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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1922)
PAGE RKVEX G R A NTH PAHS DAILY COI HIER TO EVERY CITIZEN DOYLE’S Women’s Knit Underwear In Cotton, Wool, and Milk and Wool, in low neck, sl<s-vrleae| low neck, wing sleeve, or high nefk, long »l<s-vc«; knee or ankle length—91-00 to 91-90 sull. Classified Advertising FOR MALE GRANITE tor side walks, river loam, CONSERVATIMI Y OF MU8IC- Mr» washo.1 sand and gravel. Pilous J. M. Power», luslruclor uu ptsuu »16-Y. Roy Wilcox. 439 II 81., Phone 1-J. _____ _ NURS Kilt Y grot* Fruit, Shads, Nut Trees. Osuaiuautal uvury des cription. Your kouis nursery. F. E. Jordan, North Hi tu HI. 6 2 if Foil KAl.K-6 acres land, water available. 4 mile, west ut town oil Cbuscunt City road, also good reg- latured Jersey cow, pony dud lignt wagon. Elione 697-F-3, U. It- Tompkins. Rd. 4, Box »& A. UK Foil 8AI.K - 3 b. p. gua engine, some gaivauised pipe, surveyor • in.iruiuent, drawing table. Uvea, tools, etc. Phone 33-3. Mrs. A J. Green. 3 »if 1'EACHEK IN PIANO AND VOICE- Anna Mario Cali uri. brucilo 502 fin di . oor. i> Fbona aia-K. PKOI.KES81V1-. PIANO 8CHOOL— uu» A «tiuei. Cima lutilo Fenion. Burruwe» Louise ut Music tìludy. Privalo aud ciu»» lustructiun. JESSIE C. KNAPP—«tato accreditati teacuer lu voice aud piano, phone »»U-L. 15tl V oice instruction — Am» metu- ou. Mrs. liorueiia L. ragau, 210 Host A street. Pilono úoi»-H. Hl 11.DIM. COX Hl U TOILS DlkROC FKSBDEll PIGK Fur Salo Peerless ranch. .Murphy, Ore. 4» HAKl’EK a SON—Building cunlrac- luta. Miup work« turullUlu, FOtft KALE OR TK-ADE s»i> acre re bliup blu il Bl.. Kuo. puouu kil. linquishment, good grape land, 4- room cottage, well and out build W. 11. BARRETT - Hulldvr, klUhcu aud unite lurmture a «peciatty, ings, 40 acres covered with hard knop and RvaiOoucu tu» 8. ¿th bl., wood. C. W, Ixituurecht. 11» City. 19tl DODGE TOURING tor sale or ex Pin.sK IANM AND Ml ItGEONM change' R»r light car. Address M. Olson, Kd. 1, Box 23. i>«> c. B. MARKS, M. D., Practice Uniileu FOR SALE OHklAP One good wood lu UM v M m UI Ul uyv, Vdr, UU0U dUU wagon. 315 E Streut. 4 7 luruMi. i uuut» <»•. FOR RENT d. R)K KENT For reut or sale, al full» gruiu, frult and stock rauenue. Gold Ray Kealty Co., Modford, Ging ui:. 1 Bit H)ll RENT jlroum apartment with gns aud wood range. Inquire 70s 47 E Kt HOUSE FIMI RENT Ktatu Blreut. Inquire 311 8. .... <9 FOR RENT Light housekeeping room«, or will room and boaro tw<>ior three persons, luquiru Su4 North Eighth street. 50 •X)R RENT 40-aere rune!), Fruit dale, eublrrlgatod soil, part now ready to sow to grain. Kent rea sonable. Address It. Huck, 1133 Allosindro Kt., llx»» Angele», Cal. 51 Loigurldge, M. D., i*a>»iciau auu bargeou. City or coauu, cali» aiieuuuu uay or nigut. a iu , j pur- lor. Ile a lai X-kay. PUuues. Bus ab», uiiKu, la., bixln auu li ai». OR. RALPH W. dlWAKNtì—Pbysi- clau and uurgsuu. Spoetai atlen- llou io surgery, Obstetnca aud Di- seasea ut women. Compiete X-ray equipmenl. Deutal X-ray. Pilone», bomu, 21-Y; ottico 31 J. il W. F. iti THERFORD—Manuai tbe- raputlcs. Office ovor Western Union. Rea. 259-11; etnee 317-K W. T. TOMPKINK. D. b. T. Nervou» aud «brume Office, Clau» Scbmidl Bldg. l'Uon» 3u4-K. VETERINARY Ml rgko . n Dll. R. J. BB8TVL- Veterinarian. Residence 838 Washington boule vard. Phono 398-K. yy anted DENTISTS cooking and WANTED Girl for Good aagea. down stairs work, Write or refsrenet-s required, phone .Mr». L. A. Huiade, Jr., Cen tral 'Point, Ore. 4 7 E. C. MACY, D. M. D. First-class dentistry. 109 Vb 8. Sixth St. WANTED Good working men to room and board at 1013 E. J. Stili WANTED Party with no children to care for SplU dog, splendid wuten dog. Call st Ki 4 Morti Fifth «treni today or Sutnrday. 44 FOR TRADE FOR TRADE KO acres In Lincoln county, on Yaqulna Hay. tor stock ranen In Josephine county, prefer the dllliHiis valley. Address W. _E. Flesher, Wlnant, Orcgen. 