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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1922)
ANNOTIATE!» PREM HERVITE VOL. MIL, No. .17. ALLEGE WAR GRANTN l’AMN JOHEI'HIN'E COUNTY, OREGON FLEECED ü. S. CHILDERS IS EXECUTED IN DUBLIN TODAY lyOULD RECOVER HUGE SUM HAD AUTOMATIC REVOLVER BANK AND BAR MAKE CHANGE OF QUARTERS ♦ WAR ON JAYWALKER DECLARED IN NEW YORK ( 1 ♦ I'llca, N Y . Nov. 24 N H 1 lie re’i» m newM utory ♦ w h le h prenchi'H its own M«r- ♦ ♦ mon : In 1838 "The Bank, M A ♦ WIIM ♦ landmark, Whitesboro new house the erected to liunk of Whitesboro," Incorpo 4 fulfil under the state butlklnK * law*. ♦ I CHIEF LIEI TEXAXT OF FORMER LEADER COXIIEMXEII BY Hlxly years ago Ih» bauli 4 Ml LIT %RY COI RT moved out and i< saloon moved 4 In 4 Now tlie saloon I» moving 4 nu| und Ilio building ont e more 4 lx to be devoted to the bunking 4 business 4 ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ < rimiiHil tif ion«*l> to l’«»l- Convicted Ibi unse He Una I iiiiu- t.lltl.N NEED AT LEANT low I» limoliti« « iiifni of litui*» tliorlzcd io lino* Poaacsslon of «IN WEEKLY PAY. VIEW nr> (ii nriul Firearm ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ ni ttn untiti tei » againmt the ’ 4 III II.Ill Its O| I intonmkntn ♦ IS HIER NTATEN 4 ! 4 4 4 4 4 ♦ Waahlngtou, Nov 21 (A. P. I- Legal action to recover more than « alleged to have la<en obtained fraudulently from the gov ernment In the construction of four army cantonments during the war wa> Instituted Imlay by Attorney General Ihiugherty na the flrat for mal step In a far-reaching proseeu- lion of thoae who held contracta for building war camps Other civil actions, and possibly criminal prosecution, ure to follow. Involving a total of more than seven ty-five million dollars, reaching virt ually every part of the country. Campa Involved In today's action are Camp Upton. N- Y . Camp Jack- son. H <’ . Camp Sherman. Ohio, and Camp Funston. Kansas. "WONDER” TEAM LOSES 8 MEN Niara Piny ImM Game With I', of California Team Tomorrow Berkeley. Cal, Nov 24.— (A. I’J Kight University of California athletes who helped write the great est chapter in the football history of the big state university here, will play their last game for the Blue and Gold Saturday when they meet their undent enemy. Stunford University, In the Cardinal stadium Three seasons back, In 1920. the Hear team, which had had only or dinary success after changing from the rugby game, startled the football world when It rolled up high scores on every opponent, won the Pacific coast conference championship and closed a sensational season by de feating Ohio State. Big Ten cham pion. at Pasadena Immediately the team waa hailed as a "wonder elev en." Eight of the varsity men have been with the teain three years and next spring they will graduate. They are "Brick” Muller, end. California's first All-American player; "Duke" Morrison, fullback, called the great est line plunger on the coast; Ar chie Nisbet, fullbuck und star kick er: Charley Erb. quarterback and field general; Bill Gallagher, cen ter; "Fat" Clark, lineman. Bob Ber key. end. und Jimmy Dean, guard. New York, Nov 34.- —<1 N. 8 I — Eighteen dollara u week la the min imum aalary upon which a girl can live comfortably and decently In New York City, Mina Cornelia E Marshall, president of the Aaaocia- tlon to Promote Proper Hounlng for Girls, declared at the recent two- dav conference of the organisation HITCHCOCK, BORAH TARGETS WIFE TIN» EAt.EM TO WED 4G MX—DIVORCE REVOKED Akron. Ohio, Nov 24.— (1. N S. I . Because he discovered that the [ woman had given false testimony, | Judge II. C. Spicer has revoked the I'reslili-nt I- Asked io Make R itoiii - divorce decree he granted to Mrs llienijadon In Message GenevleVe Gladwell. Thomas Glad well. the huahauil. live/ In Wilson- Washington. Nov 24.