Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1922)
PROPOSED TAX LEVY FOR FUNDS FOR 19’3 Together with expenditures of the years 1919, 1920, 1921, and the first six months of 1922, and tax levy for 1922, for Josephine County, Oregon Tax levy for 1922 Proposed Tax I-evy for Funds for IPtKS To lie Collected During lt»2:l Expend!- tures for first six month« 1922 I * * » WILDERVILLE Dr. KING’S PILLS Daddy's diverti i\& ! Fdiiy Tale FONATA Expendi tures for 1921 Expendi tures for 1920 Expendi tures for 1919 COUNTY JUDGE AND COMMISSIONERS: 750.00 $ 1,500.00 Salary County Judge ♦ 1.500.00 $ 1.500.00 $ 500.00 400.00 Traveling expense County Court 600.00 500.00 Per diem and milage, commissioners 100.00 *292.07 •1.053 16 11)0.00 Supplies for office $ 2.500.00 $ 2.700.00 $ 1.042 07 j 2.583.46 $ 2.818.09 $ 8,833.33 TOTAL COUNTY CLERK: 900.00 g 1.800.00 1.800 00 $ 1.800.00 $ Salary County Clerk 1,320.00 660.00 1,500.00 1.320.00 Salary first deputy 1.300.00 600.00 1.200.00 1.200.00 Salary second deputy 900.00 450 00 960.00 900.00 Salary third deputy 700.00 376.92 S00.00 1,230.73 Blank books and misc. office expense $ 6.OSO.00 $ 5.920.00 $ 2.986.92 j 6,630.73 $ 6.2 22.4 7 $ 5.155.22 TOTAL SHERIFF: 999 96 g 2.000.00 $ 2.000.00 $ 2.000 00 $ Salary Sheriff 1,500.00 750.00 1.500.00 1.500.00 Salary first deputy 1.200.00 600.00 1.200 00 1.200.00 Salary- second deputy 150.00 163.92 Salary other deputies 400.00 400.00 Blank books and mlsc. office expense 500.00 650.00 Transportation of prisoners 540.00 Adding machine 500.00 1.061.57 500.00 2.521.04 Traveling expense $ 6.790.00 J 6.250.00 $ 3,411.53 $ 7.384.96 $ 5.626.52 $ 5.970.28 TOTAL ------------ ASSESSOR: 1.400.00 $ 699.96 j 1,400.00 $ 1.400.00 Salary Assessor 1.200.90 600.00 1.200.00 1.209.00 Salary one deputy 300.00 167.92 Extra help 465.00 .367.66 405.00 496.43 Blank books and misc. office expense TOTAL $ 3.305.00 $ 3,065.00 $ 1,667.62 $ 3,264.35 $ 3.119.26 $ 2.954 64 TREASURER: 600.00 $ 1.200.00 $ 1.200.00 $ l,2ffb.OO $ Salary Treasurer 600.00 300.00 900.00 900.00 Salary one deputy 350.00 79 15 , 200.00 189.81 Blank books and miac. office expense 979.15 $ 2.2S9.81 $ 2.017.44 $ 1.570.91 TOTAL --------------------------------------- 1 2.300.00 $ 2.150.00 $ SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT: 600.00 $ 1.200.00 Salary Superintendent I 1.200.00 $ 1.200.00 $ 600.00 »539.07 600.00 976.53 Blank books and misc. office expense 300.00 300.00 Traveling Expense 2.100.00 $ 1,139.07 $ 2.176.53 $ 2,036.21 $ 1.822.93 TOTAL I $ 2.100.00 $ 1.25 250.00 $ 24.00 $ 1.00 $ 250.00 $ 68.07 $ SURVEYOR, salary and all office exp. $ BOARD OF HEALTH, salary and all of 402 35 59S.34 $ 500.00 $ 403.32 $ 500 00 5 816 25 $ fice expense $ COUNTY AGRICULTURIST AND HOME DEMONSTRATION AGENT, all expense $ 3,500.00 5 3,250.00 $ 1,817.50 g 3.992 21 $ 3.650.00 $ 1.408.00 COUNTY SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND 115.61 150.00 $ 53.68 g 125.61 $ 150.00 107 53 $ MEASURES, all expense $ 480.00 COUNTY PHYSICIAN, all expense $ 37.74 200.00 $ 12.00 5.00 $ 200.00 $ $ CORONER, all expense $ 875.00 $ 261.12 $ 1.2S4.42 $ 1.054.29 $ 1,024.70 $ COl'NTY VETERINARIAN, all expense REGISTRATION AND ELECTIONS $ 2.000.00 $ 4.000.00 $ 1,727.68 g 1,257.41 $ 3.977.64 $ 1,256.41 COl'RT HOUSE: $ 4.000.00 Fuel. Light. Janitor-------------- 500.00 Repairs _ ___________________ $ 4.500.00 $ 4.000.00 $ 2.728.37 g 5,500.2 4 $ 4.059.42 $ 2.9S8.19 TOTAL CIRCUIT COURT, all expense $ 2.500.00 $ 1.500.00 $ 1.849.51 g 2.170.53 $ 1,349.06 $ 1,866.78 37.90 100.00 43.60 $ 100.00 $ _.