51 POILTRY iiigiiekt ca 3H i’liii'E For «ktek- ene, Heavy liens, 19c, heavy fryers 20c, la>gliorn hens, good, 13c; Leg horn Fryers, good, liic. Burkhal- tor's Feed Si ore. ____________ NEW LAMP HI IIXH 111 , AIR Heats Elect rk* or Gas A new oil lamp that gives an amusingly brilliant, soft, wulte light, even better than gas or Electricity, has been tested by the U. 8. Govern ment and 35 leading universities and found to be superior to Hl ordi nary oil lamp«, it burns without odor, «moke or noire no pumping up. is simple, clean, sate, burns 94 pur cent air and 6 per cent common kerosene lcoal oil). The inventor. V. M. Johnson, 31 N. Fifth St.. Portland. Ore., is offer ing to send a lamp on 10 days' FREE trial, or even to give one FREE to the flrst user in each locality who Write will help him Introduce it. him today for full particulars. Also ask him to explain how you can get the agency, and without experience or money make 3250 to $500 IllOlltll. MIMI ELLAXEOI M IRRIGATION WATER PIPE -Now and re-manufuctured standard water plpo and screw casing, tested under pressure. No agent«. Buy from manufacturer and »avo agent's commission. VALVES AND FITTINGS, Write for prices and catalog. WE188BAUM PIPE WORKS, 137 Eleventh St., Sun Fin hi i..< O, ________ 74 If rill. CALIFOHX1A ANI» OIUXIO.X tX)A8T RAILROAD COMPANY Time Card Weducs- Trains will run Mondays, days and Fridays l’.M. Ixiave Granin Puss 1 P.M. Arrivo Waters Creek ......... 2 I,eave Waters Creek........... 2:30 P.M. P.M. Arrivo Grants Pass.............. 4 For information regarding freight J. B. HOWELL- Jeweler and violin and passenger rates call at the office maker, repairer of violin« of tiie company, Lundburg Buildlug, I other string Instruments. or telephone 131. Booth Sixth stroet. HEMSTITCHING—801 east ' phono 245-Y. _ THE »1 EAM GRUBBING CO., clear and plow brush land wltli "True-1 tlon Donkeys" II. M. Axtell, Mgr. 248 •West G St., Phone 22-11. tf LIGHT fine machinery repair; every thing cooperative plan one-half cuh I i , one-half trade. Opposite Ox Brown the troublu ford hotel, f>9 shooter. I’Ll M HI NG A ND KF PI-LIE'S ■■ I - H street, Grants Pass, Ore., tPlumb- Ing of all kinds taken care of at this »hop under a guarantee. Two lines $nrnaces carried in stock. Call and Inspect. Satisfied custo mers satisfy uh . G. A. Bryan, the plumber, phono 306,_________ i lit. —TAXI WlilTE LINE TAXI Call Clementi Phono 4fl-R. liesl- Drug Store, Prices Closed car. dunce 381. 21U W. G. White. reasonable. FOR TAXI CALL 130—Tl><> Honhon nier». City or country trips. R G. Jones. B7tf PARIS HAT MODES Greeting: Quit« as important and | Intimately Inturfwund with the edu- catlou of our Youth Is lh« uucu.isity Chapeaux Roveal Surprises and of caring for th« sick and the .elp- Originalities That Thrill. I ms . We can in no wi»« afford to dodge this most important duty and at th« aame time •cp«et Ui ssi-aps the "Shaved Rooster" and "Burned Pea cock" Among the New Materials conasquences accruing from this neg- Uaed by Milliners. tout to coming generations. It would bs neither true, good nor beaillfulll lists art- always Ihe loveliest of all and above ull 94 would not be Ameri creations. The modistes can, It would be neither humaue I'nrlsiun have the art of ehaprall making «level nor clirlstlan; for whatever Is any or oped to the lii«t degree, und whatever all of tie»«, is In the highest degree they do Is bound to Is- artistic vs Anicriian. well as beautiful and »tilted In every Trutli Is the backliono of the world way to the feminine mode of thinkin:' mid behaving. It I* bard to pick one and the exercise of It is Just Ice. hutmaker front another as being su Religion Is the Inspiration of the preme In her art. The things they world, and the practice of it la .Mercy. turn out uru all so extraordinarily All of these ar« beautifying, en lovely. But a study of the huts and nobling and expanding to the body, toque» and tnrluitie which come from the bund« of each of them reveals Intellect and heart of muu. surprise arid originalities which Coldness aud Inaction