GR A NTH PANS DAILY t'OI.'RIER FRIDAY, DWKMIIEH I, 1022. .J i i ................. . I DOYLE’S If you want Grants Pass, Oregon Christmas Cards you will have to hurry oi 20 Shopping Days Till < li rial hum This More la well prepared to liclp you iiudu* your < lirialinaa »hop­ ping easy. The store is full of servIceable Gifts for grown lips— anil lots of toys for III,' children. We have a large assortment of Christmas 6«'d *'* Get your Doll Coupon a wllli ever) Dollar Purrliaaa * U»»«* Cards. Get your name printed or embossed W’*” on your Christmas Cards at a very small cost X Classified Advertising 1<)|1 HALE ------------------------------------------------------- I NUKBMXY STOCK—Trull, Shad«. Nul Trass, Osawnautal «vary d«s- eripMou. Toar bous» auraary. PROGRESSIVE PUNO SCHOOL— 602 A »treat. Clara Tuttle Fenton. llurroWM Course of Music Study Private and class instruction. Phone 390 F. E. Jo MU a, biKjJt 19 th St. 6 MU JESSIE C. KNAPP—«tate accredited teacher In lulco uud plano, phons FOR bALS- 4 auras laud. walor 3JU-L lóti at Si Uh la. * mile» weal of town on Ohoseani City road; also good rag VOICE INSTRUCTION—Arns meth­ laturad Jaraay oow. pony and light od. Mrs. Herberts L. Fagan, 210 wagon. Phone 60/-F-3, C, II. West A street. Phone 369-R. ft — « da—AksSlu. n ma f .i,; ;J F-Vw i a at, —...."1 W — .—ad Tompkins. Rd. 4. Bo* tb-A. «6 Ht II.D1.XU CONTRAI TORN FIVE LARGE WORK HOIU»L4 for sale. Corner of "1" and 11th Ht», near the gaa plant.____________ 62 HARPER A SON—Buildins contrac­ tors. Shop work, furniture cratiug. FOR BALE OR T1LADE For alfalfa buop bl» H SC, Res. pboue 143. bay, 6 tons wnual hay. H. E. Wour. Murphy. 63 W. R. BARRETT— Builder, kitchen aud otuce furniture a specialty. FOR HALE Two Du roc ao»» with Buop and Residence M4 8. 6tn St., Charlo» one male. pigs; also City. _____ 1911 68 | EL—. Cook. Rd. 1. Grants Pass. REAL III'IIIIARD squash, la per pouud ut the place. 1 Roy E. La- lU r op. 65 >'t)lt MALL 2 fool sugar pine »nukes Gall al 8.30 Ullvu Ave., or phone MU. 63 FOR BALE - II fool carpenter bench witn two wooueu vice», tins wook > i , also some aleei caOie and pipe ut diuoreul sizim . Mrs. A. J. urueu, phono 3J-J. 6uil FOR BALE UR TRADlt New uud soiouu hand »tore. 1 aiu quitting tue ousinesa. Jib .V bin r.t .... iOliTi’.Vl-E 2 ii aero» all liuiilT’of fruit, good building», 10 blocks from coutlhuuse. 861 Prospect Avenue. 64 FOR RENT Take a tablespoonful of Salta if Back hurts or Bladder bothers—Meat forms uric acid. I’llIMl IAN'S AND .Hl RGEON8 . c. B. MARKS, M. D., Practice limited to disuasvs of eye, ear, tit»» aud turoat. Phone 6 2. Wo are a nation of meat eaters and our Mood is filled with uric acid, says a well-known authority, who warns us to be constantly on guard against kidney trouble. The kidneys do their utmost to free the blood of this irritating acid, but l»coms weak from the overwork; they get sluggieh; tha eliminative tissue» «log and thus the waste is retained in tho blond to poison the entire system. When your kidney» ache »nd fee! like lumpe of lead, and you have stinging p»ina in the back or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or the Madder is irri- Uble, obliging you to seek relief during the night; when you have severe head- aahe% nervous and dizzy spells, sleeplees- ness, acid stomach or rheumatism in bed weather, get from your pharmacist about four ounces of J ad Salta: take • tableepoonful in a glass of water before breakfast each morning and in a few day» yonr kidneys will set fine. This famous salts is msde from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with Iithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys, to neutralize the acids in nrine so it ia no longer a source of irritation, thua ending urinary and bladder disorder». Jad Salts is inexpensive injure: makes a delightful Iithia water drink, and nobody can make a mistake by taking a lilUe occasionally to keep the kidney •clean .md activs. I s Loughridxe, M. D., Physician ana burgeon, City or country cans attended day or nigoL A-Ksy par­ lor, Lautal X-Ray. Pbonea. ties. 36»; ofttce, 183, sixth aud H Bls. DR» RALPH W. STEARNS—Physi­ cian and surgeon. Spacial atten­ tion to surgery, ObeUitnes and Di- seaaus of women. Compile X-ray equipment. Dun