NATI'RHAY, APRII. IQ, 1021. GR YNTH PASS DIH.Y ÍOIRIER noti * DOYLES Gruuts 1‘ hhh , Oregon Tub Silk Dresses In Pink, Bine and Oreen stripes and Pongee« .......... Kayser Long Silk Gioves clieekti, also $9.90 to $19.90 $1.65 pair Classified Advertising FOB dALE FOR RENT FUK PALE lu daily cows, I »Uuil- uoiu nuit, I uuuuie cuillpuugei, uuu 14-meli auiavy piuw, l W U suiuiug pmwa, uuu ga.uuu pmw , tup huiro«, duuuiu luiutuiur, U m ; uiscbiuu, uuggy, mowing ruse. W. M. JaCksuU, New Hopo, KU. 4, Box ui>, puuuu uui i-il <4 Foil RENI' -One 3-roorn furnished upurtmeut, dose iu. Inquire 708 E street. jy PIANOS AND TYPEWRITERS tor rent. Tliu Music A l’liotu House. __________ 96 Full SALE 'Ivuiu, wugou, Uuiuu»», 240-vgg lucuuator, tura«/» uuu \ uliI vu- eariy tryur». « EuiU i6 wuid. Murpuy, Gru. WANTED - Waulilugs. Mrs. F. W. Claudson, 610 iiliuillku fit.74 I’KAl 1TCAL Nl USING or house­ keeping wanted, i’liuiiu 626-K. '< I WANT good sound burse, 12uo-lluu I ds . Must tie true aud gentle. 1‘iiuue 282-J. 74 WAiilhD )\)K SALE uuod luigu laiigu, luiinl tur boi water, uuuiu uud look il uvur, o«4 A ot. l'uuuu bZS-K. WAN ! El* Middle uged woman to cook tor »mall crew In mining MILK GOAT8 Vannini houud», lump. Wages *36. Cull al 611 huuy Uugh/. lur HUtU Mi U Us*l£«MU South Filth. 72lf lui* »4UH M 2»M*M» iU<4UH«> Wa»U < G ali vvl. i < JEWELERS NO. 8 l UUK Si OVE tur »ale. l’hutte I. B. HOWELL Jeweler uud vluliu 394-K. maker, repairer ot violimi ami FOK SALE Nice lielter, Just lr<....!» *UM 348-J. lusucuos tor reut and eziliaugu. FOR SAI.E Mamoth Uronze Quid Kay Realty Company. Med­ eggs. 20c euch. O. F. Old ford, uregou. 11 78 A street. KUH SALE—400 acre IrngatuU ranch OoiUuiing river aua u.gU BUILDING way, 2 mue» irom Uruuta Pa»», CONTRACTORS aucntice *10.000 ou 40 yuan um», »10UU put yeai. 6 pur cuul HARPER & bON Building contrac­ intuì eat. GoiU Huy Kuull/ Lu., tors. biiop work, tuiuituie i luting, Mudtord, Uiuguu. otti bliop 41/ G rit., Phone 112-J. KbSlALKAM toll SALE »1000 will uuutliu. Auuruas Nt), a»», IKSTHUCTION IN MUiálC tbit Luuriur. *8* PROGRESSIVE P1ANU 8CHOOL - 40 ACIct r ,m.u —2a acres ctvureU, Clara little Felllun, 613 A Street. Ouluucu 1U pasture, 42 u< tea iyu, State Acci'edlted Tuichi r. wuguu, 1-Uoisu UaiUvaa, epi lug Burro«!« Kludeigaituu Couixe, 4 atrus alluna, pumping piuui, Mr». J. J. Huusuii, Accreditali. cliickeus, good bouse, uulu unti 616 South Filili SI. *2 cut) luluia. other bullutugs. PIANO SCHuuL FuK BEGINNERri A. À. IUC4.«a.a, I ukuu liner, Oiu. — llattle Colemuu Culvert, all 78 Notili Fouitli riticel. Allll>.il<0 FOR SALK — I«" • ""l,h leacher Nullouul Acudemy ol from Kerby, Illinois valley; pine Mualc. Curnegie Hall. New York. timber reserved, >1500. inquire of F. J. Weymcnt, butcher, Kerby, PLUMBING on- G. A. BRYAN—The Plumber. For FOR SALE OR TRADE -11250, »unitary piumbtpg uud iieutiug. 18 acre» near town. Term» K Skilled lauor omy employed. We desired. H. C. Lee, Teuth uud A gumuutee our work. Pilone 366, streets. 'JU 612 H Street. FOR SALE OR TRADE—A modern 7-room bungalow, close in. ga­ VETUK1NAHY 8UHGE0N rage, work shop, wood house, lol DK. K. J. BES i UL--Veterinariau. 16o by 160 feet, one block from Keaidence 838 Wualuugiou uuuiv- Sixth street, four blocks troin vard. Phone 39S-K. center of town. Phone 608-K. DK. K. B. GRIFFENHAGEN, Veter­ 6911 inarian. UUleo 7111 and FOR SALE—Sutton ranch. Fruit­ phone 191-K. dale, cow, team, Durov pigs two and 8 months old. C. C. button. VETERINARY • 7 6 REAL ESTATE llUtíPiTALS FOR SALE OR RENT- 5-acro tract G R A N T S PASS VETERINARY on D street, 5-room house, out HOSPITAL— Dr. R. B. Grilt'en- buildings, tamily orchard, pump­ hag. n. Vet. Surgeon. Corner 7th ing plant, also under ditch. In­ unii M Sts. Pilone 191-R. quire 712 B St._______________ <6 FOR SALE-AUTOS PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS FOUND Nose