Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1922)
gr ints rm nui v coi nn n BUYING MORE—WE BUY FOR LESS—SELLING MORE-WE SELL FOR LESS THANKSGIVING SPECIALS « Come to the Sample Store- Make Your Dollar Do Double Service 4 I •MEN’S SHORT IMM4TS These are the days when men working out of doors need a de pendable rubber boot to keep their feet dry. Here at the Sample Store are found standard quality rubber boots at prices not found elsewhere. Our black boot a pair •2.MH AI.IMINIM KFOONN Due to the abnormal exchange now existing between this country and Germany. 5c in V. S. money la worth many times as much in Germany. Get some of these spoons now, small sizes, each 3c Large sizes, each be WOMEN’N WOOL HOSE Neal stylish woo] hose of de pendable quality are to !>• found at this store at prices that are much lower than you will find at other stores. This Hose, all wool and in Camel. Blue and Green Heather, the pair. »1.1» , RVSTIN’G THilE ID White and Black, abont 700 yds. on a spool, come and get a supply at. a spool ....... _.........— :1c BARGAINS IN MEN’S PANTS 1 BOVS’ HOKE Mens Heavy Kersey Pants The A hose goo<| weight for win- .’rTL"*"*2Ly J*y ,or. kn“ •"h • rib‘H,a I nfinished worsted material, cut good and roomy, well stitched »tlteiz with a h.vrd woven stout with good pockets. Belt loot« as yarn in sizes from 6 to IOS. why wol| as buttons for suspenders pay 50c for these dockings .•!«•- Only on account of our large buy- Cin for ing power could we offer you ... pants of this quality for the small • P*lr •» •«>* «»ore ”>«• price of only a pair. » pair 20c. LABtW ”11 K NOBS Kverwear brand, a fine hmo* of pure silk of excellent wearing qualitiea and in good colors of Black. Nude Russian Calf and Sil ver Gray, a simcial Simple Store value, the pair UN«-. You Can Save on Shoes—You Can Save on Underwear— You Can Save on Your Suits—You Can Save on Every thing in This Great Store. »'..N' n Itm WISH. 1 NI4INM ITS Genuine Bradford's all wool I'nlonsults made from the finest «elected Imported Merino virgin MEN’S SWEATER* These cooler dajsrall for warm er clothe* contrast 'Men’s swoalers with of blut» mid cardinal, a spring needle machine, colors, natural and buck skin. Regular $11.50 value, priced Ml aa shawl Collars, a big Sffrater value at a low Sample Store price, each • »I.IN4 INFANT»’ SWEATERS All wool faced sweater* for the '»tiny" kiddle« from 1 to 6 years i>M Value* to $.'1.00, good as- mtrtment of colors, very etout and durable. Another Sample Store 4 »l.f»N tilth Il U K IIRAID How much have you been tu»y- Ing for Rick dlack? Come her« and make your money do double service. Mak« thia store yu*ir store W« delight In waving you money on «mall or large articles, u pkg lOc tleecv. knit on COME EARLY, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE WONDERFUL BARGAINS BOYS’ SCHISM. SHOES Herford Calf. Blk. cap toe. sewed and nailed, nothing better for hard wear, size »io ISH $2.49 BOVS’ REL1AN4 E SH«»E Built for wear, good calf stock, good weight »ole, black, leather pull. sewed and nailed, a good shoe for the wet days, sizes 9 to Cl.»5 13H »2*25 1 *4 to 6 inclusive BOVS’ WET WEATHER KHOBK Brown color, oiled leather, good aole. nailed and sewed, sizes 1, 1H and 2 only, regular 12 25 shoe Special price to close our »1.044 WHERE CASH BEATS CREDIT .IRMI WHITE IH'CK LAI N DR' BAGS Each____ ___ ___ 4Oc MENS’ MGHT 8HIKTN 11.50 night ah irta, sellini: for »**< 12.00 night »bitta seliing for »1. 