— (A. I’ I — I burg, W Va She accused him with The president was asked today by a running around with other women delegation of house ttjembers from and said she Intended to live with western states to Include In his an her sister after the divorce and never nual message to < or,gr> - next month l marry again a recommendation for passag< if 1 Rhe was found In the marriage ' Smlth-Mi-Nary reclamation hill This I license bureau with Jesse C lien- i measure passed the house last ses- thorn, a year her Junior, waiting ' slon and the senate attached it to for ii license, when she was invited i the soldier bonus bill, which failed to appear before Judge Spicer again. I of passage over the president's veto. There she waa told that the divorce had buen wiped off the docket and that she was still Gladwell's legal! spouse U HOl.E NT MBER .131«. COAST ROUTE CLEMENCEAU AT SENATORS I R. R. UNMERGER SUPPORTED I e New York, Nov 23 (1. N 4 I 4 8.) This city haa declared war 4 4 on "Jay,walkers.” The bureau 4 4 of public sufety, a new branch 4 4 of th«- police department, 1» 4 4 nuw considering a proposal to 4 4 chart the city streets Into pre- 4 4 scribed lanes, by means of 4 4 painted lines, through whi< h 4 4 motorists and pedestrians will 4 FRENCH 4 be compelled to move The e < RITI« N IN ANS« M 4 movement is based on the over- 4 4 whelming number of persons 4 4 killed or maimed every year by 4 4 being run over by vehicles at 4 4 street Intersections 44444»e444»S44444e Dublin, Nov 24 —(A. P. i--En- | klne Childers, chief lieutenant of I Eumonn DeValeria, waa executed to day following hla conviction by i i military court of unauthorised pos i session of an automatic pistol The official announcement did not ! . alate the means of death, but it Is I i i supposed he was shot. ! URGE SMITH-M'NARY MEASURE FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 21. HKKL 4 Auburn. N. Y., Nov. 24.— (I. ♦ N. S.j—No more star-gazing ♦ walks for Aurora College maids ♦ these Indian Summer nights. ♦ Tho ubiquitous mephitis me- phi Idea holds the answer. ♦ Yea. ma'am, that means ♦ skunks. ♦ So thick Is the skunk popula ♦ ♦ tion in Cayuga City this Fall ♦ that it's dangerous to stroll ♦ ♦ abroad In the moonlight. * ♦ ♦ee*eeeeeee».e>> ♦ BAND EM «»RTS ARRESTED RADICAL ON WAY T«» JAIL FINAL LOCATION CAVES ROAD . XE^SOX'N FLAGSHIP Visitor Comes Back to Reply to the i MAY TRAVEL BY LAND Stiite-menl on «he Ix-ague of I Nations ! London. Nov. 24.—(A. P.I—An j effort Is being made in England to raise (500.000 for the preservation Boston. Nov. 2 4.—(A P.)—The ' of the Victory, Nelson's flagship In Tiger of France lashed back at sen the Battle of Trafalgar. ate critics today in hla first Ameri The famous vessel is at present at can Interview, granted to the Asso Portsmouth. In a very bad state of ciated Press, replying particularly to i repair. So far haa she deteriorated criticisms of Senators Hitchcock and 1 that. If It Is decided to bring her to Borah, who had complained of London, she will have to come over- Clemenceau's attack on America's land; she could not undergo the attitude toward the league of nations journey by water. ind European affairs. HALF DOZEN COPS AKE PERPLEXED BY « I RFEW Akron. Ohio. Nov. 24.— (I. N. S. I Now that Cuyahoga Falls, near here, haa a curfew ordinance, police are wonderiug how to enforce it. The new law is supposed to keep children under 16 off the streets af ter 9 o'clock p. m. There are more children under 16 in Cuyahoga Falls tb»n there are adults, and the police fi.'. .insists of half a dozen copg. with two short at the present time. _ __ STUDIES AT STATE COLLEGE lax-id Young Man Prepares at O. A. C. to Become Grower of Steak Oregon Agricultural College. Cor- I nl<>n Pacific < liiillcngrs < lainis of < vallis. Nov. 24.— (Special!—Garnet No, Pacific Before Commission D. Best, son of Mr and Mrs. Isaac - ■ Best, of 1056 North Ninth street, People of tile Noulhi-rn IbqniMIe Use Washington. Nov. 24.— (A. P. I — i Grants Pass. Is a Junior student In I 'll m it lire from tlie Ntauw Challenging the Southern Pacific's thn animal husbandry department of contention that separation from the Brownsville. Texas. Nov. 2 4.