Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1922)
GRANTS ris* DAILY COVRI ER pige light ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 ADDITION II. LOCAL ♦♦♦♦♦4444444 4 ♦ 4 Stott will Insure your auto acres 4 OU series against theft. Svlfs'iastlng aluminum roasters at Cramer Bros. 47 Mr. and Mr». X. K. Sheehan Wert doing some shopping In town yes terday. Their home la in Wilder- ville. We have a battery to fit all makes of cars. Prices from $17.45 up. Wil lard Battery Shop. 48 I'niversal percolators for $3.50 at Cramer Bros. 47 Miss Vine Dnngey is attending the week end with her parents in town .Miss Dungey is teaching out near the River Banks Farms. Community silverware for Thanks giving dinner at Cramer Bros. 47 J. It Smith and Henry M I sin cas ter of Pittsburgh. Pa., are in Grant» Ptass. for several days. The gentle men are interested in the Copi>er Queen mine at l.oieand. and are go- in; tc San Francisco where they will get complete tests of ore taken from the mine. I If you enjoy good music, hear th» Harbinsons. Church of Christ I re rival. 47 Liak white enamel 3-plece roast- ers at Cramer Bros. 47 With One of Our sharp Knife Mr. Snell is a son-in-law and Mrs. McClell md a granddaughter of IL P. Campbell, of this city. CARVING SETS Entertain« Helprrs from Storrs- Mrs. Nellie Neas gave an informal dinner party to her assistants at fat store last evening, and the time after dinner was spent with music and otuer diversions Misses Edna Houck and Vera Robinson, and Mrs. Eikens aud Mrs. Neas were present for the evening. Also You Can lloaM Him lo Perire* . Hun in one of our SELF BASTING ROASTERS in Aluminum or White Enamel COMMUNITY SILVERWARE With Stainless Str-I Kni» es fi CRAMER BROS pyrex w ire I Black cover paper at the Cout.Ô?. REASON WHY THIS COUPLE ARE ON SUCH GOOD TERMS Mrs. Manning Entertain»— One of the many pleasant meeting» of the Indies' Progressive IJterury Circle, occurred Wednesday after noon. Nov. 22nd. at the home of Mrs C. S. Manning. 210 North «Ci St Some time was profitably spent or the study of Oregon, and a very in teresting Thanksgiving program wat given. The readers of the Proclama tion brought forth some remark» which caused all to unite in one de sire to he true, thjnkftil. loyal Amer- leans, Two new menfbers were wel- corned, Tie next meeting will b< at the home of Mrs. Charles Eller- beck. 701 South Sth St.. Wednesday afternoon. Dec. «th. at 2 o'clock, Tht leading subjects will be Oregon Hi» tory and Congressional Reports. Juicy Yoyng Turkey— Roast duck, and everything else good to eat at the Oxford hotel on Thanksgiving day. Music, of course. 5:30 to S p. m. Reserve your tables now. _ 49 Portraits for Christmas Gifts ^Portraits are most economi cal to you. and by far the moat acceptable to your rel atives and friends as Christ mas gifts. ■ We are open Sundays and evenings through the week, for sittings. Call in and see our moderate priced photos. fl We welcome you ■ e grants Pass Portrait Studio Phon« 88 for Appointments 2»S>» North Sixth St. / Mr. liantes Reco» ering— A. S. Itarnes. who has been ser loualy III for the past ten ti aya. is now Improving, and will soon he completely recovered. Mrs. Frank and Miss Rutledge of Portland. Maude Barnes, of Eugene. both daughters of Mr. Barnes, have been here visiting with their father and helping in Ilia care. Miss Barnes, who for so long was in charge of the .llirary here, la now in the library at the t'ntveraity of Oregon. Basket Social at Rogue Blvi'r— Several people from Grants Pass were present