Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1922)
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 115, lU'Jll. PAG« FIVE GRANTS PASS DAILY (GI RIER - I PERSONAL The nicest courtesy you can show your guests In to have tbelr visits mentioned In this paper. The nlcAst courtesy you can show your friends Is to lot them learn of your view through thio page wheuever you go away. We will consider It a cour tesy whenever you give us an Item of any kind. Phone It to No. 380. For roasting, canning —or preparing entire meal at one time — a delicious roast, baked potatoes, macaroni and a dessert such as nee pud ding or baked apples You can do it and eave the time, work and fuel necessary to prepare such a meal in the ordinary way, if you have a f Aluminum Roaster L— •• Ow m Ass» »*<• »Vsari. can St Is run. la./ ft KVVtY tv ROGUE RIVER HARDWARE CO. The Winchester Store Carriages for Large Dolls Sonic very fine lUi-d Doll Carriage«, rubber tin*«, corduroy lined, made by Hey wood Prl<<«l Ver> l<.'«Mmnl>le Quality < <W<I<I<TV<1 HELMER’S TMl HOME OF OOOD FURNITURK" RKOOVEIIH FROM RHEUMATISM "Had rheumaStsm five months that would go from my left knee to my back. Tried many remedies without relief. Finally used Foley Kidney 1*111» and In fifteen days waa entirely cured," writes W. J. Oliver, Vidalia, Georgia. Backache, rheumatic pains, dull headache, dullness and blurred vision are symptoms of kidney dis order. Foley Kidney mils quickly re lieve kidney and bladder trouble.— Couch's pharmacy. adv (MKM1.NG KVK.NTH Nov. 29. Wednesday—Kome to the Kostüme Kontest, Murphy. Dec. 9, Saturday—Hot tamale supper given by (Rebekahs, 5:30 to 7:30. If 1. O. O. F Hall. Club Meeting— The Past Matrons club will meet Monday afternoon at 1:30 In Ma sonic club rooms. A full attendance Is desired. 47 Trade that old. weak battery in on a new Willard battery that Is raring to go. Willard "Battery tfhop. 4 k Thoa. dlutton Is In town tor a few days from Holland. Ren Dr. Marks for best glasses, tf C. F. Pomeroy of Crescent City I» registered at the Josephine, Slag carving sets with sharp 47 knlvea at Cramer Bros. For Sale: - Catiline car, delivery body, starter, generator and good battery. 8150 Ament's Auto Shop.52 W. Robinson Is up from Eureka. Cal., to attend to business in the city. Fur coats, 845.00 to 8125.00, chokers. 88.00 to 8150 00; scarfs 87.50 to 8375.00. Special sale, one day only, Monday. November 27.— Golden Rule Store. 47 Steel roasters, 82.00 at Cramer Bros. 47 Mrs. Chas. Hale was a 'Merlin call er with us today. In his sermon for next Sunday night Evangelist Barnett has a chal lenge for everyone who doubts the Bible. 47 Full line of 3-piece carving sets at Cramer Bros. 4 7 H. M. Ftfleld left yesterday for Brookings, Ore., to be gone for some time. Why take the risk—See Stott for residence burglary Insurance. 40tf Pyrex baking dlglu-s at Cramer Bros. 47 Mrs. Ben George was in the city from Kerby today, doing some shop ping A real bargain 4 90 Chev. 8175 see Mr. Quick at the Fields Hotel or call 21tf. phone 83. Sharp paring knives at Cramer 47 Bros. M. D Viayard and P. A. Smith spent yesterday in Medford on busi ness. Stainless steel dinner knives with Community plate handles and forks at Cramer Bros. 4 7 If you In any way doubt the Bible, l>e honest and fair enough to hear Evangelist Bamess. next Sunday 47 night. Church of Christ. Any mis-steps Wednesday evening at Murphy will be punishable by a fine of ten cents or Imprisonment In the Kounty Kan. Watch out for the Kops. 47 FURNITURE FURNITURE A Gift that never will be forgotten The enduring Gift at a moderate cost* Gift Suggestions For All The Family « Furniture is the one gift that brings happiness to the entire family. No other gift you can select will more Our whole truly carry the glad spirit of Christmas. store is now one vast gift shop—brimful of helpful sug gestions. Suitable gifts for every