♦ I * I ■ v * r r t t - il Gateway to the Oregon Caves Grant» Pas» J ffi ■ ■■■ ♦ ns a year ago- and even six ♦ Penns) Ivania Chief Deals Separately Willi Owners and Workers--- Reails And Other» Put I p t'andhluirx nerves. Stamford, Conn., Aug. 27.. .—(I. N. Plane So An Not To lie O'orceil To ♦ months ago—Germans came to ♦ Ills Address Today Mukc lamiling For Two Days For Sectional Interests j S.(—Organized labor in Connectl- Hr. Cosset, distinguished French ♦ I I ♦ Austria to spend their marks. i cut will attempt to do its own bank­ surgeon recently told British sur­ ♦ At «Bad Gastein, the fashion- ♦ I € I Ing business. The coming year will geons l liut he has taken the fresh ♦ artile Summer resort, one stay Srhool bolls will ring ngnln Mon­ nerve of a dog and grafted It on the San Diego. Calif., Aug. 27.— (A. Dublin, Aug. 27 (A. Pj--Lively' ♦ costs—for a modest tourist — ♦I Harrisburg. Penn., Aug. 27.— (A. I see Labor Banks established at Hart- ♦ day morning. September 10, ett m- ulnar nerve In u man's arm, with rifle und machine gun fire occurred ¡ ♦ 300.000 Austrian crowns. That ♦ P.)— Governor Pinchot assembled ! ford, Waterbury, Bridgeport and P.)—Cnpt. Lowell H. Smith, and muiiltig the boys unit girls of the city excellent results. Sensibility was In Dublin early today. National1 ♦ That Is. at the present rate of ♦ the leaders of each side In the anth­ | New Haven, according to a decision Lieutenant John P. Richter, started from their summer vacation. Teach­ obtuined In the man's arm In 14K troops are patrolling the streets dur­ ♦ exchange, forty-five million ♦ racite. controversy around his office I of a special committee appointed at at 5:67 a. m today in their third at­ ers fur nil grades have been secured duys and the power of movement In ing the Dall election. ♦ marks, or approximately 216. : tuble today and told them bluntly I the last annual meeting of the Con- tempt to establish a new world rec­ and assignments made Io rooms and 3 40 days. that the proposed suspension of min­ ! necticut Federation of Labor. Pat- ord for endurance, distance and ♦ Thus Austria, a year ago the buildiugs. There have been no tit- ing on September 1 could not be al­ I rick F. O’Meara, of New Haven, pres- speed in excess of 2500 kilometers. Dublin. Aug. 27. (A. P.|— The ♦ cheapest country in Europe, has lempts to have the school opening Irish Free State Is today holding a ♦ become the most expensive. ♦ lowed. Scarcely a sound interrupted i ident of the federation, is perma- They planned to take fuel aboard the postponed this year. the governor as he read his address. ’ nent chairman of the new state-lalsir plane while flying in order to remain I general election to return members I ♦ « ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ The teachers and their assign- aloft from 45 to 50 hours. They com­ He said he would deal separately banking commission. to the Dail Elr«*ann. The duy every-1 munis follow: with each side and the representa- pleted the first seven laps over a 50 where Is a public holiday, all hunks : IOWA FURNISHES SIXTH kilometer course at an average speed OF CHICAGOANS' RI TTER lives of the miners and o*erators High School Volume Greater Than for Corre. being closed und l>usiii«*HH suspended. | of 89 miles an hour. Then failed in agreed. Thanking them, Pirw hot an- All Irish men anil women over 21 I s|M>ndlug I'<- i I< m I luv*t HcasiMi I, <>. Ilepp, principal, chemistry. two previous attempts on June 1V Waterloo, la.. Aug 27.— (I. N. 8.) nounced tl.at the meeting would ad­ years of ag<* are «ntlthsl to the Alden. Itudaey. Meleti«'«* anil mathe­ journ until 2 p. m., when the miners and 23. — Iowa supplied the Chicago market franchise. matics. Many Are Homeless as Result of Kan Francisco, Aug 27.— < A. P.) Ilrown, J. I’., history and physical — The volume of summer business The election Is comparatively with 16 2 per cent of all the butter ’ will come to his private offices. High Water of Rio Granile training, In Hie Heven states of the Twelfth quiet. Except for th<> intervention I received In the Windy City last Calterson, Hazel, English. Federal Reserve District Is consider-i of Mr. De Vulern, no political issue month. A total of 3,300,212 pounds El Paso. Tex.. Aug. 27.