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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1922)
at : page «HANTS l’ASS DAILY C'OIRIKR = ===== NATl'llDAY, NtIVLMllMl M, ItMB THANKSGIVING TIME V Means to Reflect and be Thankful We therefore take this opportunity to show our appreciation to our many patrons and friends for their very satisfactory business given us the past year. Trusting that you all have as much to be thankful for, Yours for Better Service, T A. WINETROUT Young Gobblers, 16 pounds up Young Gobblers, under 16 pounds Young Turkey hens, 10 pounds up Young Turkey Hens, under 10 pounds Leghorn Hens Leghorn Fryers Heavy Hens Colored Ducks 18c CITY MEAT MARKET 501 G Street Phone 52 COMFORTABLE DOLLARS tlules of mankind. In the great catas trophe of nations we have suffered lew and gained more than any other. In the annals of history no people have advanced so fast nor attained so great ly. Did we do this! Are we what we are. and possess what we have because of our superior wisdom and activity? Can we slap our chests and proclaim ourselves pre-eminent through our own might? A mere cursory glance over our record proves the contrary, proves. Indeed, a guidance and support with out which we would still be Insignifi cant. Nor la It hard, tn the light of this day. to understand tha why of this guidance, to see that wo are Instru ments In Ula hand for the achievement of a divine purpose, not for ourselves, but for humanity, of which we ere a part and In whose future bleaalngs we shall largely share. Yes. there are rea sons. great reasons, for America's thankfulness today, thankfulness for our past, for our present and for our future; and if we feel thia, and to the extent that we are conscious of It. and recognise it, we shall be fitting our selves and equipping ourselves for the larger tasks that are still beyond the dawn. 18c to 20c Geese t I (Continued from Page Ona ) 33c 32c 32c-33c 30c-32c 10c to 12c 12c to 15c 16c-18c 15c Pekin Ducks - Religion Based on Gratitude HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FIRST CLASS BIRDS Ford and Lincoln Service Some day, when otherwise the world would look “cold and dreary,“ your savings will bring you comfort as nothing else could. They will stand between you and uncharitable people. They will warm when the world is cold. They will feed you when you are hungry. They will keep “charity“ at arm's length. Saving isn't hard; it's easy. It's all a matter of getting started. Ask us to suggest a plan of sav ing for you. • 9 GRANTS PASS AND JOSEPHINE BANK t BE SURE AND SHOP EARLY « COMMON TO ALL HUMANITY 0 Every Nation Has Set Apart Time for Special Services in Gratitude for God's Mercies. & £ o c 1 T X 3 « MM • Thanksgiving day did not originate In the lulled States, but days of thanksgiving were set aside tor special purposes many centuries ago. Days set apart for special thanksgiving to the Lord were known to the Israelites and are mentioned throughout the Bible. They were not uncommon In England before the Reformation and among Protestants afterward. The first thanksgiving held tn North America was conducted by an Eng lish minister named Wolfall, In 1578, on the shores of Newfoundland. The pastor accompanied the expedition un der Frobisher, which brought the first English colony to settle on those shores. The earliest record of any observ ance of a similar service within the present territory of tbe United States was held by the I'opham colony set tled at .Sagadahoc, on the coast of Maine, In August, 1607. But the real origin of Thanksgiv ing as n day specially set apart for prayer and rejoicing must be attrib uted to Governor Bradford, first gov ernor of Massachusetts colony. In gratitude for the plenteous harvest of 1621. following upon a period of great depression, he proclaimed a day of thanksgiving to be observed pecember 13 (old style) of that year. In practical furtherance of his proc lamation he at once sent out four men in search of game. Thu* early In the history of the day does our good friend the turkey make Ills appearance; for, successful in their quest, the four sportsmen returned, struggling under a burden of wild fowl, principally tur keys, sufficient to meet the wants of the colony for a week. • fa • * Thunderbolt 0 X "Ü c « o X STARTLING LOW PRICES ON SOME OF THE BEST SELLING MERCHANDISE WELL WORTH YOUR STUDY. CÛ E I- tn < S H cn 2 X u •* tn — I H O o 09 Large blue steel oal roasters at......... $2.25 each Pure Aluminum round roasters......... $1.69 each Pure Aluminum 5!/2 qt. tea kettle... .$1.98 each 9 3 Q- tn » O 3 •< O c •1 O MM e r 5»' Snow Bird oil mop, this size usually sells for $1.25—a few left at 90c each. 12-quart, Grey Enamel Water Pails, strong wire bail, wood handle, a bargain at 85c—tubs, boilers and wash boards at low prices. For Christmas we have a fine selection: Talking and walking dolls; Dolls dressed and undress ed; Doll carriages from 85c to $4.50; Doll trunks, 65c. Teddy Bears. And for the Christmas tree—imported ornaments, gold and silver tinsel, Santa Claus and Christmas stockings, • * Christmas candles and holders. As a special we are selling the Little Wonder Safety Razor and 6 blades fcr 50c. Also Booth’s Cap-Shape, double mesh, real human hair nets at 10c each. Look over our stock of Christmas handkerchiefs and toys be fore you buy. ■« ? Also a wonderful assortment of books for the kids ä pl » 2 » X- n PI V V IM* Fell, but Not Asleep. Three-year-old Hetty wax left In charge of the baby, who was laid to Bleep on a bench in the garden. When mother had to go indoors »he said, “Watch baby, Betty; he will soon full a aleep.” Aa she was returning to them a lit tle later she heard a terrific roar, and Betty came running to meet her. “Mummy t” she shouted, “he failed all right, but he wasn’t asleep." ? pi Truth r’Bver Deeply Tbe truth we need U veiled, not deeply burled bund which hue designed Carlyle. Remember to Shop Early While the Choice Is Greater I Burled. only lightly by the wlee It for u».— Thanksqiving * is a time to reflect and be thankful for our good fortune. We take Lais opportunity to thank old and new patrons for their business. We have added for the convenience of our cus- tomers a new service on house plans. Come in and let us show you some of the latest achievements in architecture. We furnish a complete set of blue prints free of charge for the construction of your new home. THREE LUMBER COMPANY f