4» 11.75 night shirts selling for »1-25 BED SHEETS The well known Page Bed Sheets heavy muslin, deep hem. • 1.10 #1 x 90 »pecial . -------- »I.S5 72 x 99 special................ »2.10 81 x 99 extra fine .......... 75<- up Other grades from ___ NAPKINS White, fieri! design». napkins. size 19 x 20 inches. S lecial -15c 9M< each or 3 for m \< if rurrns Japan figured lunch cloths. Nip ponica one tone print. Site 48 Inch i 4* inch Size 44 inch x 48 inch Site 54 inch x 54 inch Size 60 inch X «0 inch LINEN FINISH TOWEI/4 Small reri bar ends. 2 for 55c. All li 50 12.00 $1 75 11.50 MEN’S CAI’S new models and cloths. Bg for »1.10 caste selling for »1.25 caps selling for »Sc CIO selling for 7th- BOVS’ CAPS WITH HR BIND A regular >1.541 cap. selling for NIX Men'» A Voting Men'« Urena Pant« Cuff bottom, belt loops, match up your good coat and vest and save the price of a suit. I4H0 pant special »2.7» 16.00 Heavy Kersey «3.N5 $7.00 high grade »1.0.5 EXIT SILK TIES Regular SI 25 silk knit ties. special . ...... 75c laulie« Rlbbcil I nion Suit«, long leg«, long sleeve«, rlbhonml neck, medium weight »1.35 1-adic« Ribbed I nion Suita, long «leevcs, long leg«, heavy weight • 1.50 I.adle»* I nion Suit, one half njwvr«. lung Ir*», l«>u n<*ii, with 1 narrt ion of ribbon JM.tMl luidli-«' I nion Suit«, knit, cream color, low neck, «trap «boulders, «ilk »trip, tlirce-«|uartcr leg, the dn«v> umlrt garment »1.50 «uit luutlew Hosiery — Arrow Head Make, black ami conio«a color, giant weight, a n-gular 55c seller, our special price 25c pair Buys’ and Girl*’ m < m king«, a large variety in rib», prie«- ranging from Htv to 2»c a pair, we can NOr you from 5c to 1.5c a pair. Men'« »Ilk, an<l «Ilk »tri|w shirt«, Errn> li cuff«, coal nett pattern« ami weave» »2.45 to •3.14S Men'« wool mlvetl, ribbed, turni grey, heavy weight »2.45 ntxl »2.ON «ult Men'» guarente««! all-wool union«, »•J im to »5.50 «ult Men'« lllue < ham bra work »lilrt» 7Sr Extra »Ur, full cut Nile -----------------I Men'« union, heavy riblwsl, cream color. Improt<«l curtain »1.50 »ult Men'« Pajama«, heat) oui Ing. «Ilk frog« «1.145 ami »I.N5 Men'« Heather wool hoar, brown ■ mil green, blue, heather. heather mlv>«l, regular 7.5c hoar, our price 5o< Men'» fleecetl Unni union, medium weight, a regular »I.5O aeller, our price »IJK Men'« ribbed union, heavy weight Ml.UN Men'» lire«« «litri«, Errai h «uff«, coat atyle, high gritilc pattern, ami weave. OS. to »I.4U THE SAMPLE STORE DREIER A CO. I « The Happy Warrior Thanksgiving RADIO X is a time when we all should be thankful. 7 COMPLETE SETS » INSTALLED » Humility Goes With Thanks. Thanksgiving Is essentially a re ligious holiday. Like Christinas, It lias lo«t something of Its significance through tiie overemphasizing of Its set« ular features. The other lioliday» commemorate the birth or the deeds of great men or perpetuate the memory of great events. They apeak to ttie mind In It« happiest moods, telling < ver a record of glorious actions and repeating reasons for contentment and love of country. Thanksgiving tiny ought at least to suggest the virtue of humility. $77.50 Listen in on Texas, Kansas, Colorado, andj all Pacific Coast, Points. We are thankful for the many cour- tesies hearty and cooperation shown us during the past year, and » we hope to merit the same in the The Death Senten t a g' r 9 ; 111 ~ future—by giving the best Service ' f F possible % GUARANTEE RESULTS 4 I 203 South Sixth Street J= Telephone 350-R Daily Thought. I.esl pottsesaimt Is a Sympa- thetle wife.—Euripides. The California Oregon Power Company X ♦ z