GRANTS PA«H DAH.T roURIER ■.......... .. PAGE FIVE ■ I iiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiii I MERLIN I DOYLE’S iiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Chinese Parasols $1.85 Hund I'ulnlssl In Pretty Coloring» mid Waterproof Mrs. Jim Dean, of Grants Paa» Came to Merlin Tuesday to visit h< r father. A real gam«* of ball was played on the Merlin diamond Saturday, with the Grant» Puss Hoy Scouts. Blld*-r buck and Southpaw pitched a good game for the Merlin team. "Curley" was the Grant» Pax» pitcher. The gana looked doubtful for Merlin un til the btli Inning when the xioi stood 10-8. at done the hioic blood lo-ll for Merlin. Kill HAI Jt) <». <>. E. II. L. Y. < ha». Morion Harlss k Hill, Waldo. W illlmns Gilki-son Lrwely n McRey nolds Juel N. Ih-atul It. Bryan F. Werth R. 1». Wit 4, Rogu<4 River Chas. Buswell, WHd.rville Harry L. Smith Jacob Roesch W. J. Radke W. A. Fern I. F. Peak Tlios. H. Croxlon E. A. latdwlg fieo. H. Swiith Eldon Everton the moon old apple FUK SAl.E 1U ano» under II riga- l.uu, pulii/ lu oicUuiu, 10 uioua Il urn low li. Luige tiartt, house sud acvuiul amuuur building». Ap­ pi/ lo E. S. Corliss, 'inieu Plue», Viegou. Pio- HOTEL FOR SALE -Inquire Uuur Hotel, Koguu River, Ore. 11 THE INSURANCE business of J. E Putei son, usi vast o, is olivi ed lor Ituiuvuialv saie. inquire ut Mut­ ile T. Peterson, 313 West B or telephone 3 34-It. 92lf GOOD clcuii baled alfalfa bay, $2 4 a lull, uppu»,lu Duiluiick aniOui, bile uulu w«»l. 97 Kill HALE 1)11 TRADE tow aud call .or UUM »uw, or drag saw or aouioitiing ot equal vatu«, a uillvs lioui towii on t rament t ity High­ way, ltd. 3. C. E. Jenkins. 98 FOR SALI; Two puck poule». In­ quire al Corner t und r.ieventn Hl tei I. 9 9 FOR SALE At a bargain. House and lot, modern. Lail at -23 1 atreel, Corner Third.__________ 96 PIANOS TUNED- Have your piatto tutted while Mr. C. W. Kienle, <4 Portland, Is on lit» regular trip to Granta P ush . Phone Rowell's Music Store, 126 J. If FOR trahi ; FOR TRADE Acreage one mile out ou Crescent City highway, tor house und lot In town. J. E. Ver­ din. 93tf INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC PROGRESSIVE 11A NO SCHOOL— Clara Tuttle Fenton, tsou A street, Slate Accredited Teacher. bull JESSIE C. KNAPP— State accredited teacher tn voice und piano, pilone 346-L. l&tf rot i/riiì ani » hat « hiag hogs OHIX---Am booking orders now, In­ quire for prices. Hollywood strain. Home ot three nuudrej eggara. Blue Ribbon Hatchery, phone Tbs. 1161L TAXI WHITE LINE TAXI—Call Clemens Drug stur», PUuue 4 6-K. Kuai- Prues Cl used car. deme .!.• 1 W. G. White. »1U reasonable. H)H HEM FUK KENT -For rsul or saie, allaita graiu, trull and aloca raneaos. Gold Kay Really Co., Medlord, tun isUAi caia, vev—lue uuueue mare City or cou* try trip. k c Oregou. 1911 Joñas 67U I HA.Nlhb WANTED Steady men lor the Jose- puiuu Lumber company. out mon, J. »'.. bitt .MRS. ELLEN PRIT! T Dressmak­ er. Drosses >l.bu to >1U. In your home 36c per hour. Work guaranteed. 511 south Sixth Ht. rnone ais-R. los bad WANTED- Woman who has iliiidivn experience wiiu and iluunvaeeplug, >30 per I monta, tom mtinicaio board mid room, wiiu Mrs. J. W, Oron, Hugo,, Ore. HARPER as HON—Building cuutrae tuia, shop work, furuituie cratlug. Shop 117 G St., Pilone 14 2-J. 89 WANTEO Two fullera. bum tier Company. to know be­ new merket be under LOHT Between Grunts Pass and NURSERY BTOCK—Fruit, Shade, LOST Murphy, Muy lb. ladies red wool Nut Trona, Ornamental every des­ sweater. Reasonable reward. Find­ cription. Your butu« nursery. er please pholie or writ« .Mrs. Nel­ T. E. Jo-lau, North 10tu Bl. 62lf lie .Moomaw, Williams, Ore. 88 COZY 6 ROOM HOI HE Beautiful FOUND lutalluu uu East A" St. Asa tor price aud terms. E. C. uell, paone FOUND on Oregon Mountain mouth .