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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1922)
HATl'RDAY, NOVEMBER Hfl. HMM». GRANTS PASS DULY COCKIER PACE TWO QUICK STROKE WINS FAME FOR W. HOOVER RADIATOR REPAIRING Duluth Sculling Marvel Is Attract ing Much Attention. is a ticklish business We can give you ex pert radiator ser vice and it will cost you no more than the ordinary kind. Experts Are Agreed That Marvelous Speed Displayed by New Champion la Due to Hia Peculiar Stroke —Style Original. Walter Hoover. the Duluth sculling marvel, whose phenomenal rise to the pinnacle of boatsiuanship has attract ed international attention. achieved his coveted position by virtue of a par ticular style of rowing which aspirants to his title may have considerable dif ficulty in mastering. Boating exi>erts are agreed that the marvelous speed of the new world’s champion as displayed in the English Henley regatta is due to his peculiat stroke, a short, swift movement which. Make Us Prove It ff. S. MAXWELL INTERESTING SPORT NOTES are nearly always high In proportion A study of the floor plan« I lint company the exterior view of till» building »III show how the Interior 1» urraiigv-d for the convenience of the owner. At the same time tlie build lug Is so constructed that It will keep the crops protected from the weather and rats. It la set on a concrete Combination Crib and Granary foundation, with a sturdy frame, nee essary because of the pressure the Makes Economical Stor stored corn exerts against the waits, On either side of the ten-foot drive age House. way that runs through the center of tlie building are two comerfhs, each eight fret wide. The walla of the ARRANGEMENT SAVES LABOR cribs are nuide of crib siding. which admits plenty of ventilation, which corn needs to mature and to keep It Structure of This Kind Now Consid In the best of reudltlon, and at tin' ered Ono of Important Units of same time krejw out the rain. Farm Building Groupe—Guards In th.' center of the building there Aga inst Rats. Is a grain dump, by which the corn tuny be emptied Into the endless belt By WILLIAM A. RADFORD carrier that takes the earn up to the Mr. William A. Radford «III answrvr cupola ami spouts It to either one of questions and Stive advice FRF.K OF the four cribs through tlie swiveled •'OST on all subjects pertaining to ths subject of building work on tne farm, tor spout. This elevator la operated by the readers of thia paper On account ot a gas engine, or electric motor. hia w ide experience as Hdltor. Author and In tlie same manner the small Manufacturer, he is. without doubt, the highest authority on all these subjects Ad grains are elevated to the blns that dress all inquiries to William A. Radford. are on the second floor over the drive Xo. IKK Prairie avenue.-Chiearo. III., and way. These blns are constructed of only Inclose two-vent stamp tor reply. matched lumber and have tight floor* Housing the crops on the farm until The additional feature of this build market conditions are better than ing is the feed grinding and storage w hen the grains are harvested means rooms at one aide, (hi the first II'«» a considerable increase In the gross is the grinding room, which has bins returns from the season’s operations. connected with three on the second That Is why many farmers In the floor. The gralrf flows by gravity to grain belt are erecting modern struc tin« first-floor bins where Is located tures designed to keep the crops In the grinding machinery. Au overhead gixut condition and protected from the currier track connect» this rvwaii with enemies that prey U] hmi them. These the barn or hog house nearby, so that enemies are the weather and animals, the ground feed can be loaded Into It principally rats. and transported directly to the num The modern com crib and granary gers. This system. It will readily lie is now considered one of the lni|«»r- seen, is a labor-saver and one that tact units of the farm building group. will earn greater proflta on the In Where, not so many years ago. stood vestment in the building. The dimen- Tufts college is to have a field ex clusively for ioutbalL Princeton crew will l>e entered in Walter Hoover. Scuihng four Important races this spring. Marvel. • • • Hockey bas been rvcognixed as a in actual test during the Thames com- winter spurt at the university of Miu- ' petition, produced as high as W com- ' plete strokes a minute. Nothing in nesota. the annals of aquatic sports reveals that any other follower of the sculls Syracuse is was capable of such execution, and. crosse game Oxford admittedly, there were none at the England. • • • English water sweepstakes who were A. A. AUecliine, Russian chc** px- even closely matched with the Duluth pert, has challenged Jose Casablanca, ltd In point of technique. Hoover’s masterly style Is self w orld's champion. • • • originated, according to those who Rackfield men seem to be the choice Lave watched him through his long and for the captaincy of most of the foot- arduous training since he left his em ball elevens for 1922. ployment as an engineer in the old home town to seek the sculling cham On* of tli* peculiar ancle« to the pionship of the world, and even the loxlng game Is that ■ firliler is never title holder himself is not wholly able to define or explain the creation of ell in till he is knocked out. his stroke. During his first six years’ connec Lewis (Red) Luts, n Cincinnati catcher, will get a tryout with the Cin tion with tlie Duluth Boat club Hoover was uncertain as to his particular cinnati Nationals next spring. • • • ability with the oars and he was The Kansas City club Inst week doubtful In what division his efforts signed Pitcher Ray Caldwell, recently would eventually place him. but dur ing that time he followed closely his re lensed by the Cleveland ludfans. • • • own set rules for physical