s VOL. XIV., Xo. I Til GHANTH PAHR, JOSEPH I N 1C COUNTY. OREGON NUNES DEFENDS TITLE All AGAINST LOCAL BOXER HLL ♦ Portland. Apr. 18 (A . I’-i — Danny Nunes, Pacific coast de­ feat bei weight champion, jo. fended Ills title u« Gomititi last night. g a Ill-round decision, Robert* won a decision over Suduuberg in la rounds. ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Ji University ol Oro. Library / Grants Pass—Gateway to the Oregon Caves X TÌÌIIDIQK luUnlòlò r - ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ pl! /rn/irM bi J/LiVlLN ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ GUESTS OF RESORT COMPANY STAND WILL BE MAINTAINED HUGE SMUGGLING PLOT !( OF JAPANESE IS FOUND t FIRST NATIVE SON STILL piTV ri [ DTI nAI LIVING IN CALIFORNIA bl 11 LLL.b 11U H ♦ llnnford, Cal., Apr. 18.--(A. P.) "Rainmaker" Charles M Hatfield, who from March 15 to April 15 "wooed clouds" as a source of in­ come, and mad« good at the job. Al a conference held In Lamoore today where th« average of the five official rain gauges In the territory In which Hniflcld agreed to send | ruin upon the crops of Tulare Lake The evening of .May 3 will find Kingman, Aris., Apr. is (A. >■ grain growers und Coaling and Le­ almost every member of the Oregon —- lieputy sheriffs left here today moore livestock raisers, was found to Cavemen, Inc., on their annual pll- Topok. Aris., opposite Needle». < I» two and twenty nine hundredths in response to it report that grilling« to their shrine, A census Inches of precipitation since March motorists were preparing to m '1'15 mid the check for $8,000 depoa- taken last night at the meeting past the quarantine guards 11 ' ft«d in escrow, was turned over to showed that only a few would be un­ able to make the trip. Cara, suffi­ Arizona. the rainmaker. cient to carry every member, were promised and now all that remains Sacramento, Apr IK -< A. 1' 1- to do will be to arrange the details A telegrum from San Ita ritardino, of the trip. declaring tliul 1 fiuu motorisis are WHOLE MMBEK 3173. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ King City. Cal., Apr. 18. (A P i- Ben Hames, the first child born In California of American parents, recently cel­ ebrated bis 77th birthday at his home here. 11« was born In Sacramento April 9, 1847. He I ihh watched most of the growth of the state. flames’ father, a New York­ er was a ship's carpenter and after a cruise around th« world reached California in 1843, six years before the gold rush. Ben's mother crossed the plains from Arkansas In 1843. She and John Hames were married in California. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Seattle. Apr. 18.—(A. P.) —Luther T Weedin. I’nited States immigration commit- sloner, stationed here, an- nounced today that a plot to smuggle Japanese has been un- earthed. and that 18 Japanese had been arfested in the last four days in western Wash- ington as a result. PEOPLE WILL BE ASKED TO I V- ♦ PRESS SESTI MEAT AT ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ Pit! VIAItll.S ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ IS PIT OX STAVI» BY OIL COMMITTEE ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ M COST ESTIMATED AT $12,000 DID NOT TALK WITH PENROSE Salem, April 18.—Fruit growers are beginning to get alarmed over) the prolonged cold, rainy spell,* Will Contorni to Stale S|>ecifi< allons Also Denies Having Hail Communi,a though it is not believed any real, —Parking System Will Be Taken tion With Jake Hamon—Tide­ damage has been done so far. The' I p By Joint Committees graph Operator. Testify hail early in the week knocked off I a few blossoms, and there were a! V couple of cold nights, with frost, but' The people of Grants Pass will be • the rainy weather, if continued will' Washington. Apr. 18.—(A. P. ).— William Cooper Proctor, of Cincin­ asked at the primary election in May do more harm. Some of the early blooming nati, Leonard Wood’s campaign man­ to decide upon the question of paving strawberries have been hard hit by ager. denied before the oil commit­ North Sixth street, An ordinance the frost, according to Earl Pearcy. tee today that he had communicated was introduced and passed through of the Oregon Growers and may with the late Senator Penrose dur­ three readings last night which re- make the fruit a little late, Pears ing the convention and declared he fers the matter to the people of the and cherries cannot withstand much had not seen Jake L. Hamon, but admitted he had previously asked city, It is estimated that the paving frost. Harry F. Sinclair for a campaign from the present end of the pave- contribution and he had been re­ tn ent at Evelyn avenue to the city fused. limits will cost In the neighborhood L. W. Dixon, telegraph operator, who worked on a private wire be­ of $12,000. The paving will be of the concrete type and will be 16 feet Implcment Shed, Office and Bunk tween Chicago and Penrose's sick room in Philadelphia during .the wide, to conform to the state speci- Rooms at River Banks Burn convention, said a cipher code was fications. The pavement on South 1--------- He said Penrose was inter­ Sixth, also laid by the city, is 16 A disastrous fire Thursday after­ I used. feet wide with the rest of the street noon destroyed the implement shed, ested in eliminating certain candi­ macadamized. office and bunk rooms of the River dates, including Wood. Lowden and The city plans to buy its own Banks Farms six miles below the Johnson. John B. Àlcorn. another concrete mixer and will lay its own city. The fire burned briskly. fan­ operator, who worked on the wire, pavement. The ordinance provides ned by a strong breeze, and al- said he heard Harding's name sev­ that the cost be paid out of the gen­ though it was discovered about 15 eral times after 2 a. m. of the day he eral funds with warrants to that the minutes after it had started. it was nominated. Oregon Agricultural College, Cor- vallis. April 18.