í.RIXTH PAGE TWO MILT COURIER I f I PIAI Evan IS DIVORCED IGIIH STRAIGHT-LINE DAY DRESSES I enure W Hr of Harr) K. TKaw 4 «at DAILY NEWS LETTER PRESENT SMART VARIATIONS <« by Jmk » liBerd New tort Jun* 19. — lA F » — I Evelyn Nesbit former wife of Harry í K Thaw, wa* divorced today by her wbtmd hu»b»nd Jack Clifford, acto- land daacer T%e decree was >.gned 1 by th* judg* who heard the la«tl- I m«> two »«A* »go. >\>KTUIX1> MAH3U T* IH'HNTIOV FEELING «Rol XU I'« AX <«IX>X| XT FOR TH! NOMINATION Philadelphia Jaa* 19—H N SI j—Cpoe th* broad »boulders wf four stalwart American wHl rest th* task of defeading th* sapremacy of th* i United States oa the polo field when . «aartet uivadcs this coun­ try in the fall for a senes of inter- THIK>1»A1. JI XE 1», lfcM. aauoual match«* The four players who will carry the burden of the cup defease pUy have not bee« selected The beet poay poMsU la the country are tak­ ♦ ♦ ing part in international trial games ♦ ;n the East to give the committee m charge a chance to pick the most ♦ likely looking saea. ♦ ♦ Four matches were played here in ♦ ♦ which stars of former years :*t:led ♦ against rising youngsters who are ♦ fast makmg names for themselves in the polo world RK»X«>^TATIO.X BILL NoW LAB Preside»t Coolidge *.gzed «■ Juxe I, the CTarke-MeNary reforewtation bill, the first act ever passed pro­ viding for a forestry policy Lor the uatiom The uew act lays the loia- OPENED Top »teers Hogs, top . Eggs firms Batter, extra cube* Butter. Handards Butter, prints P.l— Wheat, hard while la ex- Wheat western red Portland butterfat ♦ ADDITIONAL LOCAL ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ Mow»ana Pscab— The third annual Montana picnic will t-e held at Riviera park on Sun­ day. Jane 29. and al! forme»* Mon­ tana res.dent* are urged to fill lunch baskets and spend the day. Picnic dinner at noon. Riv.era park is on the Pacific highway 13 miles south oi Grants iu» efforts have been made f. c ad il y for five year* by federal, slate and pr.- Tate foresters, by forest protective association:, by lumbermen, umber owners and business men ot the United States. The Act is a recogn*Uoa that ch* federal government, states and the private timber owner each have an Visitor* 9 roau Berk Hr-,— Mrs. Geo. Baa croft s daughter. Mrs Harry L. Newell and two sous, and Mr. Newell's mother. Mrs. 6 D. Newell of Berkeley. Calif . are vis­ iting Mrs Bancroft for a month or so. Mr. Newell will arrive the 1st of July. dJbesr its share of oAcers state. of denuded and idle forest in this country, that 10 million acres are being cut over each year. that about 33.60® forest fires occur annually sweeping over 7 m.iiioa acres, that we are cutting and let burn up our forests five times faster than we are growing them, are some In the last few years pony polo has gained much headway in the Eastern Stales, and u is rapid-y working its way Westward, where some day it may be as popular as it is along the AUaatic seaboard Colleges are rapidly taking it up and making it one of the major spor>. At the present time Penn, ot the things that make the Refor­ Princeton. Cornell. Yale and other estation Act of 1924 ot vital import­ universtties, as well as many prep ance. school*, have pony polo teams These players, after their college