FRIDAY, MAY II. HMi.t UIMNTR I’ASS DULY COURIER PAGE TWO ■ GRANTS PASS OAILY COURIER Published Daily Except Sunday A. E Voorhies. Pub. and Propr. Entered at postofflca. Grants Pass. Ore., as second-class mail matter ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per inch Local-personal column, per line 10c Reeders, per line DAILY COURIER By mail or carrier, per year $6 00 By mail or carrier, per mouth GASOLINE WEEKLY COURIER By mail, per year___________ $2.00 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusive­ ly entitled to the use for republica­ tion of all news dispatches credited ,n this, or ail otherwise credited. In Jus paper and also the local news pubiisued herein. All rights tor republication of special dispatches herein are also re­ served. _______________ FRIDAY, MAY tl, ll»2:t. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ OREGON WEATHER ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Weather for the Week ♦ Pacific Coast States: Gener­ ♦ ally fair, with normal tempera­ I ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I ♦ ture. ♦ Fair tonight and Saturday, ♦ Heavy frost in the iuterior in ♦ the morning. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ GRANTS PASS' TASK During the first part of next month when Grants Pass entertains the veterans of the Civil War, the You’ll never know how satisfactorily Shell gasoline can serve you until you try it. You’ll never know the power it gives nor the speed it can develop until you use this dynamic motor fuel in your own car. S, 1». A. Church l'he Seventh Day Adventist church on East E street. T. C. Dutcher, local elder. Saturday Sabbath school to a. m., Mrs W W. Walker, superintendent. Preaching lla. tn. by Evangelist T. L. Thueniler. sub­ ject. ‘ Mother." Young people’s M V. Society meets 3 p. in. Their program will be "Lon- for Mother," Mtss Vera Thurston, leader. .Mr Thuemler speaks tonight and Sun­ day night, s o'clock Subject, "5000 Signa in Grants Pass of the Soon Coming of Christ." Tuesday. 2:30 Bible study on the "Seven Seals" of Revelation. Preaching every even­ ing at 8, except Saturday. The next step, therefore, is to drive in at any Shell dealer’s and fill your tank to thoroughly test its splen­ did qualities. SHELL COMPANY Of CAUrOBNIA visitors should be made to feel that they are more than welcome and that there is an appreciation of the principles for which they stand, as well as an appreciation of their own services. The most of the veterans have not any great number of con­ ventions ahead of them and each one now should be the very best that can be given. They should be sent away from here with the feeling that they have never lieiore seen sueh a spir­ it of hospitality and cooperation. The matter of decorations for stores, homes and streets I* now taking the attention of the commit­ tee in charge. It is the object of the committee to have every place of business furnish that part of the decorations which lies within their jurisdiction, namely their show win- dows. Even if it is no more than the display of an .American flag, it is felt that something should be done. The combined efforts of every person in the city will be needed to make the sessions a success. PEOPLE’S MARKET Advertisements under this heading 5c per line per Issue. Glassified ads appear under this heading the first time DRY WOOD FOR SALE—Prompt I delivery. Houser Bros. Pboue 28«.__________ ________________ 63tf STOTT—Automobile Accident In­ surance. The Best Coverage and rates. Always and All Ways, tf 1922 FORD COUPE—Shocks and-5 eord tires, excellent condition, good puller, price is right. W. S. Maxwell Co. »7tf FRESH MII.K. $2.50 per quart per month, delivered. Phone 149-1,. 87 FOR SALE—First class alfalfa hay. Dimtuick ranch, the old home place, West G St. 92 WANTED—Woman who lias had experience with children and housekeeping, $30 per month, board and room. Communicate with Mrs. J. W. Oron, Hugo,, Ore. 99 FOR SALE—Gentle horse, 7 years old. weight 1275 pounds, also one horse, wagon and harness, bnggy and buggy harness. Apply 863 Prospect Ave., or phone 198-J. 88 ONE DOZEN Barred Rock hens. $1.25 each, Turkey eggs, 20c each. Three turkey hens, for $10. Mrs. D. G. Robertson, phone ________ ________ 88 61O-F-13. FOR SALE—1 disc; 1 Incubator and fresh cow and calf. 1111 A St. 88 WANTED AT ONCE—Cook, wages $50 a month. Apply Anna Lind. Holland, Ore. 88 Caxrip of Staff Cr.-tV.rpjlfdoO at bturld Center* Puputatmn k. WANTED — Specialty salesman, house to house canvassers, real money makers. Experience not Chicago. May It—( I N. S I ■ The I necessary. Write No. 181 care shortage of laborer« both skilled Courier. 87tf and unskilled- which la reported to WANTED—Pair buggy shafts. What he acute in all trad- s and industries have you? J. L. Johnson, Rd. 1. throughout the nation this spring Box 57. 