TVFrihAY, AttlVNT «T, IMI. GRANT* 1 Seek Gold CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Adventurers in Ancient Axtec City San Franelseo.—Treasure* of the ancient fabled Artec cRy of Hecla will BETTER FRUIT» -Al Tb« Truax be «ought by a party of adventurers Grocery. yg who Will leave hare soon, according to plane announced by Gen. Melville ONE TUI* Ul'UGY- Moarly aww. tor Hoyntoa, engineer and told ter of for­ aalo at 1304 Foundry at root, John tune. N Schmitt. «4 Twenty-four men and Mlaa Mayina HAR1.Y ('HAWFQIID peu« haa for Wliilaaiaoa, artist and former araty cMualua at C, E. I^gsdou, <>■• bursa, will make up the party. The mil» aorlli «a Pacifie lilghway a» remit ry Into which the expedition will go la lit th* high and unpenetrated FOR SALE Pedlgrecd Celll«’ pup- pl«s, 1003 East M. Phon» 63I R renvteea of the Mlerr* Madr* monntalna * 68 of Mexico. The cold and dlftl.-ulllea of travel have deterred exploration of the region, accordlug to General Boynton. REAL Headquarter» will be established at SELLING OUT RANCHES at burgaiu t'bllacan. The March for Bails will price», C> and 10 years' uu«e sweep In a ««»O-Bill» rlrcle about that itunche* for rent aud uxchangv. point. The Artec*dlfy contains untold Gold Ray Realty Company. Med- riches, according to Indian legenda. ford, '»logou. tf ESTATE Fire Extinguisher* Burn FVll HALE — 30Q acre Irrigated ranch burdurlug river and high­ Naurupplng, Prussia.—German car­ way, 3 mllo* rroui Granta Paas. toonist» and humorist* were provided Sacrifice at 410,000 on 10 year* with a new subject recently and Huie, 41000 per your, 6 per cent worked It for aotna time. It was the Intureat. Geld Ray lt«ulty Co.. Medford. OH! deatrurtloa by lira of a factory where tira eitlngulahera were made. IXTR HAide 30 «crea good irrigat­ ed land cheap, i?H cleared, TH 00000000000000000000000056 uitiua (rout Urania Casa on good Card Party Given highway, near good eobooi. Ad- dr mm No. 642. Vari* Courier 64 for 3,200 Players FUR FHUTLAND. FARM and Tim­ berland. Hee II. B. Hendrick*, City, Office over "Honbonularo”. Corner Hlxth and “G" street*. 87 FOIl 8AJ-E— At 34X Jordan St., 3 lot* and 6-room piaatored house, purity furnished. I'ity water. Electric llgnt*. bath. Address &Ut>. Gold mu. Ore. IRRIGATED F Aid O-NVlt SALE or Rent, Will *ell cheap. If bought soon. Joseph Feltner, 766 N »th St. 63tf FOR SALE-AUTOS FOR SALE--! 923 Slur car. Ila* been in garage »Ince Nov., driven about xooo mile*, look*.like new, I* a* good ua new. Call Smith garage or owner, F. II. Guy, Gold inn. Ore. «» FOR RENT t'oie IUCNT -Ono 3-room »nd 4-room (urntahed apartment. _ <1 ulre 7Qb E 8t. onu In- Ub MISCELLANEOUS 1'0It FHtH Extinguisher* and refill fluid •«• Geo. S. Barton, Grant* Pa»», Oregon. 48tf PIANOS TUNED— Have your piano tu nod while Mr. C. W. Klonlv, of Portland, Is on bl» regular trip to Granta i'asa. Phono Rowell'» Muoio Store, Ilk-J. 67lf AM DIGGING BASEMENT Near Meltiodlrt church. Mill deliver top dirt 11.00 per l1« yd. load, bottom dirt 75c per load. Call Iley WIICOX. 316-Y. ________ 68 WANTED - SITUATIONS WANTED POSITION As houae- keeper. Cupublc of taking full chaigo. Mr». Ostrander, 313 Weat B street. 67 I CtawlaaS, 0.—Thirty twe hua- oooooooooooooooroooooooo dNd womvn "*»t In" on wbif |s «•Id to ba th« world'* largest Wear on Shoes card party Initials h«ra recently. Kight huadred revered th« on nn. Girls, don't tables wear your heart your tlrn put vast year floor Initial of the oe public sleeve, your amll- shoes torluio That's the wb«n latest th« fad bridge to lay game* stage to started. I oadon end Parte, and which 1* ju.t will to gu America. to charitable being I'rueeed* Introduced The work. ere large, uacally plain, of initial* %>or aparn w»a »*«11- allver. Even gold, If or anatnal. able, no more could have been taken NOT!