MATl'RDAY, MAY <», HMM. GRANTS PAKH MUI ('Ol'HIKH ! fTRSSML ^5 LOOIL Stop and Consider r tn » nta.' « 1 * That no nuttier lunv many friend» you have, ihisn aro so steudfaat, •<> r«a. W. lamb, \V. J Neeley, Mr. and Mrs. C. Barker and C. W. West of Portland, F. G. Matthews and T«'d Malono ot Han Francisco, M. L. llarshberger of McMinnville. George Hoffman and II. F. Buchter of Medfonl. R. 8. Bee- Iler ot Seattle, E. H. Vandenberg of Taoonia, Mr. and MrK L, G. Hulin of Eugene, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Dalbv of New York City. 77 .lapalac at Oramer Bros. Don't forget the ball game Snn- 78 day. Grant« Pass vs. Medford. Registered at the Josephine last i night were Wnt. T. Welch and T. 11. i 8|u>oner of Chicago. H. O. tftlnsrud, J. Jordahl. F. M. Hafer, N. E. Dick- over. H. C. Zehrung. O. H. Fithian, ■J. McDaniel and T. P. Flynn of Port­ land. Jessie D. McComb of Corvallis, ' Florence Pool of Medford, Mr, and I Mrs. M. Bailey ot lastend. Miss Bai­ ley of Tamm», Clarence Collins of | Albany, U A. llrunwold of San Fran­ cisco. Mr. and Mrs. It. W McMahon ¡of Oakland, J. B. Endert of Crescent City, A.* W. Bumgardt and Esther < It. Copinall of Stockton, H. IB. Ran- kin of Medford, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. ( Pool of Train, and Edward Hart ot I San Frnncteco. New cane poles at Cramer Bros. 77 J Bout! Engineers to < 'amp— A party of government engineers arrived yesterday to put in the sur­ Meet Me— At the ball game Sunday, May 7. vey for tho section of the Crescent at 2:30. 78 City highway up Elk creek. The I party, w.hlch is under O. H. tfhort, Auto Park Patronized— will camp at Elk Creek. Auto tourists are taking advant­ age of the ramp' grounds provided l>y Tim Singing School— the city adjoining the city park, 10 Wilt give a program for the bene­ autos having spent Thursday night fit of Epworth ball Monday, May 8, there. There were but four In the at 8 p. in. Come. 78 camp last night. lo Tench— Miss Anna Calvert has recently re­ turned from Phoenix, Artz., and will give lessons In piano and voice. Miss Calvert has completed her course of instruction at tho Arizona school of music, which she attended for three years. She is a graduate of the local high school in the class ot *1«. Miss Calvert Plants! Plants! Now Ready— Cabbage, Tomato, Cauliflower, Egg Plant, Peppers at Jordan's 73 North Tenth street. For the Sweet Girl Graduate Beautiful white and colored organdie dresses. mrs. mille Deas NO TWO ALIKE Naturn never duplicale». Each man is «liffwvnt—evrn to Ills fin- ger prints. Some »rand erect—others stoop. Some h»v« «luarc, other» sloping shoulders. Each lias a different attitude. Farmers Meet Today— A meeting of the Josephine Farm era’ Cooperative association is being held today in the Chamber of Com­ merce rooms. Two men are to be Mhoea— elected to the board ot directors All the new ones at 1922 low and other business is to be trans- prices at Peerless Clothing Co. Get acted. yours. 39tf luut built a great I xihümms on this fact. Geo. S. Calhoun Over seventeen years local dealer IU imìu II— ( onnnif iceman Candidate Visit»— O. II. Fithian, republican candi­ date for national committeeman, is spending the day in the city visiting local voters and getting acquainted. Mr. Fithian states that he is certain he Is going to win in the coming pri­ maries as reports to him are very encouraging. Mr. Fithian's campaign slogan is "Not honors tor myself, but service to my party and Blate.’