training. Hoover did his first rowing in 1913. Cornell boasts four fully equipped polo teams. Army officers instruct the and in the nine years’ interim before student candidates in tlie equestrian he won the worlds title he guarded Ills physical self religiously. During apart this time he was a woodsman factory The New Tjrk ¿laut» will have two worker, soldier on the Mexican bonier, seta of brothers next year in George student and engineer. When he final and Reynolds Kelly and Jesse and Vir ly decided uj-m a sculling career in 1921 be had every physical advantage, gil Barnes. • • • and this, according to experts, ena Athletic officials of McGill univer bled him to develop his style to per sity will accept the Invitation of Syra fection and triumph over the best cuse unlverxity to send the McGill »KUllcrs in the world. football team to Syracuse next fall. Black cover papel at the Courier. POCKET BILLIARD CHAMPION Ra’ph Grsenlsaf Is Youngtst Man Evtr Win Tí——I» *»rfe<t Mestar of Cue Bail. Ralph Greenleaf, nut luna I fawket bil liard champion. Is twenty-one years l>f age. nnd I rmingest man »ver it is that puts cars out of commission Neglect shows It self in th* difficult starting, thn engines going dead, mis sing. sluggishness on hills, bucking at low speed, any one nt which Is a warnlug that there Is something wrong. Take advantage of our knowledge of auto repairing, bring your car here In time and let us look It over and In the lung run we will save you money. s FASHION GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP Q-JC----- £ Everything for the Auto Tne Tire House of Southern Oregon Neglect Burke A Knox, prop«. Ignition Work lasthc. Planer and Machine Work of All li Inda— t ast »tret und Aluminum weld Ing—Full line of AccrsMorh-s and supplies. • • ¿0 a ,-.*^¿¿5 I /Z jr 3 nJ ...X JII'lllllTTimMffiirTliì 801 South Oth St., Granta Pae», Oregon. I’lionc I «1.1 Ralph Grtenlaaf. » «t a C. L. HOBART CO Get Your Side Curtains Repaired Now Before It Rains Ford Top With 2 Plate Glass in Rear >7.50 Sedan Scat Covers >30.00 Coupe Scat Covers >15.00 Wagon Sheets, Tarpaulins, Tent« and Picking Begs Harness, Hand Bags, Trunks, and Suitcases B. BERR South 6th Street Change in Schedule Effective September 25. 11122 Grants Pass-Roseburg Stage Daily Except Sunday Lv. Grants Pax» I p. tn. l.v. Itosclnirg 1 p. m. FARE ¡M.OO Interurban Autocar Company — C5C3 see an o; en, dilapidated shed and often- tlnii ■; just a few fence rails piled t? make .in Incloeure to held the ear corn, there now is a weather-tight, well-constructed building that la equipped with a power elevator to carry corn to the cribs. In Connection with the cribs there are added tight bln« for the storage of small grains, such ns wheat, oats, barley and rye. Going a step farther, farm building architects have Incorporated Into the btilldlngs other feature« that add to their value and decrease the amount of labor necessary to make the most profit from the crops Hoch a build ing, a combined corncrib, granary nnd feed storage house, la shown in the accompanying Illustration. Tills building Is Intended to I m » erected only a short distance from the dairy or beef cattle ham, or the hnr house, depending upon which type of live stock the fanner specialise« In. For It is the fanner who cpmldnes grain production with animal has bandry who la getting the most profit from his farm. Grain prices are com paratively low, while live stock prices win the championship of the Fritted States. He wax horn In Monmouth, III., where, at the age of fourteen, l.e learned the basic principles of the gums. 211 hr IV sions of the building feet, exclusive of the L-shnped feed room. One of the first qneatlons most farmers will ask about this building Is, "How much will it cost?" The ••oat of any building will vary In different sections bemuse of labor conditions, distance from source« of building ma terial supplies nnd for other reasons. The beet plan when considering the erection of a new building 1« to con suit the local building contractor or building material denier. These men can give accurate estimates of coat and can provide the owner with plans of the building to lie erected. However a well constructed build ing lasts many years and earns high Interest rates rm the Investment through the conservation of the crops and the decrease In the cost of thp labor required to handle them. One Vlsw of Pleasure. Pleasure Is nothing else but the In- tennls«l<>n of pnlti, the enjoying nt something ! am In great trouble for till I get it.—John Selden. INTERESTING SPORT NOTES A tenni of Argentine polo player» has sailed for England to piny a aeries of inntches. • • • Joe Moore, New York Indoor skat- Ing champion, won the International amateur skating at Milwaukee. perxhlng stadium lui* hern < 1erIfh’d upon ns tlie place for holding tlie ll>24 Olympic games, says a Part» writer. • • • Coach James I'lielnn. head football mentor at the I’nlverslty of Missouri, has accepted a position as head foot ball coach at Purdue university. • • • Big Bill Hollenbeck, first as«l«laiit to Conch Heisman of the Penn foot- laill sqund, Ims announced tbit he will not he a member of the cuaeblng staff ihla season. • • • Admirers of Bob McAllister, New: York’« flying cop. declare that he lin« only recently learned the light wny tn 1 run. jitid from now on lie will shaltei the record». ak 4 SUDDEN SERVICE ILOOK Y our , CAR." ove* ------- — <1 <1 --t .?£=*• We're the folks that cun be trusted When you want your car ad.lusted. The one thing that we have for sal« Is service—satisfaction. That'» the only way we make a profit out ot the busim-SH mi mg a man a big businesslike return for his money. If your car'a all run down we can restore It» mechanical ambition. Wo arc master motor mechanics. Ament’s Auto Machine Shop Day Phone 113-J Night Phone 252 R Advertising Pays—Advertise with the Couriei