« car« K of. FOB Mr*. Bills J. Powell, secretory of the club. Mid. NOTICE IK HEREBY "We had about nil GIVEN, the card on Monday August table* In evening. town.” she »«It. IX. 1934. at & o'cluck the Buard of Director* of School District No. 7 of Josephine County. Oregon, will receive s»alc« alt*rn«tlng «c- too. A "wrapirer" wblrb was just caalona when they wITT atitWiif more what th« name Implies, something a feminine than «ver befure. woman wrapped about her any old Accordingly women ar« driving to way, admittedly had no esthetic value; decide whether to carry out th« popu­ und It wasn't «ven utilitarian, tor It lar *treamllne effer-t In Its entirety, wan Sloppfl, cumbersome and awk or to ehoo»M a fa««k la which th« ward. The house dress, on the ether cllaging silkuuMte Is < ongaed t« th« hand, Is not* only comfortable and be­ basque surmounting a fluffy, bouffant coming. but fashionable unii economi *Urt- But la ueliiter ca^«, aays • cal ■* well. fuvhlou writer in th« Kansas City Hlnee a house dress la made pri- Star, la there (be le«*t trace of ma* tuarlly for service, It Is wall to »elect culluity to b* found in th« apriog a good one that will keep its »hape, dresses. and will not fade when It I* laundered Milady seem* dstermlaed to flit from Gingham la probably the favorite ma­ one extreme to th* other In bar at- terial. for time has shown It to be lire. When she 1» not wearing ths durable and washable, a* well aa de mannish type of costume »be demands cl<|edly wearable, It come* in Much tli« most extravagant uotas to ba n wide variety of color*, both »oft and found at the oppoait« eit »••*«. Th« brilliant. In so many patterns. only truly outstanding future ef tha mode Iu divM«« and frocks la tba streamline effect, whether It ba car- rlml through to a draped, clinging »klrt or found only In tbe ba«gue. For tbe rest, women «re «xerctning their own preference entirely. Take the matter of aleav««. fee «x- s ns pie. It matters net, apparently, whether one choose* a gov« with a« sleeve* at all, or with sleev«« that flt lightly well down ever th« hand. Either aud all IntermediatM seem I* b« correct. In days gon« by any woman w«gld have blusbed with shame at the thought that eh« might hav« t« waar abort gloves with short sla«v»e. She would hsva felt as out of place a« If *h« had wore a tailored suit t« evening reception for tha prince Wales. But thl* pear alt that chnuged. If we feal that w* want la w short gloves with «hort »leere»-- and that is Just what moat women »eem to want to do—we cast al! precedent to the wind* and wear short glove*. And wc find that we are not only In »tyle but that we are comfortable, for the effect 1» neither so bizarre nor so lacking in taste as one might ex­ pect. Colors range throughout tbe entire •pactrum. All of th« popular tau«* are found In glove*, from th« most somber to the most vivid. Nowhere tn the wardrobe, perhaps, la th« contrast between the tnasculfne and the fem­ inine note so strikingly Illustrated as when one compares s»m« of the novel- ly gloves worn with spring frocks wbh th« uianleo glove* that ar« being wor» with tailored costume« LOST LOST—A Conklin fountain pen with gold band nnd ring. Saturday night. Please leave al Courier uiliu. 63 ll INSTRUCTION IN MUSIO PIANO KCHOOL FVll BEGINNERS —Hattie Col« man Cnlvarl, 611 North Fourth Street. Affiliated teacher National Academy of Music. Carnegie Hall, New York. PHOGRES8IVE PIANO SCHOOL— Clara Tuttle Feutou, 613 A. Street. State Accredited Teacher. Burrowc* Kindergarten Course. Mrs. J. J. Hab»«n, Accredited, 616 South Fifth Street. BUILDING CONTRACTORS HARl’h’R * SON' Building contrac­ tors. Shop work, furniture crating. Ehop I 17 G St.. Phone 1 I'-’ .1 Two.Fisc* Or»*» In Strip«* of Qr*an, Tan and Blue. Rtiindnrd water pin« and Mfew raolnir. for rvrrv pur- iNvac ; a I t*n valve« and ftttinc«. H«Mh n^» rt Iwiou. atrial .IU rl|*lla*r. «orini ntl • uní nur >i unti ntoritl imlning 4 tt f *i I <» ■ u r rhrctfallj ,i*rnf o*i rr<|ur>*(. ■F PLUMBING G y BRYAN - ll>.. I'bnnbor. sanitary plumbing and beating. Skilled lubor only employed. Wo guarantee our work. I'houo 306 .’>12 II BtreoG____________________l_f !/"■ T MINE AND MILL . SUPPLIES PHYSICIANSAND SURGEONS Machinery and Heavy Hardware DOCTOR C. J. MOSER, Physician «nd Burgeon. X-ray w«rk, qaica phono 1X3. R oh iij . P. S. W00DIN Dll RALPH W. STEARNS I'bysi- cinn and surgeon Special atten­ tion to surgery. Obstetrics and Dl- »«•u»es of women. Complete X-Ray equipment. Dental X»Ray. Phones, home, 21-Yl office 21 1 Dll. W. F. RUTHERFORD Manual llteruputlcs. Offlco over Wc»teru I nlon. R« . R; otfle« H7 R Dll. A. A. McBRIKN. Physician u«d Surgeon. Obstetric*, disease» of women, und children. All chronic diseases treated without the kulte. Phone 262-Y or 275-R. 1, , X ■ - zaa VETERINARY SURGEON Dll. tH, J. HWHTI L V«lcrln«rti»n. Ri’sldence X3S Wiishlngtou Boule­ vard Plume 3*8-It IMI. Il II. URIFFENHAGEN, Veter- luarign. Offlco 7th und M SI., Phoue I »1-11. VETERINARY HOSPITALS GRANTS l'ASS VlfiTKRlNARY HOSPITAL —Or. R. B. Orlffon- hsK«i>, Vet. Surgeon. •ud M Sts. Corner 7lb Phoue 191-R. Fbou« 4« , 511 H HL P AGIA T1BIÍU 111 ■■■■•—w-ssewswa^ White Popular for Chic a Duda for Summer Wear plus from a crop like the forecast would be around U5.UOO.UUt> bu­ shels. i / / Chicago. Aug. 5.