$ COUNTY COURT, all expense $ 500.00 $ 326.40 g 203 45 $ 428.57 300.00 $ 73 4.05 $ JUSTICE COURT, all expense $ 122.00 200.00 $ 94.75 g 446.65 $ 200.00 $ 120.00 $ JUVENILE COURT, all expense $ CARE OF POOR: 4,000.00 $ 5.000.00 $ 1,886.56 $ 3,700.77 County Home -------- ------------ 5,000.00 2.340.87 , 5.547.64 6.000.00 Other paupers ______ _ 4.8OO.OO 2.372.00 5.000.00 Widow's pensions 4.465.00 200.00 200.00 Indigent soldiers__ ____ $15.200.00 $ 5.000.00 $ 6.599.43 g] 3.713.41 $1 5.148.50 $13.778.98 TOTAL 588.86 400.00 $ 318.24 g 1,464.47 $ JAIL, board of prisoners, etc., watchman $ 850.00 $ .376.27 $ Hospital. Cost of Building, etc. $ 3,000.00 47.30 $ COUNTY CEMETERY 6.00 $ 500.00 $ 14.72 g 259.27 500.00 $ 319.47 $ 80.87 $ TAX REBATES______ ___ $ 60.25 100.00 $ 58.50 g 150.00 $ 30.70 $ INSANE .... $ 26.D0 $ 546.75 500.00 $ 941.50 g ADVERTISING ___________ ___ * 1.300.00 $ 569.33 $ 1,191.25 $ +vr »27.80 FERRIES _. $ 2.000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 607.95 $ 1.317 60 $ 1.592.82 $ 500.00 $ 488.00 g SCALP BOUNTIES $ 500.00 $ 751.00 $ 711.00 931.00 $ MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE: Includ- cluding lights on bridge, dele gate to special meetings, audit ing books, expenses not con templated and not chargeable to any particular office or ac counts $ 2.000.00 $ 500.00 $ ,722.57 $ 2.002.47 $ 1,576.63 $ 2.655 34 526.75 $ 196.18 DISTRICT ATTORNEY, all expense $ 1.750.00 $ 1,150.00 $ 268.76 $ 1.223.18 $ WATER MASTER: Salary __________ 750.00 $ 1.500.00 $ 1.500.00 $ 1,500.00 ? Salary assistant 225.00 Traveling expense 4 50.00 235.00 Office expense »106.20 40.00 50.00 TOTAL $ 2.0O0.00 $ 2,000.00 $ • 56 $ 1.719.35 $ 1,254.32 $ 783.99 COUNTY LIBRARY fund, for books, etc $ 1.250.00 $ 1,250.00 $ 552.16 $ $ 1,014.07 $ 2 mills for bridges, lumber, nails, paint for bridges and maintenance of culverts ................... $16,286.81 $16,360.00 COUNTY FAIR $ 1.000.00 $ 1,020 00 $81,541.81 $77,970.00 $32,952.72 $65,868.71 $64,656.86 $51,759.51 TOTAL _________ •All Expense. In addition to the above, it will be necessary to raise the following sums, to-wit: dynamite, etc., but the larder was State Tax___________ _ _________________ ___________ $75,000.00 well filled and the joy makers were County Schoo! Purposes $29,000.00 County School Library 290.00 treated to cookies, candy and cigars. Institute Fund 250.00 29.540.00 In the words of the immortal Joe Interest and Retiring Warrants 20.000.0-) Jefferson, Wilderville gives to Mr. High School 9.000.00 lli Mills for Market roads 12,215.11 and Mrs. Stevenson a toast, “Here's 1 Mills for Crescent City Road 10.179.26 to you and yt^ir family, may you Emergency fund 1.500.00 live long and prosper.” ’/i Mill for < ..unty Fair 2,035.85 "Uncle Joe” and Mrs. Mr-Cullom TOTAL $241.012.03 Also, 4 mills for roads, raising about $ 32.573.63 have gone to Escandido. Cal., for the Making a Grand Total of $273.585 66 winter months, not to find a better Which will require a probable levy of 32.5 mills get a climate, of course, but to ESTIMATED RECEIPTS DERIVED FROM HOUR! ES OTHER THAN BY change of climate. DIRIX T TAX County Clerk's Fees Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Roberson, of $4,500.00 Interest on Treasurer's Deposits 700.00 Wonder, are going to McCullough Refund on Scalp Bounty 250.00 county, Texas, for a visit to rela- Penalties and Interest on Delinquent Taxes 3.000.00 Mr. and Mrs. Roberson for Fines _ ___ ________ 1,-600.00 tices. years were the proprietors of ‘ the $9,950.00 Wonder store and now they feel that The levy will be made Wednesday. December 6. 1922, at 10 o’clock a they have earned a bit of play time. m. If any person desires to discuss the same they must be present at that .Mrs. Roberson says she Is not going time. Attest :F. L. Coon, Clerk. so much for the pleasure of the visit, Edus Pollock, County Judge. as for the joy of the home coming. J. 8. McFadden, Commissioner. Burtoi Robinson came over from W. F. McCabe. < ommiasioner. Klamath the last of the week, .'P met in Grants Pass by Ills brother, • patch, his latch string always hang Boyd, and the two young men went 1 on the outside, a number of house iver to Corvallis to take In the foot- wives ran heartily recommend his ball game. A perfect epidemic of engage Rev. Mr. Fenton will fill the Wil- variety of strawberries, and the en ments has broken out at Wilderville tire neighborhood knows where to derville Methodist pulpit