— i Special )—Mar- jorle Niles of Grants Pass. a senior in vocational «•ducation. has been chosen to teach English and dra ma in the high school at Pe Ell. Wash., ft Is announced by Miss .May Work- tnger. appointment secretary. Misn Niles has been prominent In student activities on the campus, and is a member of the Alpha Chi Omega so­ stranded at thè Arizona i«ord«r be­ The program as presented by the rority. cause of lile Arizona embargo on B.tMMt Worth liisn|>|H> I'liiztl«. fit»- Mi'/.»*. authorities nor bootleggers thought the same amount on new work, on Arizona's quiirsntln« guard. The hose. with a three-inch Three Trappers Huppomal to Have A new attraction has been intro-, ! at the time that the quarantine — Been Murdered there will be no Increase in the rate stream, was turned on the shed but «duced into the plans for the trip would act as a temperance enforc- Medford. April 18. W 11 Lytle. | From all appearances, the Grants (Chief Big Horn last night issued a Ing measure by t putting a stop to of taxation. -If the plan is author­ was not sufficient to put down the Bend. Apr. 18.— (A. P.)—Blood ized. the administration plans to lay Idaze. The water was then used to state veterinarian, who has charge of Puss band is going to be uniformed summons for all men who have been any importation of booze from Call­ stains on a sled found in the Little about four blocks of pavement in the prevent the fire jumping to the Governor Pierce's quarantine regu­ Illis summer. The business men of elected to membership and have not fornia into this state over the Pa­ city each year. By getting a com­ black.onith shop, which was threat­ Lava Lake region, where three trap­ lations ngnlnst tile Importation of file city have decided that th«, band yet been tested, to be ready to un­ ciflc highway. But I it has so acted, disappeared. were human petent man to oversee the work, the ened. The fire was prevented from pers live stock, fruit, vegelaables, etc., will not be forced to take this task dergo these tests at the Cnves, the and has created much apprehension city will be able to get the work done ' doing further damage. The reser- Idood. Dr. George Vandevert an­ from California, spent Wednesday In upon themselves and ns a result initiation ceremonies to be put on in In bootleg circles and among those nounced today after making tests. at less cost than by contracting and voir is at the 100 foot level. the city and up in the Slsklyoiis small contributions will be sought. the Ghost Chamber of the Caves, who risk bringing in a little of the The contents of the safe were The officers learned that a lone at the same time will keep all of the where the quarantine station Is lo­ The band committee of the Chatn- Among those who will face the or­ illegal liquid for their own use. money at home.' saved. These included the records stranger on horseback was seen in cated, looking after the enforcement her of Commerce has fixed up a deal of the Cavemen's nature will Shortly after the quarantine was situation, and is In Klauiath county number of contribution lists and be I’. 11. .McKee, of Medford, "Dad" established §. B. Sandefer, county The city dump grounds on the and registration papers of the stock. the region and tracks of a horse were found near the trappers' cabin. today on the same errnud each merchant will be naked to give Dunlop. Col. C. G. Thompson, super­ prohibition enforcement officer, and bank of the Rogue in the west part Four automobiles were in the shed which was burned. While here he appointed County i a small amount. It Is estimated intendent of the Crater latke Nation­ his aides were enough awake to take of town were brought up for discus­ Agent Cate and Assistant < o.tnty tbut $2.fio from each business house al Forest, Dr. F. H. Ingram. William ■ laws. John Phillip Sousa and .V.i- advantage of the situation, and Fan- sion and the health and property Agent Fowler ns the state's agents would uniform every member of the Hayes ami sev> al others will be : gustus Thomas were among those «lefer stationed several aides at the committees of the council were dele- DILL RADIO BILL IS In Jackson county to look after the band with a high grade outfit, OI’IXtSED BY COMPOSERS who voiced a protest against the antpng the men whose mettle will be quarantine station, at which all peo-: gated to look into the matter. quarantine enforcement sltuatl.m The band had Intended to give a tried. Realizing the Importance of a measti re. pie and cars enroute into Oregon here and up In the Siskiyou*. He Washington. D. C.. April 18. — from California are stopped, all clo- change in the parking system on "The Radio Corporation of Amer­ tin Sunday, the Cavemen can sleep spent much time In going over the the uniforms. The band men did thing, bedding, baggage and shoes Sixth street this summer, the city Composers, authors and playwright:« ica gets money, doesn't it?” queried as lute as they desire. If they are situation with them, and asks th« not want to ask the business men to today at a _ senate ..