— (A. P.) Dentila, Esther, French und Hpanlsh. ably larger this year thun for the is raised, und vurious groups of of Iowa butter waa shipped to Chi­ —Hundreds of people fled from Secretary of Local < 'hamlier of < oni- «ago in June, according to tin* re­ Horning. Alice, domestic science mid corresponding period last year, farmers, laiuiur and independents, their homes in the lowlands of Three Apfwar Today in Justice Court. nicrce («oing to Klaiqath Falls library. cording to a report today by Fed- besides Individuals unconnected with i-ords of the Iowa Creamery Sec re- Jaurez. Mexico, today fearing a fur­ Two Pay Flacs taries and Managers' Association. Henry, II. Donna, liookkeeplng. uny group, will put forward candi­ crnl Reserve Agent Perrin. ther rise of the Rio Grande which Lynn Sabin, for the past two years In 1922 the state's creameries Knotts, Ethel, stenography and tv pe­ date« aimed at the promotion of sec­ Friday drove 1200 from their homes. Bqpiness in the office of the justice li ritlng. tional Interests. None of them is brought 248,462,205 Into the state secretary of the Grants Pass Cham­ Many adolie houses were reduced to of the peace was good today. The ber of Commerce, will leave for Matlils, Gladys, English. planuing a displacement of the exist­ from the sale of butter In markets sits I I 111111. TlllXt.s Klamath Falls next month to take a mud heaps by the water which stands first item on the schedule for the Moore, Ina V., Jaitin. liti: IGNORED IIV MEN ing government, It I m calculated ; outside Iowa. New York City re- two feet deep in many Juarez streets. day was a charge against George I. Peat, Elizabeth J., mathematics. that no party can return a majority ceived 43,489.000 pounds of lowa similar position with the Klamath Bread lines and soup kitchens are Cooper, preferred by Game Warden organization. Mr. Sabin intends to Robinson, Irene, domestic art and Columbus, Ohio, Aug. 27.— (I. N. of the house, and that th«* ministry ' butter last year and Chicago 40,- present his resignation to the mem­ feeding the homeless. Bancroft. Cooper was found guilty* English. 8.)—"We find mon investing In must therefore rely on support from 735,000 pounds. of hunting without a license and bis of the bers of the board of director«, <*ehauk, J. F„ Industrial arts. horses, camels and dates. In or­ a combination of groups, though all gun was taken from him and a fine at a local chamber .this afternoon 0 Htearns, 8. Mario, history. chards and sheep, or other things of are agreed in repudiating the name of |25 and costs assessed. He loses special meeting. He does not intend Washington H< bool the world, hut they make few Invest­ of a coalition. his right to bunt this year.. He has to take up his duties with the Klam- Th« seats of all the principal min­ Anna H Crane, principal. ments In the things nf eternity— , been in the state a year and a half. ath chamber until September 20. al­ Hindus and Moslems Clash " Uh ! coming here recently from Klamath Brown, Nellie. friendship, charity und love," as­ isters are regarded as safe. Lalwiur though he will spend a few days Many Casualties Mordoff. Jessie. sert« d Rev. W. A. Stimson, local hopes to return 40 membent. double Railway Stations Congested Willi there previous to that time. Falls. A fine of 210 and costs wan Neuve. Elsie. Its present strength, and the farm­ Episcopalian rector. assessed to William P. Deardorff, of Refugees Mr. Sabin expresses regret at Simla, British India. Aug. 27.— Roseburg, who was picked up Sat­ Trueblood, Bertha. "Christ does not condemn wealth ers hope for as many. It is not ing Grants Pass as he thinks (A. P.)—Religious riots in the Unit- urday night on his way from the city Smith, ('ora. as such, liut tin* misuse of wealth," known whether Mr. De Valera can city has a good future. "I am con­ Mi-Queen, Grayce. continue«! Rev. Dr. Stimson. "He find the 30 candidates In* contem­ Sofia, Aug. 27.—11. N. S.)—Rail­ vinced of the future of Grants Pass,” ed Provinces are continuing, accord­ at Medford. The charge against him plates. In perhaps half n dozen | does not laud poverty us such, but way stations in Serbia and Bulgaria ! he said, "for, located as it is at the ing to dispatches, Hindus and Moe- was for speeding, this being prefer­ Lincoln School constituencies his cundidate is ex ­ shows that it is a condition when along the Sofia-Constantinople line I junction of the highways it is des­ lenis clashed at Agra last night, red by the state traffic officer. Blanche I). Williams, Principal. pected to receive a quota of votes, ' materlul prosperity does not prevent The third case was that against present a picture these days that is | tined to be the largest city in south­ Firearms were used. Casualties are 9-vi L. Berry. reported to have been heavy, All Joe Bellen, a youth of 17, who was but the success of the others will de ­ one from thinking of and seeing reminiscent of the times when Bel-, ern Oregon within a few years, if .losephiiM* Gebers. God." pend Ou how the transferable votes gian refug«-es were fleeing