are con destined to thrill the heart tracting, deforming and Idiocy breed woman bent upon dressing height of the season's mode. ing. Becnuse there are so many hlsrh fur Tbs necessary and Inevitable cor- collars, Jane Rlanchot makes all of rolary of lais indisputable logic her huts slightly narrower In the hrim therefore woiRd be: "As ye <uw, io at back. 8be Is muking an equal pro aha!! ye roup:” portion of large roll brim hats nnd Do You small toques, giving preference to Father« aud mothers! that neither one nor the other. lovu your children so well Velvet un»l panne velvet in nil of you will no nothing or neglect uoth- the various gradations of the leather would endanger t.-.oir Ing. which And »hades are used *for her bats, moral, mental and phyiscal well-be the scale of green Is run In many ing. Thny are the bud and blossom smart model». Khe uses, with »treat of America; if th« frost nips them, originality, feathers so that they »Imu late the appearance of fur. giving In the nation's harvest will be scarce. of a fur The winter is up on us with its thia way the smart look trimming In much less ex pen al re tralu of sickness, hunger «ud death. medium. Charmingly she uses gray Every uno of us is able to do some OHtrlch so that It appears aa though thing to relieve this stress of nature it were nothing less than the luxurious and consequently fortify and protect chinchilla. Little ribbons exquisitely growing humanity. The least help curled represent the spirit of aatruk- will have Its Infinite effect. But men linn. A large hat of gray panne vel and women, who could spend a few vet Is Incrttsted with huge circles of are Ince, leaving tiie sides of the crown hours a day with the patient transparent. sorely needed. How many among Some of the small lints are trimmed you are willing to join this army of with a graceful draping of the mate Samaritans? J. Tolar. rial which 1» used for the hat itself, Paid Advertisement. New materials noted are “shaved rooster.” which proi-eaa leaves a mere tuft of short feathers, There Is also the "burned peacock,” which means that the feather lt-elf la i burned away. leaving only the bittre ■ and «lender spina. SKATING SEASON DRAWS NEAR Take a glass of Salta before breakfast if your Back hurts or Bladder is troubling you. No man or woman who eats meat regu larly can make a mistake by flushing ths kidneys occaa.onally, »ays a well-known authority. Meat forma uric acid which excites tiie kidneys, they become over worked from the »train, get sluggish an fail to Alter the waste and poi.ons fron the blood, then we get) sick. Nearly all rheumatism, headachy», liver trouble, nervousness, diuiness, sleeplessness and urinary disorders come from sluggtsh kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache in the kidneys or your hack hurts or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sedi ment. irregular of passage or attended by a sensation of scalding, stop eating meat and get about four ounces of Jad Kalts from any pharmacy; take a tabieapoonful in a glass of water beforv breakfast and in a few days your kidneys will act fine. This famous «alts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia. and baa been used for generations to flush and stimulate the kidneys, also to ncntraliM the aciils in urine so it no longer causes irritation, tliiia ending bladder weakness. Jad Salta ie inexpensive and cannot injure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink which everyone ■liould take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and active and the blood pure, thereby avoiding serious luduey complications. $ HK DIAMOM» HR A Ml», V adit-«! A«l< yewr l*rn«<rUt ¿«r < M-vf<-r fi IHMm-iml Hr«nd, ritli» In |<< d ’t: I Gnid RictMIir’ btni't, »©dirt with Flue Ril^oti. T m U© no uihrr liny of yr»«r row«V.V y«*Mknnwnnt neit.SaftMf, a v I r * The sweater is sand-colored. Ths scarf is of cam»"« hair and the skirt Is of wool corduroy in land, striped in brown to match. l ascription