Dive Not Ssrious With Enough Altitudt What Is known as u “nose dive" ii Hie evolution an obsolete plane make) w I er out of control,«when It lias low flying speed. TI4» Is not always <1<>n< Intentionally by the pilot, although l> Is h favorite stunt performance of es lilbltlon pilots. in a nose dlr* a plan« is falling out of control lieeaitse tl»« elevators, »Herons and rudder are it such a position with respect to th« slip-stream that they are Inoperative This condition, however. Is easllj overcome, provided the pilot has suf fl el e nt altitude, for with ease lie car regain a renewed grip of bls control) on tlie slip-stream and regain his nor mnl flying position. However, wltl obsolete planes the pilot Is often for getful near the ground, or his control) ate not as sensitive ns they should be nnd fie unfortunately fulls to recog nlze the fact that he Is losing hit vttesse. A plane stalls st the begin nlrig of a nose dive und hits th« ground before the pilot Is able Io re cover. Most accidents, its you hav« probably observed, are what might fit termed "100-foot accidents," and in al­ most every case where the pilot had nn altitude of over 300 feet, he would recover before hitting the ground, per- hups lighting with only minor break ages. If nny.—Maj. W. G. Sctiauffler, In Advertising Magazine. NOT1CE Anyone found dumping refuse on Chicago Land Co. grounds will be prosecuted to the full extent of the This also applies to those cut­ wood. Any stock grazing be impounded. CHICAGO LAND COMPANY. ILIOUSNESS -!ck < «’»idnehi», «onr ■'h, • onUipatiori, va.sily avoided, hre lii\ r wiliicot ralomel. CHAMBER LAI N’S TABLETS Never sicken or gripe—only 25c AW, WHAT’S THE USE FOUND—Thursday, on Norlh Street, 6-foot rule. Owner call at Courier Office. 74 bond sali : Notice I k hereby given that sesl-d bbls will bo received by ths umler- General Laud Office, signe<| until the hour of 2 o’clock p. Wualilugton. D. C , in. the seventh duy of May, 1924, Mar. 11, 192 4 Notici- I h ii .i'by giva-n tbut aub- and imrm diately thereafter public­ ■ ubjtal lo I1K- condition» and limita­ ly open« >1 by the board of directors tion» of tho mi» ot Juim 9, 1916, or the Willow Valley Irrigation Dis­ <39 Slat., 218), February ZG. 1919 trict nt the office ot said hoard, Im- t ie Slut., 1179), uud JUUD I, 1920 Inc the reilili-nce of A. C. Duncan, <11 Slat., >58), uud ilopui tin* nlu! mar Lor'-lla, Klamath County, Ore­ I <-iiulutlotiH ot September 15, 1917 gon, foi an Issue of bonds of said <46 L. I)., 4 47 ), and June 22, 1920 district III the sum ot 830.000.00. (4Z L. D., 411), ttie timber on the maturing serially as follows: tollowing lands will bi) sold April X 1 400.00 five years utter date of i»- aue. 21, 1924, ut lu o'clock a. tn., at^ public unction ut tlm United titates *1 100.00 six years after date of Is- sue. lumi olli> , ut Itoaebui'g, (negon, to year» ufter date of tim bigUeal bidder at not I«» h » Itimi * 1 r.oo.oo i «»u ft. the upptalHi'il value uh h I iowii by thia 11500.00 y< am after date of light notice, uule to !>•■ subject to the ap­ issue. proval ot tho Hucrelury ot the luie- rlur. Tho purciiuae price, with an Il fioo. oo nine year« after date of issue. uiuil sum ot euu-tlitli ot 1 pur cuul, thereof, being eummlaamiiu ul- Il eoo.00 ten years after date of u- sue. lowed. must bu deposited ut time of »ule, money to be returned If aule 1» 11700.00 cloven years after date of issue. uot approvili, ot tier wire puteut will lhaue lor tim timber which must bo 11700.00 twelve years after date of Issue. r>-movi <| within i<-u >'■ air.. Bids will be received from citizen» of the 11800.00 thirteen yeurs after date ot issue. L lilted Stales, uMoelutiuas of Huetl citizens unii corporation» organized 11800.00 fourteen years after date of issue. under the laws ul the United Slates, or uiiy State, Territory, or District 12000.00 