Fitti» tv, tritili IH, ll»2l. GRANTS PAS« DAILY (MH'RIKII PAGE TWO , will cotne to England in May. aud GET PAID ON <>» \ TIME bugs and worms during th« spring there will probably be visits from EDICT TO DEW ER FORCE month«, mid th« entlr« ub«en<« of the king and queen of Belgium, and them now It 1» nbaoluttly «-»«•nilal Published Daily Except Sunday that some aubatltilte for tlivm bu pro­ possibly from the king and quccu of Denver. April 18. (1. N. S. •- vided. Such »ulistllutea are known A. E. Voorhies - Pub. and Propr. Spain. "Stack your chips on your own time, Entered at postoffice. Grants Pass. «« "iinluml fe.ula'' and Include meat is the latest order ot the city of Den­ Ore., as second-class mail matter. scrar», tiinknge, and ground bone. DATE FOR TAX HEARING ver to Its employes. ■1%I« e, lullat of tho Missouri state poul­ 12 00 By mail, per year at World Centers ot try «xporliueut stutlou, at Mountain ened through the higher court. With eggs bringing to Collins. Population Grove, Mo. price« tho object of th« poultryman Following a hearing of the case MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The following are the essential Is to get bls liens to lay tho largest yesterday, in which the Standard The Associated Press is exclusive­ points In producing hutching eggs possible number of eggs ut a minimum ly entitled to the use tor repunliea- Lumber company demanded that New Use for Cigarettes from pullets: of expense, and one way tn gain this tion of ail news dispatches credited the state be restrained from exact ­ Mexlcuns working In a lend mine in London. Apr. IS.— 11. N. S.)—. First, the pullets should be enrly end 1s to ke*i> the rest of lions warm, in this, or all otherwise credited, in thia paper and also the local news The king and queen are preparing ■ ing an income tax return and pay­ Chitiuidiuu have found ii new use foi hatched. It la necessary fur the auya A. C. Smith, head of lbs poultry to make a gesture of friendship to j ment from the company, the circuit cigarettes. The mine consists of a fewls to be mature for the beat re­ division at University Farm at St. published herein. All rights tor republication of the United States. court granted a permanent injunc­ series of eaves along the side« and hot sults. Paul. "Hens with cold feet do uot toms of which lead and silver ore in special dispatches herein are also re­ Second, they must have been raised lay." add* Mr. Smith. "Froxeti ground, A garden party will lie given at ■ tion. This was in addition to uphold­ served paying quantities Is found. The miner» properly—they must be well devel­ snow and mud make col.I feet. A dry Burkingham Palao* in June by the ing the previous decree of Judges have noticed that smoke from theli king and queen for the members of ' Kelly and Bingham, who held tile cigarettes is su< kt*d through cracks lr oped. Eight -months-old pullets that floor lu the hen house with from four FRIl»AV, APRIL IS, H»2I I to eight Inches of straw In which th* the American Bar Association and . act unconstitutional as far aa it ap- the rocks at certain points. By drilling have •been fed aud housed properly hens may constantly scratch will not are better rtiun twelve-nionths pullets ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ the Canadian Bar Association, who plies to all corporations. in the wake of the smoke, they break handled under unfavorable conditions. only keep the lien's foot warm but through Into another cave. Tlib OREGON WEATHER 'will then be in convention in Lon-1 Third, the pullet should be brought will help to Insure good health, which Titres Pots of Kobangs. method of tracing ore ha« been fol Pacific coast states: Prob­ ♦ i don. Into lay early In the fall and winter Is absolutely vsseutkil to egg produc­ The Maruhaclii family of Tokyo, lowed through a series of eaves anil This a most unusual procedure. I ♦ ably fair in southern and cen­ and allowed n rest before breeding tion.” who operated a drug house of old es­ still the smoke passes out at the end season. This allows them to bo in ♦ tral CaUXflruia, and occasional I as the king and queen rarely attempt tablished fame, had received and of tiie last eave discovered. Indicating good physical condition for tho pro- Eggs for Hatching