That Was Apt. Whistler once described hlnmelf ns “an nrtlst whose work Is without tiie pale of gross poptihirity and whose purse Is consequently not heavy with Ill-gotten gold.” HIGHEST MARKET PRICES Effiablixhcd 16 Year« WILDBERG BROS. Office: 742 Market Street, San Francisco Plant: South Son Francleco AW, WHAT’S THE USE Aluminum Percolators 1»!.. W»»t»rn .se»»p»p«r L alvo » V c should praine our frlsnde. our near and dear ones, we should look on and think of their virtue» 'till their fault« fade away, and when we love tnuet, and aee most to love, then only la the wise time wisely to apeak of what should still be altered.—Har riet Beecher Stowe. WAYS WITH VEGETABLES This Is the season of the year when •gg plant aboutira. There are vari ous ways of pre paring this tasty vegetable, the fol lowing are a few : Fried Egg Plant.—Pare and cut In thin slices. Pile the slices on a large plate and sprinkle each with salt. Cover with another plate and pvt a heavy weight on top. Let stand for an hour or two. Remove the weight, rinse each slice In cold water, wipe dry, dip In beaten egg. then hi seasoned crumbs and fry until brown. For fritters dip the slices In a fritter batter and fry in deep fat. Stuffed Egg Plant.—Cut a large e,tg plant in two nnd scoop out tiie pulp, leaving the ahell half an Inch thick. Cut the pulp fine and add an equal quantity of crumbs. Season with salt, pepper nnd a very little sti?nr. Cook in a frying pan, using enough butter to keep from burning for about ten minutes. Fill the shell with the cook eil mixture, dot with butter, sprinkle with crumbs and bake brown. Egg Plant Stuffed With Nuta.—Boll the whole plant until tender, then cut a slice off the top; scoop out the pulp, chop fine, add a cupful of chopped hickory nuts, a tablespoonful of bread crumbs, salt and pepper to taste, two eggs well beaten and a pinch of sugar. Mix thoroughly, fill the shell and bake until brown. Salaify. — Scrape, cut Into Inch tigtlis and throw Into cold water with a tablespoonful of lemon Juice or vinegar added. Boll until tender, drain nnd serve In a rich creem sauce. Escallopsd Corn and Tomatoea.— Put a layer of corn, then a layer of tomatoes, buttered crumbs and sea soning In layers In a baking dish. Finish w ith buttered crumbs, using an equal amount of com nnd tomatoes. Bake until the crumbs are brown. Cucumbers With Sour Cream.— Slice cucumbers after peeling and let them stand until well wilted In salted water. Then drain, wipe on a cloth nnd serve with sour cream, salt and pepper to season. ir SOLD BY DRtüülSISLVtRYMHLRE Refiners and Buyers of NATIVE PLATINUM A QOLD $1.45, $2.50, $3.50, $3.75 $1.50 to $6.50 Everything in Uncle Eben. "Some men gets so superstitious,” said Uncle Eben. "they think it's un lucky to take n regalin' Job of work.” Ware Aluminum At Bottom Prices Box Heaters $12.75 to $15.50 Air Tight Heaters in two sizes Lloyd & Manuel 304 South 6th St. “The House of Satisfact AMERICANISM IS A concept comprising all duties of man to man and to God. The humblest dutv it seems, is the preservation, or if sick, tne ie re- gaining of health. Are you sick or in pain? Visit me at 623 K St Magnetic and Mental Healing JOHN TOLAR. New Dishes, 50-piece sets priced from $7.50 to $25.00 2 Good I'sell Ranges X'ew and I’sed Furniture 1 Farm Hand, two-wheel cart—Studebaker IxW X'ew Aluminum Ware Roasters From 91.00 to 94.00 Meat Grinders and Waffle Irons Texoleum Rug- and Yard Goods L CHICHESTER S PILLS VA ALUMINUM ROASTERS Thompson's House Furnishing Store «11 « Street Phone 71 Mine Equipment Saw Mill Equipment Machinery Wisdom From the Wisest. He tlmt tllleth his land shall he sat- isflod with bread, but ho that follow- elli vain persons is devoid of under- standing.—Solomon. Power, TraDimission and Heavy Hardware 209 South Sixth St Granta Paso, Or*. Mining location blanks at Courier sale at the Courier Office, By L. F. Van Zelm © W<-«tcrn Newsnnm-r Union P. S. Woodin Thank Goodness UUÚLL, E'JEN 60 BEH S A ¿THTLEMAN' ?