before the conditions remain as they now are. ! business and postal deliveries in the accused of stealing a bicycle belong­ Estelle Ilesini. of labour, farmer and independent advance of the German armies. Hun­ I have enjoyed hearty cooperation r> i city are suspended. ing to a local youth. The lad was Zella I .on I mi * Buckingham. picked up by Chief McLane and held candidates arc distributed.' In uny dreds of Albanians migrating from here from everybody and could not Mildred McRrlen. until his trial. He was given a 30- event no forecast puts the number Serbia to Asia Minor throng the de­ wish more in any community into I Anna M. Jensen. day suspended jail sentence and is of republican successes higher than pots. which I may go. I am looking for­ PREFERS PENITENTIARY TO Alice M. Poole. TERM IN REFORMATORY’ now working at the box factory. He 20. These would all refuse the oath Authorities in every town have re-| ward to the time when I can come­ Riverside Hcliool States Attorneys General Asked to of allegiance and boycott the new was following the circus and gives back and go into business, whether fusetl to admit the refugees, and | Sylvia Wise, Principal. Make Investigation Chlacgo, Aug. 27.— (I. N. 8.)— his home as Amsterdam, New Y'ork. parliament, business or in the Chamber of Com ­ hence they are compelled to congre- i Mary E. Robbins. Illinois penitentiaries Beeni to be Mr. De Valera himself is standing gate in the stations as they await merce work.” Mildred Aspinwall. Minneapolls, Aug. 22.— (A. P.)—~ growing tame. He trains to their intended destinations. * During the time Mr. Sabin has Jennie A. Hansen. Stales attorueys-general of the Unit­ for Clare, hie old constituency, “We have reached the point where l«eea secretary of the Chamber of Eunice Blodgett. ed States were asked today by is still "on the run," and a leading Train service is infrequent, and I Commerce the membership has been we send hardened criminals to the Helen Ellis. (’hurles G. Griffith and George E. minister has declared that while this many spend days huddled, with their built up to 215 from 87 paid up Pontiac Reformatory and first of­ Nellie Young. Short, attorneys general of Kansas government holds office he will lie pitiful belongings, in any temporary The organization has fenders to the penitentiary," com­ Automobile Plunges From Highway shelter they can find—or without ' menil>ers. Ilea trice Webb. and Oklahoma, respectively, to start "kept on the run." Two Mlles From Kalama printed and distributed 62,000 mented Criminal Court Judge Davis There has been a slight agitation shelter. Roosevelt School a nation-wide luvestigutlon of the oil after Elmer Green, 23. who pleaded The refugees are rather a sorry ( pieces of publicity literature to tour­ guilty to robbery with a weapon, ex­ Minnie E. Vlgus, Principal. Industry to determine if the "Stand­ as to the unfulrness of disfranchis­ Kelso, Wash., Aug. 27.— (A. P.) ists and inquirers. Thousands of I Hattie Gellers. ard Oil Company Is manipulating the ing the 12.000 prisoners. Init Mr. De lot. There is a large percentage o< pressed his preference for the peni- -—Oscar F. Quoidbach, of Portland, inquiries have been answered by let ­ Margaret Alexander. gasoline market to put 40,000 mid- Y'alera has attached little Importance women and children, with many old who was arranging to open a shoe ter in an effort to interest people in tentiary. Eillthe Hunting. country producers out of business." to that, provided an unimpeded ap­ men. They carry all their personal The prisoner’s counsel explained store at Longview, was killed this this locality. The office rooms have peal Is allowed to the people («elonglngs in hags and bundles, to that in the penitentiary prisoners morning when the automobile he throughout the country willing to which they cling with ferocious ten­ been moved from the second floor of were eligible for parole tn eleven was driving plunged from the high­ the' Peerless building to the first vote republican. The imprisonment acity. One aged woman, closely veil­ months, where in Pontiac they are way at the foot of a hill two miles is more serious than the mere loss ed, for they are all Mohammedans, floor in the Grants Pass and Jose­ often held 23 months. w north of Kalama. phine bank building. The organiza ­ carried in a bag a rooster and a hen. (Contlnued on Page Three) her pets, in the hope of having them tion of the Cavemen was also wherever she might settle. An old fected. MISS OLIVE M. JONES man clung desperately to an alarm DR. RUSSFI I. T. UHLS clock and never allowed other hands Austin, Texas, Aug. 27. 27.