fifteen years after date ot iHHUe. thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, the timber on 12000.00 sixteen years after date of Issue. any legal HUbdivislun will lie offered separately before bviug Included in 12500.00 seventeen y oar« after date of Issue. uiiy utter ot u larger unit. T. 28 8., R. 12 W., Sec. 15, Lot 8, $2500.00 eighteen years after date of issue. fir 1200 M., T. 18 S. , H. 7 W., Sec. 3, NW'4 hl’.’A tir, 1480 M., uoui 'of 12500.00 nineteen years utter date of issue. Ibu timber uu tlivae section» to be sold for less than *2.50 per M.; T. I25UO.OO twenty years after date of issue. 21 8., R. 4 W„ Sue. 33. NE‘.4 BE <4 Said bonds to bear interest at not red tir 1660 M., white fir 25 M. , lu­ cense cedar 25 M., riE’A SE *4 red to exceed 6 per cent per annum, principal Ur 1240 M.. white Ur 50 M., red puyable H«*ml-Biiuuaily, cedar 30 M., T. 28 8., R. 11 W„ Sue. and interest to be payable at the 1, SWt4 SW>4 red lir, 1300 M., office of the County Treasurer of none ot the limber on these »ecllona Klamath County, Oregon, or at the I to be sold tor less than *1.76 per fiscal agency of the State of Oregon M. for the red hr, * 50 per M. for in New York City at the option of the white fir, uud iuee sold for Address: Lorella, Oregon. less than *3.00 per M. for the yellow and «ligar pine and 21.26 p< r M. for NOTI« E the red llr; T. 28 8.. K. 11 W., Sec. 27. NEU Stt'U fir 620 M., SB 14 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: riW% tir 620 M. , none of the timber This is to certify that the man­ on these tracts to b< >e sold for less ager of the Consolidated Greenback tlinu *2.26 per 54.; ’ T. I 28 8., R. 11 Mines Co. is hereby given authority W., Sec. 15, bE‘4 NEU led fir 540 by the Sheriff's office of Josephine M . white llr 120 M . T. 29 8.. R. 10 County, Oregon, to take possession W.. Sec 3o, NE’4 NE14 fed nr '75 at and secure the return of all prop­ M„ white cedar 40 M., BE 14 NEU, erly unlawfully removed front the red llr ... 550 M.. white cedar 100 M., I .ck Mine. Any person or none of the timber on these c-tions person» having in tb<-ir possession to lie sold for less tliuu *2.00 per M. i.ny property unlawfully removed for the red fir, * 50 per M. for the from said mine will be given 30 days white fir. and *T.«0 per M. for the from date to return same to the white cedar. property from which It was re­ WILLIAM Sl’RY. * moved. Failure to comply with the Commis)*loner. General I.and Office. above will result iu the arrest of any person or persons having such It is estimated that 500 ranchers property unlawfully held in their possession. In the United States are raising sil­ Dated April 15, 1924. ver foxes. (Signed) W I). HOWARD, General Manager. Consolidated Greenback Mines Co. STEEL FLY WHEEL Starter Gear» in stock lor ail cur». J. W. Guy- C. B. MARKS, M. D., Practice limited to diseases of eye, ear, uosii mid etty Foundry aud Machine Works. J J~tf th rout, ¡’hone 62. FOR SALE OR TRADE -Due 1821 DOCTOR C. J. MOSER, Physician ami Surgeon. X-ray work. Office Ford delivery. One 7-year old phone 182; R oh . 4 8-R. horse. Inquire 112 F St. <4 DR. RALPH W. Si'EARN'S Physi­ miscellaneous cian mnl surgeon. Special atu>u- tion to surgery. Obstetrics mid 01- WILL BUY — For cash, household HeiiseH of wotnen. Complete X-Ray Machinery ami goods, large or Hiniill lots. C. F. equipment. Dental X-Ray. Phones, l^.-ivy Hardware T. Co. Fone 139-R. 34-tf home, 21-Y; office 21-J. WHEN 8TBAWBKRR1E8 COMM DR. W. F. RUTHERFORD Manual The Truax Grocery will havo the thcrnputics. office over tt'i'dern P. S. WOODIN best. ________ I6!1 Union. Res. 259-R; office 217-R. I FOR FIRE ExtinguislieiH and refill lilt. A. A. McBRIEN Physician ami Surgeon, office 112',* South Sixtli fluid boo Geo. S. Bmton, Grunts Peerless Bldg. Puss, Oregon. Islt THE JORDAN NURSERY—Watch uh grow. Wo are better than ever prepared to furnish you with acclimated trees, guaranteed plants and berries. At North loth haven ’ t - 86 Street, Grants Pass, Oro. S haved T ûüax ? YOU < MAIiCELLiNG done at 814 East I street lor B90* 1 • WHAT ACE 'fou T r N i NG W11Y l’AY' RENT? 1 have several TO DO ~ GROW A VIRGIN reasonable priced properties that YOUQ FACE / FOREST 1 will hi 'II you on the monthly pay­ ment plan. A. 0. Wheeler, 614 South Sixth. 