at the basket social icld in the 1. <>. o F. hall at Rogue River last night, and report a very luccessful evening, both financially ir.d socially. About 75 baskets were •old. none going for less than $2.00, and the money from these will be used in buying a piano tor the hall. Dancing was enjoyed after the bas kets were raffled, the Neilson orches tra burnishing the music. A. F. Ä I. M. Tuewtlaj — --------- e Work in the M. M. degree com menci ng with the examination al « Stringing High Tension IJnc— The California Oregon Power Sam St in* Laugh. W o'clock sharp. Company is setting the poles and Bringing the heavy wire for the high tension line to carry electric current l.un<h<M»n < ommitUM' — The committee in charts of nex: to supply the pumping equipment be Monday’s luncheon by the chamber ing put in by the Grants Paas Irri of tommerco is composed of laaa< gation district at Jerome Prairie and Best, Prank South and \tbert Wil- Allen t'rrsk stations. The line is be ing made sufficiently stable to carry Uams. An interesting program the loud that may later be required Veins arranged. in the Illinois valley or at the quarry jf the Beaver Portland cement peo Receive. Sail Neus—- Andrew Shade today received a ple on Cheney creek. wire anounceing the death of a brother. Albert Shade of Freeport, Many Read < oorier Ads— That fie advertising Influence of Texas. The death oAured yesterday but no other particulars are yet ihe Courier covers a wide range Is the testimony of those who have known. tried it. Several days ago Mrs. E. A. Hampton inserted an ad In the Cour It I» Easy— To start your Ford with a Wil ier offering a house forèrent. While lard Battery. 48 .t was read by local people, she has today received a reply from Sapulpa. Okla.. A. B. Haynes stating that he lx- me in Grant- I’aan— Recent newcomers to Grants Pasr wished to com? to Grants Pass and who will make thgir homes here are taking if the house advertised could Mr. Haynes also asked Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Snell and sor be rented. and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McClelland many 'questions concerning Grants who come from Modesto. Colorado Pass which Mrs. Humpton answered. IT WILL BE A PLEASURE PER» < »LATI »RS Basketball Season O|u‘i»lng— Ted Cramer wont up to Rogue River last night, where he refereed a basketbull game between Hogue River and Phoenix high schools. The score which was piled up In favor of Hogue River, was 17 to 8, and was won by some very good playing by the Hogue Hiver leant Sammy Marker Ia-an-s for East- Sammy Marker, who has lived in Grants Pass for several years past, eft Friday for his old home ih in liana. Sammy has been an em ployee of the Standard Oil company here for some time past, and waj one of the best men on the local baseball team, occupying the posl- ion of shortstop. Sammy's friends are expecting to see him back in the ■ alley again before many month, are tone. He himself admits that if New York doesn't sign him up he'll lie back for next season's ball games SAVE MONEY! DURING THIS BIG SALE « UP TO 50 PER CENT OFF On Columbia and Other Talkers ALSO RECORDS FREE »» ;IJ .‘'Hi model < '«»liimhla ft 25.00 •NO.IHI iihh I v I Columbi« 011.00 iihm I«*! Coluiitblrt ItlO.OO Hioih'l <’«»IlilllbUl O.t.OO SbKkOO iiuxlfl < «»I iiiii M. i 100.00 27.5.00 iii « m I«*I ( '«»luiubia ITA.IMI >1.00 iihm I v I E ì H mhi .-M.OO OH.on iimm I v I FMI immi no.ot» o.5.<k) mutivi I Mi Htm 05.01» 1.50.00 motivi I25.