Need temperature ♦'to entertain foreigners on a large transmitted from generation to gen­ ♦ rains else*acre. that there are other eaves ahead. duetion of butclilng eggs. near normal. ♦ i scale. eration a sealed instrument, with in­ Most Careful Attention Fourth, u good ration should be ♦ It is also a considerable gesture structions that It should be opened f*eraturc of about LET’S PAVE NORTH SIXTH i king himself. shaped gold coins of feudal days— Half the sample is exposed to the light, green food. It will pay to use alfalfa 50 degrees Fahrenheit, Expv rímenla were found, valued at several hundred ami the other half protected by u meal At the meeting af the city conn­ or sprouted outs wlieu utlier show that the longer the eggs are metal shade, so that after test an thousand yen. The summer garden parties at I cil, the matter of the paving of kept the lower will be the percentage exact comtairisen can be made. Special green feed Is not Hvnllshle. We are prone to attempt two busl- of chicks. carbon rods. Impregnated with a secret North Sixth street was put up square- Buckingham Palace are eagerly | The eggs should be turnici (»ne« h awaited by the English society folk. ' ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ chemical formula, give the light of tbit nes»es ln one. Commercial egg pro ly to the people of Grants Pass, lt and the fact that Americans are to ♦ COMING EVENTS ♦ arc fadiug qualities exactly similar tc dnctlon and good hatching egg« sel­ ilny. Egge shipped from a distance dom come from the same flock at the should be carefully unpacked and left they want to do away- with the un- have a party all to themselves has ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ daylight, although greatly Intensified, same time. Beat results are «••cured In a quiet place 24 hour* liefore be­ paved section leading into the city caused no little discussion, particu-: April 19, Saturday — Cooked food i from the flock handled especially for ing placed under liens.— E. J. Peter- from the north, they will have a larly in those circles where there is 1 sale by Wassa Ayita sewing club, Has Odd Leap-Year Watch one or the other. son, North Dakota Agricultural Col­ John J. Kingsley of Boston, a Jewel Pullets to be used In the breeding lege. chance to signify this by voting for bemoaning of the scarcity of tickets at Pardee & Gebers Grocery. May 6. Thursday—Better Music er has what Is known a» it lea|ey*at ¡tens next spring »hould be culled the work at the coming elect ion in for the usual garden parties. wutcli. It contains h wheel, very tiny carefully and placed In sei erate quar­ Sixty Per Cent Hatch Is Week Concert. May. If they want our prospective! in proportion«, that makes a complete ters. Then they «h ou I<1 be fed x»i n The king always takes a lively May 16. Friday—Primary Election. Considered About Right circuit only once in four years, al breeding ration and not torced for residents to come bumping into the interest in Americans, and is said to May 17. Thursday—May breakfast If you buy eggs for hatching, don't though it is "running" constantly. Tills production. city over a series of chuck holes and be looking forward to the meeting by Womans Association of Beth­ leap-year wheel is one of more than look for !“• or loo per cent hatches. Breeding from pullets la to be dls- rocks, then they should vote against of the American lawyers with a Breeders are, n« u cl»««. ,-onselen- any Presbyterian Church. 3..IO0 parts In the rare timepiece. At courugeil. It Is g'-uerally conceded Hot»», and will sell what they believe to midnight on tbe 28th day of every leap that the best results are obtained it. It is not only a matter ot civic great deal of interest. The queen hs fertile eggs, from good stock. But PORTLAND MARKETS year, February, tl.e figures "2V" flash from liens that have completed one pride which should lead the citizens also is Interested in America and even from the healthiest of fowl« and on the dial. This watch alao strike» luylng year. However, with special never allows an American to be pre­ of the city to vote in favor of the of the hlghe«t quality, there will be Portland! Ore., April 18.