lai X-ray. Pboues, hoinu, 21-Y; office 21-J. tf W. F. RUTHERFORD— Manual tbe- rapullcs. utilce over Western Uuloa. Res. 26V-R; office 217-K. W. T. TOMPKINS, D. 8. T. Nervous and chronic diseases. Office, Claus Schmidt Bldg. Phofie 304-H. —------- — ——sse FOR RENT—For rant or. aal^, jlfalfa VETERINARY SURGEON gratu, fTUlt and stock' ranch»». Gold Ray Realty Co., Medford, DR. R. J. BE8TUL. Veterinarian. Residence 838 Washington boule­ Oregon. Hit' vard. Phone 398-K. TOR KENT—40-acro ranch. Fruit- • DENTISTS dale, subirrigated soil, part now ready to sow to gr«!" K,'nl1r‘“1‘ E. C. MACY, D. M. D. rirst-claM aonaole. Address H. Huck, 143J dentistry. 109 Mr 8. Sixth St. Ailesaudro Bl., Lus Angulos. Cal. ____________________ 51 j — THE CALIFORNIA AND OREGON FOR RENT — Light housekeeping OOABT RAILROAD COMPANY rooms, call al 3IS »onta ninth, 'liiue Card 52 Phone 309-Y. MODERN FURNISHED lioilaskeep- Traius will run Mondays, Wednes- ina rooms tor rent, 514 So. 4th days and Fridays 64 Leave Grunts Paas..... Street. Waters Creek FOR RENT—One 4 and one 3-rooin J Arrive lx>ave Walers Creak. apartment with wood raugo ami Arrive P.M. Grauts Paas.. ■as. Inquire 708 E St. 60 For information regarding freight j and passeuger rates call al toe ottice i of the company, Lundburg Buildiug, ' or telephone 131. WANTED «Roomers and hoarders In privato family, good home cooked B. I*. PAS8ENGER TRAINS food nt reasonable rate», 73V N. 6th St. 63 Houtli bound No. 11 Shasta ..... ............ 3:03 a. ÎU •No. 13 8. F. Express...... 7:66 a. Oregonian..............2:10 p. m ■ IRRIGATION WATER PIPE—Now ••No. »3 Express.......0:25 p. tu. and re-uianufactured standard •No. 15 Calif. Northbound water pipe and screw casing, No. 14 Portland Exp..... 7:22 a. ni. tested under pressure. No ageuls. •No. 12 Shasta.................. 9.43 a. m. Buy from manufacturer and save •No. 51 Oregoulan........... 6:40 p. m. agent's commission. VALVES No. 16 Ore. Express.... 3:45 p.m. AND FITTINGS, Write for prices •Mall and catalog. WE188BAUM PIPE ••Closed Trains. pouch mall. WORKS, 137 Eleventh St., San f Francisco. 76tt it MX >\UltS FROM RHEUMATISM J. B. HOWELL—Jeweler aud vioUn "Had rhoiiniatlsni five months that maker, repairer of violins aud would go front my left knee to my 306 back. Tried many rejnedios without other string instruments. «4tf relief. Finally used “ South Sixth street. ’ Kidney Foley HEMSTITCHING—801 east "H" 8t„ Pills and in flfteon days was entirely phone 866-Y. tt cured," writes W. J. Oliver, Vidalia, Georgia. Backache, rheumatic pains, THE STE.VM GRUBBING CO., clear dull headache, dizziness and blurrod and plow brush land with ' Trac­ vision «re symptoms of kidney dis­ tion Donkeys" IL M. Axtell, Mgr. order. Foley Kidney Illis quickly re­ 248 Went G St., Phone 22-R. if lieve kidney and bladder trouble.— adv LIGHT fine machinery repair; every­ Couch's pharmacy. thing cooperative plan one-h|»lf cash, one-half trade,.opposite Ox­ Dally Thought. ford hotel. Brown the trouble Perhaps the early grave which mon shooter. 59 weep over may be mount to save.— PLirMHli.VU AND HU 1’1'LIES 512 H Byron. street, Grants Pass, Ore.,—»Plumb­ ing of all kinds taken caro of ut thia shop under a guarantee. Two linos fiurnneeg curried In stock. Call and inspect, Satisfied custo- mors satisfy us. O. A. Bryan, tho 41 if. plumber, phono 306. DODGE CAR to exchange for good team, harness and wagon. Value 3500. E. Utter, Merlin, Ore. L ioobtt & M yers T obacco C o . Grandmother's Recipe Bring Back Color and Lustre to Hair. That beautiful, even shade of dark, gtaaey hair can only be had by brew­ ing a mixture of Hase Tea and Sul­ phur. Your hair is your «harm It makes or mars fhe face. When it fade», turns gray or streaked. Just an application or two of $age and Sul­ phur enhances its appearance a hun­ dredfold. Don't bother to prepare the mix­ ture; you can get this famous old recipe Improved by tho addition of other Ingredients at a small oost, all ready for use. It Is called Wyeth's Sage and Sslphur Compound. This can always lie depended upon to bring back tjie natural color and lustre of your hair. Everybody uses "Wyeth's" Rage and Sulphur Compound now because It darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell It has been applied. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through the hair, taking ons small strand at a time: by morning the gray hair has disappeared, and after another appli­ cation It becomes beautifully dark and appears glossy and lustrous. This ready-to-use preparation Is a delight­ ful toilet requisite for those who de­ sire dark hair and a youthful appear­ ance. It Is not Intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of dlaeaee. AW, WHATS THE USE TAXI WHITE LINE TAXI—Call Clemen» Drug Store, Phone 4 6-R. Rosi- Closed car. Prices denen 331. reasonable. W. G. White. 21U FOR TAXI CALL l«0 The Bonbon niera. City or country trips. R. C. Jones INHTIU CTION IN Ml MIC CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC— Mrs J. M. Power». Instructor ou piano 42« H St.. Phono 1-J TEACHER IN PIANO AND VOICE Anna Marie Calvert. Studio 502 4th St., cor. B. Phone 379-R. to CHICHESTER S .. 1IHAVU. PILLS V A w THE a a f >r /A LfttHea! Askymi»l Chl-chtMi-irr • l»lMni 1*1 Ila in Krd and U boar«, sealed with H Tab« mo oihar. Hi PnMtat. AvkfiwCI I. J 4(rn>..|/Æ\ «1 IfHtl lie \wZ/ ■ Rll ^n. \/ DI AM (»>16 HRAN_____ ____ „ ye»rs known *» Best,Safest,AiwaysRclisLI« r SOLDBYDRVGGISTSEVERYWHtRE Lloyd ô Manuel 304 South 6th St. “The House of Satisfaction" AMERICANISM IS A concept comprising all duties of man to man and to God. The humblest duty, it seems, is the preservation, or if sick, the re­ gaining of health. Are you sick or in pain? Visit me at 623 K St. Magnetic and Mental Healing JOHN TOLAR. Neighbors. One of the Joys of having neighbors Is that you can put In a lot of Idle time i NERVOUS FEELING DUE TO GAS ON’ STOMACH borrowing things and taking 'em back. I —Richmond Tlntea-Dispatch. --------- - Pressure of gas on heart and other Where Struggles Naught Avail. organs often causes a restless, ner­ A man was recently carried to a vous feeling. Simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adlerika. registry office to be married. Most exi>els Ran a ltd relieves pressure and bridegrooms, however, realize that It nervousness almost INSTANTLY. Is best to go quietly—London Opinion. Acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel Adlerika removes matter you never thought was in your system which poisoned stomach, causing gas and nervousness. EXCELLENT to guard against appendicitis. National Drug Store. Iji grippe coughs» rack and tear the sitffeger to a elate of exhaustion. ■'Would get completely exhausted from violent grippe coughs," writes R. G. Collins, Barnegat, N. J. "Tried Foley's Honey and Tar and the cough ceased entirely.” Used by three gen­ erations for coughs, colds and croup, throat, chest and bronchial irrita­ tion, Foley's Honey and Tar has stood the test of time. Contains no opiaitee ingredients printed on the wrapper. Largest selling cough med­ icine in the world.—Couch's pharma­ cy. adv 42-piece set blue bird dishes . $7.95 52-piece set Bavarian China $31.00 52-piece set decorated border _ .. $15.00 Barrell Tumblers_ ...85c set Thin Tumblers_ 50c set Suit Cases $1.50 to $11.00 Come And Get ’em New Dishes, 50-piece sets priced from $7.50 to $25.00 2 Good Vscd Ranges New and Used Furniture 1 Farm Hand, two-wheel cart—Studebaker Lot New Aluminum Ware Roasters Front $1.00 to $1.00 Meat Grinders and Waffle Irons Texolcum Rugs and Yard Goods Thompson's House Furnishing Store 611 G Street Phone 71 Mentho-Sulphur, • pleasant cream, will soothe and heal ekin that ia ir­ ritated or broken out with eczema; that ia covered with ugly raah or pimplea, or is rough or dry. Noth­ ing subdues fiery »kin eruptions so quickly, aay» a noted akin apecialist The moment this sulphur prepara­ tion is applied the itching stops and after two or three applications, the eczema is gone and the skin is de­ lightfully dear and imooth. Sulphur is so precious as a skin remedy be­ cause it destroys the parasites that cause the burning, itching or dis­ figurement. Mentho-Sulphur always heals eczema right up. A small jar of Mentho-Sulphur may be had at any good drug store. By L F. Vnn Zelm OWatcm Newupnp.r Union Saw Mill Equipment Machinery Power, Tra mm ia sioo and Heavy Hardware 209 South Sixth St. Grants Paas, Ore. P. S. Woodin Puzzle—What Did the Bundle Contain?