-l-R. U ug<>, Goodyear tire anil rim. Ad­ FOR SALE Huvvu aud uuo-bait dress H. J. Woodbury, Waldo, ailuu uuur Giant» Puss higa Ore.. Lone Oak store, Crescent aviiuol, >3uUÜ. nail cash. 8. »». City road. 87 Luloy, 2.2b McKiuiuy HI., llerke- PIANO TI NING b y, < «III. 119 Josephine 9utt WANTED TO RENT- Modern house near itigli school, must have three bedrooms and bath. Addies» No. I » I . Ul e I 'Olli tei loti INDUSTRIOUS BOY who bus fin­ ished eighth grade wants work Pitone 634-J. 97 WILL PAI CASH fur smull house, doan In. Price must bo reason­ able. Call or write il l J Street, Grant» Pass, Oregon. 97 WANTED Good family cow. must lie cheap, a good milker und Ken­ ne. Write No. 485 care Courier. 87 WANTED one or more partners, must be experienced in hydraulic mining nnd quurtz mining Very little capital needid. Good op­ portunity to make quick money. For further particulars address P. Or Box 18», Grants Paes, Ore. 98 WANTED Men to cut logs by ron- For tract, will pay good price. per Hale—Dry mill wood, $1.00 tier nt mill. Amos Smith, mill 101 near Murphy. MISCELLANEOUS J. B. HOWELL—Jeweler and violin maker, repairer of viollna and other string Instruments. 806 Routh Sixth street. H4»f FARM LOANS Home choice loans can be accepted at 6%%. W. G. Wright, Stewart Bldg. Medford, tf WE PAY the best possible price for your household goods of every kind. Don i eeil ini you get out estimate. C. F. T. Co., 209 South Sixth, phono 109-R. 84tf AMORTIZED LOANS on City property. W. (1. Wright, Stewart Building, Medford, Ore. P I P E Standard water pipe und scrow cas­ ing for every purpose; also valves »nd fittings. Both new and re-man- iifactiired. All material guaranteed. Money saving prices. Immediate de­ livery. 0. WEISSBAUM A CO. 137 Eleventh St. Sun Francisco BOARD AND ROOM Cun give hoard and room for two young mon who will sliiire room togeth­ er, with separate bods, alter May 25. Plain homo cooking, private fumlly. reasonable rates. t739 N. Sixth St. ‘97 Bl ILDING CON IRACT'GRH and daughter. In the Pass this OF LOCAL INTEREST .Some People We Know, anil We Will Protit by Hearing About Them This is a purely local event. It took place In Grants Paxs. Not in borne faraway place. You are uoki-d to investigate It. Asked to believe a citizen » word; To confirm a citizen a statement. Any article that is endorsed home. 1» more worthy of confidence Than one you know uotulng about. Endorsed by unknown people. Will Young, carpenter, 312 St., Grants Pass, suya: "1 can commend Doan s Kidney Pills from experience. My kidneys were out ot order and my hack ached at times. 1 could hardly do any stooping or lifting. .My kidneys acted too fre- qucutiy. I read ot Doan s Kidney i'llis and used them, getting my sup­ ply at Sabins Drug Store. Doan's soon rid me of the aches and pains anil put my kidney» in good order." 6uc, at all dealers. Foster-Milburn Co.. Mfrs., liudalo, N. Y. Wed net Trains will run .Mondays, days and Fridays P.M Z____ i pass.. l^>av« Grama PM Arrive W’atera Creek ........ 2 Leave Waters Creek.......... 