Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, June 03, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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ji nk H, IIM1U.
Friends arc sluuy« n>«'<|e<l,
the only friend yon ran alwolutrly
<lo|H«iid it|H>u al all tilin'« la n bank
Il will stand liy you no matter
what axin'«,
Make silt'll a frlcml by «tartIng an
aaxHiul Ix'ro and lulling to It na you
of (Mrfootion in fanning
m«aue an iditni nation of
th« methods which make
drudgery, whiob eon-
auma time, and which
retard piogreaa.
eliminates all of these in that part of farming which
pertains to harvesting grain anil grass. Besides
this, it does more—it brings to its owner contentment
and satisfaction in his work, all of which creates vim
ami vigor, energy and enthusiasm; in other words, a
new life on the farm
The McCormick is a
machine for practical
pur|x>sc*—it is the
machine you want.
Call and examine the
McCormick line of
harvesting machines.
Rogue River Hardware Co
IVINCHejren « tomb
We Have a Fine Line of
Children’s Nainsook
Just the thing for warm weather wear
The Courtesy Htoro
Milles* liest Itooni
A. L. Engledow
HuemsMir to Kinney anil Truax
800 Sacks of Rolled Barley
which we are selling at $1.40 per 67 lb. sack. Special
discount to Contractors, Sawmills and Others Buying in
I on l^ots.
Josephine County Flour Mill
(Also Cigars mid ConfacUona)
................... .iii
flaky Clinic PoffiUlaffi—
Forty-five babies were taken to
the cllnle held yesterday at the Meth-1
' '’CKy.’Nfl. -Ç LOCAL I
A Real Friend
■ —-
odist church. They were examined
by Doctors Loughridge, Billlck and
Marks. Assisting In the weighing |
J. J. Keller, M. Bald and K. So- Mlwns lt«lu< i'll—
and measuring were Mrs. C. A. i
bold were registered last night at :
Have money on your foot wear— Thomas, Mrs. George Fox, Mrs. Scotti
buy your shoes at Fearless Clothing Hamilton and Mrs. K. E Cargill. A |
the Western.
»DU baby clinic will be held at Provolt
.Membershit1 rally: Every Member Co.’s sale this mouth.
Present, next Hunday, June 4th.
on Thursday to which mothers of I
Church of Christ.
100 Hat Slewing Tuesday —
the Murphy and Williams districts I
Bncrntary Lynn Babin of the cham­
A meeting of all the ladies in the are invited to take their ba/les to be
ber of commerce and 1*. B. Herman vicinity of the home of Mrs. J. M. examined.
spent part of the day In Medford at­ Branscombe, will be held at Mrs.
tending to business for the local or­ Hranscombe’s house on Tuesday,
June i. ¡Home Demonstrator Jessie Wsstcni Hotel Hold—
Repeated by request—Hermon-lec- Griswold will be present to Instruct
The Western Hotel teas bees sold
ture <>n John. 17 th chapter, the men­ In tho making of hats.
and J. E. Verdin has taken charge
ace of the International Jew. Church
until next Thursday, when the new
of Christ, next Bunday night.
100 Piata of Grani » Pass-
owner will arrive from Portland.
Blu» printa *1.50; blue Una printa, Mrs. E. D. Yenny, who has had the
Mr. and MY» George Neill return­
ed to their borne at Crescent City 31.75. Courier office.
hotel for the past year, has purchas­
this morning after spending a week
ed the Idaho Apartments In Portland
In the Rogue valley on a honeymoon Guarantor« .Meeting Monday—
and will take charge Immediately.
'Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock Higgins brothers traded the proper­
Mr. Nelli Is assistant manager of
th« Hubba-Wall store in the coast there will be held a meeting of the ty off tor a ranch in Portland hav-
guarantors of the recent Chautauqua Ing been the original purchasers
Children*« Day, Membership Rally, at which the bills Incurred will be from Mrs. Yenny.
Missionary Roily and Debt Anlhlla- settled. Tho meeting la to be held
lion Day, nest Hunday. Church of la the library building.
AIJ Set For Gaine—
Dr E. J. Billlck, Karl Winetrout. Nasntw Are Omitted—
Jud Pernoil's pitching wine is all
Gladwin Hmlth and Wallace Coolant
In shape for tomorrow’s tussle with
of the Josephine the Iceland nine, and he expects to
left this afternoon tor Klamath Falla of departments
whore they will attend a ceremonial county fslr to be held this fall, two put them out in one, two, three or­
of the order of the 40 and 3,” the departments were pverlooked. M. L. der. The Iceland team has imported
sunshine section of the
American Opdycke will have charge of the a pitcher from California in an at­
poultry and Dr. R J. liestul will tempt to wrest the game from the lo­
Chief C. K Mdlane has left on his have charge of the livestock depart- cals, who have not yet been defeated
annual vacation and will lie gone for tnent.