— (A. ! the school of agriculture. He is a I’.h The Mexican people, especially Central Pacific would hamper west n ember of the agricultural club. ern development. II. W. Clark, chief those residing near the border are be Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity and coming "Americanised" rapidly so counsel for the Union Pacific, today ; Withycombe club. In the Interstate commerce commis far as their furniture purchases are- Mr. Best's course of study Is plan concerned It Jew years ago the av-' sion hearing, cross examined wit ned to fit students for the actual nesses. seeking to bring out the ad erage Mexican would turn with tlla- I raising of livestock, although the vantages of dissolution. daln from furniture which was de | training is of such a nature that a void <>f gilt or highly colored trap student on completion of the work pings, but today the Mexican public The child health program In Eu may take up teaching, extension or demands imuoh the same class of fur rope and medical and hospital sup experimental work. niture as the average American. The animal husbandry major plies for Russia represent more than A local furniture dealer, who has two-thirds of the entire foreigu al , which .Mr. Best is taking includes a a large 'business In the towns Itetween lotment The child health program study of the breeds, principles of Matamores and Monterey recently will get ««41,314. but this is the breeding, feeding. Judging, disease called attention to the fact that mis balance of funds contributed to the control and prevention, marketing sion stylo furukure, and furniture of American Red Cross specifically for und other factors pertaining to the The «1.834.044 for livestock industry. In addition to sombre hue. were displacing the gilt this purpose. Russian supplies is the balance of the animal husbandry work the stu and glare of the old days. The huge canopied (beds, 'whose funds made available by the Red dent is required to take courses in bright-colored curtains and gilded Cross for medical and hospital relief crop production, soil fertility, and and carved woodwork were once the In the famine stricken areas of that other phases of agriculture as well pride of the Mexican home are be country, and this money Is expended as general educational subjects. -Mr. Best expects to engage In live coming curiosities In north Mexico, undhr the direction of the American stock farming on graduation in the people having learned by experi relief administration. j June. 1924. He has had consider Mr. and Mrs Fred O’Kelly aro ence that the plain Iron Ibeds of able farm experience. He helped Rid shopping and visiting In town today American manufacture are far more del A Sons on their fair circuit In MME. BENDIX in Rogue River. romfortalble on hot nights 1922 to exhibit their sheep. "AMERICANIZING" MEXICANS! London. Nov. 34.— (I. N. 8.1—It! is not infrequent that members of | North Siile of Sucker Creek Selwtcd the unemployed are haled into the | for Construct ion of Highway to London courts, but Hall Richards | Main Boati had the distinction of being escorted ■ to court with a band. Richards was ' charged with writing proclamations Portland. Ore.. Nov. 24.— (A. P.) to the unemployed on the sidewalks. —The Grants Pass-Crescent City A band of unemployed played "On highway was among those tentative ward Christian Soldiers" when Rich- ly classed by the Btate highway com ards -«arched off to the Tottenham mission today as a secondary state _ ______ ■ highway. The highway commissioners indi DOESN'T Ql'ARREI. WITH cated this morning in conference HI BBY—CORRECTS HIM with Federal Road Engineer Purcell that they would be obligated to place London, Nov. 23.—(I. N. S. I— the Wallula cut-off on the Oregon "Don't you quarrel with your hus- . road map in view of the action of band?" the judge asked Monica Eus- | I ton in the Marylebone court. "No. I I the state of Washington in approv I only correct him,” retorted Monica. ! ing the route. The Roosevelt. Columbia River Could Not Show Citizenship Papers and Pacific highways, and the Old and Was Conscripted in Utili | IRISH FREE STATERS WITH ARTILLERY MARCH Oregon trail were tentatively placed Belfast, Nov. 24. — (A. P.)—A col-j on the United States road map as Moscow. Nov. 14.— (A. P.) — Henry P. DuBellet Jr., of New Or unin of free state troops supported I primary roads. Another final location made was leans. La.. 20 years old. who was ' by artillery left Athlone today for | conscripted into the Russian navy in Balliua. County Mayo, where hun- i in Josephine county, where the road 1919 because he could not show pa dreds of republicans are concentrat connecting the Grants Pas»-Crescent City highway with the Oregon Cave, pers proving non-Russian citizenship ed. is to be on the north side of Sucker has been permitted to leave Russia upon representations made by the DIVOR« E St IT TO STAND creek. FINDINGS IN STILLMAN American Relief Administration New York. Nov. 24.