member of the fam ily may be found here now in the greatest variety, and moderately priced. It is really surprising what a fine gift just a small expenditure will secure when invested in furniture. Come in soon and make your selection. Let this be a Furniture Christmas LOCAL | Reading (Arris Mret» Monday— The reading circle of the Granta Pane Woman’s cli/b will meet at the library Monday afternoon, November 27, at 2:15 o'clock. Subject, Drink water’s play, "Abraham Mncoln.” Buddy lz<e Not Dead— Delayed on account of sickness but will be at Peerless Clothing Co. Stiriners Attention— first week in December. Watch for All Shriners are urgently request him. 43tf ed to attend a very Important busl- [ nene meeting at the Masonic Club* rooms, 7:30 p. m., Wednesday No-' ('nilsanl Buys Mudclmker— 48 I J. r. Burke, Studebaker local vember 29th. agent, this week sold a Studebaker special to H. Croiaant of thia city. tine of These ( old Mornings— Your battery Is going to refuse to work. Call the Willard Battery Good Music— 48 With quality food and service Shop. Thanksgiving day at the Oxford. Re serve your tables now. 49 Is Given Birtb<Uy Party— Mrs. G. E. Bertrand of 708 south 6th street waa hasten» at a surprise Have Five Dollars— Bring In your old suit or overcoat party on Friday evening in honor of —we will allow you 85 00 for it to Miss Mabel Bertrand, who celebrated I apply on price of new one. Peerless her 15th birthday. Games and a taf 43tf fy pull were enjoyed during the even Clothing Co. ing. Assisting the hostess was Mrs. J. Wertz. Among the guests present Buys an < tverliui'l— W. I*. Morrison, of Rd. No. 4, this were Misses Mabel Bertrand, Halc week purchased an Overland Four yon Tucker. Doris Patrick. Ida Wertz Lucile Bennett. Maude and Margaret from J. F. Burke, local dealer. Bertrand and the Messrs. I*aul "Met- ten. Garold Fitzpatrick, Colle Blev- Meeting Dale Postponed— The meeting of the Athletic Sec ens, Frank Wilcox, Lewis Dun gey tion of the Granta Pass Womans and Jack Bertrand. Club for Monday night, November 27, will be poatponed until Decem Flowers for Thanksgiving- ber 4th. 47 Place your order for Thanksgiving flowers at Couch’s Drug Store. A M. B. A. Meta— fine line of chrysanthemums, roses, The buainese meeting of the S. B. carnations, violets, potted plants, Association was proceeded last night ferns, etc., furnished by Maddox & by a delicious supper, served at the Bonney, of Medford. 50 club rooms at 6:30. After the busl- msa seealon which lasted for part of H|M-cial Price— To family groups for the Thanks the evening, and Informal social hour giving dinner at the Oxford hotel, if was enjoyed. you make reservations. 49 IJterary an<l Musical Program— Paper in all grades snd colors for A very happy evening was passed at the Ellerbeck, home, Wednesday, sale at the Courier Office. November 22nd. IJterary and mus ical numbers were givra. Interspersed with MicCal conversation. The serv Special« for ing of a delicious luncheon at the November midnight hour closed the pleasant evening. COLD NIGHTS ARE Thanksgiving I Flowers— Place your order tor Thanksgiv- N< flowers at ; Couch's Drug Store, A fine line of Ihrysanthemums. roses, carnations, violets, potted plants, ferns, etc., furnished by Mad dox & Bonney of Medford. 50 Disabled VcfcvtMi»— All ex-service men. who are Inter vocational training, are rated in urged to file applications at once, as the Veterans’ Bureau has announced that December 16, Is the last day on which such applications may tie ac cepted. Under the "Deficiency Bill" approved June 16. 