«MI ItiTJtO itUMh'l 1 II m ’H 150.00 130,00 moti. Brunetti* k 125.00 S 12.30 1.5 (Hl 2t».oo 2.5.00 10.00 30.00 7.5.0!» lO.I.OO 3.IMI 7.50 t..u > 10.00 12.30 Violins ViollnM \ lolln» \ lolllls I lolllis \ iolill» \ lol ins X lolin» I kulele 1 kulele I kulele 1 kulele I kulele 912.00 io 00 2O.IM» 32.00 40.00 o » OO •......... :t .50 3.V5 g »i» 7.00 K73 The Truthful Trade-Mark of the Gulbransen t loiby's liiuid on n pedal of the Gulbrunsen mu»vs it to |»l.i». The trnde-innrk tells it truthful story. DELIGHTED! To Know That Old Records Can Be Ex changed on New Ones Il Is the i-vi Itisive Gulbransen fen. fun - tile fine < i i»ll»liioil»lil|i----the paK iiti d design—that make •'<•»») to play” n fiu t. The lutby Imdc-mark Blonds for n il in i, < i 111 pl.i > i ll. Il ap pear» on mon' p|nycr>plan<M emit year than any other tntde-mark or name. It 1» the emblem of Gttlbean- ten Ideal», ability, rvprrlrncr ami pullt ies. Any Disc Itri orl ar» i-ptcil on this ■-»< liaugc provided they an noi cracked or broken. This offer I» gtssl until Dec. IA, 11122. GULBRANSEN Th<**e rrvonU Include: Prince*« Itami, Columbia Band. I . S. Marine Hand. Prim*« •’* Oirlirntra, Kwva<iiinn*N l.t/x On hrstra, IH< k 111.4 ii - < * - I ire I - .1 ni.» .m- : \ ».. $. i •. ». 41 i ; < « : • ■ . Hall OrrhrMra, Koyiil Hub. Orche^im, Cui. Turkish Orel»«**• tra, Olga I li bar * m Grp*«) < h. bv«.i r«. Vi* nn«*M* liHlrumrnlul Quiartti, Jat*lir«i Bio«., VI l I’ h Kolos, Violin, Elute and Harp, Kong* by Hrrt William»». Chnuncr) Oh »ft. C m in |>l >**11 ami Itarr. Iloti«** heaver, nn«l other*. Ilnaa.ian Recon!«*, .V*«onli«»n Marimba, Talking. Vylophune. B-*’l-, und Pian«» Solo*. In fact v%vrj* thing in the <*nfa!o|*ue. thi : The Music & Photo House Sumi un Rotteli, î’run. thi : pi . n i h pi ini » \\i> moro iiorsK .Manton Rotteli, Prop. mi m < Nationally VricaL zBr inded tn the I Lick. R lei •7OO *60n »A95 «396 XttMM'h.M Jkub*»rt><Mh Onmn * MCU liiiiU 4 GOOD PI.ACL TO KAT Cafe 517 U G street it ».a »?tf London Zoo Gets Pigmy Elephant ORDER COAL NOW. Williams Wood Yard '.'•tf JOSEPH MOSS AGENCY -Insurance and bonds. High class eomnantes A ! MAXWHJ. C \R For Sale A-l condition. Inquire at 245 West II 41 street. Exehange for GOJD Pl NNO—For cattle or sheep. J. L. Halt-Id 4» Gest. Del. FOR SAl.E I'pright piano, nearly new—«yay terms Write No. Care Courier. K. L. GALBRAITH —Real estate. In surance and plate glass liability Tuffs Bldg «th and H Paone 3« knicncntig Has Crowd for Evening. FIVE LARGE WORK .I ML-<'.S f. A delightful dancing party war sale. Corner of "I” and 11th Sts. 52 near the gas plant. planned and held at the home of Mr. jnd(.Mrs K. M. C. Neill last evenin'; F2»R RENT Ught housekeeping rooms, call at 315 «otiti ninth.! » large number of people from town St I Phone 30S-Y. being invited out to enjoy the affair The radio set which is installed at FOR SALE- Two Duroc sows with pigs; also one mile. Charles Ardencraig entertained the guests 5 s Cook. ltd. 2, Grants Pass. for a part of the evening, and follow ing several hours of dancing, light PIANO WANTED for reut or stor- age Will pay 1 ¡3 per month and refreshments were served to the give good rare. Phone 211-T. ir’i-nnw nai guests. MV. and Mrs. Neill are leav Mrs. O. J. Law. ____ 47 ing the first part of December for GOOD oow A.5J» HEIFER ~ For The 111 -t I1 gm? > ti-idiant ever sent from Africa recently arrived ut the lam- Phoenix. Aris., where they will Sale. Want to buy looss glfalfa don gov. It was shipped from the Freni li galuam. The adult male parent of »pend the winter months, and »lur hay. Peter Olsti n. Phone 50O-R-2 thia baby elephant was »hot. and measured only lx f. et high. The baby Is but 48 ing their absence a caretaker. Mr. two years old und »hinds only three feet high. Armstrong will live in the house. SEE "THE INHURANCE MAN" -for real insurant*^ protection and ser vice. T. M. Stott. 