* Roseburg Hi vs. Grants P am high school. High school grounds, 2 p. m.. Saturday, May 6. Admission 50c. Ashland Takes Gam**— Ashland won the baseball game yesterday from the high school nine by a score of 17-3. Today the high school meets Roseburg on the local diamond. Bailey and Close pitched yesterday for Grants Pass, with the probability of Hendron going in to- day. Worth »5.00— Your old suit is worth 85 to apply on a new one at Peerless Clothing Co. Your Neighbor's Huit— If your are short perhaps you can borrow a suit from your neighbor Bridge Will Be Built— A bridge will be constructed im­ to apply on new one at Peerlebs mediately over Altbouse q-eek near Clothing Co.'s pre-Easter offering, tf Spence hall at Holland, says J. G. Bromley, who accompanied Judge Chauncey Olcott Plays— A small house greeted Chauncey Edus Pollock and Commissioner Mc­ Cabe to Holland yesterday to inspect Olcott last night in bis presentation the present structure, Tbe bridge of "Ragged Robin.” an Irish comedy is to bo an X5-foot span, Work will drama, at the Rivoli. The show was commence Monday, all travel baring decidedly "something different’’ from the average run ot road shows and been diverted. was well received by those who at­ tended. Found— Hla old atilt Just In time to apply on price ot new one at Peerless Plant»! Plants! Now Ready— Tomato, Cauliflower. Cababge. 39tf Clothing Co. I Egg Plant. Peppers at Jordans, N. 73 Tenth St. Application» Must Be Filed— Veterans of the great war who In­ tend to make out applications for Auto» In Stale Increase— The registration ot automobiles in the state loan or cash bonus must do so at once, says Adjutant B. W. Oregon passed the 100,000 mark on Coutant, of the local post of the April 30. according to a statement American Legion. These applica­ issued b'y Secretary of State Kozer, tions must be made out not later which shows total registrations up to than May 25 or the service men will closing time on that date of 100,057. be unable to get the money coming This is approximately 4,500 more from the state. Blanks can be se­ registrations than on the same date cured from Mr. Coutant or Mrs. a year ago. Receipts of the depart­ ment up to April 30, amounted to Moss. 82,698,723 as against total receipts A Popular Entertainment— of »2,331,931 for the entiro year At popular prices in Epworth Hall 1921. under the direction of tho singing school. Admission 15c and 25c. Are You a Booster— Monday, May 8th. 78 If so go to the ball game Sunday May 7th, Grants Pass vs. Medford. Dalzell Vinita City— Admission 50c. 78 ”A practical man for a practical job" is the slogan on the card band­ Mr. Crejjo Transferred— _ ed out by William A. itiseli. repub- R. E. Crego, manager ot the local ltcan candidate for lalior conimis- telephone exchange, will leave Mon­ sinner, who Is spending tho day in day for Klamath Falls, having re­ Grants Paes. Mr. Dalzell states that ceived notice last night that he is to inasmuch as he has had 10 years ot be transferred to that station. He experience under Mr. Hoff he feels will spend about 10 days there and that he is qualified tor the position. will then return here to prepare to move his household goods. He Itehrhalis— takes the place of E. T. Ludden, for­ There will be regular meeting, merly manager of the exchange here. initiation, nomination of officers Mr. Ludden goes to Riverside, Cal. 77 Mr. Crego states that he hates to Monday evening. May sth. leave Grants Pass as be has become Tent Shows Coming— much attached to the city during The Queen City Shows wjll apiæar the two months he has been here. here May 15 Baya F. J. Mathews, gen­ He camo here from Heppner eral agent tor the company, who is .... . in tho city making preliminary ar ti „, singing School— rangements. Mr. Matthews states i Closes Its splendid season with a that there will be a merry go-round, ntprary and musical benefit program ferri» wheel and other attractions 1 at Epworth hall *•*" Monday. “— May 8th. Women Are in Session— The games of al 8 p. m. Th« Southern Oregon Federation and concessions. of Women’s clubs is in session today, chance generally found in the t»nt the first meeting having been held Tshows. will