parked we are all out to get it. school teachers killed on the ba it la­ pervading sentiment in the examples Salem. Ore., Aug. 25.— (A. P.)— his car and bought fishing tackle, "Plans are now about to be placed field was to he Inaugurated in the of these improvised text books that Prison officials this morning hnd no Alexander Chlostergi. <>|>era expecting to try the famous Rogue before congress which will enable The have come to the notice of the au­ word concerning the whereabouts of singer, wife of a prominent attorney of fishing. He also bought groceries us, if accepted, to run a fast weekly Department of Morblhan. school teachers association of the thorities. How to deal with the sit­ Tom Murray, one of the Florence Lorain, Ohio, who Is In a peculiur po­ | inasmuch as he Is camping. When he transatlantic service in competition departmeut decided by a large ma- uation is a hard problem. The pres­ bank robbers, and Eugene Kidder, litico. She is American born, her hus­ ¡returned to the car he found a with the Cunard and White Star jorlty that the inauguration should ent government is Inclined to the serving 10 years for larceny, who es­ band, n naturalized American, but un­ chalk mark on the tire which gave lines. At present the Leviathan not be allowed to take place unless greatest lenleucy in such matters, caped from the state prison yester­ der the American law, which calls her | hint the impression that he was in­ only gives us a trl-weekly service, Italian, and the Italian laws, which the inscription, «"To the School and the school teachers' influence in day by sawing the iron bars on the call her an American because married vited to get out of town as quickly as with which we cannot hope to com­ Teachers Who Fell on the Field of rural districts is such that there are grating leading to the power flume, to a citizen, she Is unable to go to possible. He says he took the hint, pete against the other powerful com­ Battle," was changed to "To the Vic­ no means of combating hint oil bis and swimming under water out Milan, Italy, to fulfill operatic engage­ and that his further purchases would panies. These boats which we hope tims of the War." They also de­ own grouuda. ments. through the flume. be made along the route home. |to build will be between 35,000 and Bais Ho Worked Willi iiih I WHITE PLAGUE TAKES MANY TEXAS WOMAN IS NOMINATED NEAR EAST WORKER HERE 4 OF RECEIVER WILL CONTEST PROCEEDINGS Prralilent of Company Nay» Action St a rust by Small I Mock holder Without Giving Not ire Trenton. N. J.. Aug. 25. —(A. —Wilson & Company, one of largest packing establishments, has l»een placed In the hands of a re­ ceiver. Maurice I. Klein, of Newark, charged that the concern was In­ debted to various banks for nearly $3u.000.04)0. and had a funded debt outstanding of $47,177.000. Chicago. Aug. 25.— (A. P. )— Wilson 44 Company. Chicago packers. » will contest the receivership pro­ ceedings Itegun at'Trenton. Thomas E. Wilson, president, announced in i a telegram to his office today from New York City. Wilson's telegram said that proe«*edings had been start­ ed by a small stockholder without any notice to the company. COQUILLE PARTY FINEO $200 Four lien anil a Woman Arrested Hw lasst Night With Booze RICH STRIKES ARE REPORTED » Four men and a woman were Sunday night tarten into custody by Officers Smith and Avent. when six liottles of whtte mule was found In their car. The party ha«l stopped In front of a local restaurant and one of the men was questioned. Not knowing it was the officer who in­ terrogated him concerning the con- tents of his car he offered the infor- mation that it was »vhiskey and that the officers were to leave it alone The officers then displayed their stars and took the party to jail. They were all from Coquille they told the judge this morning, giving their names as Mr. and Mrs. William Donilson. their son. Kenneth. Clar­ ence Reinhart, a brother of Mrs. Donilson. and Ed. Flltxcaff. a friend. They were fined $200 which was not forthcoming, the party having only $24.50. The car Is being held while the party is raising the funds to pay the fine. They stated that they were on their way from Coquille to California in search of work. TOURISTS ISSUE WARNING TWO « PRISONERS ESCAPE 40.000 tons burden, and they should lie in operation in about four years from now. "We are determined to keep the merchant marine going, and In this connection I want to make It as clear as I cun that no one In the United States begrudges a nickel to see that It is kept going. We are doing this with the full approval of the people and of congress. "It is the greatest mistake to think that, having gone so far and built up a big merchant marine, we are going out of business because trade conditions have been bad and we. In common with other shipping corporations, have lost money. Our losses are not very much more than those of other companies. Congress has never refused, and, I am con­ vinced. will never refuse, the appro­ priations to enable us to carry on and develop a mercantile marine, whether It is run under governmen­ tal supervision or by private enter­ prise "We have about a thousand ships laid up at different concentration points; all we want is our fair share of Hie shipping trade—one that will provide us a return on our invest­ ment.'*