302H N. «th Ikx-s This Remind You? street. The annual roll call tor the Amcri- FOR SALE Piire-bred Ayrew'tlre Mil Cows and heifers, two-horse can Red Cross has been on since Nov. gasoline engine. See Curold J. 11. and up to the present time, so Parker on the lx»chridg>* ranch 57 few have responded in Grants Pass Milk cows and heifers, two-horse and Josephine County that the ex- ecutive secretary, Mrs. Philip Hel FOR SAL& Ground barley. 82.00 per 100: ear corn. Si.50 per 100: mer. says she does not care to state firat claw. a«cond cutting alfalfi. the number. Do we have to he asked 824 at' \ \ H to do what Is our duty? Some ex-j .... —— . .—- — ... ■ cellent work bus lyeen done in our I IN County t ie past years by this ergani-1 Oai'y Thought. To lie seventy years .votiti Is some, tation. and now are we going to let this be discontinued because of lack time* far more rtnerful mil hopeful than to be forty years old. < »'¡»er of interest and funds. Before an A'enileh Holmes. other day pa««*», hand your $1 to either Mrs. Philip Helmer, exec Hive Try a Classiti »d Ad in the Courier secretary or Mrs. Jennie P Moss, the* they bring results. IlY Heme Service secretary RIVOLI MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27 Has T»vrlfth Birthday la«»l Week— November seems a popular month for birthdays, and little Miss Agnesi G.rdener. being a member of the November club celebrated hers on last Saturday. Agness was just 12 years old. snd 12 little friend, wer< Invited in for tho afternoon. The t me flew rapidly tor the little folks » o olayed games out doors in the sunshin». When they were Invited nside and seated at the table each found a cup filled with nuts and candies, and wrapped in a hollow shell tied In tisane paper. Vas their < Tl»e pair—Timas»and his wife—are fortune «hie» caused much excite A large white the < hatiipimi Filipino tree citmlicn ment and merriment of Taflmgarnn. They are shown here rake with 12 red candles on it waei rllmbing a smooth-barked tree over placed in the center of the table, I'" feet high with marvelous skill. It which had been decorated in red and pays hubby to he .>n the right si<le of while Little friends who were 1'iere his better half, for be cant take ref- for the afternocn were Dorothy Har uge up a tree. per. Helen Pet rson. Ida Gunter. Lois Chapin. I^yls Briley. Ixyulse Letcher. Mary Elisabeth l^etcher. Hiram Tec ttuch L cjl , Taig By the bl ->f tie upright the 1 Norton. T eodore Norton. Billy Let- city I* exalted, but it is o'erthrown j citer. Geraldln» Thompson and Ethel by the lU 'U'h <>f tl Solumon. Thompson J i Kolb & Dill Offer You a Treat A Humorous Satire Based on The Volstead Act Now and Then AARON HOFFMAN DO REPAIRING NOV/ Make the home more livable by doing that repairing now. will be surprised at the small cost. Owning and buying for yanls make our prices lower to you. let as qu<rfe before yon Three C’s Lumber Company Our good shingles arc here. Hani to get. so better get your onb-r in Phone 59 Foundry and West G Street <OMEDY Ml SIC Prices Kolb & Dill’s Own Orchestra •'A I'oaitiy Argument on a tlry Subject” COMEDY MI Hit I.AIGIIS $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 Plus War Tax Curtain Rises 8:20 Mall Order» Now—ip (>n sale Sunday, November 2fl, at 12 noun. I