87 has 1-ecn fistly denied by a local la­ FOR SALE Household goods, look­ bor service agency. All that Is ne­ ing utensils, fruit jars, dishes and cessary to remedy the reported short­ good feather pillows. 306 *i North Sixth St., over brick garage. age, this agency asserts, is to put Come up back steps Saturday and the thousands of able-bodied Idlers Monday from 9 to 5. 88 of the Southern section of the Unit­ WANTED—Two teams heavy log­ ed States to work in the mills and rt »ult in higher standards of schol EAT LESS SUGAR ging horses to wurk by day or factories, most of which are said to arshlp and more attention to de- Another rise in the price of sugar contract. Apply at Josephine be in dire straits ai a result of hav­ velopment of atliletlcs. has been noted. In the face of a Lumber Co.____________ 82tf ing to operate short-handed. nation-wide boycott on the use of DRAG SAW fOI »1 blades. $65 In a letter received by Interna­ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ the sweet, the large sugar concerns Also stoves and furniture, cheap. ADDITION AL IZM'AI, tional News Service fro-u this em­ ♦ Stove Hospital, 319 G St. Phone are attempting to keep the prices at 78. 88 ployment agency, they explain their ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ the point to which they have been views anent the topic in the follow­ Evangeltsl Gives Talk — raised. The only way to effectively CONTOUR IRRIGATION is the most natural method, therefore is done ing manner: "The Great Seal of Jehovah combat the increased price is to pre­ with tile least lalxir and expense "<;• ritb-mi-n Th-* Chicago Ameri­ Sabbath of the fourth command sent a solid front in the determina­ E. C. Bell. Irrigation Engineer, of­ can report published relative to la­ iiu-nt Those who ol> erve It an tion to use less of the product, The fice with Isaac Best. S7 bor shortage advanced by your ser­ »bowing thereby their alb giant- sugar interests can not maintain and 8 I’lGS FOR SALE—Durovs to the Creator of the universe. Those , their prices if the housewives con- Jersey While. .Mrs. C. H. Me- vice carefully read. 88 "We can supply anywhere from who violate it. when they know the ' Cann. Wilderville. Ore. tinue to gather force in the move- 10 to 10.000 .¡r-t --lass negro labor­ facts concerning It. are disloyal to ment to cut down on the nse. It isn't necessary to wholly dis- ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Curry are ers from the South. There are thou­ God.” said Evangelist T L. Thuein- sands of able-bodied men down there ler, in Ills lei ture at the Seventh continue the use of sugar, A more ♦ ADDITIONAL LOCAL ♦ front Tempe, Ariz. moderate consumption on the part of ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ H. D. Norton loft last night for who want to work and cannot find Day Adventist church last night on East Mr. TliueniUtr'H sub- th,, millions of people of the nation San Jose. Cal., and will np«-nd a week it down there. Oliver Ward was a Hugo visitor ject last night WHH the Christian would make a material decrease in or more visiting there. Mrs. Norton, "We can deliver men in from 10 The subject tonight Sabbath. I k Hie amount consumed. The only who transacted business in the city who has been In the southern city to 15 days direct to plant. "Sunday in the N.-w Testament." jKissible reason why prices would today. for several Weeks, will return with "So please acquaint us with firms Charles Carlisle, of Portland, Mr. Norton. mount is that the demand greatly ex­ that want negro labor. We can han­ » ceeds the supply. The supply has spent a part of yesterday here trans- ItOltN Mrs. Wilbur Culp, and Mr. and dle any order and lor any number. been declared sufficient to meet the acting business, He left last night Mrs. J. B. Craddock arrived this af­ Henry WEBER—To Mr. and Mrs "Yours, demand and the only other possible for Medford. Welter, of this city, Wednesday, ternoon from Merlin to spend the re­ "fSIgnedl GEORGE W. PARKER." explanation of the rise in price is Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Curry and son. mainder of th-- day shopping. Mr. May 9, a son. Inasmuch as several states in the manipulation. Manipulation can be arrived this afternoon to make an in­ Craddock expects to leave, soon for South, specifically Louisiana. Flor ­ overcome by the boycott. definite visit at the A. Burkett home Klamath Falls on a business trip. ida and Georgia , lassify interstate Another Air Propeller Boat. Mr. and Mrs. J. it Smith, of Chi- traffic in labor as a violation nt state While there la nothing Mhaolutely co. Calif., are t visiting in the city, laws, it is freely predicted by Illi­ business matters nois employers that this agency's nt- new