• u edxi *D.»v, vi tv i». GRANTS PASS DAILY (XH'IUKR PAGE TWO GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER Publl»bed Daily Except Sunday PEOPLE’S MARKET A. E. Voorhiea. Pub. and Propr. Entered at poatofflce. Grant« Pass. Ora., as second-class mail matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per Inch J be thecal-personal column, per Une 10c Readers, per line ............... 6c 1 from the factory Advertisement« under this heading 3c per line per issue. All ITaseified a«ls appear under this lunellng the fit st lime I DRY WOOD FOR SALE delivery. Houser Bro*. >8«. FRESH DAILY COURIER By mail or carrier, per year By mail or earner, per mouth T O BAC C O WEEKLY COURIER By mail, per year____________ »2.00 Prompt Phono SJK FOR SALE A fresh cow. good milker, gentle Price cheap. W W ltallantynu. six miles north on I'a.-ttie Highway now 15^ * V FOR rent lunge furnished front bed rooms on second floor. Mrs. A. J. Green, 513 North Ssveuth St. X» % I e • WANTED AT ONCI Cook. wages $Si> a mouth. Apply Antia Litui, Holland. Ort'. 88 STOTT—Automobile Accident In­ Filli SALE -10 acre under irriga­ MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS tion. partly in orchard. 10 miles surance. The Beat Coverage *nd The Associated Press is eaclusire- from town l-arge barn. hou«e rattse. Always and All Way«, tt ly entitled to the use tor republica­ and twveral smaller building«. Ap­ tion of all news dispatches credited FOR SAl.E—Modern bungalow, two ply to E S. Curii!''. Three Piuea. ,n this, or all otherwise credited, in and a half acre* of grnuud One Oregon. 98 .his paper and also the local news half acre in strawberries, one half published herein. acre in raspberries. Beautiful NOTICE the uniform crop growth on the tarmi, that haxe even irrlgat- AU rights tor republication of home. Good location. Price this Mrs. Gao. Dunlap spent the day special dispatches herein are also re­ eo by the contour method. There'« week. »2700. Heath and Herman. shopping here, returning this even­ a real reason. E. C Bell, Irriga­ 85 served tion Engineer, office with Isaac ing to Provolt. THREE COWS and three valves for Best. 85 WKDNl SII.U, MAY i». 1*0. Mrs. A. V. Abbott spent today In sale, cheap. J. A Varner. <07 the city, on business returning this Foundry St. 88 ♦ 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ afternoon to Merlin. OREGON WEATHER ♦ FOR SALE Six room house. Six ♦ lots, good shade, fine location ♦ Kitty Arrive* Tonight— WANTED Two teams heavy log­ Only, »1.000. »290 cn.-h. balance ♦ I Weather for thè Week ♦ The public speaking class of the ging horses to work by day or »1» per mouth. Heath and Her­ Pacific Coast States; Gener­ contract. Apply at Josephine man. »5 high school, which is to present “The ♦ ali' fair. with normal tempera­ ♦ Lumber Co. S2tf Arrival of Kitty" tonight in their 7 PASSENGER Chandler car for ♦ ture. Furnished house FOR RENT auditorium, is in readiness for the sale, cheap. Write No. 479 care K 200 North Second and Courier. 8< event, and latter perfect tn their Reasonable reut to reliable < ♦ Tonight and Thursday occa­ ♦ parts. The stage is being arranged E. L. GALBRAITH—Real estate, in­ pie. No objection to a hi ♦ sional rain and cooler. surance and plate glass liability child. Handy to round house and adorned for the occasion, and a ♦ Tuff« Bldg. 5th and U. Phone 2S good crowd of townspeople are ex­ pected to witness the play. Laura FRESH Mli.K. »2.30 p« r quart p< r JOSEPH MOSS AGENCY In«urance ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ month, delivered. Phone 149-L. and bond«. High cl»»« companies Thomas Gunnell has charge of the ____ _____ 87 ♦ ADDITIONAL LOCAL ♦ class and has drilled the cast for the FOR SALK "IWo burro« inquire at ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ presentation. »% MONEY—Banker* Reserve Sys­ the