WB ! - '¡JJ.. . -n PUBLIC SCHOOLS FACE CRISIS DOYLE’S (Continued from Pago Ono.) Orante Pase, Ovegoe 6 FALL COATINGS— 54 inches wide in Over Plaids, Velours,, Bolivaa, Polo Cloths and Plushes and Brytonia *. $2.75 to $8.50 yard Hok proof Silk and Wool Hose for Women Classified Advertising FOB HALA MISCELLANEO <7B GOBY 4-ROOM HOUSE — Beautiful locali ou ou East "A" Bl. Aea lei pnoe and torma. E. C. Bell, phone sfl-R. U GOOD •-room house on East A BL, e violtos fife Will aall right and taut ÜiBUU l’d»B AUi uuuvr luí» I maker, repairer of other stripg instruments. South Sixth street. Standard Water pipe aud aarew can- ng for «very purpose; also valve« part trade In milk cows. Good end fittings. Both new and re-man­ terms ou pari. E. C. Bell. 801 N. ufactured. AR material guarantend. Eighth BL Phone 2T1-R. 1»U Money ea-nng prloee. Immediate de­ livery. BUSINESS lot 26x100 on Slxtu Bl., Q. WEISSBACH A OO. Cor sale al prie« which tuum it a 117 Eleventh HL San Franclsoo good Inveslmeul. going business on bota aide« of lot. AUUieaa No. 0X7 ROOF FAINTING and repairing— Care Courier. a VU All work guarnteed for throe yearn T. H. Huger, 834 East A FOK SALE—Tuggeuuurg milch Bt. 84U guata. Aleo twu yuuug billy guata, b. J. Buller, KU. 4, The Wliaun THE JORDAN NURSERY—A home u. 11 Institution. Highest grade fruit, shade, nut and ornamental tree * FOR SALE—Dry mill wood, |2.26 and thousands of grapes for tall liur Ueiiveluu, lu Iler uiuurg * 2U. setting. North Tenth Street. 28 Puunu Pruvuit, ask lor Arnos bin ilu mill. »1U BUHJIINU OONTKAUTOJMI * I FU It SALE—Due Voughn drag aaw, HARPER * BON—BuUQiug contro Hoy risu, Ku. No. a, box ea. lu» tors. Bbop work, furniture crating. Shop 417 G St., PbCuo 14X-J. 1 U lUUUdk 4TUUA larga tot- 1 I. B HOWELL—Jeweler and uncu. 04« 4 V, 1U auru», U Auuivwi fepuiUlAft M iHi, * a W. R. BARRETT— ByjWpr, kitchen and office turmlura a specially. Shop aud JteslUanc« 134 S. 5th BL, Oily. Phone 6U8-J. I»If liltAO. CKt-B,«V. m.vtll IJS uABS- — A uu.u.uw tUucU, IXo al'.co uu T C. CARROl-L—Carpenter aud building coutrcior. Riverside Ave. UlauWaJ, a * utKva iruiu uiaula aud South Tenth Bt. 18 r«->. r lueai oi piacua tor a to re auu auiu oi gaiUeu truck, water 1NHTMUUT1ON IN MUSIC uivioua auu cuuiatoupua, muk aud ea>e. Garden true * win aituoat pa/ lor place. Part irrigation iu I PROGRESSIVE PIANO SCHOOL— Clara Tuttle Fenton, 111 A street. uualta. No better gurUeu land. A State Accredited Teacher. Affiliat­ ■eat sightly Uomuaiie. Old he use. ed teacher National Academy of Pteuty ui paaiure, outrange, gram Music. Carnegie Hall. New York. and trull land. Nothing butter for 810,000. It aold aouu 86600, PIANO' SCHOOL FOR REGINNRRH Addioaa owner, Room p, Maaouio —Hattie Co loin aa Calvert, »11 Building, Koaauurg, Oregon. 1X4 North Fourth Hireet. Affiliated teacher National Academy of FUR SALE OK KENT—70 -a or o pao- Muele, Carnegie Hall, New York. turo, formerly allaita and grain livid. Flou i y of water. W. M. TAXI Jackson, New Hope. 14 WHITE LINE TAXI—4XU Ctemmu FOR BALE—My • Vs -acre home al Drug Store. Phone 44-2L H mi - <»» Highland Ave., known as the dance ail, Closnd ear. Prince Huook place, will accept emuli reasonable. W. G Whlf, Utt house close In as part paytuuut, north side pruturred. Mrs. V- W. Murray. 