76 RELIABLE platinum delermiim- tlons. T. W. Gruetter, Grant« F uhs , Oregon. GET A "BURRELL" milking chino, no injury to the cow, milk« ’em cli'tin, mid coh I h less than others. See W. 8. Bailey, city, A and 10th Sts., Salesman of "Simplex" silos, cutters, barn eqnlpm<*nt, dairy supplies, ole. 76 WHAT/ — i: or Ohio Metal Worker a Victim Ray S. Ball. Huron, Ohio, was a victim of coughs and colds. Both he and his sister suffered with them, but found “speedy relief” through the use of FOLEY S HONEY' AND TAR COMPOUND, the old favorite cough remedy. He writes: “I have found FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND a moat excellent reme­ dy for coughs and colds. My sister had a severe cold and cough a year ago and found speedy relief in FOLEY S HONEY AND TAR COM- POl'Nlb” Couch's Pharmacy. Adv. Why not use a go
    ed by the beekeepers to the hicular traffic, a second for passenger market. Spermacettl is a white wax automobiles, and a third for pedestri­ of crystalline structure obtained as a ans. I »olid precipitate from the head oil of Chicago must come to IL The com­ mittee of twenty-one may properly the sperm and bottlenose whales, and to a lesser degree from sharks and dol­ plan for a city fifty miles long and of 8.000.000 population, but it should not phin oils. to plan for a city of our neglect U r— first 2 present area, but three or more stories Not What She Thought high in so far as Its streets are con- Little Tommy Truffle had made a earned. discovery and, being of a very gen- j erous disposition, w as eager to share ' School for Sick Pupils it with others. A special hospital school, main­ “1 is—" he began. Teacher swooped down at once, that tained as part of the regular school Xistem of Minneapolis for children superior smile, so irritating to the who have tuberculosis. Is described in sensitive mind of youth, u[>on her the January number of School Life, lips. published by the United States bureuu “ 'I am,’ not ‘I is,' ” slie corrected. of edui-atlon. Children excluded from Tommy looked a little pained; al­ the regular schools on account of hav­ most. perhaps, n little doubtful. But ing this disease are required under the he whs an obedient little boy. compulsory education law to attend “1 am tli«> ninth letter of tire alpha- i this school if they nre able to travel to bet," lie announced. and from school every day by street car. Regular work of the eight ele­ NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS mentary grades is offered, and pupils Sealed proposals will be received may be transferred to this school or by Edward S. Van Dyke, Clerk of back to a regular school without loss School District No. 7. Josephine of standing. Classes are held in open-air rooms, County, Grants Pass. Oregon, until 5:00 p. m. Monday. May 5th. 1924. which are kept at a temperature of for the General Construction and Me­ 45 degrees. The children wear Eskimo chanical Equipment of a High School suits in the classroom. Two light Building, to be built at Grants Pass. meals and a full meal are served dur­ Separate bids for: Construction, Wiring. Plumbing and Heating will ing the day. and after the full meal the children have a sleeping period. be taken. Construction work comprises re­ "Sun-lamp treatments" are given every modeling ot present building with morning. Children requiring hospital new additions at each end. I treatment for a abort time are placed Meeting of Board of Directors to in a ward nnd are attended b.v u phy­ be held on day and hour aforesaid. sician and a nurse.