—(A. P. I — When DuBellet eventually found his identification papers. 1^* man The appellate division of the su GOVERNOR WINS OVER THE LABORITE PARTY aged to get a statement from soviet preme court refused today to upset authorities acknowledging his Amer the findings of the lower court London. Nov. 24.— (A. P.j—The ican citizenship, but the naval com against Stillman in the divorce suit. first division In the new house of manders at first refused to recog commons, which occurred today, was nize these as entitling him to release carried by the government by a ma from naval duty. The intervention of the American Relief Administra Victims of BUckweU Hill Hold-up jority of 103 against laborite opposi tion then was successful. DuRelet tion. Also to Visit This City has gone to Paris to joyi his father. "Sheriff C. E. Terrill and the lead- ' ing victims of the automobile holdup j on Blackwell hill last October, will go I to Grants P¿lss tomorrow to see W Wife of Man Held on Holdup Charge Former Ami) Man Conics to Grants ! they can identify Dewey and Oregon ' I» Also tinier Arrest Pass to Make His Future Home I Jones, held in the Joseqihine county I jail under «5000 bonds on a charge A warrant for the arrest of Mrs. Major C. M. Dodson, of Omaha, Audra Lee Jones, wife of Oregon ■ of highway robbery. Tha two broth- Nebraska, has recently obtained an Jones, was issued today, the charge 1 et~ were arraigned at Grants Pass1 honorable discharge from the army being that of concealing stolen prop I Wednesday, and bound over to the! service, and has come here to live, erty. It Is alleged in the complaint grai.d jury, for the alleged holdup 1 having purchased the celebrated that certain articles taken from ! and robbery of a party of autoists ■ strawberry ranch, developed by Mr. Mrs. Winifred Radcliffe at the hold California last September. Butler on the red soil bench land "The local authorities telephoned adjoining Quartz creek, near Merlin, up of the Radcliffe party in Septem ber. were concealed by Mrs. Jones. , to Grants Pass yesterday afternoon.! where Mr. Butler propogated a num Certain articles identified by Mrs. and Sheriff Terrill says that Sheriff ber of acres of what was considered Radcliffe were found tn the posses Ijewfs of Josephine county told him. among rhe very choicest early straw sion of Mrs. Jones. A number of that the two brothersedenied all com-; berries. grown In the state. ivory toilet articles seen in Mrs. pMcIty in the local atfsiir. Sprague I Mr. Dodson plans to also develop Jones' possession when the house Relgel of Gold Hill, and Walter' a cherry orchard, and ten to twenty was first searched have since disap Smith and (William Schultz of this acres of Tokay and Malaga grape peared. and these Mrs. Radcliffe be i city, three of the bandit victims, will vineyard, and to build a new bunga lieved belonged to her. Oregon attempt to identify the voices of the low on the property. Jones, the husband, is lieltig held In pair accused, without their knowing After his ten years of army ser the county Jail charged with being ! of their presence. vice in t'.ie various parts of the coun party to the holdup of the Radcliff» “Dewey Jones is well known in try he is convinced that Grants Pass party. this city, and was a witness in the J has the best climate on earth and ' Ijirk Evans trial, a couple of years, therefore planned to make this his home. aigo.”—IMedford Mail-Tribune. MARCUS A. COW AMERICAN LAD IN RUSS NAVY JACKSON OFFICIALS COMING MAJOR DODSON BUYS RANCH WARRANT OUT FOR MRS. JONES VIOLATORS TO VIEW BODIES 1 Motorists Who Break Traffic Laws Re<|iiiivd to Gd to Morgue Washington. Nov. 24—(A. P.) — Twenty million dollars 1» the esti mate of the American Red Cross for this fiscal year. Officers anld thia would be divided between the na tional organisation and the active chapters on approximately an equal basis. Budget allotments of the national organisation for domestic operations aggregate (8,335,795. or «489,015 less than similar expenditures for last year, while the allotment for foreign operations will be 13,404,- 