8»tf VETERINARI MUHGI0ON DR R. J. bebt Ù l . Veterinarian. Recidane« III Washington boule- FUR SALK—De Laval cream separa­ tor, almost uew, 46U. 10-toot solid oak diutog taule, colonial style, 826. Oak dresser, new 818. Htump puller with attachments, C, B. MARKS, M. D.. Practice limited halt price. Jnqutr Laurel Camp. to dieeaeoa of eye, ear. boss end H. B. Smith, Wolf Creek, Oro 10B Jhroat. Phono II. PRUNES—Feilte prunes for sale la DOCTORS LOUQMRl'lMli A MtWVR - Phywirfan» A surgeons. Doctor per lb plokod. Place order Mon- Lough ridge (Ives spec tel attention day. Phone 223-R, or call Mon­ to aorgety, obetetrlcs, and disease« day No. 1 Park St. 107 of wemoB. I»r. Moeer glr«e special FOIl SALK—Petite prunea, lftc per stteo>lau to surgery, dlognoeis A pound tn the orchard. R. W. Hon­ di»eare» pf cHJdrea. CoMpltfta X- ora, 1064 North »th St 17 Ray «qu.j.uu-nt, Deetal X-Ray Of- flew phone 182. IJes. Or. Moser, FOH BALE—Jersey cow. Cheap, if 48-R; Dr. Lougbridae, 86». taken at once. Phone 401-F-3 4. 107 DR, RALPH W. maMU^B—Physi­ In the latter class the committee named, among others, the American- Federsllon of Teachers, the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, the Rockefeller General Education Board, the American f Bankers' Association, the American Legion, the Chamber of Cummeroe iu the United States, the International Assoclallou of Rotary Clubs, the National Security League and the National Association of Manufactur­ ers. "Local labor bodies should be par­ ticularly alert to express, through any channel open to them, their re- sentment against any manifestation of thu reactionary drive against pub­ lie eduction," the report added. "The best protection. protection, however, will come from the professional in­ dependence and adequate Informa­ tion uf the teachers themselves. When teachers are adequately paid, well informed on current topics, and able through the power of organiza­ tion to resist Improper influence, the J DANCE FLOOR WAX Of we smooth, gild, lag flslsh to hard or sort-wood floor * no arm. c . rkask ob nr st . Your druggist ha * H If not. n * d us • tamps. 76c for oaa- soued eachage. CLARKE, wocDwuin ■MH O Co. Parties«. Ores». SHIP YOUR DR. W. F. RUTHERFORD—Manual theraputlca. Office over Western Union. Rea. 26»-R; office 217-R. GRANTS PASS CREAMERY A Good Thing . DON'T MISS IT. Top Prices Quick Returns WANTED WANTED—U»ed dreaaors, mattreaa- ea and household goods of all kinds.—C. F. T. Co., phone 139- K. 9«tt SEWING dona, roMOMbia rates. 730 North Sixth St. 108 MIDDLE AGRI) WIDOW Isdy would like to cook for widower or small crow of men. Address Box I3B, Gold Hill, Ore._________________ 11 WANTED—2'4 or 3-inch centrifu­ gal pump in good condition. O. P. Johnston, 50« South Sixth. 108 WANTED—Second hand Fordson tractor. Box (13, Rogue River, Oro. 101 WOMAN COOK WANTED—Box «3, Rogue River, Oro. I LOST LOST—Five tooth bridge about Sept. 6th, In vicinity of children's play ground. Leave at Courier. 85 re­ ward. 16 LOST- Near Josophiue hotel or Ri­ voli theatre, gold nugget from lav- alltoro. Return to JoHophlno ho­ tel and receive reward. Mrs. Ed. Liud. and tickling throat: Chamberlain's Atom * •ch and Liver Tabfrto for atomach Iron- k^a, IndipMtioo, gsaay pains that crowd the heart, biliouxneai and constipslioni Chamberlain's Salve, needed 1« «very family tor burse, scalds, wounds, wiles, sod skis affeotiooa; these valued family medicines for only 6 oente. Doa'8 aia it. B -LITE-FOOT- CANNING PEACHES, both free and clings, 2c per pound, picked. One tnile north ou Pacific highway. C. E. Logsdon.___________________ 105 • fend your name and addrees plainly written together with 5 rente (and thii •lip) to Ohamberlaia Medicine Co., D m Moines, Iowa, and receive In return a trial package containing t'hanobarlain'l "Didn’t I tefl you? It’s the best ' cigarette I ever The committee proposed a "safe­ guard" against future propaganda by warnlug every local labor organ­ ization to watch the public schools In it own territory. cian m 4 aurgeoB. Special atten- tlon te eurgem OAetetrtce and Di- •cages of woman. Complete X-ray equipment. Dentgl X-ray, Phone«, home, 11-Y; office 21-J. ______ tf PARTLY FURNISHED MOUSE for rent. Modern. Call