2 30 P.M P.M Arrive Grants Pass............. 1 For information regardlug freight sud psnseuger rales call at ine offici oT the company, Lundburg Building or telephone 1 3 1 The Advantage of Goodyear Welt Shoe Repairing DK. K. J. RESTU.L. Vetenuariau Residence 83b Washington boule­ vard i'nooe 39s-K. 0. B. MARKS, M. D., Practice limited to disease» of eye, ear, nose and taroat Fhoue 62. Arab brown. cocoa, rust, gray and navy are favorite colors for these fashionable suit froek« whose claim to distinction is verified in the lielow-the- knee-lenglli routs. Not infrequently <>ne notes nn introduction of tu'ka throughout the costume. There’s a Reason ! Saw Mill Equipment Machinery Mine Equipment Power, Tian-mlssion and Heavy Hardware 2y establishing the truth. one purposmi to fill a bushel with tares, but if I run fill It first with «bent, I may defy Ills attempts.—New­ ton. e That Dovi» Into the Ocean r Federal Tires Arc better tires. They cost no more, C. L. HOBART CO I Get Your Side Curtain» Repaired Neu Harold Lynds DOCTORS LOUGHHIDGE At .MO6ER —Physicians At surgeons, Doctor Lougiiriuge gives special attention to surgery, obstetric», aud disease» Ford Top With 9 ri*te Glass In Rear »7 .BO Sexlan Seat Covers $20.00 of women, dr. Moser gives »pedal i attention to surgery, dlognosis A: i diseases ot children. Complete A-1 Ray equipment. Dental A-Kay. Ot- Hme In ||>» furnlbliint of puri».*'- ¡»»»lon I àvii ng Trnnscrlpt. I 81IU.EON DR. RALPH W. STEARNS—Phyai-1 clan and surgeon. Special atten­ tion to eurgery, Obstetrics and DI- . seasea of women. Complete X-ray | equipment. Dental X-ray. Phones, home, 81-T; office 21-J. tf Ing taste lx the subject nf the nccnni- ptinying Illustration It is fashioned of s pure silk hemstitch xtrlited ratine, a material prominent among the hand­ somest novelty weaves. With the coat removed, one Is clad In » charming one-piece straight-lined frock. THAT nn elusive Intangible qual­ ity is style, and yet what a price It coinmundx. I low we dote on the word und consider the goal of our ruibit. Ii In mutters of dress achieved If our critic» pronounce our lint or gown or cmiutuie entire a* having “lots of style." There is a certnln air of :20 p.Ui. 1< i slender lines. Tluee-plvi-e suits Vori li bound No. 1 4 Portland Exp. S 15 a.m. 1 of till« type, that 1« with coats reach­ • No. 12 Shasta 12:01 p in. ! ing below the knees, are fashion's •No. 5 4 Oregonian 7:52 p.m. latest contribution to the season's cos No. 1 « ore. Expro»» 7.15 pin. tume nii i i s-es. • Mall trains. Not only ■ do the "lini1«" of the suit •Cl<»' ml pouch mail. count but elegance ot* futirle Is also a fuctor I in the fonimi suit frock. THE CALIFORNIA AND IIKMilH scheduled tor 1 future triumph, A suit COAST RAILROAD COMPANY which « PI nppenl tn most discriminât- Time t ard W. R. BARRETT- - Builder, kitchen and ottive .uiulturv a specially Snop and Reaideucu 834 3. &lb HU, lily. Pboue 5u»-J. 19tt VEIERI^ARY Star Owners Grants Pass Juris- II the .Merlin Women i Classified Advertising — THE MODE SUPREME EXPRESSED IN FORMAL SUIT-FROCKS Coupe Seat Covers $15.00 Wagon Sheets, Tarpaulins, Tents and Picking Baga C. J. BREIER CO I I 42 Stores MACK TRUCKS For logging and lumber hauling. Reinember "Performance Count»" Distributor for Southern Oregon <>. V. .Myers, BO North Holly St., Medford, Oregon—Phone 3 BOARDING MOUt>£ f nothin ’ J»0lN' T ook NÈt»TGRDAT OCF an LOOKED AT. 500 B oarding mouses —j I m X-liJu (If! f ». Eddie Hubbard, United Sintis mull pilot, wax seriously injured when lila plane became unmanageable ami