077, about «2.247,959 loss than the year before. It was stated that the reduction In the ’cost of domestic operations represented 8 saving In overheail expenses and decreased personnel through the combining of divisional units. The foreign oper ations, with the exception of the Junior American Red Cross, prac tically were terminated last July. Relief work for disabled former service men and their dependents remains the main obligation which the Red Cross Is meeting In funds nnd service. Approximately (3.000,- 000 of the domestic budget Is set apart for soldier service, this repre senting an Increase of (388 i)00 over last year. Other outstanding domestic Items In the 1922-1923 budget, are: For disaster relief. «750,000, for emer gencies in chapter work. «500,000; for service and assistance to chap ters and their branches. «1.293.000; for assistance to other organizations, educational Institutions that train Red Cross nurses and workers, «200,000; for Roll ('nil assistance furnished to chapters, «190,000; for unforseen contingencies. «100.000. Less than «500,000 Is set aside for management of the national organ ization. The ratio of management expenses to the total expenditures lust year wan placed at 5.2 per cent, officers said the ratio this year prob ably would fall below five per cent. Portland, Nov. 24.— (A I’.) — Twenty motorists arrested for al leged violation of traffic laws were ordered by Municipal Judge Ekwall today to view two bodies of motor victims in the morgue. The bodies were those of C. S. Akin of Grants Pass, and Agnes Cun ningham. of Portland. PORTLAND MARKETS Choice Steers _ «7.00 ii «7.50 Choice Cows and Helfers.... «5 © «6 Calves (7.50 & (8.50 East Mts lambs «11.00 & «11.50 Valley lambs «10.00 © «11.00 Prime hogs «9.25 (if «9.65 Eggs, buying price 50c © 57c Eggs, selling price 56c ii 60c Wheat.................... «1.15 © «1.30 Marius A. Dow, general safety agent of the Now York Central lines, has been elected president of the Na. ticnal Safety council and now directs the forces of the national Institution formed for the promotion of accident prevention, and which has a member, ‘Portland, Nov. 24.—(A. P.) —Cat ship of more than 3,000 industrial con. Mme. Bendix, wife of Ludwig Ben- aix, financial advlzer of the German tle weak undertone, hogs weak and cerne, municipalities, insurance com embassy at Washington, is regarded tower on top end. Sheep steady, fan panies, public servieo corporations and more than as one of the prettiest women In the cy lambs in demand, eggs unsettled, Individuals employing 6,000,000 workmen. dlplomstlc corps. butter firm. Ottawa. Ont.. Nov. 24.— (A. P.) — Forty million dollars is being spent 1 , on good roads in Canada this year. Highways construction has been car ried on on a larger scale this yeat than ever before and the appropria tions for work are the highest on re cord. according to A. W. Campbell, | commissioner of highways. j "Of the total sum spent, «15,- 000.000 will be used on federal aid highways, of which (6.000.000 will i come out of the Dominion treasury,” said Mr. Campbell. "Expenditures being made by the provinces and counties on roads not receiving fed eral assistance will amount to about «25.000,000.” There are now 1,000 miles of per manent paved road In Canada, or ! sufficient mileage to extend one- third of the distance between the At lantic and Pacific coast, according to Mr. Campbell, who added that this mileage is being increased as rapidly as possible. The Dominion government has ap propriated (20,000.000 to be used In construction of main highways and market roads, calculated to cover a period of five years. This is divided among the provinces on the basis of population. Under the terms of the grant the provinces carry out the road building, and the government, on approval of the plans, contributes 40 per cent of the cost. This guar antees standardization of roadways and places only 60 per cent expenso on the provinces. Highway Improvement has been especially rapid in the west, due to the rapid development of the great agricultural districts by the influx of new settlers, states Mr Campbell. Farmers* are doing much of their marketing with motor trucks and crops are quickly transported to market over the modern highways.