exper­ ience, develop into possible interna­ Civil Improvement It tional stars—so polo cannot very Object of “Rotarians” well die out. with a fresh crop of players r-eing developed constanti y. Tbe tio»»rians ar* members of th* Rotary dub. which was funned la “There wiU be four or fire matches Chicago ¡a 19M by four men—a coal dealer, mining operator, merchant played between the English invaders tailor sn11. Egg* anaet- tied, butter and butterfat. stfwdy. DRESS UP! Friday is the First Day of Summer! 3124 51.16 36c June 21*t la an an fully poor io look like ike tea» run» of Mumm»-' —when Hunmar la juat beginning 43 4c APPLE* — W teesnp* XF Ug.i 92 ti-«2 56, med H 44-I! 25. small 11 7»-g2.»6. F. «;.5«-42 66. C grade liil-l: 7>. Ar* Black. XF 51.75- 91 15. Red chee** XF It 56 gl.aS. ASPARAGU»- Or*, and Wash. p*r don. 1-lh bunch«. 31 56-31.75 BUNCHED VEGETABLES — p*r do*, bunch«. Ore. Onion* Me-Mc. radAie*. 35c-4«c. cart ota. 75c. CABBAGE—Per lb. local. 4c-5c. C9U53UUE8— F*r lb . Royal Aau, ItelSMc; Bing: 16e-lThe. LETTUCE—Oregon, 3 doss and 4 dons. p*r crate, dry Il 3S-I1 SO; iced. 32 25-32.56. ONIONS—per cwt. Ore. No. J. 33.90. Toxas Bermudas »taad- ard crate*. Crystal Wax 32 5®. Yellow*. 31.7i-33.66. Cal. yellows. per lb. 4c. POTATOES-backed per curt. Ur*. Burbanks U. S. No. 1, 33.60-32.5v. I Wash. Nat lad Gem*. No. 51.T5- 33.25. Idaho Ru**«u, No. 1 51.®»- 32.25. rural*. 31.50. SPLNACH—Ore , local per oraste box. Sics:®«. NEW POTATO — Texas Bliss Triumphs per lb. In sacks or lu*>. 7e. C*I white rose, ®i*e. W . C. T. V. Mee«* I wdottv * — The W. C. T. U. will hold its meet­ STRAWBERRIES—24-pt crate«. ing tomorrow afternoon at 2 3® at Oregon best. Gold Dollar, 31 35-32. the home of Mrs Amos Myers on TOMATOES — Mexico, lugs, re­ Savage street. There will be tars at packed. 33.50-|4.®v. Local the Courthouse at 2:15 to take the house 32k»c-25c. members and friends up there. It PORTLAND EXCHANGE— being flower mission day all mem­ Hauy I'rodiM-t- bers are requested to bring flowers BUTTER—Extras 39Sc; stand­ for the sick and shut-in. ards 39e; price 1st: 33e; ista 36c. EGGS—Extras 30 «4c; lsu 39c; Grading la FuMsbed— The grading on the Crater Lake pullets. 27 4c. SAN FRANCISCO highway has been completed and the BITTER, rocking will start about Joly 1. ac­ steady. 43c. Eggs, steady, extra« cording to J. G. Bromley, highway 32•»»; pulleu 25c. engineer. The road will be gravel­ NEW YORK BETTER, firm. led from McLeod to Prospect. The 41 Sc; eggs steady. Pacific Coast macadamizing of the highway is in extras 3Sc. progress between Medford and Mc­ CHICAGO BITTER, steady, 3>c; Leod. likely unchanged PEOPLE’S MARKET FOR RENT—Large, clean, moaern. FOR SALE—200 A. dairy ranch, furnished apartment, close in lo­ joins Merlin. 100 A. sub-irriga'e. cation Call 710 J St Phone balance good pasture, running 397-J. Mrs. Geo. Tetherow. ®9cf water. 40 A. growing crop, oat* and corn. Speak: for itself, never ( FOR TRADE—One 192® Chevrolet fails. Terms. Price cheap. Box in good shape for One Ton Ford »3. Rt. 1. 12tf Truck. Call or write L. J. Reed. Placer. Ore. 26 GOOD PIANO for sale at Colonial hotel, 1100. 