In the Idea of driving a boHt by and attending to I connected with the settling of the fl-ials would find themselves in the mcHna of un nlr propeller, s craft re­ cently Invented 1« distinctly novel be- I Dimmick estate. Mr. Smith Is pro­ toils of the law should they attempt ciiiiso Ila builder I iiim mode use of a | prletor of the largest department to transport labor- rs from these much larger propeller than la generally laidies White Canvas Oxford or one states to industries In other locali- employed for this purpose. This air- store in Chico. strap slippers, made of good grade Roy Turner and Wayne Bailey ar­ tie*. driven boat bus been constructed In canvas, leather counters, w hite France, where nlr driven croft have rived today for a visit with relatives leather heel lining. 2 C* to 7. No more will gay young Lotharios always attracted considerable atten­ and friends here The boys have Regular 93.85 value, special, while been working at Big Creek, Calif., -Ihu "undergrad. '—of Northwest­ tion on the part <»f Ingenious French­ they last where the power line I k being built, ern University, Hally forth with win­ men. The propeller Is inmmied on s toll skeleton stood, on extension of which will furni-h the electric cur­ some co-eds ,.< v. ii night* a week in which may be used « a mast. The quest of amusement. They have de- rent for 1 mh Angeles. propeller turns at » slow rite. but ow- • Ided to Join th< girls In observing Ing to Its largo spread It moves h Hilf Guaranteed Work— three d tlel< i nigh's each week. tlcfent volume of air to prop,-! the boat Ament’s At reaHonable prices. This action was taken by fraterni­ along ;it H leisurely speed. Scientific Auto Shop. 46tf ties in the Inter,- t of rn- n Ktudenta American. working their w •• through school, Funeral Not ice— World's Largest Organ. who are not aid- financially to en­ The service* for E. M. Light will gage In extensive octal life. 1 Fifty The largest organ in existence Is In be held Monday at 2:30 p m. In the p> r cent of the men students uro Sydney. New South Wales. The erer- Baptist church. Interment at the earning their own way, a recent : Mir- tlon of the ^rciit organ In Music hyi. >« Odd Fellows cemetery, the G. A. II. vey revealed. Bosten, by a German builder, Walck- er, of Württemberg, gave flic flr»t Im officiating at the grave. Tie G. A. Approval of the men sludonts' vol • petti« to public Interest In the matter. Get Your Side Curtains Repaired Now R. will meet at the courthouse at 2 untary regulation wan voiced by Roosevelt of New York and Jardine, p. m. to attend in a body. 88 Walter Dill Scott, president of the likewise of New York, soon became university, who said: two nt tbs best known organ builders Ford Top With 2 Plate Glass in Rear 97.50 Old Timers— "111'' :diid<-iit.‘ and faculty whh In America. Among Hie largest or­ ■Sedan Seat Covers 920.00 After sixteen years eontinuously Northwestern University to b<- an gans In America arc the organs of Coupe Beat Covers 915.00 satisfying discriminating Kodakers, aristocracy of brains, not an aristoc­ the Roman Catholic cathedral, Mon­ Wagon Sheets, Tarpaulins, Tents and Picking Bags our finishing department Is still racy of money. M want to give the treal; the Cathedral of the Holy turning our its work left before !l a biaiui a chance to urvive Instead of Cross, In tills city, wldrh possesses Harness, Hand Bags, Trunks, and Bulicale* m. at 5 30 p, m Howell, of course. being submerged by uxcemdvo social R.'l stops; Music hull, Cincinnati, with fwt stops and four manuals, and the activities,” Tremont Temple nf this city with A Dann- Worth While— President. Rcolf also stated that stops.—Boston Globe. Medford Open Air Pavilion! Sat­ the men took their stand, realizing urday! Don’t miss this! FStf that fewer social engagements will Sales books—Courier office. HERE IS A REAL BARGAIN Only $2.65 Golden Rule Store South 6th Street BERR Advertising Pays—Advertise with the Couriei Train Changes and Improved Service Thursday, May 10th “Shasta Route” Train Schedules Reduced The Shasta. No. 11 Shortened Oregonian, N<>. S3 Shortened Shortened San Francisco Express, No. 13 Shortened California Express. No. 15 Schedule of northbound trains reduced. I hr. 35 In I hr 15 I hr. 3U min. mln. mln. Min. Main Line Through Trains Southbound No. 15 11:20 p. m. Main Line Through Trains Northbound No. I> Ar Graut» Pass M:|5u. ut. X'o. 12 ia:t»i i>. m. No. hi 7:15 |>. nt. No. 51 7:52 p. hi . Various changes made In nearly all branch lino trititi*. For further particulars on linio laides ask ug-nl . JOHN M. SCOTT (.EXIjIlXI. PAHHENGER At.EXT, PORTEA ND, OllEt.ON * BATTERY BARGAINS— H Volta, Evercadv, new, Mil amp. hours, suitnblc lor radio or cm. <'losing out price. C. L. HOBART CO. Old Newspapers, 5c and 10c Bundles