------- --------- --------- hearing —........ „ I Mr. Sousa in a brief exposition of are fumigated, and the cars searched fathers decided to seek some method appealed public to cooperate In enforcing the subs« rlbe a cent. The matter, how­ able. It is thought that excursions that would relieve congestion. A for defeat of the Dili Bill to rel«as.>lbis position. “If they get mené ’ o it for any possible carriers of the dis ­ quarantine by reporting anyhlng ever. was taken In hand by th«« Into the neighboring hills will be committee was named by the mayor radio broadcasting stations from roy- of my tunes I want some of U That's ease. looking like a violation of the pro­ Chamber of Commerce committee at the order of the day. however. Isaak to meet with a like committee from alty imposition under the copy-right all.” The anti-booze enforcement men visions of the governor's embargo. th«1 Initiative of the business men. Walton fnns will probably try ihelr the Chamber of Commerce to study have nothing to do except to stand At the quarantine station ut the In return It Is probable that the bind luck In Sucker and Cave creeks. At out a system of parking on Fixth by and watch while the search is in top of the Siskiyou* Ibis state main­ will give two free afternoon con­ 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon, the street to be put Into use this sum- Cavemen are to be the guests of progress until it discloses contraband tains a force at the California line, certs on sul urdays. One will lie mer. This committee is composed of liquor In a car. Then they get busy, The whole at which all autos and people In after the money has been sitbscrib- Lind Home at dinner. confiscate the booze and make the D. C. McIntyre. E. V. Smith and them are stopped, the cars, clothing cd. The aecond will be when the trip is to be strictly a "stag" affair. arrest. Charles Hansen. nnd bedding are fumigated, and the uniforms have arrived. These i-on- I The trip to the Rose Festival is The first man to fall into the trap The annual appropriation for the (Continued on Pnge Three! certs wHI be in Railroad park. I very much "in the air” due to the was Pete Bianchi, of Weed. Cal., who band was granted. $200 being forth­ fact that the committee in charge of was enroute late yesterday after­ coming. The councilmen were agreed Moscow, April 18 l A. P. 1—Brit- proletarian communists ar« publicl’.’ I the Festival announced that it is not noon to Ashland with five or six bot­ that the city was getting more than ish. Italian and Norwegian recogni-objecting to Bolsheviks In top hat«, i likely that the street paritdc feature tles of wine In his car. Of course a return from its expenditure with tion has put Moscow back into the One Moscow newspaper conducted for, outside organizations will be when he persisted In coming into the weekly band concerts during the top hat market. series of debates cn the subject held. It la stated that plans are Oregon the state quarantine enforc­ summer, which are attended hv thou­ which M. Litvlnoff, deputy conunir Bolshevik diplomatists who. prior i being made to have this feature in ing officers at once searched his ear sands of people during the season, sar for foreign affairs, and numer­ to the Genoa conference, were con- ¡the 1925 affair. and found the booze. Deputy Chap­ “Slow Down" signs will be placed itent to wear soft shirts and trousers ous Soviet ambassadors abroad par­ The Boy Scouts were guests of the pell. one of Sandifer's aides, at once on each side of th? schools of Grants baggy at the knees, turned to white ticipated. Chicago! April 18 (A. P. 1 No­ Itlie tremendous development of the The subject was what sort of a Cavemen at dinner, each Caveman ,got busy, and brought Bianchi and Pass in order to safeguard the child- collars for official purposes only where Is tile Importance of the radio ' radio. taking a boy In charge. Each boy the wine bottles to this city where ren. when the first trade missions arrived I uniform should a Bolshevik diplomat I lie Chicago Hoard of Trade, the W11R then Introduced "Dad” Dunlop. last evening Bianchi entered a plea as n connecting link between the from western Europe, but they could wear at a foreign court. The rul­ largest grain market In the world, manager of the Rivoli, then invited of guilty tn Justice Taylor's court, great cities and the rural homesteads hardly then have been called a fash­ ing impression was that they should han been a pioneer in broadcasting > the entire troop of AO to the theatre and was fined $100 each cn two wear whatever simple court clothes ionable lot. so effectively demonstrated as In the market reports, and has won inter- were required by the customs of the to finish off the evening. The boys, charges, one of possessing