—Chicago News. In office of Clerk of Board, at which meeting the bids will be opened. Plans and specifications may be obtained at office of clerk of School Board. Grants Pass. Oregon, or ot Tourtellotte and Hummel. Archi­ tect», Failing Building. Portland. Oregon. A certified check or bidders bond for the amount stated in proposal form must accompany each proposal and same to be made payable to Ed­ ward 8. Van Dyke. Clerk of School District No. 7. all in accordance with the specifications for said work. The Board of Directors reserves th«- right to reject any and all bids. P. P. PROCTOR, Attest: Chairman. EDWARD S. VANDYKE. Clerk. For Civic Improvement It is the plan of ths Federal Coun­ cil of Citizenship Training to co-op­ erate with the many non-governmental agencies, public and private, which are engaged In seeking to Improve citizen­ ship throughout the country. It has begun to work out the means of such co-operation. It is estimated that there are about 2,000 national agencies which are ap­ plying themselves today to the prob­ lems of social and civic Improvement. There are other thousands of local agencies engaged In the same kind of work. If these agencies can be brought to work together along only a few lines. It is felt that the lmi*tus given to the movement for better citizenship will be inereased. The American National council, ot which ¡’resident Harding was the hon­ orary president and Frank A. V an- derllp the acting president, will co- operate In every way with the govern­ mental agencies in the crusade now launched. Pct Names Given Cities "Little old New York" Is the pet nanm of the commercial capital of the United States. It Is neither “little" nor “old." but these words are used In their :'ffeetlonnte sense. The pet name of Bo-ton In the I'nlteil State» Is “the Hub.” Till» is a little mor» ma'lcloiia. nnd Is used more by out­ siders than by Bostonians, it is gen­ erally held that the latter regard their Intellectuni city as “the hub of the universe,” the city around which all other cities revolve. New Mint Plant for America In Mentha cltrata, a plant belong­ ing to the mint family, Hie United States Department of Agriculture be­ lieves it has introduced a new crop which, under suitable conditions, may bring an acreage return equal to that now obtalnrd from other cultivated mints. During the past year the crop was grown at Arlington farm, near Washington, on a scale large enough to give definite Indications of Its pos­ sibilities. The yield of oil from the plant when distilled was at the rate of 30 pounds to the acre. The oil itself is very fragrant and when fraction­ ated yields 50 per cent of linalyl acetate, a compound extensively used by manufacturing perfumers. Vlllenage. Villennge was a system of land ten­ ure introduced Into England after the Norman Conquest (ltMMÎ A. D.) where­ by the occupants of the soil were kept in a condition of servitude and were permitted Io hold land only on condi­ tion of performing menial service for their lord and superior. Such persons were callcrt villeins (of or pertaining to the vlll), whence Is derived the common English word vllllnn. VII- lennge, although never formally abol­ ished in England, ceased to exist in the Sixteenth century. Rabbits Destroy Vegetation. Scientists of the United States agri­ cultural department are introducing plants on Laysan island of the Ha- waiian gume preserve tn an effort to restore vegetative conditions com- pletely destroyed by rabbits. Refiners and Buyers of NATIVE PLATINUM & GOLD HIGHEST MARKET PRICES Established 16 Years WILDBERG BROS. Office: 742 Market Street,San krancssco Plan:: South San Francuco CHICHESTER S PILLS THF. n RAM IL A Ladle*! Ask y«ur I>ruix»t»tTnr < hl-chc«-t<*r a hfamenC Brnn