be minsing, however, as City Is Boosted— J. D. MacVicar ot Grants fass. this morning. Tonight’s meeting is they are not allowed by the man­ open to both men and women and an agement. Tho carnival will be on where there is a very attractive auto G and Seventh streets. camp for motor tourists on the Paci­ tnicrostlng program Is assured. fic highway, is registered at the Ho­ Grant« I’a.»» in Ix-ad— tel Portland. The chamber of com­ At tho end of the firth inning in merce at th« Pass Is reaching out for tho baseball gam« between tho the tourist trade. An attractive fold­ Granta Pass high school and Rose­ er has boon issued which announces burg on th« local diamond today, the that "It s the climate,” meaning that home nine was leading, 7-2. The Granta P«ss has neither the heat of visitors are unable to fathom the tho Sacramento valley nor the rain­ delivery of Johnny Hendron, who is fall of the "Willamette valley and occupying the mound. that prostrations, cyclones and wind­ with storms are unknown, while tho rain­ Salmon Are Not. Striking— fall averages 31 inches in a year. The 81 Brate of Stala Because of tho warm weather chamber also announces that the (Water Ginas) which has increased the flow of the Rogue river, which flows through river and has clouded the water, tho the town, is the greatest fishing Any Quantity at | salmon fishing during the past two stream in the wqrid and that "it’s days Ims been poor. Fiabormen ro­ ocean-going rainbow trout, the stel- I i»ort very fow of the big fellows head. cutthroats and salmon, are a spinners. Mountain lure that need not make liars ot hon­ ¡striking the streams are reported too cold yet for est men.” After reading the pamph­ good trout fishing. lets ot tho chamber of commerce, fow SELLS DRUGS tourists will got away from the vicin­ Golden bantam corn at Cramer ity of Grants Pass tor a few days.— Bros. 7 7 Oregonian. Level Headed Men and Women turn against the temptations of risky »rhemes that promise a highly speculative yield. They invest safely by depo»iting with the Grants Paas A Josephine Bank. Four per cent interest paid on Savings Accounts. QRAHTS PASS A JOSEPHINE BANK For Graduation White Kid Strap Pump» BAREFOOT 8ANDAL8 Woodward’s SHOES FOR THE FAMILY Surprise Party Giv en' I home in the city today from Med- A pleasant surprise party was j ford where he haa been in the hos­ given at the residence of J. 8. Pool, pital since the accident two weeks in honor of Mrs. Pool’s birthday, on ¡ago. J. C. Eads and Frank AVilmarth Friday evening, May 5th. The even­ were brought here several days ago ing was spent in story telling and but Mr. Anderson's condition would pleasant conversation. A delicious not allow his removal Hntll today. luncheon was served. Those present i Although the men are much better were: Mr. and Mrs. Pool, Mrs. Gargle they are not yet entirely out of dan­ Mrs. Wertz. George Wertz, Mrs. J. ger, according to Dr. E. J. Billick P. Martin, Mre. Larance, Mrs. Hun­ who is attending them. As soon as ter, Dorethy and Laurence Hunter. Mr. AVilmarth is far enough recover­ Mrs. Howard. Mrs. Pratt. Mrs. Man­ ed, an operation will be necessary to ning. Mrs. McCabe. Mrs. Dukes and join a tendon which was separated Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Peterson and in the accident. Mrs. Robins. i Plata of Granta Pane Men Brought to City- Blue prints 11.50; blue line prints, Joe Anderson was brought to his 81.75. Courier office. I Saw Mill Equipment I Machinery Power, Transmission and Heavy Hardware 209 South Sixth St Grants Pass, Ore. P. S. Woodin Boys’ Shoes $1.98 CLEMENS I !i Dr. Blaser Practicing— Dr. R. C. Blazer, chiropractic phy­ sician, is now established In bis of­ fice in room 3 of the Schmidt bald­ I ing, Dr Blnzler came here recently from Portland. THE SAMPLE STORE C. J. Breier A Co. Grants Pass, Oregon