— (A. P.) Georgia Island. Sandwich and I-atter to touch it. —What la claimed to be the longest Islands. The last group Is covered As there are ninny prosperous Al­ and most extensive natural history with ice and snow throughout the banians living in Bulgaria the Al­ year and frequently visited by vol­ banian consul at Sofia had obtained expedition ever undertaken will lie canic eruptions. It Is stated, London. Aug.' 27.—(I. N. S.) — waa to extract the fuse from the permission of the Bulgarian govern­ started In September under the dl- After visiting several groups of The battlefields of Northern France shell. ment for the refugees to settle in this reetlon of «George Finlay Simmons, Islands in the Antarctic region, the “The shells were put in a crude are returning to their pre-war ap­ country. He got a distinct shock Texas naturalist. The expedition. party will move to Cape Town, (Afri­ cubicle," he said, describing the when the pilgrims refused to accept pearance. and green fields are now breaking up operations, “buttressed which Is sponsored by the Cleveland ca. The winter season will be spent Bulgarian hospitality. taking the place of the battle-scarred with tnndbags and railway sleepers, Museum of Natural History, will In Africa. Expeditions will be made cover approximately 25,000 miles into the mainland along the west and trench-furrowed countryside, ac­ through which the end of the shell and will bo In progress for two years. African coast and visits to St. Helena cording to Fred N. «Pickett, who has protruded, so the workmen could The expedition will leave New and Ascension Islands In the middle organized the breaking up of the operate with special fuse tools. The BASEBALL SCORES lxnidon, Conn., early in September Atlantic. huge dumps of ammunition and war fuse, having «been extracted, the on «i specially equipped schooner, On approach of the Arctic sum­ charge was then either washed or material in France and «Belgium. commanded by George Comber, who mer, the naturalists will go Into the Philadelphia, Aug. 27.—(A. P.) — The whole of Northern France burnt out. commanded the McMillan Relief Ex­ southern part of th 'Indian ocean. Cy Williams, Philadelphia center "Millions of rounds of ammuni­ bus been cleaned up, says Pickett. pedition in ID 17. The party will Life on the Crozet, Desolation nnd fielder, stepped ahead of Babe Huth Poison gas has been dissipated, and tion and belts of charges for quick visit many volcanic Islunils and wild Kerguelen ¡Islands will •be Mu (lieti, today when he drove out Ills 33rd some 356,000 tons of materials have firing guns were dealt with by an regions In the Antarctic and Indian An effort will be made to get specl- home run of the season. appliance which ripped out the bul­ been returned to commercial use. oceans. | National mens of the giant sea elephant of “Each month for the past three lets and separated the ihrass case After leaving New London, the the Antarctic region. Cincinnati years,,” Pickett said in an interview, from the copper attachments, ■while first landing of the expedition will Boston Specimens obtained on the eipe- "5,000 men have dealt with 1,000,- a water sluice swept away the pow­ be 81. Paul rocks off the coast of dltlon will be brought to the Cleve- 000 shells, half a million grenades, der." «Brazil. From tlisre the course will land museum and to the American Pickett thinks that the Allies and MI m Oliva M. Junta, principal of a Clnclnnati .... and three-quarters of a million fuses, lead directly south into the land of Museum of 'Natural History in New public school In Naw York city, who Bo ton breaking up of America produced much superior Dr. Russell T. Uhls of Kansas City, representing the the Antarctic. Ilnvestlgatlons «will York., which Is cooperating In the waa sleeted president of the Notional American * ammunition during the latter part Mo., who cured three thousand tra- 20,000 tone monthly. ho made nnd specimens of bird and excursion, according to Mr. Sim­ education aoaoclatlon at Its convention Boston 0 chores cases In the Near Eaat orphan, “My organization’s primary ob- of the war. but says that Germany’s In Oakland, Cal. other life collected on the South mons. 2 agee at Alexandropol, Armenia. Chicago ject in breaking up the ammunition TNT was perfect and never equalled. TEACHERS GET ASSIGNMENTS * WHOl.k NUMBER «27«. MONDAY, AUGI HT 27, 162:1. ♦ : !♦ NO POLITICAL ISSUES RAISED il I i I i IIII l U ’ MEETINGS ARE HELD TODAY SUMMER BUSINESS IS BETTER LYNN SABIN IS LEAVING CITY * ALBANIANS LEAVING SERBIA BUSINESS RUSHING IN COURT INDIA HAS RELIGIOUS RIOTS GASOLINE PROBE IS WANTED p PORTLAND MAN DIES IN WRECK FIELDS OF NORTHERN FRANCE ARE RETURNED TO