liquor and With the coming to Moscow, how­ vast reaches of the American con­ to bring the grain producer into In­ responded with cheers for Mr. Dun-other of Importing liquor Into the court to which they were assigned. ever. of European diplomats with al) tinent. stantaneous touch with exchange lop and the Cavemen. state. The views of I-enin on this sub­ Printing Company Plant Entered by the sartorial traditions of their pro­ prices. It Is reported that a number of ject were quoted at length. His iTlie American radio-equipped Thief Looking for Papers Signs to be placed at the entrance fession. those employees of the Sov­ The broadcasting of the Hoard <>• cars approached the state line yes­ idea on this, as on almost everything farmer today is In virtually constant ¡of the county on the Pacific high- iet foreign office who have to deal Trade station, WDAP, now brings terday and today, but when they |alse, was that Bolsheviks should do communication with the centers of the quotations to the farmer minutes j way, north and south. and on the with such perfectly tailored emis­ were stopped at the quarantine sta­ Portland. Ore.. Apr. 18.— (A. P.) in Rome as the Romans do. It was Redwood highway are being inves-l saries blossomed out in frock coats trndp through (lie hundreds of pow­ ahead of their receipt by the less tion and told that their cars would —The story of being offered $25 by recalled that once, when M. Joffe erful broadcast lug stations which progressive village elevator operator tigated by the committee, It was a li­ have to be searched before they a well dressed stranger for entering and alii their accompaniments. complained that he didn't want to One member of Commissar George go to the German Kaiser's court and dot the map of the four borders. The who still Is dependent upon the tele-| nounced that the signs are being could enter this state, the occupants the offices of the A. E. Kern Print­ desigued and further Information staff. whose post wear knee breeches. Lenin said to social nnd economic Influences of the graph for his reports. of the cars Immediately turned ing Company to secure certain pa­ Tchftcherlne's The matter of cities, which formerly were almost WDAP Is owned outright by the will be presented. around and disappeared in California pers, was told by John Kudla, when might be compared to that of master him: "Oh! Wear petticoat* If you imperceptibly slow In nffectlng the Hoard of Trade, and when not In use the removal of the Ashland camp territory. he was arrested early this morning of ceremonies, has to wear most of have to: The main thing is to get He is M. Florinsky, to court." rural life, now spread with a rupjd- for market reports, and business ground sign from its position north in the Kern Company offices. Offi­ the clothes. vice-consul in New ity which challenges the Imagina­ news, is busy throwing entertaining of the city limits has been taken up cers of the Kern Company made onco Russian Most of the Bolshevik emlssares with the Ashland chamber of com­ Pickwick Case Still Out— M. .abroad were reared to a frock coat tions of those who have not seen for programs to the winds. charges of collusion and graft in York under the Czar regime. themselves. Prices on nil principal commodl- merce. The Pickwick stage case is still the award of printing contracts in Florinsky is a very busy mat«, ■ ’e I exstence. only ' abandonng It when The farmer who a few years ago ties, such as wheat, corn. oats. rye, Edison Marshall, one of the more being heard in court today, Al- |connection with the official Inquiry holds the responsible post of headlMrve them until It became Bolshevik )a(.ketH i waited as long as 24 hours for re- hurley, ribs, lard, pork, etc., are prominent authors of northern sto­ though tlm court expected the case into the city and county affairs. of the Scandinavian division of the. Thpy tllcked ,hetr d|nner ports on the principal commodity broadcast at Intervals of five nnd ries. of Medford, was elected as an to be concluded this afternoon, . it 1 Probers, under the direction of At­ foreign office and in addition has to and othpr fashlonahle regalia into markets, Is probably In closer touch ten minutes during trading hours. honorary member. William Hayes was still going strong when court torney General Van Winkle, today meet the trains an«l welcome Incom-ithelr trunk* with moth balls to pre- with price trends today than most At the close, 1:15 p. m. the dosing was elected as an associate. Frank was recessed. Four occupants of turned from the Insurance and bond ing ambassadors and other >i«rsonr ,prvp them ,lnt)1 |t btcame Rolstevlk | fashion, too. to wear white collars of the city folk equailly Interested in range, nnd the open-high-low table Mashburn was also elected to asso­ the stage at the time it overturned deals to the award of th«* bridge of importance. ciate membership. on Smith hill are bringing suit. trade. Ills naw position is duo to Is read for nil commodities. contracts. ,Somc of the old dyed-in-the-wool again. BOOTLEGGERS ARE STOPPED BAND WILL BE UNIFORMED A ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ WILLIAM COOPER PRIM TOR ♦ FIRE 1 ♦ ♦ ♦ DESTROYS PROPERTY 81900 STAINS WERE HUMAN KERN OFFICES ARE ENTERED 1