this season. The game will be played
two weeks, fills place will be taken
In the new ball park at the fair
by C. A. Wlble, who will chase down Captain hluumon l^avea—
grounds and the bleachers have been
Captain E. H. Shaunon of the lo­ screened for the protection- of the
the robbers aud bootleggers who are
unfortunate enough to come to the cal Salvation Army will leave
first of the week after having been
Oxford hotel arrivals last night In­ In charge here for some time, Cap-
cluded J. G. Collins. C. W. Mchulze. tain Hhannon has made a large num-
J. McIntosh and W. G. McLean of ber of friends In the city through his PALI«—To Mr. and Mrs. (x>uis Fall.
Portland. A. <4. Benedict of Waldo. activity for the Artuy.
of this city, Saturday, June 3, a
C. J. Smith of Eugene. Mr. and Mrs.
F. R. Simon and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hummer t Vmifort—
Knight of Sau Diego. West Duley of
Del Nortf, Capt. Jas. D. Ussy of the Peerless Clothing Co.
U. H. army, Mrs. Chas.
Basey of
Olympia. O. E. Owen of Spokane. C. Grouse Mt. Mine Active—
A large amount of activity at the
W. Young of San Francisco and F.
Ne One In
S. Keltic and family of Sacramento. Grouse Mountain mine in Frhltdale. Mighty-£zar Ceuld
His Dominions That Would
Josephine hotel arrivals last night is reported by Clareuce Winetrout
T«1I Him tho Truth.
Included L. H. Weltheimer of Ro­ who made a trip out there yesterday.
'iflUT story that Illu­
chester, Mr. and Mrs. M. Bailey of Two shifts of eight hours each are
Leland, H. H Hagan and Me.
and being worked and three tons of ore mine« In a flash the strangely un­
Mrs. Jack Wollenber» of San Fran­ are being sent through each shift. A wholesome life that the csar of H«>s-
cisco. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Sullivan, It. two stamp mill has been erected and •la had to live In the <<d days is to be
Mussen, Mr. and Mrs. K. S. McDan-1 present plans are to put two more found In Mr. James L. Ford's book.
lei, J. E Ehrett. W. A. Kinney, M. 8. [stamp« In as soon as possible. The "Forty-Odd Years In the ‘l.ltersry
Meyer. Hugh E. Hendy, W. H Ad­ ore la running about Hu a ton, with Shop." Mr. Ford had an intimate ae-
ams. F. B. Hibberd of Portland. Mr. the
about quatntance with Baron de Grtmm,
and Mrs. A. J. Edgar of Rio. 111.. L». 3200.
More ore is being brought whoee father had been the tutor of
J. Christoph of Heatle, E E Rora- down sCiich will run well up toward Alexander II of Russia, and who him­
self h|d been an intimate friend ef
paugh of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. 31,000 a ton.
the cllrevttch.
Reece and W.
Hicks of Chicago.
From De Grimm, he writes, I gained
Jewel Gwli«'«trife—
an Idea of the Isolutlon of an autocrat
Idnotype G|Wn(or Uantiil—
Riverside Community Club dance and the atmosphere of dreed, suspi­
At the I>ally Courier office for
Saturday night, June 3, best orches- cion and uncertainty that «urroupfl»
nest two or three weeks. Wire
100 an autocratic court. When the Csar
tra In Southern Oregon.
phono application Immediately.
Alexander II sent hie son to the
Riviera for the sake of his health be
May Break« Even-
Tlie Biilhllng A lauin AsMN-iation—
May broke about even in the num- received from the young man's at­
Has money to loan on improved her of clear and cloudy days. On tendants only vague r<mrts In regard
real estate, monthly payments. Bee 16 days the sun was flowed to to his condition, although couriers ar­
I H H. Allyn, city hall.
191 blase forth in his full glory, wipe rived dally with lettera. On oue occa­
sion the soldier who brought the poet
one day was partly cloudy and 14 bag was ush^pd Into the presence of
j Frank Hill Trial Put <>IT—r
were cloudy. A total of 1.21 inrhes the csar. who after a hasty glance at
The trial of Frank Hill, charged of rain fell during the month, this his correspondence exclaimed : "There
| with the possession of intoxicating coming on the Sth and Sth and ISth is no letter from my eon «nd It is
liquor, has been postponed tor sev- and 20th. On May 30, the people some days since I have heard from
i oral weeks, the complaining witness, of the city received the full benefit him I"
“But. sire," exclaimed the soldier,
Chief Mcdaine, being on his vacation of the sun, when the mercury went
“he is no longer able to write!"
land unable to appear.
to 100, this being the hottest May
“Not able to write!" exclaimed the
day ever recorded here. On .May 26 sovereign of all the Rus«lsc "Will
the meroury took a slump to 3 2 de­ nobody ever tell me anything?* And
Will purchase a Palm Reach Unit grees, making a difference of C8 de­ It may be remembered that Nicholas
at Peerless Clothing Co.'s June Rale. grees in the maximum and minimum II uttered a like despairing cry when
for the month.
the news of the January mamacre,
i William« Ha» Fourteen—
which his courtiers had sedulously
Ken W illiams snapped out of it Southern Oregon I nite«—
kept from him. Anally reached his
Ashland. Medford and Grants Pass ears.—Youth's Companion.