Sunday, . A pro- spe, fal Thanksgiving musical | and if one has not been thoroughly find the first tender young onions in gram will be given, and the offering innoculated against the disease, he (or she) is warned to ke’ep at a safe the spring, so as Mr. Stevenson be which was Instituted by the ladles longs. and as all his possessions be aid a few weeks ago will be made. distance. Diamonds and rubies are long. so his wife is gladly amf hearti The program for the day is in qharge flashing on several third fingers, ly welcomed. On the afternoon of ot Mrs. A. A. Ingulls. hope chests are occupying the place the 16th. Mr. Stevenson and Mrs. of honor in a number of homes, but Mary Cahoon, of Ashland. drove it remained for John Stevenson to over to Jacksonville, secured their set the wedding bells a-ringlng. Mr. La grippe coughs rack and tear the license and were quietly married. Stevenson, it may be said, is the uni 'sufferer to a state of exhaustion. They came immediately to Mr. Stev "Would get completely exhausted versal friend. The boys are well ac enson’s homo on the Applegate and from violent grippe coughs,” writes quainted with his water melon from Mr. Stevenson's happy expres It. (1. Collins, Barnegat, N. J. ‘‘Tried sion one knows that now at last he is Foley’s Honey and Tar and the cough ceased entirely.” Used by three gen realizing what home really means. warft erations for coughs, colds and croup, Monday night a "bunch'' of the throat, chest and bronchial Irrita young'folks, aided and abetted by a tion. Foley’s Honey and Tar has number of the older heads "surpris stood the test of time. Contains no Ingredients printed on the ed” the newlyweds. They had a opia/tes far constipation regular old-fashioned charivari wrapper. Largest selling cough med icine In the world.—Couch’« pharma with cow bells, tin horns, Ford rims, cy. adv I MTVKDAY. \’<»VI Mlll ll -'A, twtftf GRIXTS |*|tW DAII.V COURIER PAGE HIX MR. TURKEY GOBBLER “I'rieml«,” Mill Mr. Turkey Gobbler, "and relative«. 1 have yet another ■ speech to make. In fact, when the tine time of the year draws near— Thanksgiving day—I like to talk. I like to strut. I like to tell the friends and the cousins all nliout ourselves. "Now, ns I was saying the other day, we are it very favored family. "People honor us. and It Is right that they should. If they did not up- preehite us they would be fisdish. But they never want to be foolish, and so they honor us. "Now they admire us when they have us for Thanksgiving dinner. As I said, only the other day. they don't bother t<> admire others In the same way. They never say how magnltt- cent n family the pig .’amity Is as they eat their breakfast. No, they never d<> that with the pig family, and stop sipping their morning coffee to address a piece of liaeon by saying: ‘‘•Look nt that magnificent plgl’ Not a bit of It. "Yl's, they take time over the tur key and they praise the turkey, and they have us the main food ot' one of the very- Important days ot the year the turkey and Ills family, "PerImps It is not very pleasant to be the guest of honor at a dinner table as the turkey Is the guest of honor. Instead of sitting at a iila<* by the table he sits upon the big plat ter. But this Is what the turkey thinks about nil that. "For days and days and weeks be fore Thanksgiving day we are given more and more tempting, delicious food to fatten us up, and as we're being fattened we are also enjoying life so much, so very, very mud). We get delicacies the others do not get, and we stay nt home and enjoy them. The turkey wouldn't miss his autumn food for anything—not even if at the end <>f the time he was to be eaten himself, “And for tills great time of the year we save ourselves with such care. Well do I remember when we took the nest in the springtime and Ailed It with leaves and grass. Then Mrs. Gobbler hatched the dear preetoua eggs and I stood^by and gave her n warning gobble-gobble If danger was near. "And then when the little ones were hatched out