—(A. P.) the hour regularly. The cost of niak care, good results can be secured from sented to her without asking a tese chicks off-colored ami defective In welldevelojied, vigorous pullets If work. It is the effect it will have on questions concerning life and con­ —-Livestock steady, eggs quiet, but- ing it was $10.000. some point« A f la-hlgh university lune than anything that could have been J Hutter, extra cubes, standards 36c obtidned from tbe surface of the sea duce as nearly as possible those condi­ just perfected u binder for ti»e lu ple of the city are ashamed ot it. Fur Wheat, hard white ...................... $1.03 By till» means the course of a sea wall tions which exist at the season of cigars which It Is claimed will per The Prince of Wales' side of the miles the highway is paved and then heavy egg production, say the Ne­ uilt currying a cigar in the pocket Wheat, Western red ............... .93 submerged to a depth ot fathom» braska Agricultural college poultry without fear of breaking it under or­ as the car enters the city, it is sub­ controversy over the advisability of Butterfat. Portland ...................... ..35c win accurately traced. I his being permitted to engage in men. Because of the abundance of I dinary conditions. jected to a series ot jars and bumps — racing has l>een finally presented. Writing paper at the Courier. Butterfat, f.ob. S. F ..................... 41%~C that create a decidedly unpleasant When the Prince took his last fall sentiment against the city. In line the newspapers of England came out I that tbe { with the street improvement pro­ with positive demands gram, the work should be authorized prince give up racing. After every argument bad been advanced one and should be started without undue paper came out with a defense for delay. It should have been done two the prince, and there are intimations AilvcrtlM-mcnta under this heading Sc per line per issue. All years ago. By now, it would all have that the defense was inspired by Classified ads appear under tills hewing the first , jm been paid for. I is an improvement the prince or those close to him. "We don’t want a mollycoddle for a : that must be accomplished. prince.” the newspaper declared, ,The city’s plan is to build the and went on to argue that the i FIR SLAB WOOD—$5.00 cord, de­ FOR SALE—Moving picture show pavement itself. With the equipment i prince has won his great popularity ' and general merchandise business livered. Phone 155-Y. C. W. at Fort Klamath, Ore., for par­ Lambrecht. 74 that is purchased, the laying ot by the very fact that he had engaged ticulars write owner. Frank E. paved streets can continue in urauts in the sort of life that England's FOR SALE—5-acre ranch, close in, Blair, Lowell, Oregon. 74 best sporting men engage in. 6-room house. Call at 613 A St. Pass. The administration I has real- 74 DRY WOOD FOR SALE—Pine »3; ized that Grants Pass is growing and fir $3.25; oak $3.50; manzanlta Queen Mary is engaged in sup- FOR SALE—Dahlia bulbs, assorted $3.75. Prompt delivery. Houser that good streets will aid that porting an effort to change the colors. 50c per dox. Jordan's Bros. Phone 206. 70tf Nursery, North Tenth St. 74 The queen is growth. And best of all, the im- i feminine styles, FOR RENT — A downstairs apart ­ provement can be paid for entirely greatly interested in the lace in- WANTED % or 1 h. p. motor, single ment with private entrance and or three-phase. Williams Garage lawn, close in. Inquire 417 E St. next year without an increase in the dustry and particularly in the Not­ and Cyclery. 73 tingham lace industry. Present «Otf rate of taxation. modes and fashions exclude the use ESTRAY—One red and one black Fi-R SALE—13 acres, all under ir­ steer came to my pasture a week of lace and the industry in England rigation Good 6-room house and ago. Owner can have same by The band boys are to get new uni­ has reached a low level, The queen outbuildings. Fruit. Garden. paying for advertisement and pas ­ Furniture, wood and chickens, if forms. A committee of business is doing her utmost to encourage ture. Jacob Redding, Grants taken at once. Part cash. For Pass, Murphy stage. 