—(I. N. 8.)—■ With th» American wheat crop esti­ mated at 6B3.OOU.OOU bushels, tbe smallest on record since 1*17, and with two exceptions the smallest sineo 1*11, indications arc that a turning point has been reached in the depression that has afflicted the bread grower since 1*19. according to recent statistics. White has indeed come into Its own and »on»« of the most fascinating H ut you nre sure to lie ab!« tn find clothes for summer wear are made en­ what you want. tirety of white—white wool cwat* with Apron gingham I* a cheap grsd«. ermine collars or neckties of white Miitnblc for apron«, nnd sometime» fox, simple llftla frock» of crape de u»ed for house dresses, It la rather chine and knitted dreaeoa or th* oaa> loosely woven, and I* likely to shrink piece and awoater. An uawenal sport ‘ bmlly when wn»he« coat the 1*18-1*33 average. The Spring ham »a«o gown that Is rut with wide shesldea- vested is not larger thau the esti­ line, covering the h««e «4 th« should«», dress. The one piece slip on attles mate, tbe exportable surplus outside are most practical. «Ince they are both hut iMving ths entire am bare. Meat the durum wheat will be relatively may to put on and easy t” launder I of the summery gown* of «Ilk, crap* . and Iron. Rut garments need not I voile, etc., use thl* wide »hould«r ef­ small. fect. which is quit« a* c«al a* lest Domestic cousqiuption of wheat iu look "hnusedreaay" .lust because they are made In this' simple style. A* a season s model and « llttl« law daring- ! tbe I MV last i.,.', six J years "W J ...... has m averaged ' i six matter of f*< I. many women go “down million In lhe Philippine Islands locusts! 1 huudred '”>n,lreu and anti five live minion bushels, town" In their house dresses nowa­ aro highly regarded as food by tho Making uo allowance (or the growth day», nnd feel well dressed. natives. populaiien. the exportable WHAT’S THE USE The United States baa certain na­ tural markets for w heat and flour, such as the West India» aud Uonlral America, where the product cun be sold at prices even above the world level. In addition. European buyers tend to draw qu the United States in the fall months before Canadian wheat is available in volume and af­ ter Argentina and Australia have disposed of most of their surplus. These natural conditions of trade shuuld render it an easy matter to dispose of the surplus—no larger than is predicted for this year. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that E. H. Harbeck has assumed my interest in the firm of Gray A Harbeck and that Mr. Harbeck ha* taken over all outside accounts and is to assume the outside indebtedneso- Signed C. W. GRAY. . t" Li a.u se » PILES Europeau crop prospects aro poor­ ly defined, but indications are for a smaller yield than last year, accord­ ing tu the survey. This moans that as much import wheat will be need­ ed as in the year just closing. Smal­ ler crops in Canada and Argentina aro probable, and since the large surpluses from their last crops have ben and are being disposed of at the present level of price», smaller yields this year should bring more money. Ip4*a is gradually dropping out as an exporting nation. A SOURCE OF MANY ILLS A great proportion of itomach Russia is the big unknown quan­ tity, but reports of drought have been persistent. There seems to be little likelihood of enough wheat • the from that country to destroy bullish indications iu the rest of the world. CH trouble aside from cancer or ulcers, is du« to reflex irritation from the rectum or colon. Un­ aware to you, Piles or other rectal disorders may be th« C»u*e of your ill health. The »uccev* of my non-iurgicsl treat­ ay year* enable» ma «D ment over GUARANTEE to aura any cate of Fila» or »a- fund the patient’a fee. Writ« l«d«y »w Ur wy FREE Writs tsdsr rwEb •TH JN - OMWTl COURT HOUSE TtAMP.ORtMM ASTHMA Specialist Guaranters Belief Ganic birds arc fattened iu Lon­ don Zoological Gardens by usiug ar­ tificial twilight to induce the birds to eat often Dr.riatt’sRinrx Prescription—a new internal treatment—a I Hi a violent Npa>m» in min« utea anti is tHamntifd tn >ring full relief from chronic ^i«thm;i in houra. or it cotla you out hh»9. SaU by a t l^vod »uch M TT A Congenial Game