after school hour« at 215 West D. ______ 108 4 "In sn effort to find the causes of this drive on education wo have in- veetlgated the more Important organ­ isations attempting to influence pub­ lic edueatloa, for whatever purpose. Mueh of the pressure has come from local bodies, such as Chambers Commerce, Rotary Clubs and like. They derive their impetua mainly from two source«: First, the wave of hysteria ugalnst radicalism' * which passed over the country dur­ ing and Immediately after the w«r, end which was spread indiscrimin­ ately in the press, the pulpit and other organs of expression; and, sec­ ond. the calculated propaganda of i national organizations." f-YEAR JERSEY-GUERNSEY cow for aale, fresh in March, Riving 1 gallon« milk. >40. Lloyd Farrell, Wlldervllle, Ola. 105tf FOR RENT—70 acres In cultivation, 7 miles from Grunt« Pass, will sell team, cows, bay, corg, wheat, chickens, turkeys nnd farm imple­ ments. Address No. 543 care of Courier. 108 4 I to restrict public school teaching, which is both menacing and uudv- nlable. la the array of scattered esses throughout the country where touch­ er« or otb«r educational autbuiitlus have actually been dismissed or sus­ pended for holding views distasteful to industrial, commercial and finan. rial groups, or even for joining * teachers uulons. There are numer­ I ous eases, which wo have canvassed. to the C. J. DREIER CO 51 Stores AW, WHAT’S THE USE Taste is a matter of tobacco quality We state it as our honest belief that the tobeoeea weed ia Chesterfield ere of finer quality (and hence of bet­ ter taste) then in any other el ga­ retta at the prioe. The growth and counter propaganda, with dUaa- schools will be safe. and effectively working towards trous results to education." In conclusion the committee these objects for the rank and means of public defense, since this organ- staled: Ization is consistently of the Amerl- j "Reactionary forcea have done can Federation of Teachers is there- considerable harm to public educa- fore the beHt file of the teaching pro- tlon, not so much by their direct ln- fesaion." i fluence on the content of text books The committee declared its inves- and curricula as by the subtle preju- tigation revealed autiquated text j dices they have created, especially in books^in moat schools aud charged , the minds of legislators aud public that tabor was not given a fair treat- ! education officers. These prejudices ment even in modern text books. work themselves out on the groat "Economics is coming to be body of teachers, tending to deprive taught, not as a body of natural laws them of independence of thought ;uid and academic theory, but as s peuc- action. This situation can best be Ileal examination of the operation of, met by full publicity and by organ- economic groups and institutions as ization of the teachers themselves." they exist." the report continued. Recovers From Croup “All this change is dictated by sound "My boy hsd a very bad attack of I pedagogical method, and Is calculat­ croup. Tried everything but noth­ ed to enable the pupil to understand ing did him much good. Then 1 more realistically the world In which used Foley's Honey and Tar and he not only recovered quickly but he he lives." has had no trouble since," writes The committoe warned that in the Mrs. William Sims, Burlington, Wyo­ change text books must treat fairly ming. Coughs, colds and croup all controversial subjects, giving the quickly relieved with Foley's Honey and Tar, the largest selling cough arguments of each faction, else “the medicine in tho world. Free from public schools may become battle­ opiates—ingredients printed on the grounds for politics, for propaganda. wrapper. Conch's Pharmacy. (Adv.) By L F. Van Zelm C W