ion tho home
when he clouted out his 14th home will join in making one exhibit of
run of the season. Thia gives him Southern Oregon's outdoor features
the lead for home runs in the ma- at the Oregon Sportsmen's and tour­
| Jor leagues, having been tied prev- iste* show in the armory during Rose Writer’s Somewhat Caustic Comment
on Authoritlee Would Seem to
i teualy with Hornsby of the National Feellval week, according to informa­
Have Some Justification.
league. Ken appears to have the tion received by the Chamber of
j best luck getting homers on tho St. Commerce from Richard W. Price,
A man who applied In New York
who is in Southern Oregon. Addi­
laiuia field.
for a psuspStet recently was told that
tional reservations for exhibit space
he must have a certificate of birth
are being received from all over the
Vacation Bible School—
before the document could be Issued.
A dally vacation Bible school will state. Seaside held a meeting when He had a passport issued during the
discussed war bearing the viM of several Eu­
lie held at the Presbyterian church plans for exhibits were
for two woeks beginning 'Monday, and Hood River will soon decioe on ropean countries. That passport bore
June 5th. Sessions will
be held the extent of its display. The South­ the date of his birth. The passport
was rejected because It was issued
dally, except Saturday, from 9 a. m. ern Pacific, the Oregon state game
before 1917.
to 12. Tuition will ‘be free and the commission and other organisations
There was no time to send to Chi­
school will ho open Io all boys and and the United States forest service cago for a copy of the certlficeto of
girls of public school age.
There plan extensive exhibits.—Telegram. birth. A certificate of baptteni wae
will also be a kindergarten for the
offered and rejected, the explanation
little folks. The schedule consists IY»r *2.«o—
being that he might not have been
Buy your Aeroplane shirts ut the baptised for years after his birth.
of iltl.lo stories, hand work and or-
Peerless Clothing Co.'s Juno Salo. It
"What is your businessr* asked the
ganixed games.
clerk. The applicant said that he was
a writer. “Are you in ’Who's Who’F
Recall Nut Liked—
"I don't approve of any official be­ was the nest query and the answer
ing recalled," explained Fred Wil­ was In the affirmative.
"That settles It.“ said the clerk.
liams, state public service commis­
He got a copy of "Who’s V’he“ and
sioner. a victim of tho recall, "and
found that the brief biography gave
I don’t Intend to be personal when I the date of birth. The application
make tho statement." i.Mr. Williams was indorsed. "See "Who's Who' edi­
Is not worrying, apparently, over the tion of 1921. page umpty uitAfc" »nd
An excellrX1 shampoo for tho
fact that he has boon
forcefully the document was forwarded
hair, containing with other In­
separated from a perfectly good state I Ington with, the assurance
gredients saponified cocoanut
When tho recallers became | passport would be beck In a few days.
"The government,'* said the writer
noisy IMr. Williams announced that
afterward, "will not take Its own docu­
he would not be a candidate in the
ment and would not take my word,
M’EIIVL title
primaries to succeed himself,
hut accepted a printed biographical
oven this did not satisfy the recall ■ sketch which presumably I had writ-
managers. so Instead of permitting I ten."
Commissioner Williams to fill out [
Hope Hampton Sport Hat*.
A complete line of Blue Bird hand-made Blouses.
mr$. mint mat
tailored by
arc alway* comfortable and flexible on
the wearer, yet are positively non-
Geo. 8. Calhoun
Over Heventeeu Years Local Dealer.
Special Announcement!
The consolidation of the Grants Pass Electric Company
and the Southern Oregon Electric, forces us to offer many
articles at exceptionally low terms, as we are overstocked.
Watch this space every day for the articles that you need.
Or better yet, come in and let us show you our many
Monday we are offering a WESTERN ELECTRIC
—regular price $110.00—special price...... «pOO
Grants Pass Electric Co.
Phone 350-R.
203 South 6th Street
Summer Needs
Universal Vacuum Bottles, Pints
Quarts $2.50
Ansco Cameras and Films, $2.50 and up
We do Developing and Printing
Prompt Service
Couch’s Pharmacy
Harry E. Ctouch. Prop.
Bunday Moura 9-13 a. m., 5:30-7:30 p. m.
Canvas, Nile Cloth and Kid
Strap Pumps and Oxfords.
Shoes for the Family
Liquid Shampoo
Men s
mid urn-
(id yourm at
righi, pimi*——Mtve the
m H»I c
Buster Brown Shoe Store
git Mouth «ill Hired, Granta I’aaa
the remaining few months of
term, they voted to oust him Instan-
ter. and in a few days Mr. Williams
will be officially off the payroll. Mr.
Williams Is registered at the Hotel
, Oregon.—Oregonian.
Anolent Superstition.
The ancient Egyptians believed that
( epidemics were brought hy flying ser­
pents. In conoeqenco they paid great
homage to the ibis, a bird which gave
Pup tent.« for two jwopie
Army blankets .....................
.Mosquito Tents—«‘very camper should have one .................
Genuine army I hm I ticks .....................................................................
... ode
NLvtli anil H strcrla
Granta ras», Oregon
useful service by deetroying enakee.