corner or I and 11th St» 90 tem 6'e loans are made ou city or t Elta Bremer left this morning for farm property to buy, build, im­ BORN Lind Home Lodge Will Open— prove, or pay indebtedness. Bank­ Crescent City. ers Reserve Deposit Company. EWING To Mr. anti Mrs. Earl May 15th. Special rates for week Nirs J. A. Seyferth was a Holland Denver. Colorado. WStf Ewing, of thia city .Monday. May end parties of 10 or more in party. visitor in the city today shopping. WANTED AT ONCE —Good girl or 7. a daughter. F. "W Kelliugtou. a representative Legion Meets Tonight— middle aged woman for general MAHAN--To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wages »30 per month. work. of the Swift packing company, was Mahan, of this city. Tuesday. May The American Legion will hold Phone Anna Lind, Lind Home in thé city Tuesday from Roseburg. X. a daughter. its regular business meeting to- 85 Lodge. Holland. Ore Mrs. T. E. DeNike left this morn­ night in the courthouse. Several im­ ing for Portland, expecting to be portant matters are to come up. R. gone for an indefinite time. J. Cleary, of the Pacific Legion, has Mr. and Mr*. M. D. Fields and a proposition to put up to the men. children of Medford, spent the day The picnic will be held in Riverside ' in the city yesterday. “Working Together for Billion*” Is Logics! and Fearles* park, preceding the meeting. William Hanna, member of the Presentation of Some Vital Truth*. Associated Oil corps of employes in Sales books—Courier office. Medford, spent today In Grants Pass. C. H. Henseltnan was a Medford business man who spent the day here «12.300 K»H YOl yesterday. -'H Mr. Archer V. Cotton, of De- Mr. and Mrs. Herman Messinger Uuit. Michigan, offered Mr. were visitors in the city today from ' a. I t <■ • Thuenilcr «25,000 for a Bible Provolt. text commanding the keeping Be sure to be at the high school ■ of the first day of the w«-k as by 8 o’clock tonight for "The Arrlv- a sabbath. Come tonight anti al of Kitty." 35c. 85 help produce the text and Mr. Miss Helen .Minthorn, of Lake- r Tlius-mler will divide the view, is spending the week visiting money with you. H. D. A. with her parents, who are residents Chareh, E Street. Every even­ of Evans creek, Miss Minthorn is ing this week. employed as office assistant with the forestry service at Lakeview V Z ♦ Z ENTÏ -FOUR hours a day year-round production maintained by workmen ‘rained in our own nuxlem plant enable« us, without curtailment of quality, to effect Roving* which constantly are pui*e. hi . Various changea mudo in nearly all branch line trains. For further particular* on time tables auk agents. JOHN M. SCOTT GE.XERAL PASSENGER AGENT, PORTLAND, OREGON Neman Allan Imrie’s rise to a plttce of real prominence In tho pintform world Is almost as interesting a story a» his climb to a captaincy with the fa nndlan forces during the laleBbr. Two years ago he was p actjciitly unknown In the states ss a speaker. Since then he hn* talked In hundreds of towns ami cities in the West, has toured New Zealand. 1ms «[■■■ken In pmcticiilly every province of Western Canada—and even in some few far-off Alaskan cities. To­ day he Is eagerly sought as an after-dinner x|»-nker In both Cliicngo and New York. He needs no press agent, no recommendation« One talk is alone suf ficient for Invitations galore. Mr. Imrle’s le- tnre, "Working Together lor Bil­ lions.” Is n stirring, forceful, thought-provoking anulysi d presentation of the Anglo-Amerienn problems thut are burning ls-ue~ at :m- present moment. Chautauqua second night. VINHO41IV3 HO ANVdWOD T1HHS •jnoÁJi qOnojoqi R ouroot S (PMS 3A’^ pun s.Jst^P 1PUS îssjbju atp la ui 3 auq ’aunosBa oiheioa Xnq utijj , ¿guqos*i3 tn Xcuouoog' ígr ^ w ¿suitoraS ui jg/Aod ;uB æy ¿ 3 ui ¡ oí > b 2 ui psads lue a a Pythian MiMcr*— Will meet May 11. Friday at W O. W. Hall. g* Ol