73 men has taken up the proposition the use of lace and to bring its use further Information address 1’. O. into fashion. Box 693, Grants Pass, Ore. 77 CABBAGE PLANTS at Jordan Nur- and will see to it that sufficient sery. 79 WANTED—Ten cords black oak funds are raised to garb the band in King George is preparing for his FOUND—Thursday, on North 7th wood. J. Pardee. 76 street, 6-foot rule. Owner call at a auitable uniform. The men in annual summer vacation—the one DRY SEASONED WOOD— Williams Courier Office. 74 Every sum­ the organization put in two nights a that he enjoys most. Wood Yard. Phone 137. 23tf week during the summer, one in mer the king spends five days with FOR RENT—Office room on ground FOR SALE — 20 shoats (75 to 100 floor. Pardon & Gebers. 76 the fleet at sea, and inasmuch as he practice and one in concert. They lbs), 4 registered Hampshire has always loved the sea, it is said EVERY DAY is babies’ day at THE brood sows, 3’4-ft. Fresno scra­ receive only a small remuneration that he looks forward to these five PICTURE MILL. It is best to per, 5-ft Daln mower, 12-in. walk­ and most ot that goes for music. days with the greatest anticipation. Phone make an appointment. ing plow, also other machinery. 59tf 283-R. ___________ J. R. Hawes care 8. P. Round- They are a good advertising feature house. Phone 56. 74 and a credit to Grants Pass, They There will be a great deal of royal FOR SA I.E—Dahlia bulbs, named varieties, 25c to 7»c each. Jor­ WANTED—Couple to share furnish­ deserve those uniforms and have entertainment in London this sum­ dan’s Nursery, North 10th St. 74 ed home with lady stenographer, their minds set on them. mer. The king and queen of Italy riioue .'Î70-H. _7.!tf SECOND HAND motors handled, overhauled and repaired at Clev­ ABERDEEN VII,1, a , Kerby, Omen. enger's Electric Store. 21 tf In the clear, life-giving “Land of the Sky.” Simple, perfect service, WANTED—More city homes to ex­ home-like informality, concentrat­ * change or sell on easy payments. ed comfort. One of those "wholly A. C. Wheeler, 514 South Sixth satisfying" places found once in street. 73 a while and never forgotten. Fin­ est of meals, and perfectly ap­ ORDER NOW—Annual bedding pointed cabins, early reservation« plants. Salvia. Petunias, Asters, suggested. Sunday dinners by Lobelia, Pansy, Carnations, etc. appointment only. Phone for rea- At Jordan's Nursery. 71 _ervatlons on Saturdays^____ 66tf FOR SALE—20 acres, 3 >4 miles FOR SHADE TREES—Plant Fran­ west of town between Eaton and quette Walnut trees now. We Canby places, About 18 acre» have 8-foot trees. At Jordan's river bottom, irrigated, $3060, Nursery, North Tenth St. 74 half cash, balance arranged. See Mr. Earl McCall, Rd. 2, or write CALL 155-Y for dry slab wood, also body fir, yellow pine, oak and J. M. Watkins, 1528, S. W. 10th laurel C. W. Lambrecht. 75 St., Miami, Fla. 74 GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER DAILY NEWS LETTER Ono or Iwo drops of (Inclure of Io­ dine will vanquish germs In « quart ■of unsafe water within 20 to 30 mln- I UlM. 1 : PEOPLE’S MARKET See the new Ideas in Easter Suits At Jim’s Toggery ‘‘Fresh Every Morning” Plan! Don't satisfy yourself with havo idea» and model« Hint been hanging on hangers from two to twelve mouth». There la n m-w shipment of Easter Hutts opened every morning nt Jlut'a Toggery. Pop—Every morning goes tho strings on a u«-w package —and out of llssuv paper spring models and materials so advanced that our artist baa hardly had timo tu ski-tul» them. Tuesday. Wednesday, Thurs­ day. Friday and Saturday—five Idg shipments to keep you up to the minute even tho' you wnnt to wait until the last minute. Come today—come tomorrow -you'll ses many Grants Pass meli welcoming these new ar­ rival« In Value First Suits. Manhattan Shirts Connett Spring Hats C oojmt I nioii Suits toggery Mrs. Jeanie Burke Candidate for Nomination For County Treasurer On the Republican l icket Primaries May 16, 1924 I T. M. STOTT INSURANCE SPE­ MASSAGE—Violet Ray, Electric Garment; women and girl» only. CIALIST— Temporary headquar­ 406 Mi E, upstairs. 67tf ters at Buick salesroom, 308-310 North Sixth St. 54tf FOR SALE—Nice heifer, Just fresh, FOR SALE —Mamoth Bronze turkey one of the right kind. Reason­ egg«. 20c each. O. F. Olds, East able. J. F. Webster, mile West A street. 78 i of town, 78 MY PLA11 ORM--‘‘Will conduct the office assistance of a paid deputy." ■^nigr- without the