29 T. M STOTT INSURANCE SPE­ CIALIST— Temporary headquar­ PICKED VP—One black 4-year-old ters at Buick salesroom, 308-310 heifer, split in right car, one roan North Sixth St. S4tf 3-year-o!d heifer with calf, cut and under bit in left ear. under FUR SALE—Six ton truck in good bit on right ear. one black year­ running order and with good rub­ ling heifer, no mark, one white ber. 170® cash takes It. A. L. yearling heifer. no mark. R. J. Bdgertoa 27 Brown, 7 miles out on Crescent HAVE a profitable busin»** of your City highway. 31 own in Josephine and W. Jack- son Counties selling the original DRY SEASONED WOOD—Williams Wood Yard. Phone 137. 23tf J. R. Watkins Products. 150 household and farm necessities. Partially developed territory, cus­ FOR RENT—Sleeping room and I garage at 81® Orchard Avenue tomer* waiting. We supply capi­ Phone 179-R_________________ 26 1 tal and credit to reliable, energetic men. Write J. R Watkins Com­ MAN WANTED for garden work. All pany. Oakland. California. 31 kind* of vegetable* for sale. C. FOR RENT—Small furnished houw Jackson, phone 323-Ii. 21 Garage. Close in. Call at 213 WANTED- — Second hand safe. Give Went H St. 3® description and price. Address WANTED—A first class man to 638 care Courier. 25tf build an open fire place and chim­ ney Box 15. Wolf Creek. Ore. 2 7 THE PICTURE MILL—The Studio of excellence. Hours for sittings: FOR RENT—Well furnUhed apart­ 10 a. m. to 2 p. m , during the ment. private bath. Call 408 E summer. Other hours by appoint­ btreet. 25lt ment. 420 F St. Phone 283-R. TRANSPLANTED celery plants, 31 Res 148-J. 13tf per lop,_ 1015 Orchard Ave. 31 SECOND HAND motors bandied, PIANOS TUNED—Have your piano overhauled and repaired at Clev­ tuned »bile Mr. C. W. Kienle, of enger’s Electric Store. 21tf I Portland. Is on hl* regular trip to Grant* Paw* Phone Rowell's W ANTED—Five or nix-rtxim hous<- Music Store. 126-J.______ 2ill willi good sized lot Geo'-rou. pay­ : 3 MODERN furnished, light house­ ment down and tuonthly iuelall- keeping rooms Garage, no chil­ mcnU. Address 639 earn Courier. ' dren, Rent 117.00. 31 lóti EXT to the tailor**! salt la Im {«wtrare rsnk tb.w* Wra-d» and tZ*l«M* a i-4* nt the «a-* o* <-repe*. «atm crepes »nd Ugh t wwoieaa. TL-1 are jaw« uopre- t. riM-m, r*UM,gh to fit fu almost aay- • L*re ».xi so deveriy varied as t* I« rt. a-«».'y lnlr-r*t:tg. Their rank« bs.e jr an thl« «pring by the »ddl- i>n of «Hk »Ipeca to tbe material« ■aed f.*r them—with barred and »triped fl* and at « mi » end of 11.» line, •.itm «refe at the ota«r and alpaca ue»w*ea. tl mr is ehamce fur *«»n greeter diversity. TLe all day drear in any of the»« fabric* «Huraño- straight iu M*. following the line* "f th» flgwrv dowel » but allowing »he in­ troduction of smart n tribute mdivlduslly »o frtx-k* «f thl* mad The pretty «e«>l*l pictured of »at a -repe la a Boe example of up l<* A*’» designing having tier* of the «»•'a locked in group* a blon»ed bM Ice sod an eriger«« finish which Includmi embroidered tie*. Many model* hare flaring sleeve« • sd some of the— sre euppleetrsied by 1*0» or botme er Mt under»!»*' «•* with wrist hand*. lace collars anti jabot* oa»he* and decorative g.rdlv* are among other acvwooories that pro ride '.ntereet end color centra«» to the day drees sod high colored piping* ere popular • •» th* dre»*e* of barred or striped fl*»nel A very handsome mole: of black, or dark. Mils crop*. I* plain and straight. fs*ten»