how very careful we were to nee that during the first four weeks ■ their lives they should not get their feet wet. If u Mother Turkey can get “It’« Fine to Be a Turkey." her children through the first four weeks of their lives In good health, then they will be strong ever after. But they must not get their feet wet during that time. That Is where we are so different from other animals. "Ah, friends and relatives, life Is very go<ul when we think that fieople are so appreciative of the turkey fam ily. “f think I will sing a song about It.” So Mr. Turkey Gobbler gobbled and kept time strutting, and this was his song a« he called it: It's ftn<- to bo a turkey and to gobble, • Were I only a duck I'd just wobble, wobble, wobble. But I’m a turkey, so I do far more than wobble; I strut. It you please, and I gobble, gobble, gobble!” “Fine," the other tur’ey« said. "I thought you'd like that," smiled Mr. Turkey Gobbler. "I mndc It up ns f sang." “Did you. Indeed?" the others asked, “I did,” said Mr. Turkey Gobbler. "I wns what you might cal) Inspired, which means I had marvelous thoughts.” "Of course," said Mr. Rooster to Mrs. White Hen, ”we might call It in spired, and then ngnln we might not.” “True, very true,” said Mrs. White Hen. ”1’11 make up another song some time for you,” Mr. Turkey' Gobbler Mill, "Just to show you how easy It Is for me to do those little things." “Or perhaps tho next time there Is going to be a song we will all sing. That would be n fine Idea. "In the meantime I must have a lit tle meal.” “Why,” said Porky Pig with an ■mused grunt, "he talks like a mem- per of our family would do. He hag a right to strut when he show« how much sense he has 1” A Sad Alternative. Tommy—“Mamma, have gooseberries got legs? Mamma—“Of course, not, Tommy." Tommy—"Then I've «will- l«uuJ n entornillen” WILL DANCE FOR DOUGHBOYS Ml«« ftmly V. Schlipp, Duluth. Vol unteer« Service« at New Orleans Conveutlen. M'ss Emily V. S. hupp of Duluth. Minn, bus vidnrtoervd to dance for her il o u g li b o y fl'Ii-IX« al the American Legion tin Homi I i-onveli- Don In New Or leans next <^-to- ber. In.ring the war Ml«» S c li u p p. who Is known professionally as “Lada," enter- tallied thouMuda ol* soldiers In the cumulili! ente of Amerhii. She Ims appeared nt le gioii entertainment« In a number of Minin' 'Ll cities Mias Sclill|ip, Who I* also a solidst. Is scheduled to up- peur ut a reclini to lie given nt the Neo O lenii* convention by the Duluth American Legion band, which won first prize over 7.5 i-ompetltora In the hand < onteet held nt the l.eglon con vention In Kali*iis City lust full. ltd by mino but oiivlod by many. While other minstrel ahuwa are clam oring for talent, 11I« company has no trouble In securing the pick of the profusion. Its fl un ne lu I standlHB is nt strong us the rocks of Gihraltar, Its methods as near perfection ns ox-. perliqiee can make It, so tho ambi- ' enme to the lllvoll Theater on Mon day, for November 27 only. Thia year II»«»«' popular eouwdlana are prosi'iitlug tho latest comedy of Aivrun Hoffman entitled "Now and Then.” hi'liig the story of rapid-fire events which happen Immediately following tho date tho Volstead law lliius performer makes every effort heiamo operative to b<> couuted among ita roster. As a pair of saloon keepers on« of They will bo nt tho Rivoli theater' whom th« 18th nmondinent force* tonight. Into lawless tlmugh prosperous boot logging, whole th" other goes bank rupt under the banner of prohibition, Ivolb ,V Dill Monday Seats aro selling rapidly for the Kolb mid Dill have found two most eng gement of Kolb A Dill, who congenial rolti*. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII:;III!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII»III NOVEL FABRICS LEND CHIC TO POPULAR SUIT STYLES iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini» * • • • • -•-•••••• ; Carrying On With the , American Legion j llu«v m I** "telling lbs» world' h«»w !