1921. applications for training are limited to 18 months following the passage of the act. See thq 'American dx'gion or the Red Cross. COMING A Monogram Hot Water Bot tle will give yon cold weather comfort. This high quality bottle is cheap at the usual price of *1.75. Money saver price Annual Thank Offering Successful— E^abliahed for a number of years Is the thank offering held each Thanksgiving time by the Women's association of tho Presbyterian church. This year the meeting oc curred on Wednesday afternoon and was well attended by the women of the church. A program. Including a talk by tho "Rev. Mr. Hart, solos by Mrs. C. IB. Marks and Mrs. T. M. Stott, and Mrs. J. A. Johnarude read an article bearing on the subject of afternoon. Forty dollars was con tributed at the meeting, and will help in reducing suffering among the poor and needy. Mrs. R. J. Bestul as chairman .had charge of the program tor the afternoon. KID GLOVES Your choice for $1.50—Colors brown and white 0 llrmM itching, all colors, 10c yd. Uncalled For Clothing Several suits, one overcoat and extra trousers. If your size is here, it’s a bargain. GEO. 8. CALHOUN Local dealer nearly eighteen years When in need of a Corset see WARNERS RUST PROOF CORSET before you purchase—they are guaranteed and are made to fit and give comfort. The price is low. A. L. Engledow Successor to Kinney * Truax Grants I’.w Oregon TUE CLARIDGE GIFT SHOP The value of the gift lies in its fitness, as expressing tho personality of the giver, and recognizing the personality of a friend. CLEMENS Sells Drugs and Books The <lvaracier and variety of delightful things from The Claridge Shops 27U ^.encait JIM Make it an easy and pleasant task to select a suitable gift—a gift that will cany a message-express a sentiment and imply a compliment. RIVOLI • We have obtained the exclusive selling privilege of this attractive line of unusual gifts. .TONIGHT We suggest an early visit to our store while the variety is complete HOLMANS FURNITURE STORE k' « 5£ * • F amous G eorgia MINSTRELS B and 5 O rchestra WATCH roo THE 8IC STR«! PÄ94DE O nly J how ofitx KINDIN THE WORLD PRICES—55c. S5c. «1.10 Includes War Tax Seats Now Helling NEW REMICK SONGS 35c Each — Three for $1.00 "Falling in Love," by Collins, Cameron and Fields, “The White House in Washington, and The White House in the Ijvne," by Rryon anti Howard. "At the End of a Lane," by Stern an<l Haymond. "By the Riverside,” comedy song, by Close and Bryan. “Hot 'n Cold," novelty fox trot song, by Henry Cohen. Other new numbers arriving daily. The Music and Photo House TOURIST GROCERY (Also Cigars and Confections) HOME OF THE “MILK SHIMMIE” 10c L. A. R1NQUETTK S10 SOUTH SIXTH ST. t HOLMAN’S FURNITURE STORE (¡RANTS PASH, OREGON' 005 G STREET Shop early this year and avoid the crowd A small deposit holds any gift for delivery later R<<<1 Cross— The annual membership roll call of tho American Red Cross will open on Armistice Day, Nov. 11th and close on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 30. Of the money thus obtained one-half Is kept by the local chapter for the relief of ex-eervice men, the remain der being sent to Red Cross head quarters. At the same time contri butions will ibe received for the Near East Emergency Fund to be tor warded to Billot Wadsworth. Nation- al Red Cross [Headquarters, Wash- Ington, Il. C. Suslicriptions are pay- able to Mrs. J. J. Moss, 204% N. GCh St., or to Mrs. Philip Helmer, at Hel mer's Furniture Store. 847 rnrs. nellie Deas $1.19 These Cold Morning«— You need a battery with lots of pep. We have them at the Willard Battery Shop. 48 Enjoy Social Afternoon— The two missionary societies of the (Methodist church combined in a social afternoon on Thursday and spent the time very pleasantly. Mrs. Walter Harmon. Mrs. Carl Williams an<l .Mrs. Ralph Stearns acted as hostesses, as their birthdays all oc cur in November. Appropriate re freshments were served to the ladies. These birthday socials are a new feature ot the two societies, and promise to be very popular with the members nnd their friends. A line of broken size« in • PHONE 121-R Soft Sole Shoes For the Babies All Hixes, O to 4—Good Colors MEN’S HANDKERCHIEFS Woodward’s Shoes for the Family