«» tinti lite Ann rh-tm Le gion elubrtMHii'i have I k » i » ii erretrd un nil i>»ntlN h»ti<l«n^ luto lllcvvllh», la., I»> the |x»»t then». • • • Auxllhirlvrt fushh»tte$| on Identic*) liner villi the Ain»rh :m L«»r:<»n nu% lllary I iiivh been tn*xnnlz»»d In Canndtt unii in Englund In « -.irli th*» women eligible must lie wivs tnotherH, n | m - ters or daughter* *»t memb tm of the war \ vivrai**»' uHsochitlon-, whone »llx- charge vompriNvH their «dlg'.bllity. 'Hie women of Vanudn mul England visit th«» *lis;ildet| letentn* ami curo for their <l'»|$en<len»’< iind nld the M»'«»riin*i in obtulnlng legHhitinn to mltigutt their after-w:ir burdens. Carrying On With the •’ American Legion s— • • —- — — »•••••••• —- • — Since President Harding's ord>-r of Muy lu, 11611, over isxt ex-sol.Ilers lime been commissioned ita United States |H«tnursli-rs • s • The Montana state board of v luco- tlbn Ims voted to erect memorials to student soldiers who lost their Ilves In I the World war, each memorial to cost $15,i»s >. • • • The service Ung Is still living, only \VHY should one look for “•ome- this time mercluints are using It to ’ ’ thing illfferynt" Winn the regu let the public know how many ex- lation styles In suits are »0 superior service men ure employed In tlielr and so smart? The new fabrics lend establishments. them novelty enough— utid of mu el • • • fabrics there Is 110 end. There ure Commander Hanford MaeNldcr ol ninny suit* made like the model the Legioi) received Invitations to the pictured here but the style does not number of 7i»> from nil over the coun- become monotonous because It 1» de tiy for Ills iip|iciiriime on Memuruil veloped In so runny different mnlerbils, day. lie accepted tin- Invitation ut St and Is so g. te r.illy becoming. Two Paul. Minn. different wenves in cloth nod a trim ming "f caracul fur ure combined in ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Just the right way In this suit. In tlds modi I* one sif the «oft pile ♦ ♦ \MI •sEMENTH fabrics. In elepliiint gray, ¡nukes the ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ strulght plnln skirt and 11 rough sur Georgia Minstrels Tonight fuced cloth, resembling Persian lamb. Minstrels may come and go hut In Hie same gray, Is used for the the Famous Georgia Minstrels seem bloused coat. A band of this furry to go on forever. For the past 33 cloth extends down the front of Hie years this organization has been re skirt, forming n distinctive det-orntlon cognized as one of the leading road for It. Th" coat Idolises over 11 light- attractions. It l.a ■ a following equul- ilttlng peplum with bandings of cur- netti. The same fur reappears on ths deep, turnover collur anti mi the long, during sleeve«. Large silver migri*« clnsps fusion the coni ill the peplum nnd it handsome button usually as sumes this service for the collar nl- though the nock fastening tuny be In visible. Speaking of buttons for suits. It Is worth mentioning Hint they ure handsomer limn for many setmnns, nllhmtgh not nt nil showy, und the new coat« nnd Jnokets require very few of them. The comblnntIon of two different material« of the nume coler. In the new suits, is one of the charming style points that distinguish this sea son. coeruwo n vntus "tvwi* u » om SERVICE More mid more the public is lonniltig to appreciate the value of lighting anil Power Kcrvhc—III" Hervlie flint Is bendy nt Imnil every min ute in the yem-; Hint is part of the lllnmtc nffnlrs of every tiny; flint make* work easier, hours of IciiMirc brighter, mid living more worth while. ' Tlic Electric Range is an exponent of this Service. Once introduced and Installed, If is n consliint leinlnder of Hie Imprlnul part which the Lighting mid Power f'oinpnny pliiys In ent-11 life, nnd mills iniilcrjnlly to the good will which the Ix-st of service inis cnrnctl. Electric Cookery is also correct cook cry. If 1« <iintrolnlilc, cool, clean convenient mid cheap. It is worth-while—n«k any owner of an electric range. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER CO.